1432897 Stacy-Deanne's Friend Comments

Comments (showing 13-62)    post a comment »

Stacy-Deanne Stacy-Deanne Quinton wrote: "Thank you and Happy Holidays!"

Thanks, you too!

message 61: by Quinton

Quinton Veal Thank you and Happy Holidays!

Gabrielle thanks for the friendship

message 59: by Kat

Kat Thanks so much for friending me!

message 58: by Rowena

Rowena Thanks for the welcome, Stacy-Deanne! Hope you're enjoying your Easter:)

 Danielle The Book Huntress Thanks, Stacy-Deanne. You too!

Penelope Marzec Thanks for adding me as a friend. :^)

message 55: by Jaree

Jaree Francis Hey, what's going on? If you get a chance, check out the book trailer for my debut novel, Metra City: Destiny's Kiss http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXX76O...

message 54: by Shalonda (last edited Mar 02, 2010 12:26AM)

Shalonda Williams-Lynard Thanks for the friendship. Your tips for self published authors was right on point. Thank you for sharing that. I've ordered a copy of "Melody" and will look forward to getting it. Have a great week! Peace

message 53: by Liane

Liane Spicer Stacy-Deanne, thank you for adding me to your Goodreads circle. Greetings from the Caribbean!

Congratulations on your literary achievements. Very impressive! Looking forward to your reviews and recommendations.

message 52: by Vanessa

Vanessa Hi Stacy!

Thanks for the friendship!


message 51: by Ali

Ali Hi Stacey-Deanne!

Thank you for your lovely comment!

I too wish you great success with your work as well!

Ali :)

Jessie Terwilliger Hey Stacy, I love the artwork on your Melody cover, very intriguing!

message 49: by Ali

Ali Happy Birthday Stacey-Deanne...I hope you have a great day and year!

message 48: by Pamela

Pamela Just dropping by to say hi :)

message 47: by Phillip (last edited Dec 24, 2008 12:05PM)

Phillip merry christmas, happy kwanza, glorious new year to you, stacy-deanne!!!!!!!!!

or, as my students say, Happy ChristmaHaunaKwanzaKah!

message 46: by Saleh

Saleh Hi.What We Talk About When We Talk About Love?PLZ Answer The Question In My Profile.

message 45: by Tanya

Tanya Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings to you too Stacey-Deanne! Wish you the best ! Much love luck and laughter in the new year!!

message 44: by Phillip

Phillip just sendin' some love to my favorite goodreads author!!!!!!


message 43: by Roger

Roger Cottrell Thanks Stacy,
You are most welcome,

message 42: by Roger

Roger Cottrell Hi Stacy,
Always great to meet another writer.
Thanks for the friendship on Goodreads.

scarlet poetions hello stacy! just visited your blog. looks interesting huh! :) god bless. have a great halloween!

message 40: by Maria

Maria Thanks for the message on my profile Stacey-Deanne!
Hope the books are doing well!!

much love

Maria x

Brigid ✩ hey! :D thnx for the message on my profile. ;D how r u?

message 38: by Ivana

Ivana Hi Stacy-deanne,
thanks for dropping by and your lovely message. Hope all is well with you and selling heaps:) cheers Ivana

message 37: by Ilyn

Ilyn Ross Hello Stacy-deanne,

Thank you for your message. May everything good be with you always.

Good fortune on your books and endevors.

scarlet poetions it's okay, do you have a writing blog?:) god bless!

SassyMama Thanks...you do the same...like the new avatar...nice to put a face with all the comments...Happy Reading & Writing :-)

message 33: by Jeannie

Jeannie Faulkner Barber Hey girlfriend, thanks so much for the concern regarding Ike. We were VERY fortunate. Loss of power, lots of limbs, twigs, branches, but no damage to our property or home. God definitely took care of us. Let me know your real thoughts about the web site when you get a chance. I'd love to stay in touch!
Happy writing,

message 32: by Jeannie

Jeannie Faulkner Barber Thanks Stacy-deanne for the add. Girl you have a very impressive bio! I'd love for you to visit my web site, jeanniebarber.com. I'm a novice writer so feel free to make any kind of suggestions, ideas or thoughts to correct it. I’m co-authoring a novel with a friend of over 30 years. While you're there, please sign the guestbook, too! There’s also a link to our book you can click on…clairkelley@synthasite.com. This site is brand new and in the editing stage as is our story. Please visit it as well.

message 31: by Roy

Roy Nothing like a hurricane to put one's priorities in order. Then again, a good Hallmark commercial could be almost as effective without making neearly as much mess. :-)

message 30: by Amie

Amie Stacy it's a pleasure to meet you!!!

message 29: by Roy

Roy Congrats on all your success to date, Stacy, and best wishes for much more to follow. I think I'll check out a couple of the articles you've posted here.

message 28: by Tanya

Tanya Hi Stacy-deanne thanks for adding me as a friend on goodreads, and congratulations and best of luck to you for your books!
take care

Brigid ✩ thanks for reading my story! :D i'll be sure to read some of yours too.

message 26: by Iimani

Iimani David Thanks Stacy! Have a good weekend yourself!

message 25: by Pamela

Pamela Thanks for adding me as a friend!

message 24: by Blair (last edited Sep 03, 2008 06:49AM)

Blair Thanks for the friend request, Stacy-deanne!

I hope you have stayed safe from Gustav! (So far, my music friends in Louisiana and Texas all seem to be doing okay.)

Blair Kilpatrick
Accordion Dreams: A Journey into Cajun and Creole Music (University Press of Mississippi, January 2009)

Bobbie  Crawford Hello back at ya :)
Thanks, you have a great week as well Stay-deanne.

Bobbie ;)

message 22: by Jatana

Jatana Williams Hey Stacy,

Thanks for adding me. Stay safe and keep us in the loop on how things are going with you.

message 21: by Zetta

Zetta Hi Stacy-deanne,

I hope you stay safe from Gustav!

message 20: by Beth

Beth Hi Stacy-deanne,
Thanks for befriending this cozy mystery author!

message 19: by Ilyn

Ilyn Ross Helo Stacy,

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Warmest regards.

message 18: by Angela

Angela Thanks for alerting my attention to Melody. I'll have to read it soon. By the way, you can sneak a peak at my first novel, LEGS, on my profile. I'd appreciate your feedback.

message 17: by Tiffany

Tiffany Hi Stacy, I will definitely check it out.

message 16: by Ivana

Ivana Thanks for the friending and good luck with your new book! Cheers, Ivana

message 15: by Michele

Michele Thanks for dropping by. I am looking forward to have conversations with oithers who read. Michele Marchetti
check out our olympic sale!

message 14: by Maria

Maria Hi Stacy

Thanks for being a friend on Goodreads!

message 13: by Bradley

Bradley Life is doing pretty well for me. Just for humour, my wife's name happens to be Stacy.. hehehe. Plus here is the character quiz that goes with my book. =)


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