Review of Doom

Doom (2005)
To Doom or not to DooM?
4 November 2005
Being a vivid DooM gamer from as early as circa 1993 and knowing that ID software was involved in this movie, I had high expectations.

But then the bad news started to appear... Rumours began emerging saying there would be no hell, no Mars and no teleports; all essential parts of the original games. "Ok, these are just rumours", I thought to myself, putting my faith in the games' development team, ID Software, which I thought would keep an eye on the production and keep it true to the games. Fortunately, later on it was confirmed that it would indeed be set on Mars and that kept my hopes up, even though they decided to go with B-rate actors.

After seeing the movie I felt disappointed, realizing ID Software had completely sold out itself. Nothing in this movie is worth the title "DooM", except for the props, the monsters and the weapons. The movie to me felt like a Resident Evil clone set on Mars and if you ask me this movie should have been titled "Resident Evil: In Mars... with Bigger Guns... and Bigger Monsters".

A major disappointment for me was that the producers decided to remove hell from the movie. The idea of the monsters originating from hell was an important aspect in the games. I'm guessing the producers decided to remove the hell part from the movie because of the large population of Christians in USA, thinking it would scare them away from the box office. Doing so, they completely betrayed the gamers, so their plan backfired badly.

Viruses, cheesy one-liners, untalented actors, and not staying true to the original games' themes compel me to give this movie 3 stars. One for the creative FPS scene, one for the monsters and one for the props.

If you ask me, this movie doesn't deserve to be called DooM!
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