Far from Men (2014)
A touching homage to humanity
12 December 2015
A quiet and touching study in love, respect, and morality beautifully acted by Viggo Mortensen and Reda Kateb. As the world swirls around each of them, each facing violence and death in their own universe, fate brings them together and each is saved by the other. A wonderful meditation on setting aside hatred and violence to reach the inner core that each of us carries within.

Do not let the pace frustrate you; parts move as snails, which is what Viggo's parents were called by the French. Set in and amongst the bloody Algiers civil war of the 1950's, one comes to appreciate the need to reach out, not only to those with whom we interact, but to teach the children the universal humanity of us all.

This movie, like the great Japanese movie Departures (2008), asks us to put aside the petty hatred, twisted customs, and violence of much of what we call life, and appreciate the beauty and love we can share with our fellow humans.

An absolutely lovely film.
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