A documentary masterpiece...
19 December 2015
It is no overstatement to start by saying that this largely crowd-funded film is absolutely brilliant. It really hits home about what the sport of Strongman is and probably will always be about. It charts multiple UK Strongest Man winner Eddie Halls rise to the top of the sport, not just in his own country, but in his attempt to dominate the world stage.

The film is really well made -Director Matt Bell provides excellent cinematography and a great soundtrack to show Eddie, his strongman friends and rivals, and of course his family, in a film of the highest standard which is woven together with great humour, scenes of greatness and moments that'll touch even the hardest hearts.

This is no "let's show a big guy lifting heavy weights, drinking protein shakes and throw in some competition footage for 90 minutes". (You will of course see some of some of the aforementioned!) No. It shows a man who is one of the men behind the faces that, despite being some of the most incredible human beings on Earth, for most people are not much more than big hairy blokes who pop up on TV around Xmas and New Year on The World's Strongest Man and then disappear again. It shows what his long suffering family have to endure and the toil the sport takes on his mind and body, to the point you juggle whether it should be success you achieve or if you pay the ultimate price in the pursuit of glory.

This will be the best documentary film you will have seen in a long while -whether you are into the sport or not - it is insightful, daring, gritty, motivating, fun, serious and most importantly, honest to the core -10/10.
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