Bodies: 'We Are One Another's Ghosts' (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
More stalling and giant hair dryers
1 January 2024
Even my favorite 1941 time line is going the way of the others, meaning stalling to expand this show to 8 episodes (when 6 or even 4 would have sufficed).

My favorite character Charles (AKA Karl Weissman) gets hold of Polly, who's nonetheless than Hillinghead's daughter, only to go through a stupid Russian roulette gimmick so that Polly can be saved.

In the 2053 time line, teeny tiny Maplewood is suitably bewildered when an older Motherly Detective appears as head of the rebels. Maplewood fights with all her strength and, with a little help from her friends, even succeed against the rebels, after having been exposed to the Throat, a Time Machine that looks like a giant infrared hair dryer.

I forgot what happens to Hillinghead and in the 2023 time line Motherly Detective rolls her eyes wide open, when she meets Sarah Mannix, Elias' biological mum and when she discovers who Elias' father is (hint... think about the only white male who's not Harker/Mannix. Seriously, what are the chances?)

I just don't get the record playing device. Why don't they convert the old recording to digital? Too difficult? But they have a Time Machine and stuff... whatever.
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