23 Reviews
Surprisingly touching 90s movie
cousinoleg18 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've re-watched this movie a couple of days ago. For me it captures a part of my own childhood in the 90s, and is not always a pleasing and lighthearted teen movie. It shows the lives of 3 friends who swear a lot and who find refuge from their problems in playing baseball, since they are pushed around by more grown up kids, their parents are divorced or just most of the time preoccupied with work and problems to care about the children, but at the same time try to control their children into obeying their plans.

Since by God's grace i became a Christian, i will remind this thing, that Lord Jesus Christ told us to honor (obey according to God) our parents (Ephesians 6:2), not to be angry with our brothers (in any sense), and not to insult other people (Matthew 5:21-24). I remember i was rebellious, i swore a lot too, thinking it made me more "cool" or "tough", thanks to God for changing me into leaving these shameful practices. In fact the swearing and anger gets these 3 kids into more trouble, when insulting a local bully, who then harasses all of them violently.

Driven to despair by bullying and rejection, the friends use a gun to take revenge on the bully, but accidentally wound the most talented baseball player among them. The bully who was abused physically by his own father, explains to police it was an accident.

In the end, as it was explained in an after-word, the bully leaves these kids alone, their parents finally realize their need to look after their children and lay off overwork, while the wounded baseball talent reconciles with his brother and develops a new talent.

This movie is a good way to realize that loving one another counts more than entertainment and the material comfort, since those kids seemed materially well-off, but lacked proper guidance and spiritual peace - due to lack of connection and love from their busy parents, though as a Christian i must add that loving God is our top priority, and then others (Matthew 22:34-40).
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Uncomfortable to watch
CabbageCustard11 March 2021
This movie focuses on a hugely important and relevant subject - bullying. It will leave you feeling angry, at least it affected me that way. The only problem with this movie is that it is very heavy handed in its approach. There is little subtlety or nuance here and I think the message is less powerful because of that. The message of this movie doesn't sneak up on you and impact you. Instead it goes for the jugular right from the beginning. The three protagonists, young teen boys, have bullies all around them. They're everywhere - parents, siblings, other adults and in their peer group. I guess that does make an important point - anyone can be a bully. The thing that is most angering about this movie though are the adults: ineffective parents, teachers and sport coaches who tell the kids just to get over it, take it in their stride or toughen up. In some way they're the real villains in this movie and should be salutary object lesson for all of us.

This movie is definitely worth a watch and, if you watch it with your kids - not the real littlies though - it will provide some good food for discussion.
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Select Audience.
DarkWingProductions26 April 2001
On one hand, you have a viewer that may not understand the purpose of this film and has no desire or forethought to begin to do so. On the other, one that is perhaps more realistic in rating this film based on their version of the intent of the director.

Like The Boys Club, I look at this film as targeting 12-15 year old, boys particularly, faced with dealing with guns and violence in general. If a child is younger than that, it may be more destructive than productive, depending on the parent supervising. Older kids will think it is lame only because they want may want the target to be other, younger kids to avoid attention to themselves.

What I see is this. The film teaches the parents and the aforementioned aged youth, the value of peaceful resolution of issues, the seriousness of the mis-use of guns and the tremendous peer pressures that fall on kids that are not adults but are not really kids anymore either. Those that choose not to take the movie seriously or consider it crude, may not be realistic in their own assessment of the film's target age group, the lessons to be learned, the presumed goal of being realistic or may be in denial that this likely has happened in real life over and over in larger cities like LA, Chicago and New York.

I am a mentor of an at-risk youth in Portland, serve on the Board of Directors of a Police Activities League, have a son that is not old enough to watch this yet and am learning teen development by hands on experience. I am not an expert I wouldn't think, but I do see true value in this film and the lessons to learn from it for the audience that it was clearly made to cater to.

I welcome a debate or confirmation to discuss this if anyone chooses to do so. I promise to be open minded and as non-bias as I can.
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Ballot stuffing ?
corbett29 May 1999
Sticks and Stones is a coarse, crude, violent, and largely pointless film. Of the first 25 votes cast for it, fifteen were a '10'. I suppose this means the cast and crew enjoyed it. I am thankful that so few other people were subjected to this waste of celluloid.

It is advertised on the video box as a film that will 'touch the family'. Worst case of false advertising I've seen of late. I was appalled by, (and had to comment on) the coarse language to my teenagers, so they will not think that sort of thing is normal or acceptable.
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A superb story of school bullying that shows the true emotions that children go through
dexshirts6 February 2002
I caught the film on TV by accident and couldn't pull myself away. I ended up watching it to the end which finished around 3am. I was suprized by the amount of gritty violence and language it included but at the same time became engrossed in 3 young boy's lives.

I thought the film was made perfectly to reflect on the life of school children who are bullied and ignored by the rest of the world. Kids go home crying and parents never have a 'real' idea of what happened. A punch, kick or even something like name-calling is what they will presume but "Sticks & Stones" shows it all. The violence, embarrassment, fear and the friendship of what happens in children's lives.

It was both a feel good and think about film. At times I found myself wanting to hold a gun to Hayes' head but later on wanted to comfort him.

An excellent film without a doubt, one that makes you think about life...
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Hot Garbage
Scorchedgoat8 September 2016
Holy Jesus, where do I start with this abomination of a movie? I saw this on Amazon Prime and checked it out, and I have to say this is one of the worst pieces of hot garbage I have ever seen. They prominently display Kirstie Alley and Gary Busey as being in the stars in this movie and they're in it for a total of 2 scenes. The child actors are god awful! It's not totally their fault though, the script is horrendous. The parts of the movie where you are supposed to feel something about these characters are so pandering, that its embarrassing. I'll bet everyone involved in this movie wishes it would go away. This movie makes a Lifetime movie look like Citizen Kane.
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Calm down
CatGirl-612 September 1999
I think this movie was quite good and it was not 'false advertising', it was worthwhile and deals with some realistic issues. I guess some teenagers are over-protected and don't know much about the real world but they can't be sheltered for life, matey. Believe it or not, this happens somewhere.
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Bulldog729 September 2002
This was one of the most predictable films I have ever seen. It was obvious from the start that everything would turn out as it did. You could tell the lead character was not going to get far with baseball for whatever reason, but he was going to do well at something. Gosselaar was poor and tried to build his role up beyond it's limits and Kirstie Alley should have fired her agent! I would expect better than this.
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Well Acted Drama Movie.
famousgir15 February 2002
Stick and Stones is an extremely well acted movie about a group friends, who are being bullied and what lengths they go to stop the bully. I have to say though, Sticks and Stones may seen like a teen drama and even though it is, it still features quite a big of bad language and violence, which may not suit everyone. Max Goldblatt and Mark-Paul Gosselaar are just a couple of the great cast in the movie.
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Bad, but not that bad
arglebargle-4789319 October 2016
I can't bring myself to give 1 star to a movie that isn't as bad as "Manos" but this film definitely does not merit the current average rating of 6.5. First off, Gary Busey and Kirstie Allie are excellent actors and their professionalism shows. The cinematography is adequate.

If you remember the assorted 70's era religious films, the dialog and most of the other acting is about on par with that. (Some of the more recent religious films are far and away better than this movie.)

Even though the kids cuss in this film, a lot of their dialog seems like how 1940's era script writers wrote for kids. "See you later, champ." Champ?

Generally speaking, I think bullies are grossly mis-represented in films. (The exception being "Napoleon Dynamite" where the bullies are as lame and dorky as everyone else.) In "Sticks&Stones" we have a bully who looks almost a bit too angelic... and that's probably not too bad for casting... but he manages not to be intimidated by a crazed Gary Busey. Busey can intimidate adults. Said bully isn't especially big or threatening himself, but manages to push around 3 kids who could easily brush him off collectively. The 3 are friends who display remarkable solidarity in everything... except to stand up to their most hated person. One-on- one bullying scenes make a bit more sense, except the ones that don't. Like one locker room scene that makes you wonder if there are any teachers at this school. And there's a scene with a student locking an outside door on the school. Um. No. Did the writers never go to school?

Anyways, other reviewers are right. It's a sappy, overly sentimental movie. This might be a good movie to watch with kids... unless you'd rather your kids not use bad language. But generally give this movie a miss and find something else to watch.
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An excellent "sleeper".
hillja22 October 2005
This movie is an excellent example of film-making on a low budget. Based on the structure of "3 Little Pigs" plus variation, it is well constructed and fairly well cast (the bully, Hayes, is well acted but not really believable. Joey's mother is not believable at all). The story provides excellent opportunities for exploring parental and teenage values. Those that condemn this little gem of a film have, perhaps, a great deal to learn about films and film-making. This is a very useful film in teaching first year students about a variety of aspects of film.

John Hill. Senior Lecturer, Film Video and Multimedia, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa
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Sticks and Stones
judu-spike-love4 December 2000

I love this movie!The story is great,and the actors too.I love Justin Isfeld,he's a great and cute actor!And i love Chauncey Leopardi and Jordan Brower too!They are all fantastic!And i hope they will have a lot of movie!I'm hungarian,so my english is not good,sorry!
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Minus 100 points for being too moralistic! (spoilers)
vertigo_1428 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts off well enough to hold your attention. You might think it's just going to be one of those mildly funny family films with a bunch of kids avenging a bully in some sort of stupid, childish way where everybody learns in the end. But, clearly from the language of the young actors, that expectation is shot down right away and instead, the movie force feeds its audience with a sappy, unrealistic, and overly moralistic story about a couple of kids who try not to let too much get them down.

The three main characters are baseball fans, with Joey being the proclaimed star of them all. Kind of like 'Benny' in the 'Sandlot.' The only thing keeping Joey from having fun with his friends and fulfilling his love of baseball is a creepy schoolyard bully (Jordan Brower) and a vicious older brother (Mark Paul Gosselar), both of which bring major torment for the boys (resulting in one incredibly agonizing locker room scene and the plot to threaten the bully with a real gun). Only, despite the magnitude of their adversaries actions against the boys, the movie resolves itself far too easily. In fact, you are thrown a lot of heavyweight stuff-a violent confrontation with the bully as well as with Joey's older brother (who was even too old to be playing a high school senior), and then the characters meagerly resolve their conflicts with a touchy feely ending in one of those "I realized the err of my ways" type of endings which could not possibly be taken seriously. Although, the fact that Brower breaks down in tears after being threatened with a gun is one thing, but for the brother to just let up after Joey showing off a pretty slick fast ball is just ridiculous. Anything that the movie had going for it was incredibly shot at the end by cramming down your throat that these are the bad guys and, if you just shake hands and make up, things will be a-okay.

I will say this, though. Justin Isfeld gave a great performance. I only wished he stuck around in the business long enough to do more meaningful roles.
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love it
sophiamagicgirl6 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie so much, and Chauncey Leopardi ofc. Its very well acted and i totally recommend this movie to you. I feel like its targeted to people 13-16 maybe, im not sure tho. Im 14 and loved it .
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3 teenage boys go through life passing bullies and baseball and guns
BunnyBunns371116 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie~! i saw this in 1999. it was so good.i loved how good these actors acted! Justin Isfield, Chauncey Leopardi, Max Goldblatt, Jordan Brower, they are all good actors.

(Chauncey Leopardi- The sandlot, Jordan Brower- Where the heart is)

When i got this movie i thought "oh just another baseball movie" but it wasn't.

It actually tells the truth. If someone at school bullies you, you can't just go to the principle.He/She wont do anything. they only make things worse! If you tell your parents they only worry all day. If you stand up to them they usually end up beating you up.

I loved it so much(at age of 10) i saved up my money and bought it. I still watch it too!
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Not a family film but a cinematic experience to behold.
SWWRAG26 May 2002
While I may have to agree that this is not a family film I have to point out that as a teenager myself I founnd this film moving, funny and extremely poignant. While I haven't been bullied myself you get the feeling of being drawn into the film and you share with the lead roles helplessness. This is one of the few modern films that reely on the script to keep you instead of fancy plot lines and computer sequences. 10/10.
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Brilliant portrayal of the secret effects of bullying
wiz_dom10016 February 2002
What can say other than brilliant. I came across this film accidently and ended up watching it until it finished at around 3am. I was gripped by the film and its portrayal of how children are bullied and the affect it has on them.
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A very good film and worth seeing.
Lozbee200020 December 2001
This film would probably have to one of the best films I have ever seen. The cast was very talented and the storyline was very realistic and well made. The main character(Justin Isfeld) was very talented and a job well done in his first movie. And Im sure he will go far with his acting career. I could certainly relate to this film with the bullying, not knowing when you bully will turn up and waiting for the next confrontation.

This film is very touching and may make you think twice about getting revenge on a bully. With conclusion with this short review I recommend this film to everyone except children under 15 because of the Adult Themes, Language and little violence. Go rent it on video now! I give it a 9 out a 10 because it deserves a high vote.
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Rubbish, Utter Rubbish.
alistair_piggott6 March 2003
I guess this film served some useful purpose, in that it turned out to be one of the only things the entirety of my house actually agreed on. It is awful. Its complete predictability, its hollow sentimentality, its absolute detachment from reality are all marvels to behold.

The 'bully' is one of the least intimidating characters I have ever seen on film. I completely fail to comprehend just how anyone could feel threatened by such a sweet looking young man. I couldn't give a monkeys whether the main character played baseball ever again and I found the lack of any lifelike character laughable and pitying. The most realistic thing about it was the language, and to all those who complained about this, the truth is out... Kids Swear.
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Not bad and not very good
zeeshan_tg11 November 1999
I saw this film, excellent acting by Justin Isfeld and good acting by one or two other actors, the story was good upto the climax but the ending was somewhat not well-planned. It was a little bit harsh with Joey. On the whole, an O.K. watchable film.
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Weird TV Movie
TobaccoSmoke7 June 2019
I thought I would see plenty of hard-hitting drama in this, but was disappointed in many areas. This is more of a baseball tale (ala "The Natural") than a drama about bullying. The three main characters are generally bad actors, making scenes that are supposed to be disturbing rather cheesy. I actually had more sympathy for the abused bully than these nerds. He went through a lot more punishment than they did, especially because of his home turbulent life. Also, it's interesting how the rich kid's older brother bullied him almost as much, yet we're supposed to find him likable? I think not. The ending was VERY predictable and drug out, I couldn't wait to see the end credits pop up. The only reason to watch this sloppy flick is Gary Busey who does his usual tough guy routine. That man is never a bore, no matter how often he is type-cast. So, I gave this flick an extra star because of Mr. Busey. Otherwise, I regret streaming it on Prime Video at all.
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Do not watch this film!
sandspider115 February 2002
This is a terrible piece of film making. I was shocked at all the bad language. I was hoping to watch a enjoyable family film with a touching story but was outraged by the content. There was no touching story just a bunch of foul-mouthed kids who mess about with a gun. Shame on you Kirstie Alley and Gary Busey.
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Good movie!
geeked-out-4-movies28 October 2022
I watched this film because it reminded very similarly of a favorite Canadian film of mine, 'The Boy's Club' starring Chris Penna and Devon Sawa. While I didn't care for the baseball elements, I still enjoyed it. It is about three teen boys who have a bully in their life and this bully goes and bully's each one of the boys, they find a gun and they think can solve their problems with it. The film is from 1996 but I still liked it. The acting is good and has a good script. The music is boring though so I wasn't a fan of that. Unfortunately, this movie is not on DVD in the USA or Canada and is only on VHS but if you can find it, I say go and watch it as it is enjoyable.

8/10 stars.
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