84 Reviews
Good title for this enjoyable movie.
deloudelouvain17 October 2021
Vicious Fun, that's exactly what this movie was, so the title couldn't be more perfect. The cast was very well chosen for playing the different characters. My favorite characters in Vicious Fun were played brilliantly by Evan Marsh and Ari Millen. Evan Marsh was the funniest one in my opinion. The story is a bit weird, but the good kind of weird. Nice slashing scenes as well, so if you're looking for a bit of fun and slashing you can't go wrong with this movie.
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Great 80's horror flick
danielcereto17 July 2021
I really enjoyed this non pretentious Horror one.

First, the setting is pretty well done and the deaths are cool. Second, the music and the 80's vibe are great too. Last, the goofy side fits with the horror, so overall a good job from everyone. On the other hand is predictable and lacks of originality.

So, overall a little gem to enjoy if you're a slasher/horror fan and love the 80's.
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You don't insult a man's moustache!
Otkon23 November 2021
This is a well-made romp.

The acting and characterizations are interestingly top-notch.

There is good set design.

The plot is playful.

The gore is effective.

The humor is decent.

I had no idea what the movie was about going in but I was pleasantly surprised.
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Without over analysing ,
tchitouniaram27 March 2022
I can just say , that it is a wonderful dark ,funny , gory , smart horror/comedy ! The old-fashioned soundtrack adds nicely to overall 80-s set up . Definitely recommended!!!
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Fills Your Belly
Tweetienator4 July 2021
I watched better and far worse: Vicious Fun is mildly entertaining, mildly funny, got a solid production and a well acting cast. To watch that little flick won't hurt you but will have no lasting impression on you - the initial idea is good but the story unfolding pretty standard. Anyway, if you need a little snack, you may try this one.
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A decent watch on a cold November night
michaelely-0162711 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say, I really liked this movie. The performances were great. The cinematography was excellent. The music had that 80's horror synth vibe and I'm all about that. And the premise was pretty original. One of my only gripes, besides a few moments of subpar acting, is that the initial premise gets abandoned in the third act and the film turns into your standard slasher. That being said, I wouldn't say no to a sequel.
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Fun enough to watch on a rainy night.
Sobertoaster-764-47956123 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It won't blow you away, but it's atmosphere with the admittedly played out 80's neon and music kind of gets it cheap style points, sort of a guilty pleasure at this point. The main actor seemed to almost over-act like the total dork loser, I don't know if he's a total slayer in real life and he felt the need to go over the top on the "dork" character because he didn't think the audience would buy a stud like him playing the part of a loser, or if that was the directors vision for it to be almost cartoonish. It just came across a bit cringe and corny a lot. I mean I get it he's a dork, but even still... ughh... This was also kind of part of the fun though of the movie admittedly.

Props for changing the setting several times, although not many, it at least took place it 2 different places throughout the main segments of the movie. This makes movies feel more like an adventure and helps from keeping a movie from going stale.

The characters were a bit odd, But I don't think the movie was going for realism so I can't really knock points for that. But even still, just gotta point it out... The meticulous emotionless killer who had like a 17 point plan for disposing of bodies to be careful so he wouldn't get caught, (name was Franz or something) with his full blown serial killer garb turned into... a wacky ass clown? Complete with white face paint that would just burst out laughing maniacally. I don't know, I just feel like that is absurd by the way he was described in the beginning of the movie, But I guess they wanted to fit all the stereotypical "killers". We got the Jason-esque killer with the big guy complete with coveralls and machete. We got the completely unremorseful "G-man" complete with stories of bombing villages etc. As well as the Japanese sushi chef who eats people. And last but not least the Patrick Bateman Rip-off, "Bob" I believe he was called complete with plastic trench coat and slicked back hair.

I understand there is only so much dialogue combinations in the universe, but the scene where the doctor pulled the knife out of the main dude's arm and he is yelling at the doctor then comically apologizing and saying it's just his job, seemed a lot like that waxing scene from the 40 year old virgin.

Overall I found the over the top dorkiness and overacting actually pretty entertaining and kept me interested in the film until the end. It was goofy and "fun" enough to work, so the title is pretty fitting in my opinion.

I also thought it was a nice touch when the director and the kid were talking in the beginning of the movie and the kid critiques the director about how it doesn't make sense that the killer always catches up to the victims because he is so slow, which the director responds that it's more like dream logic, like being in a nightmare, and basically your not supposed to take it that seriously and it's for fun. Very nice jumping off point because I felt as though the movie operates similarly to this analogy and it kind of set the stage if you will.

Overall, you won't miss anything if you skip it, but if your totally bored I thought it was a fun enough watch on a slow night or evening.
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It really IS Vicious Fun!
susiemoloney30 April 2021
A top notch entry into the horror-comedy genre. A hapless, nerdy horror film critic stumbles upon a self-help meeting for serial killers and gets into it up to his neck, learns to fight back. The characters are so likeable, especially. Evan Marsh as Joel and. Amber Goldfarb as Carrie--but shout outs to the whole cast, this cast was unflawed! The script was fantastic, the gore was splashy and fun, expertly directed! Not a wasted minute! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
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Both vicious and fun, but also occasionally flawed
youngcollind8 November 2021
Since the meta slasher is becoming it's own trope, films now need to find inventive ways to play around within even that framework. Vicious Fun is up for the challenge, bringing to the table the unique idea of a normal teen stuck at a serial killer AA meeting. This gives us the opportunity to sift through several slasher archetypes in a less than familiar setting.

Unfortunately, the film squanders it's clever concept by delegating that meeting to one sequence, then moving swiftly past it while there was still untapped potential for comedic fodder. As is often the downfall of the meta-slasher, it too soon devolves into being a genuine slasher with much the run-time taken up by "Ahhh! Run! He's coming to get me!" moments.

Evan Marsh hams it up a little too much and many of his punchlines fall flat, but Amber Goldfarb could give Samara Weaving a run for her money the next time a film needs a badass heroin.

The film never takes itself too seriously, and the 80s nods are occasionally endearing, which can make for an enjoyable watch if your expectations aren't too high.
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"Why didn't you stick to the (alternative) plan?"
pedronunesnomundo18 September 2021
This movie had a good take off point, a nice concept, a good sketch of a plot, some promising characters to start with... But the producing team didn't believe in the product they had to sell. That's why they've bet on a totally wrong horse: make a nonsensical clowny comedy.

From that point on all was lost beyond recovery: the initial concept faded on the background, the plot became irrelevant, the acting became plain ridiculous.

Saddest thig of all: if they had stick to the alternative plan, to invest in something remotely serious and memorable, they might had achieved that goal.

But the didn't.
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Goofy And Gory
tbenson9725 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Vicious Fun is simple and straight to the point, but I do feel it needs a sequel. And I know sequels are notorious for not being as good as their predecessors but things are kind of left open for one. There was comedy and there was guts; a great combination and the 80s theme makes it even better. This is a good watch, it isn't mind blowing, but what kind of movie like this is? It's an enjoy the ride kind and enjoy it I did.
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Well, Some movie reviews don'y lie apparently.
raiyann-5239030 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was a bit skeptical at first after reading this movie reviews myself, and for a good reason: I've been duped before by good movie reviews. But after watching the movie, for once, I agree with them.

The script is average good for a non-A-list movie but what's prominent is the direction, background music score, the blood, the gore!

And the ultimate satisfaction of watching all the serial killers die in horrible deaths in a single movie, for once. It's so satisfying!

For those who'll watch this movie, it's totally worth it and I'm not even lying because I don't have to.
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Dumber than a bag of rocks
A_Llama_Drama30 July 2021
I'll never understand why writers choose a fun set up, just to let it all go to waste a third of the way through.

Here, in an impossibly bizarre twist (passing out drunk in a bar), Joel finds himself at a deranged killers' networking circle sit down (like AA but also not cause they wanna share tips and find good murder spots).

What could have been a ridiculously fun comedy horror of maniacs supporting each others' nasty tendencies, or using journalist Joel as a documentary/mockumentary maker a la "What We Do in the Shadows" stumbles immediately into territory so well trodden you can practically see the wear and tear in the text as they trip from one predictable situation to the next.

It's all here - defensive stab wounds to the arms, eye gouging, needle stabbing, clownface laughing psychos... and it's all so yawn-inducing. Of course the Japanese cannibal has an Oni mask and enjoys haute cuisine. And of course he's skilled with knives, until it matters. And of course he's played by a Korean. They couldn't tweak the character when they cast Sean Baek? It wouldn't have mattered, he's only in the film for four minutes anyway.

Why is Joel a journalist of horror? It doesn't play any role in his fate to outsmart 6 serial killers. It just eats up a scene in the opening for no reason. Why are they meeting in a room together? As soon as Joel is found out they just go into stabby stabby mode with a plan as hamfisted as that time someone hired ScarJo to play a Japanese woman in "Ghost in a Shell." They have no stake in killing Joel, so deliberations about his fate are pointless. In the end, it can't even qualify its existence with a fun finale. It literally goes from bar to police station to hospital ward and pays no attention to set detail or character on its way.

It's upsetting because Shudder has had strong output so far, so my expectations for this were quite high but this is a big swing and miss. Avoid.
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Not terrible, also not viciously fun.
mastermixdisaster12 July 2021
.. If you're craving a modern movie where a woman is the hero and saves some dorky guy who makes snarky jokes while the bass wobbles in and out synth-like, and the lighting ascetics look like my living room; then this is the movie for you.
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title dont lie its lots of fun and some good gore effects
buckeyefanohiostate8 August 2021
Really liked this move the comedy in it isnt over done and it definity dont ruin the movie really fun watch def worth your time.
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Simmer down, it's just OK
supermellowcali30 June 2021
Decent lowbudge production but nothing new. Good concept but predictable and pretty over the top. Not funny despite good actors (except the lead), not scary or suspenseful just OK... people rating this 9 or 10 are either part of the production or maybe just never saw a um, "horror" movie - if we're calling it that :)
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Viciously fun ride !!
akellashashank29 June 2021
I love movies which justifies the title and this one does it in style with 80's touch. I really loved the gore act throughout as it is quite impressive and did hold my interest till the end. The second act in the police station is bit tedious but, the first and final act really worked for me, thoroughly enjoyed.

Ari Millen's menacing performance is over the top at times, but does his job with panache. Amber Goldfarb character is kickass and literally added fuel to the proceedings with her attitude and Evan Marsh as Joel is fine. That continuous stabbing scene is whistle worthy , holy cow. Good outing from Cody Calahan and the ending hints at a sequel, I'm pretty much into it and would be very happy to see how the story unfolds. I'm sure, this one gonna find its audience. I want to give it 6.5 but not possible here, hence giving this 7. It's not a bad film at all.

Grab a popcorn bucket and watch this " Viciously fun ride " .
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Viciously fun.
morrison-dylan-fan11 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After sadly missing it at the online Frightfest earlier in the year,I was happy to see this title appear at GRIMM Fest,leading me to get set for some fun.

View on the film:

Cutting into the middle of a killer counselling session, Evan Marsh gives a very funny performance as Joel,who scrambles with fear when he realises that he is in too deep with the self-help group, whilst Amber Goldfarb unleashes Carrie's killer quips and bare knuckle action against the likes of David Koechner's hilarious turn as awkward murderer Zachary.

Charged by a superb, banging synch score from Steph Copeland, co-writer/ (with James Villeneuve) director Cody Calahan reunites with cinematographer Jeff Maher,and sits Joel in a self-help/counselling meeting drenched in neon light, which stylishly bubbles up as Calahan zooms-in on discussions in the group becoming heated.

Unraveling the reason the group which Joel has stumbled on has gathered, Calahan loads up tasty gory Horror Comedy with crunchy Action whip-pans that gives each of the self-help group a menacing atmosphere,which stays intact as blood sprays across the screen from Carrie's attempt to safely get Joel out.

Sliding Joel into the meeting clueless, the screenplay by Calahan & Villeneuve draws up wicked thumbnail sketches for each member of the group,who the writers twist from the playfully dead-pan into blistering menace as the trust they gave to Joel turns sour, and the writers crack open their macabre killer instincts, leaving Joel having to survive a night of vicious fun.
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The name scares people away
jayg_5818 July 2021
This is a black comedy that actually works in both departments. Too bad the name is so lame, he rhymed. I would have cast a more appealing lead, but he nails the part. It started a little awkwardly, but got right into the spirit in short order. 12 step meeting for serial killers? Silly, and a good hook. It also explained the opening scene. We get no background on anyone, especially the 'girl'. I would have liked that. All in all, a fun, albeit bloody romp. Not for the squeamish.
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Messy, Wild, Entertaining
jfgibson735 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie for the most part. I had some nitpicks: I thought a better lead actor could have made the film more appealing. There is a tone to this movie, like it's showing off, or that it's proud of itself. It has some good bits, and it had some parts that didn't fit as well. The actor who played Bob seemed to be one who approached the material with just the right balance--not too silly, always interesting. The female killer, on the other hand, was written like we were supposed to be in awe of her no matter what she did. But I don't really enjoy pointing out this movie's flaws, because I felt like it was made for the right reasons: a bit of entertainment from people who like their movies bloody and fun.
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for the gory lovers...
ops-525352 July 2021
Of black horror comedies this is a must see, it has it all, even a story, but most of all seen from a serious angle it has a solid screenplay and extremely well chosen caracter actors for this movie. The plot is, taken outta loose air, a story about a journalist, a serial killer huntress, and a wacked out archtyypical police force, and of course the serial k i l l e r s . Keywords to the flick is revenge, extinction and deepdigging critical journalism.

I did sit down to view this choosin between retiring for the night, i.e. Go to bed, or try this out, and i do not regret that because its most of all a fun movie, even though it might bend the limits of a laymans gore tolerance, because the blood and meat factor, and dismantelment of unwillingly hudlums and coppers might make you laugh out loud in disbelief, due to a plotspeed and swift acting and oralistic vocabulary that beats mostly every oratorium ever written on this god forsaken place called earth.

Its a well made technical production, even the dark scenes work, and the thy shall whither moral, till your dust is blown away stoic attitude written all over the sir face of the sound, specialeffects, visual effects, cinematographical and location decorating department, and if you ever should wonder what might be used to make a kill, youll get some new items on your list thats for sure.

So take the grumpy old mans words for what they seem to be, its not a toddlers nor infant movie to watch, and it may even be intolerable on cruelty for the gemene john and jane does , but give it a try, thisll become a cult classic for what it is, fun , cruel and ravaging revengeful.
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Entertaining though uneven
scarlettsdad16 December 2023
Frankly, the hit or miss carousel that is the Shudder playlist is more miss than hit. I've never heard of a good 85% of the movies on there, and I watch a lot of horror films. "Vicious Fun" was one such movie, so I didn't know what to expect, but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't great, but it did keep me entertained. With one exception, the acting was quite good and it rose above a somewhat mediocre script-although the serial killer support group plot was inspired.

But I'm in agreement with many reviewers here that the biggest problem was the casting of Evan Marsh in the lead. He wasn't funny, he had no particular comic timing and his character was annoying and juvenile. I don't think he's necessarily a bad actor-but he was bad in this film and it dragged down what could have been a much better picture. Ari Mullen and Amber Goldfarb were quite good with the right touch of humor. But everything Marsh did and said just fell with a thud. A different actor with a better reading could have made a huge difference and lifted this movie up.

In addition, the film became a little stagnant and uneven midway. Although the police were humorous, far too much time was spent with them and away from the main story and characters. Once the serial killers re-entered the story, it picked back up again. Plus, the ending was too far-fetched, given the problems with Marsh-although character-wise it made sense.

I enjoy horror comedies, but they can be a challenge for filmmakers to reach that right mix to where the viewer can enjoy each separately and together. This one had glimmers of getting it right, and with a few changes I think it would be deserving of a higher rating overall. A nice effort.
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Went downhill...rapidly!
Go_For_The_Jugular22 July 2021
Started off great...the guy that plays Josh is hilarious. But as soon as they get into the actual 'story', it loses all momentum.

It was like a different writer did the first 10 minutes.

I hated everything after the 10 minute mark...in fact, I turned it off after about 45 minutes because it just became a steaming pile of end trails.

And they killed off the best actor in the entire movie early on.

One good thing though, was the soundtrack. Brilliant 80s theme to it.

Would not recommend.
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Gory, silly, fun, movie
stevelivesey6730 March 2022
More like a 6.5.

Great idea, well made with interesting plot and characters that was tense and funny at the same time.

My biggest gripe is the lead character (don't know his name and can't be bothered looking it up) was sooooo annoying, constantly being such a stereotype of the nerd/coward actually wishing the he was gutted by the killers.
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Finally a good horror comedy!
petarilic3219 October 2021
First one since Satanic Panic and even better than that! It's horror, action packed and funny when it should be.

It has what most of these "horror comedies" don't - interesting characters. Great casting and great acting aside from the male lead.

Not cringy, corny or cheesy, it delivers on a mature level. Some writers/directors should definitely take notes from this film.

My favorite horror-comedy and a movie I was glued to despite not being a huge fan of the sub-genre. 6.5/10.
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