All of My Heart (TV Movie 2015) Poster

(2015 TV Movie)

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I love Hallmark Movies, but I'm a chick!
huggibear20 March 2017
Interesting, but far-fetched idea...a stretch of the imagination here in this script, but cute girl in this movie always does it for me. I'm a sucker for them. I like the movie, even though Hallmark can be quite predictable with their choices. I think they can mix it up a bit more though, bringing more unpredictable love endings. I won't stop watching Hallmark movies just because they are predominantly predictable. Most people like happy endings, and I'm no exception to that desire. Regardless, thank you Hallmark Channel!
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Surprisingly humorous
MickyG33326 February 2023
7.9 stars.

This is hands down one of the funnier Hallmark movies I have seen. Not only does it far surpass in comical genius, it's not even in the same hemisphere as the next best one, whatever that may be. I'm not talking sophisticated sitcom or standup humor, this is good fun and honest light and silly stuff. Maybe the next best laughs I had was something starring Ms. Sustad, because she definitely has her moments too.

Just one thing after another with "All of My Heart". First when they find out they co-own a house, his look of utter surprise and his snide comments, and then she wants to keep it? Then they are driving to the property and she is commenting about the beautiful scenery and his sarcastic reply was spot on. When he's trying to fix the place and it's one slapstick bumbling moment after another. I didn't realize that Mr. Elliot was a comedian. Is he actually, or is this a stroke of genius? Next there are the plumbing blunders, and the old pickup truck fiasco, the paint fight, the electricity, the goats, and on and on...Mr. Asner also has his moments, just an old curmudgeon and so adept at that role.

The romance is also very nice, these two have great chemistry, they feed off each other very nicely. The story is nothing new, but the way it's told is fresh and fun and very entertaining. If you get any laughs in the first 15 minutes, and you like the leads, stick around, this movie might end up being your favorite. This is what romcom is all about, real comedy and real romance, not just so-so.
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Has a lot of heart
TheLittleSongbird6 May 2023
'All of My Heart' is the first of the 'All of My Heart' trilogy, the others being 'Inn Love' and 'The Wedding'. Apart from 'A Wish Come True' and 'So You Said Yes' (especially the former, the 2015 Countdown to Valentine's Day block was a solid one. My main reason for watching this film was the always worth watching Lacey Chabert, she is a Hallmark regular and very popular and it has always been very easy to see why. Brennan Elliott is more hit and miss for me, but he is often watchable.

Both are represented more than very well here in 'All of My Heart', particularly Chabert which was no surprise to me actually as someone who has never expected anything less and has seldom been disappointed. Of the 2015 Countdown to Valentine's Day films, it is the best (even better than 'Cloudy with a Chance of Love') and is one of the best 2015 Hallmark films overall. Of the three 'All of My Heart' films, this is the best easily. Being someone who was mixed on 'Inn Love' and liked generally 'The Wedding' despite the sloppy legalities.

The only real big issue with 'All of My Heart' is the final act. The film does badly run out of gas here, and becomes very sluggish and over-obvious. Pretty much had a strong inkling how it was all going to end halfway through and was proven correctly pretty much exactly.

Despite that, there is a lot that is good. Chabert is incredibly charming without even having to try hard, it just comes naturally to her and comes out effortlessly. Elliott is easy going and down to earth and in an understated way, and he didn't seem stiff to me. They had a lovely sweet genuine chemistry together that doesn't start off too perfectly and it does grow in a way that didn't feel rushed or too slow. The rest of the cast are strong, with a scene stealing turn from the late Ed Asner.

Furthermore, the characters were easy to connect with and while they are typical for Hallmark they didn't come over as too stereotyped or derivative. The production values are attractive, especially the suitably picturesque scenery and the music isn't overused or overscored while still having presence. The direction is assured enough and it's all present or correct, if not award worthy.

Script is light-hearted and flows naturally, while not being cheesy or over sentimental. The story has a lot of heart and doesn't take itself too seriously, while treating the subject with enough maturity.

Overall, very nicely done. 8/10.
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My Favorite Hallmark Movie!
LuLuBelleJ16 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First Off, I'm a HUUUUGGE Fan of Brennan Elliot. I can't believe he hasn't been in more movies!! Hot, SWEET, AND Sexy! Like someone else here wrote, "he outacted Lacey" -I'd say he was actually a great compliment to Lacey. They both have awesome screen chemistry. I just saw that Hallmark came out with a sequel to this: All of My Heart: Inn Love (2017). How did I not see this???? My goal is to just buy the DVD of it along with the first one.

Lacey and Brennan shine in All of my heart, as they experience the ups and downs of taking ownership of a house that was left to them after the owner died. The home has a charm that Lacey loves, and she sees potential in fixing it up, and making it a B&B. Brennan is a big city professional who doesn't have the time or patience for a place like this. They go thru things breaking left and right, and then experiencing sweet little victories when things start to get better. Watching them grow closer together on screen was amazing!!! Soooo Believable. (I know, I need a life...I'm way too into this movie). By the end, you'll be sniffling happy tears when they become the proud parents of Gabby Goats "kids" ~it's just TOO GOOD to pass up! A+++ Hallmark. I can't stand when Hallmark has to insult my intelligence by spelling out e v e r y little emotion. Seems to me if the actors have any merit, as well as the screenwriters, all should be able to follow and read in between the lines. No saccharine sweet garbage here. Just a light, happy ending movie with awesome actors and pretty locations.
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Sweet and Unpretentious
tdewey-410 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A sweet, small and unpretentious Hallmark TV movie much like the star Lacey Chabert herself. It's a very traditional romantic movie cute meet: newly single girl Jenny Fintley (Ms. Chabert) yearning for the country meets too busy for romance man Brian Howell (Brennan Elliott) who loves the city. The plot revolves around the two's different plans for a house which they have unexpectedly inherited but it's really just an excuse to put the two actors into a room together and see what happens. There's some nice chemistry between Ms. Chabert and Mr. Elliot with Ed Asner (as Vern) on screen now and then to steal a scene.

There are no surprises in this kind of movie but so what? It's sweet, it's light, it's unpretentious and it's enjoyable. I will add that the baby goats are a bit too much on the sweet side but overall: 7 out of 10.
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Hallmark small town romance movie, that gets a little excessive with dragging out the plot
garybartzjd2 September 2020
Lacey and a cute guy are not related but have a house together thanks to someone they don't know dying. She is super cute and likable and wants to open a B&B. He gets fired and blackballed from his great job for no reason of his own fault and moves in and starts reluctantly helping.

He fish out of water tries to fix things. He was a little too jerky at first but gets likable.

That was when the movie started throwing silly conflicts to keep them apart. It went on too long.

On the positive, there is a old time pickup truck, and a fun owner of a diner they interact with.

In addition to the plot dragging, on the bad side, Ed Asner plays a grumpy old man commenting on everyone and was annoying.
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It Got My Heart
nonni_nonni28 June 2015
Really enjoyed the wholesome and family friendly romance. I like the leading couple together. Hallmark should put them in more of their movies as a couple.

Lacey Chabert and Brennan Elliot stood out in the sea of Hallmark movies I've been watching.

I just loved how their chemistry flowed well. And I really liked the whole cast. They really made me feel like it's a small town with good people.

And the comedy was just what I like. I think it's called situational.

I also liked Daniel Cudmore and Heather Doerksen in their roles. Their supporting roles really helped the story.

Edward Asner was a charming grumpy old man.
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Watchable but could've been better
utgard1426 April 2015
Aspiring chef Jenny (Lacey Chabert) inherits half of a country house. Yes, that's right -- half. The other half goes to Wall Street stock trader Brian (Brennan Elliott). Brian wants to sell the house and Jenny has plans to renovate it and turn it into a bed & breakfast. But when Brian loses his job, he has nowhere else to go so he moves in with Jenny and helps her fix the place up. The usual "duck out of water" and "opposites attract" tropes follow.

I always find Lacey Chabert enjoyable to watch. She's easy on the eyes and has a likable personality that makes you root for her. This movie is no exception. Brennan Elliott is fun and has good chemistry with Lacey. The supporting cast is nice. Ed Asner only appears here and there but steals the scene every time he's around. Daniel Cudmore as Tommy and Drew Tanner as Rusty are both good. In a way, this movie's strengths lie in its male characters instead of its female ones. That's a rarity for these things.

This is a decent TV movie of its type and I'm usually generous with my scores for movies like this. But there are problems that bugged me. For one thing, it's very predictable even for a genre that's predictable by its nature. Also the movie falters in the second half badly. At about the midway point the story had moved along at such a pace that only two options were likely: they would either get the couple together sooner than expected or they would find a way to split them up and tediously drag things out until the inevitable reunion. Guess which route they went?
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Wonderful Ending
nelliereyes20 January 2019
I Loved this movie!!! Innocence, Romance, Disasters, Business choices. But what we the audience Looks for and Expects is the Final Romantic Last Kiss in the movie. It was Perfect: Lacey Chabert and Brennan Elliott know how to movie kiss!!! The ending was all we were waiting for and all we wanted. Bravo!!! Not every movie couple can pull that off as well as they did. Thank You from a hopeless romantic that watches Hallmark Movies over and over again.
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Heartwarming and uplifting
pookieblondie28 May 2023
I've watched quite a few of these made for TV movies over the last few months . Some were so bad I turned them off after 30 minutes, some were okay, some were quite good but forgettable. This however is an excellent movie . Although the story line isn't necessarily original and is slightly cliché, the acting is really good all across the board and the script is good. The main characters steal the show and have a wonderful natural chemistry. The humour is great; Brennan Elliot is a natural. The goats steal the deal for me!! I'm waiting to watch the sequel in a few minutes. A lovely way to enjoy a relaxed afternoon!
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Estate Inheritance Law and Romance within the Family
jerrybergdorf12 September 2021
An entitled recently fired wall street worker inherits a house in the country with a woman. Are they related? Unknown. The woman is a former restaurant worker who dreams of being a chef. They both have troubled pasts that the movie fails to address directly but it is clear that they both have trauma that likely needs to be addressed by therapy. They both end up moving into the house together because they have both lost their jobs. Over time the Wall Street worker is able to convince the restaurant worker that they can be together. The two turn their inherited house into a moderately priced bed and breakfast after struggling greatly to fix the house up. Through their struggles they become romantically involved. It is still unknown whether they are related. Although the two struggled with their relationship and home repairs the plumber was always there to help with both. The plumber didn't get enough credit for all the things he fixed i their lives. This movie was indeed a hallmark movie. I liked the scene where gabby the goat interrupts the Wall Street workers call with his former partner. The partner is so appalled that the former Wall Street worker is near a goat that he exclaims they need to get him back to New York.

Jerry Bergdorf, another review.
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One of my favorites
rwootn22 July 2015
I love Hallmark movies... This one is really cute... I did a lot of awing and awing in this one.., I loved the music in this one... I wonder if there is any way to find the songs in this... I think the music helps make the movie and this music fit the movie perfectly... Like most of the Hallmark movies... I love it! The main characters are two of my favorites... Lacey Chabert and Brennan Elliott have been very popular on Hallmark lately... I would like to see more movies with them together... This will definitely be one I will want to buy... to add to my growing Hallmark collection... I like movies that make me happy, are pleasant to watch, and hate to see it end... this one was all that... I think it is scheduled to show again in September... I will for sure be watching again...
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jewhitmer2528 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Your typical Hallmark movie, but it's made better by the pairing of Chabert and Elliott.. They manage to make what would be run of the mill Hallmark movie, set the stage, add a dash of conflict and "voila" solution, happy ever after.

Lacey Chabert and Brennan Elliott always consummate professionals and bring incredible energy and chemistry to every movie they make. Why else would Hallmark link them 9 times and counting.(As of 2021) They always deliver.

Plot Couple inherits a house together, CLASH! Brian, Wall Street trader, sees dollar signs and wants to sell. Jenny, wanna be chef in her own kitchen, sees her chance to open a Bed and Breakfast and be the chef she knows she can be.

Greyston Holt, as Daryl, the guy that dumps Jenny and then wants her back. Does a good job but in my mind he is being typecast as the heavy.

My advice: well worth watching. Bonus, all the movies in the trilogy are available for viewing so you don't have to wait a year for the next installment. Good family film.
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Lovely movie & trilogy
ISmellSnow6 September 2020
Lacey & Brennan have really great chemistry and make their characters believable. I'm not sure how realistic it is for two people to inherit the same house but fans don't typically watch Hallmark for that anyways. This movie is charming and funny and ends with a very sweet moment.
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Loved the movie, but...
tmoliver-773-5981432 September 2018
Loved the movie, and the chemistry between the two lead characters but one thing really bothered me during the entire movie: Where did "Brian" live before he moved in with "Jenny"? When he showed up at the house after getting fired from his Wall Street job he said he had nowhere else to go...
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Pennsylvania isn't in Canada.
lalighton24 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a traditional Hallmark romance and from as much as I watched, it appeared to hit all the expected plot points.

However, the poor choices made by production location scouts and final editor caused me to lose interest in the story and change the channel, FAST.


Since this movie was filmed in VANCOUVER CANADA, why wasn't the scriptwriter's original location choice changed from the very specific BUCKS COUNTY, PA, USA to a fictitious named Main Street type place that could be located anywhere?

An example of a movie filmed in Bucks County? Signs (2002).
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Perfect chemistry
mrsjrazz21 February 2022
This two have the BEST chemistry of any of the couples on Hallmark shows. They need their own show. Hallmark should have a show of them and the BBBD. It would be a BIG success.
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Okay movie
dianamarinelli30 May 2021
Overall this was an okay movie nothing special just like the same old hallmark story.
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divyamohanraj-455181 September 2020
The humor was incredible. There was authenticity in the way the characters were portrayed. The two leading actors had great chemistry.
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Surprisingly good!
cinematik13 October 2019
I have very low expectations for Hallmark movies. I only watch them as an easy, stress free and lighthearted alternative to the intense, bloody, scary and nightmarish TV news and shows. They usually play in the background of whatever I am doing at home, cooking, surfing the net, cleaning etc... However, this movie had such a good script and clever dialogue, it grabbed me fron the start and I actually sat down and watched it. I loved it! Yes, the story was predictable, but when you have a well written script and great dialogue, who cares? The cast of characters was easy on the eyes and pleasing to the ears. I am adding this movie to the list of movies I will watch once a year for the rest of my life.
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edwagreen19 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone out there see the close resemblance of Mr. Crudmore to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo? There were some scenes when I actually thought I was seeing the governor of New York.

In typical Hallmark fashion, two people are brought together by fate when they each inherit the same house. The Wall Street guy and the female chef take it slow as they gradually fall in love despite their rocky beginning. She wants to convert the house to a bed and breakfast and he can't wait to sell his part.

Naturally, she had a love interest who was career obsessed and naturally he will return to create a chasm between the two when our Wall Street guy thinks that she is back with the other guy.

Ed Asner sits at the General Store muttering about ducks,but his purpose in the film becomes all too clear at film's end.

Light fanfare and excuse the pun, great to the taste.
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Thoughts...Brennan, Lacey, editing
allygirl-1777118 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Brennan Elliott is him in this with Lacey. Great chemistry together! Brennan out-acted her but still very good. He should be a huge star with his looks, acting ability and terrific comedic timing. Perfection. There are a few small issues. SPOILER if you haven't seen it. Don't go further. I didn't like the ending and Lacey's character at end...Corny dialogue. Lacey seemed cautious to kiss him in the film. She just didn't seem comfortable. Her body language when he did kiss her was kind of pushing or holding him back with her arms in between the two. It's acting! Some mistakes with editing. Once where Brian is going into general store, they used someone else in a completely different coat! Lol. The music placement after their candlelit dinner, it goes from 1 song into another and it was cut off abruptly. Just my thoughts but overall, a very good movie. In fact, my favorite Hallmark of all time. I only hope Hallmark does a series or at least a follow up movie. I'd like to see a wedding, how he handles going back to NYC- will he work on a contract basis from home or will he run Jenny's new line of pastries? I'd also like to see Harry and Casey get together...or Casey and Tommy from Grberal store. Rocky was pretty funny too.
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Delightful and charming
phd_travel3 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It's quite delightful to see how chef Jenny played by Lacey Chabert fixes up a house she inherits into a B&B and bakes pastries and sells them. She inherits the house 50/50 with a Wall Street guy. Of course a romance develops. Lacey Chabert acts well - not too perky and quite sympathetic. Brennan Elliot is funny as the Wall Street guy Brian who gets laid off and turns to fixing up the B&B. At first he seemed a bit old for Lacey Chabert but the dialog is so snappy it doesn't matter. Greyston Holt as her boyfriend who who put his career first looks a bit out of place as an executive.

Liked the comic tone throughout and the supporting characters are funny too. Hope Brian doesn't have to give up his Wall Street job totally - what happens if nobody comes to the B&B?
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Made me cry.
debbiemorry23 April 2022
Such a beautiful film. I loved it totally. Laughed out loud and cried too. The lead man was superb and the leading lady was so pretty, they made a perfect pair. If only you could take this off film and make it real.
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Full of heart
studioAT31 March 2020
Two very different people inherit a house, in this above average Hallmark film that has since led onto two sequels.

It follows the typical Hallmark film formula, but there's a level of depth to the characters that makes all the difference, not to mention two excellent performances from the leads (Hallmark favourites Lacey Chabert and Brennan Elliot) that elevate this from the norm.

A good comedy drama overall.
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