2,594 Reviews
Loud Noises, Bright Colors & Explosions: The Movie
freqeteq13 December 2019
This is a typical modern Michael Bay film, it's all style over substance. Leave your brain at the door and you might enjoy it, I wish I did but I didn't.

I'll give you a quick example of what to expect while trying to explain why I couldn't bring myself to enjoy this film. Opening scene is a 15 minute car chase through a city. Firstly, the vehicle they choose to use as a getaway vehicle is a bright neon green Alfa Romeo that sticks out in the crowd like a sore thumb driving a bright neon green sports car would. Why would anyone choose this as a getaway vehicle instead of a car with a paint job a bit more inconspicuous I hear you ask? Because it's a Michael Bay film that's why, and it's all about style remember? Secondly, every car and bike that crashes during the chase produces enough sparks and fire to rival the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, plus the sounds they make when they crash are the most ridiculous Transformers sounding noises I have ever heard outside of a Transformers movie. And lastly, the bright neon green sports car gets scratched up by another vehicle and the drivers side mirror gets knocked off, but the next shot it's back on again, then it's off, then it's on, and it switches between broken and not broken a dozen or so times before someone decided that for continuity sake we better just stick to one or the other and thankfully they chose to go with the broken one. Pretty sloppy filmmaking really, and this is all in the opening 15 - 20 minutes, and unfortunately I can't turn my brain off enough to enjoy a film like that.

Other things that I didn't like about the film, the overall story is laughable and makes absolutely no sense at all, and when I say no sense I'm not being hyperbolic I mean it makes no sense, from the people he chooses to join his team to the way he recruits them to the missions they do it's all so ludicrous, if you allow yourself to question its logic for even one second then the entire thing falls apart. It's got your typical Michael Bay hit or miss humor along with other "Bayerisms" that we've come to expect from him, like the over use of quick cuts during action sequences, low angle shots of women in short skirts, so much slow motion that if the slow motion parts were at normal speed I reckon the film would be about half an hour shorter than it is, and scenes that are meant to be emotional and pull on your heart strings but because every character has no depth to them they end up having about as much emotional impact as a carpet cleaning commercial does.

What I did like. CGI people getting hit by cars and caught in explosions and thrown around and stuff, it was completely overused but the first few times it happened it looked quite good, especially people getting side swiped by vehicles. Some of the bad guy kills were well done. I enjoyed most of the banter between Ryan Reynolds and the non Ryan Reynolds actors, it was funny and was just Ryan Reynolds being your typical Ryan Reynolds which is good if you like Ryan Reynolds and I like Ryan Reynolds. Who doesn't like Ryan Reynolds? Hugh Jackman that's who, the Canadian fraud.

It really is just a film full of loud noises, bright colors, explosions and little of anything else.
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Awful and Messy Screenplay and Edition
claudio_carvalho9 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A wealthy CEO fakes his death and uses his fortune to create a group of nameless ghost vigilantes, to become the One (Ryan Reynolds) and bring justice to the world. He recruits the spy Two (Mélanie Laurent); the hitman Three (Manuel Garcia-Rulfo); the thief Four (Ben Hardy); the doctor Five (Adria Arjona); and the pilot Six (Dave Franco) to compose his organization. When Six dies in a car accident in a mission in Europe, he invites the soldier Seven (Corey Hawkins) to join his team. Now One decides to promote a coup d'é·tat to overthrow the dictator Rovach Alimov (Lior Raz) and let his imprisoned brother Murat Alimov (Payman Maadi) assume the government of his country.

"6 Underground" is an action film directed by Michael Bay with a great cast with names such as Ryan Reynolds and Mélanie Laurent. The story is promising for fans of the genre but the awful and messy screenplay and associated to a terrible edition destroy the film. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Esquadrão 6" ("6 Squad")

Note: On 01 June 2024, I saw this film again.
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Attention deficit
Gordon-1112 September 2020
The film is just endless attention deficit scenes which jumps like crazy. There is no coherence or story development. I honestly don't know what I really watched. The visuals are good, and the film is obviously big budgeted. However, these don't make a good film.
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Great Action movie for a lazy sunday!
thilovonwick15 December 2019
If you are looking for deep conversationes and great plots this is not your kind of movie. If you just want to lay back and enjoy great action scenes mixed with classic Ryan Reynolds comedy inputs, you will love it. Perfect for just laying back and enjoying Action a la Michael Bay!
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Completely nuts
andyking-8390319 December 2019
All the other reviews are correct. This film is shallow, weird, disjointed, entertaining, funny, odd, violent, ridiculous, cool, cringy. I liked it though. Switch your brain off first and just go along for the ride.
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It's Bayhem
kosmasp2 January 2020
Does the name Michael Bay tell you something? Do you feel like you know the movies he does and do you like them? If you answer yes to both, congratulations. To be honest more often than not I'm not down with movies that really do not give you much in the department of character development. But this is Bay and the action is terrific.

My home entertainment system had a run for its money! The visuals were stunning too (as usual with Bay) and you had more one liners than actual text (might not be entirely correct on that, but it sure feels like it). So a lot bang for your buck and no substance. Does that sound like a movie that will entertain you, without you having to think too much? Then go ahead and enjoy. Do not snob the people who do though, the casting makes up for some of the flaws at least ...
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A mess
timmyb_513 December 2019
Just a mess of a film. The editing was confusing and abrupt and the story was often incomprehensible. Filled with explosions, car chases and gross deaths, with an attempt to buy credit with scenes of the people affected by this tyrant. Ryan Reynolds was the only reason I watched this movie, and he was not enough to redeem it.
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It's a Friday night movie
mdroddis13 December 2019
So you have had a long tough week at work. It's Friday, and you want to escape your work life. You open a bottle of wine, pour a glass and put a movie on. You have escaped the dire reality of 9-5. This film is a perfect release, it has action, it has Ryan Reynolds based humour. It will never be an Oscar nominee for best picture, but hey, it's Friday night, you have a glass of wine in your hand and you want to release the week. At times it felt like a film By numbers but nowadays it is extremely rare not too. So please, enjoy the film for what it is. It's action. It's fun. It's Friday night so enjoy.
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By-the-books Blockbuster
TwistedContent13 December 2019
Michael Bay Deluxe, the BOOM, the POW and Ryan Reynolds. It's just about what I was expecting - mindless action, shallow story, (mostly) bland comedy, cliché characters & Reynolds doing his usual shtick. The explosions, gunfights and chases are a little less awesome on the streaming screen, but still deliver the manly blockbuster entertainment we came for in the first place.

The generic nature of the trailers, all of them, lowered the expectations to levels that ultimately helped enjoy the actual movie more. Naturally, the most valued card in the deck of "6 Underground" is the action - it has it all, from gunfights, to explosions, to flying, diving, car chases, parkour and so on. Great stunt work, expensive and well done cgi - no doubt about these things. What helped all that even more was a pretty generous splash of blood and gore. Could've pushed out even more, given the R rating. You can probably guess that it is by no means a realistic action movie, and you're right. That, and also, while the action is consistent, the impact and enjoyment of it is not - therefore pacing stutters, at times. The story is familiar and quite generic, depthless and Hollywood-in-a-nutshell by all standards. Nothing much more to add, the good guys battle and take down the evil guy, the usual. Our team of heroes consist of cliché characters, portrayed by decent actors having to do only either stunts or humorous dialogue. Ryan Reynolds portrays a more watered down version of all his latest roles conjoined & the comedy in "6 Underground" is hit & miss, mostly just bland and uninspired. I imagine there'll be complaints about the cinematography - it can be head-spinning and some of the cuts are questionable, but as a sum it's more than alright, not the biggest of flaws.

It is rather sad that I was expecting so little (I mean, slightly above average) and that it's exactly what I got. I believe that, even with all the bad etched-in-stone reputation, mr. Michael Bay can do better than this, has done better than this. That being said, "6 Underground" is by no means a 'bad' movie, it's your typical, loud, shiny action-packed blockbuster, with a good cast and big enough budget for you to get some kicks out of it. My rating: 6/10.
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Disconnecting confusing cuts
nickobus13 December 2019
After Michael Bay's 13 Hours, I was hoping this would be another film of his that would be done well, yet instead, the film is riddled with annoying scene cuts that seem out of place and irrelevant, it feels like it's all over the place. I can imagine alot of the positive reviews are strong fandoms for Ryan Reynolds but honestly, it was hard to watch. I get it, it's Michael Bay's typical car chase and car explosions, but I was hoping the story would at least have a coherent flow despite his attempted take on a form of Fast and Furious-esque film.
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This isn't Scorsese or Mann.... It's Bay! Just have fun.
Markyajv13 December 2019
These reviewers who watch a Michael Bay movie and review it as if they were expecting Shakespeare need to stop reviewing. Seriously. The only reason to watch his flicks are so you can leave your brain at the door, turn off the lights, turn up the surround sound to 100 and sit back and watch $hit blow up. You want a thinking person's movie? Go see something else. You want your brain mushed then watch this! Was awesome, funny, action filled, fast cars, explosions, I was blowing bubbles out of my ears. Such fun.
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Have people never seen a Bay movie!
luke-mori198614 December 2019
It's a Michael Bay film so you should roughly know what to expect. Lots of action and a massive production. The story isn't that bad, just take it for what it is. Most Hollywood movies are farfetched. Considering it's a Netflix original I'd say well done.
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150 Million Dollars in the can
johannes_wolf14 December 2019
I dont unterstand how a movie like this can be released without the propper editing. Worst cuts i've seen in a big picture like this. So many flaws and eye capturing mistakes it makes me wonder if there was a person with an actual vision on set. The whole movie felt like Michael Bay's daydreams... just one explosion after another packed with bad jokes and zero effort in Story telling. If you appreciate decent movies with decent story telling i'd wonder if you can sit through this waste of money...
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I'm giving generous 1/10
Marko9813 December 2019
Plot and editing all over the place. Too much CGI. Boring story. I'm writing this right after watching movie and I don't know what I watched. I already forgot. Awful movie. Don't waste time, do something else instead watching this crap. Only good thing are bunch of nice shots and locations. Unfortunately it was all for nothing
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Typical Michael Bay film
bmiller5929 January 2020
I thought I knew what I was getting into when I started this. Bay's movies involve non stop action, lots of explosions and lots of money spent in the production. I wasn't crazy about it, but it was absolutely tolerable. Not a 10 and not a 1. It was entertaining and kept me involved trying to figure it out. But, the redeeming factor for this movie is it kept me involved, and the pyrotechnics which are a staple of Bay films used the full capacity of my BOSE 3000 soundbar, sub woofer and surround speakers, much like "The Rock." Time to watch that again.
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Disjointed n incoherent back n forth cuts, shaky cam, flickering lights, abysmal editing n screenplay, far fetched parkour n lack of hand to hand combat.
Fella_shibby13 December 2019
The film starts with a nice picturesque settings, very soothing cinematography but then suddenly it turns into a mindless car chase, of course with lots of bloody carnage n mayhem. The parkour scenes looked too far fetched n done in a very badly shaky cam stuff. It has some bloody shootouts n awesome scenes of car getting sliced but the film got tedious after some time. I had always liked Mélanie Laurent ( her topless scene in Enemy n her distinctive nose). Had expectations with the film but Michael Bay has lost it.

It has some good locations, hottie Laurent, bloody shootouts n a very gory flashbang head exploding scene. Crowd chasing a running Murat (the dictator) n then suddenly Murat getting hit on his bald head n the sound of tock is hilarious.
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Bay being bay
mattmuscroft13 December 2019
The car must be made of the same steel coursing through my grandads veins. Zero damage even after all the violence of the opening scene
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Stupid.. Unfunny.. slowmotion.. Product placement extravaganza
fetasheiken-4105113 December 2019
Why? Some guys sat around af table.. "Let put all the stuff that needs to be in an action scene,.. in every scene!" "What do we need?" "Cars!, Guns!, helicopters!, Slowmotion!, Parkour for No reason!, Hot women!, Shaky cams!, stupid one liners!,Motorcycles!, Explosions!,..." "And let's pay for it with a lot of product placement!"
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What's up with all the angry reviews?
viktorhornberg26 December 2019
It's an action movie with action stuff in it its not a deep movie or a complicated one just watch it when you want to chill in the couch and don't want to focus that much. I hope they do a second one because sometimes movies like this can be great
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great action but what about the rest
SnoopyStyle10 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A team of six ghosts are battling to change a dictatorship. One (Ryan Reynolds) is the billionaire. Two (Mélanie Laurent) is the CIA spook. Three (Manuel Garcia-Rulfo) is the Hitman. Four (Ben Hardy) is the Skywalker. Five (Adria Arjona) is the Doctor. Six (Dave Franco) is the Driver. During a car chase in Florence, Six is killed. One recruits American sniper Blaine (Corey Hawkins) as Seven.

Michael Bay is doing Michael Bay. The story telling is messy and thin. There are problems with the simplistic premise. The action is explosive and hyper kinetic. The idiotic Bay humor is improved by the presence of Ryan Reynolds. It is too bad that Dave Franco dies so early since he is the second funniest actor in the cast. Ryan needs someone better to bounce off his quippy sarcasm. The best aspect is the great Michael Bay action. Even if the magnet idea makes little sense, it is still great action fun. The parkour is thrilling. This is a movie of great big action set pieces in between a lifeless unearned story with paper thin characters.

It starts with the chase in Florence. It is wildly exciting and explosive but the plot has the most muddled introduction. For a second, I actually thought that they were literal ghosts. At the very least, One has to be introduced and the mission needs to be laid out. With such a paper thin intro, the action becomes meaningless. It's a bunch of quippy retorts from Ryan and some really cool car stunts in the narrow Italian streets. There's real value in that but it's just empty calories. This is a movie of empty calories. The mission itself is a nothing burger of simplistic politics. Why not have the dictator kill Ryan Reynolds' great love? Instead, it's a non-descript humanity project. As for the final shootout, it seems much more simpler to plant a few mines on the boat to drive the dictator off it. One thing is certain. Michael Bay does his action well. The rest is a nothing burger.
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We're gonna kill the really bad guys!! Proceeds to kill hundreds of innocents in the crossfire. Not caring for any innocent lives as long as they get to kill one bad guy.
revilo-strebor15 December 2019
Now, I am quite able to leave my brain at the door and enjoy a daft action movie provided the one central premise of the film makes Sense. Meaning that with this particular Mess of a Film, the entire purpose of the protagonists e.g killing the really bad guys, HAS to be consistent. But when they then proceed to inadvertently kill dozens of innocents in the opening scene alone, no amount of switching off your brain can compensate for the absolute lack of any logic or story. And that's the whole point of this film. It's for people who truly don't need any sense of logic or a barely coherent plot to enjoy a film . Just plenty of action scenes, car chases, explosions, bad guys, naked hot women etc.. thrown together to form a collection of Micheal Bays wet daydreams. I won't attempt to further analyse or criticise this movie, as that would be without merit. If you're one of the aforementioned people, then you'll probably enjoy it. However if you need some semblance of logic or coherent storytelling, you'll have to try very hard to enjoy this film.
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Blockbuster Action
daniels-thaabiet13 December 2019
Has Michael Bay won an Academy award? No. Will he win an Academy Award? No. Is his movies pointless fun? Yes. That's the beauty of a Michael Bay movie, you know what you're getting and this was no exception, was it flawless? No. Was it 2 hours of fun? Hell Yes. So again if you want to see a near flawless movie, go watch Joker, if you want to watch a pure action adrenaline movie, this is the one.
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6 Underground
bobcobb30130 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you were looking for a movie with a deep story and incredible acting look elsewhere, but if you wanted a movie with way too much action and cheesy 80's lines then this is your film.

Not a classic, but a fun film and the kind Netflix should be making.
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Noisy pointless mess
pvbfagan14 December 2019
Not sure how a movie with so many actions scenes can be so boring... Just a noisy, busy pointless mess with no real plot.
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6 Underground
0U5 February 2020
It's a good mix of action and comedy. the first 15 minutes will blow your mind - special effects like no other
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