301 Reviews
Poor man's "Treehouse of Horror"
22 September 2024
This movie is basically a blend of Simpsons episodes that are produced for Halloween and filmed with some famous actors like Brian Cox and Anna Paquin. You know, those "Treehouse of Horror" episodes Simpsons airs every year in order to commemorate Halloween.

Except this movie is poorly written and poorly directed. There isn't an overarching story that connects anything together and it feels like we are watching a bunch of random clips of random happenings that are not even loosely connected at all.

None of the horror scenes are scary and none of the humor scenes are funny. I can't think of a single reason to watch this movie actually or even call it a movie. It's more like a high budget Youtube video with famous actors.
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What the heck did I just watch?
21 September 2024
I just finished this anime and I have zero clue what I watched. I don't even think the producers of this movie know what they produced. Everyone who ever watched this including the very people that produced it found themselves confused and without a clue.

The movie starts ok but progressively gets worse, more confusing and more boring over time. The more you think it can't get any worse, the more it finds new ways of getting worse and more confusing.

None of the story makes any sense from beginning to the end any none of the characters are explained. Throughout the movie a bunch of random characters do a bunch of random things which constantly contradict what they did before but it's supposed to all make sense somehow but it doesn't.

The people who gave this movie an Oscar must not have watched it. They probably just saw the name of Hayao Miyazaki and automatically voted to give him an Oscar without ever seeing this movie. It's impossible for anyone with a brain to think this is worth an Oscar after actually watching it. It's a pile of confusing mess.
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Worst movie of the year
12 September 2024
I just finished this movie and to be honest with you, I have no idea what I just watched. It was just random chaos and complete mess. I finished the movie only 10 minutes ago and already forgot what it was about and don't even remember most of it. It was really confusing with all the plot holes and logical errors not to mention the movie not really having a storyline in the first place anyways.

It was just a chaotic hell. One way to describe this movie would be a CGI porn. I don't even know why they chose to use real actors in this movie if they were going to use so much cheap CGI. They might as well have made this an animation and all the nonsense in the storyline would be excused.
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Missed opportunity
1 September 2024
This could have been a great documentary series but it got kind of ruined by a few things. First, as everyone before me called out, the narrative is pretty bad and uneven. I don't know what they were thinking there.

Second, it is very narrowly focused. There is more to animal life and animal kingdom than just hunting. About 90-95% of this documentary focuses on animals hunting each other. They misnamed this documentary by calling it "Night on Earth", instead they should have called it "Animals Hunting Each Other At Night" because that's pretty much all they show.

Animals do more stuff than just try to hunt each other or try not to get hunted all day long. That's not what life on earth is all about but one would think it is after watching this narrowly focused documentary.

The visuals are great though, too bad they got wasted on a production like this.
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Becoming Champions (2018– )
Poorly made
28 August 2024
This is a documentary about the history of World Cup winners and it's about 9 hours long but in the entire docuseries you see maybe 10 minutes of actual world cup footage. The entire "documentary" consists of interviewing a bunch of people while having photos float in the background. Someone talks about a legendary moment that happened but there is no video of that moment.

Throughout the series we see footage of cities and countries but there is no actual footage of the world cup itself.

The documentary is also badly organized. There is no coherent story and it jumps from place to place, skips a lot of important parts and moments for each team, fast forward most stuff without even mentioning in passing.

Also most of the interview material kept getting recycled over and over. By the time I was in 6th episode I felt like I'm watching the whole thing again because it was showing the same interview bits from previous episodes over and over with no actual footage.
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Wasted potential
17 August 2024
This movie is a wasted potential and it doesn't really work for several reasons.

First, the movie is waaay to long. They needed to cut out at least 1 hour of it.

Second, it's way too convoluted and difficult to follow. Each character has their own motivations and shifting alliances that constantly change and by the end of the movie you'll forget why any character did anything at all.

Third, the atmosphere is too dark and gloomy for this type of movie. At the end of the day this is supposed to be a action-comedy not a horror movie.

Fourth, there was too much emphasis on supernatural. I don't mind some supernatural elements like in the first movie but in this one supernatural pretty much takes over the whole thing which is ridiculous.
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Frozen (I) (2013)
Too much cringe
14 August 2024
This movie is a prime example of Disney's descent into saccharine mediocrity. It's a predictable, overly-sentimental journey through a world of singing snow queens, talking reindeer, and a love story that's as stale as a year-old snowman.

The plot is a textbook case of "good girl, bad girl," with Elsa's icy powers being portrayed as a curse rather than a unique gift. The "let it go" anthem, while catchy, is a blatant message of self-indulgence and emotional detachment, hardly a healthy message for young viewers.

The animation, while technically impressive, feels sterile and devoid of any real character. The characters themselves are one-dimensional caricatures, lacking any depth or complexity. Even Olaf, the supposed comic relief, is a cloying, over-the-top creation that quickly becomes tiresome.

Frozen's attempt to subvert traditional Disney tropes with a "strong female lead" falls flat. Elsa's journey is ultimately about finding love and acceptance, not about embracing her power and individuality. The film's message of sisterly love, while heartwarming, feels forced and contrived.

In short, Frozen is a sugary-sweet, cliché-ridden spectacle that lacks any real substance or originality. It's a film that will leave you feeling cold, not from the snow, but from the sheer predictability and lack of depth.
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8.6 are you kidding me?
7 June 2024
The biggest and funniest joke about this show is its extremely inflated IMDB rating. This is basically a race to show who is the most pretentious. People think giving this 10/10 will make them appear "smart" and "in the know" so most of those 10/10 ratings only show how pretentious people are.

The show is 2 hours long and full of jokes but only a few of the jokes are anywhere near funny. Most of the jokes were rip offs from Monty Python materials and most of them didn't age well either.

Throughout the show you hear audience laughing really loudly even the 10 minute part at the end where Eddie speaks in French and not a single person in the audience understands what they are saying but still laugh as loud as they can because how else will people show their pretentiousness? Some people live in this world to pretend and this is why this show has such a high rating when most of its jokes fall flat.
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Incredibly bad boring and pointless
24 February 2024
I've watched more than a thousand movies and I can safely say that I've seen so few movies as bad as this one. There are so many problems with this movie I don't even know where to start.

First, it is way way too long. By midpoint of the movie I thought it was close to finishing and I started to check my watch every 5 minutes after that. I just kept going on and on and on and wouldn't finish. It felt like a torture as it kept dragging on and on and on.

Second, the movie has no plot and no storyline. It's just 2 hours of mindless action that goes nowhere. There are some "themes" but no plot or storyline. If I told you to tell me the summary of the plot you couldn't because there isn't one.

Third, it is insanely repetitive. The same dialogue repeats over and over and over 100 times throughout the movie. We get it, we really do. There are like 10-12 pieces of dialogue in the entire movie and everything else is just slight iterations of the same dialogue performed again and again.

This movie shouldn't even have been filmed let alone given so many awards. It's complete garbage.
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The Cold Blue (2018)
More emotional than informational
11 February 2024
This is a documentary that focuses more on emotional side of the war than actually giving you information. As a matter of fact, the documentary contains almost no new information that most people didn't already know.

It doesn't talk about the war itself or any of the specific missions that were done within the war but mostly about how scary it was for the people involved, how they felt, how their feelings evolved over time and so on.

I found it a bit repetitive at times. How many different ways can you say "air force personnel were scared for their lives". This documentary tries to say it 20-30 different ways if not more. Every episode eventually comes down to the fact that it was scary. We get it, flying air missions during WW2 was scary, we really heard it the first 100 times. The documentary would be better off if it actually provided something beyond repeating the same point 100 times.

It looks like they had some colored videos from WW2 and they wanted to create a documentary out of those videos but they didn't really think it through and they didn't really have a plan about what they wanted to make this documentary about.
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Decent but too much filler material
31 October 2023
This documentary is a nice attempt but certain parts drag on and on and on with so much filler material. The documentary spends about an hour showing Beatles going from city to city, doing concert after concert where girls are fainting, screaming, everyone losing their minds, time after time, over and over.

Ok we get it, young girls were crazy about the band and people fainted and screamed at every concert, sure, but why is this the main focus of the documentary instead of the music of the band? You don't need to tell us how big Beatles was, everyone who wasn't living under a rock already knows.

Show us musical brilliance of the band, not 100 different clips of girls fainting and screaming in 100 different cities for an hour.
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La Notte (1961)
What's the point of this video?
5 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What's even the point of this video other than proving that Einstein was correct when he said human stupidity has no limits? I am not even going to glorify this thing by calling it a "movie" because it isn't even a movie. Movies have plots, this thing doesn't. If it was made today it would be just a YouTube video and no one would call it a movie except for those idiots who call everything a masterpiece because their art professor told them so.

The video starts with a married couple visiting a friend at the hospital. Then we spend the next 20-30 minutes watching a woman walk down the street. Then comes the next 20-30 minutes when she's out at a nightclub with her husband. Then the next hour is them attending a party and chitchatting with random people. That's it.

This is what morons call a masterpiece these days basically.
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What is it with people glorifying boring movies?
3 September 2023
Do people seriously think they appear smart and intelligent when they call boring and pointless movies like this a masterpiece? They only appear like clueless sheeple who only glorify movies because critics who get paid to praise movies love them.

This movie fails in not one but multiple places but sheeple won't notice that because they are too busy worshipping movies that they are told to worship by their masters.

First, there is no overarching plot in the movie. The whole movie is just a bunch of clips randomly tied together but don't really tell a story. First we watch a Russian wedding for an hour wondering how it will be connected to the rest of the story but we quickly find out that it has no connection and it was just put there was a time-filler.

Then we see a hunting scene which is another random clip which has nothing to do with anything. Then another long boring prisoner scene which adds nothing to the main plot. At this point there isn't even a plot anymore, just a bunch of random clips that are at best loosely connected and don't tell a story.

Then the movie just becomes even more weird as time goes on, moves further and further away from having a plot. It just moves all over the place, jumps all over the place, goes on for 3 hours without being able to tell a story or make a point, not to mention none of the characters are even remotely relatable.

The whole movie is a waste of time, so is reading all those 10/10 reviews by clueless sheeple who think they will appear smart by glorifying boring movies like this.
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Nice comedy
31 August 2023
This is one of the best comedy movies I've ever watched. I can't remember laughing this hard before in any movie. This is a truly masterpiece level comedy. They don't make great comedy movies like this anymore. This could be one of the funniest movies ever made.

I just kept laughing, laughing and laughing. The visual effects were so bad that they must have been put together by interns using Windows 98. The acting is so horrible that I felt like I watched a high school theater play. The story had more holes than Swiss cheese.

Then again if you watch this as a comedy you'll enjoy it because it's one of the funniest movies ever made. Just don't make the mistake of thinking this is a serious movie because it isn't.
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Bollywood 9, Hollywood 5
24 August 2023
If I had to rate this movie based on Bollywood standards I would have rated it 9 but if I had to rate it based on Hollywood standards, it drops to a solid 5.

CGI looks so cheap and looks more like a video game than a movie. It must have been produced by interns on low budget or something.

Acting is way over the top and weird.

Storyline is confusing at times because of sloppy delivery.

Music is fine, costumes are good, part of the dialogue is not bad and part of the plot is not bad but overall the movie fails to deliver and it is far from a masterpiece because it has a lot of holes and lacks a lot of quality that makes a movie a masterpiece.

Still it's a fun watch if you are into Bollywood.
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Akira (1988)
Pure garbage
20 August 2023
I don't give movies 1/10 easily. Out of hundreds of movies I've watched and rated on IMDB, I've given 1 to less than 10 movies and I can't help but this this movie a 1 rating. It's really really bad. All those people giving this 10/10 are completely out of their mind.

The plot is incredibly dumb. In fact there isn't even a plot in this anime. You just watch things randomly blow up and explode for 2 hours. One thing after another explodes, people screaming, wondering what's going on and no explanation is given in the whole movie. There is no plotline, no storyline, no explanation, no logic, no common sense. Just a bunch of random things happen without any reasoning.

As the story progresses you keep thinking "this is the bottom, the story can't get any more stupid" but it does. Throughout the 2 hours the story progressively keeps getting more and more stupid and finishes at peak stupidity.

I guess whoever produced this anime really wanted to make animations of some explosions and they couldn't bother to come up with a plot so they just decided to throw in 2 hours of dumb animations of things randomly blowing up. There is no message, no character development, no deep meanings, nothing. Just 2 hours of explosions and random action.
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Insanely overrated
17 August 2023
This is another extremely overrated movie by an extremely overrated producer Hayao Miyazaki whose every movie is exactly the same and whose every single movie fails for the same reason. You gotta admire the guy for trying though, he keeps failing and failing but he keeps trying year after year. Maybe some day he will get the hint that all his movies are overrated garbage.

Just like every movie ever made by Miyazaki this movie has cute visuals, nice graphics but NOTHING else. It fails to deliver a coherent story, it fails to develop its characters, it fails to have a decent plot. So many things are happening all at once without any coherence or any connection and nothing gets tied together at the end. You finish the movie with as many questions as you've started because nothing gets answered. The anime throws so much mindless action at you without any explanation as to what's even happening and without even the slightest hint of how it even ties together. This movie feels like watching a 2-hour music video with no plot.

A lot of people call it "masterpiece" for nostalgic reasons alone. Just because you watched something as a kid and loved it doesn't make it a masterpiece.
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Jurassic Park (1993)
Another glorified disaster movie
3 August 2023
This is another glorified disaster movie full of cliches that receives ridiculous amount love and being called a "masterpiece" by clueless idiots only because people watched it as a kid, they feel nostalgic about it and they miss those days. I remember also watching this movie as a kid and loving it but when I watched it again after growing up, I didn't enjoy it half as much. People her just cheapen the meaning of the word masterpiece by calling literally every single movie a masterpiece.

The first half of the movie where they set up the storyline and discuss scientific and ethical implications of creating a dinosaur park is great but the second part of the movie is so bad, it feels like a cliche-filled disaster movie. For about an hour we watch a couple dinosaurs chase a few humans through jungle, then through the campus and then inside the buildings. Chase scene after chase scene where our humans always barely get away at the last second which becomes tiresome and boring after a while to a point where you want them to actually get eaten for a change.

If this movie was made today it would have received a 6-7 rating but it gets an extra 2+ points only and only because people feel nostalgic about their childhood. This movie is NOT a masterpiece. Then again according to IMDB comments, every movie ever made is a masterpiece.
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Good visual effects, poor storytelling
2 August 2023
You can tell that producers of this movie spent all their budget on visual effects and epic music but they had no money left in the budget to hire someone competent to write a plot for the movie so they ended up filming this.

The way the story develops in this movie is very superficial and full of cheap and overdone cliché. Throughout the movie we see more than 50 characters doing things but no one's motivation is ever explained. Bad guys are bad just for the sake of being bad, good guys are good just for the sake of being good. I thought Hollywood stopped doing that stuff in 1970s but I guess this movie still does it in 2021.

This movie tries too hard to become "epic" without telling its story. The first and foremost job of a movie is to tell a story. Everything else comes second and just supports the goal of delivering a story. In this movie, storytelling is not the first priority, neither second, third or even fourth priority. They completely forgot to tell the story while worrying too much about visuals and soundtrack.
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Definitely not a masterpiece but decent
1 August 2023
If you are a huge cricket fan who spent your entire life watching the sport and know all ins and outs of cricket, this is a great movie for you but if you are not an advanced expert in rules of cricket you will spend most of the movie confused because half of the movie shows a long cricket game without explaining any of the rules. The movie was made for cricket fans who already know everything there is to know about cricket but if you are not one of those, maybe pick another movie.

Also the movie was super long. It looks like they forgot to edit it down and just released the raw draft version. It's nearly 4 hours long and half of it is one cricket match.

This is definitely NOT a masterpiece but decent watch. Maybe it is "masterpiece" for Bollywood standards but not anywhere else.
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Love Today (2022)
Two different movies
29 July 2023
I felt like I've watched two different movies after watching this one. The first half of the movie is a brilliant romantic comedy with a lot of new ideas and innovative approaches but the second half of the movie was a tearjerker drama that kept dragging on and on.

They could easily cut 30 minutes out of the movie (mostly from the second half) and this would have been a better movie. There were too many crying scenes and too many scenes that dragged on in the second half which made it feel like a completely different movie.

I would give the first half of the movie (the comedy part) 10/10 but the second part (the crying part) was 5/10 at best.
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Beautiful photography but awkward narration
28 July 2023
This would have been a great documentary if they actually hired a narrator who is not socially awkward. It had some visually beautiful shots and good story to tell but the narrator just didn't do a good job of telling the story. At times it even felt like he was in love with this octopus which is weird.

Also they weren't 100% honest. He kept saying that he dove all alone and there was no one under water with him yet the documentary shows many shots of him under swimming the water. If he was all alone, who was filming those shots? The octopus with the camera?

This was obviously filmed by a team of professionals and the narrator isn't completely honest.
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Early Summer (1951)
Boring and pointless
27 July 2023
This is another Ozu movie and it's also boring and pointless just like every single movie he made. It must have been nice to be Ozu when you put terrible movie after terrible movie but sheeple keep calling it a masterpiece because people have extremely low standards and they are just pretentious. People think if they praise boring "art" movies they will appear smart but they only appear pretentious.

This movie has no redeeming qualities (just like all of Ozu's movies). It has no plot, no character development, no clever dialogue (literally dialogue is just people doing small talk), terrible acting (people smiling wide even when they are supposedly upset), nothing really. You could go visit any family in Japan with a video camera and film their life for a day and you'd basically have an Ozu movie. You don't need a plot, you don't need characters, you don't need a clever storyline, all you need is a camera and people will call it a masterpiece because this is what the society has come down to these days.

If this is a masterpiece, every video on Youtube is a masterpiece times 10.
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Stalker (1979)
Could this movie be any worse?
26 July 2023
There is a rumor going that Andrei Tarkovsky wanted to deliberately make the worst movie ever made and he bet his friends that no matter how bad the movie is, people will still sing praises of it, call it a masterpiece because the average human is really stupid.

Well here we are. There is an incredibly bad and boring movie which completely lacks a plot, coupled with bad acting, bad cinematography, bad everything, yet people still call it a masterpiece because they want to be able to say "they get it" and they want to appear smart but in fact they appear dumb. I guess it's true that you can pretend to be anything but you can't pretend to be smart because you wouldn't even know how to.

Anyone who calls this garbage a "masterpiece" basically failed an IQ test. Plain and simple.
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Apollo 11 (I) (2019)
Could have been A LOT better
7 July 2023
I was excited when I first heard that Nasa allowed producers of this documentary unlimited access to their archives and many of the videos would be restored to improve their quality but this documentary doesn't live up to all this hype due to poor editing and sloppy work. At times I felt like I was watching the first rough draft of the documentary and couldn't believe this is actually the "final" version with so many problems.

First problem is the sound. Even though they went through all the trouble of restoring the video quality (and doing a good job) they forgot to restore the sound. The sound quality in this documentary is so bad that half of the dialogue and speech is plain unintelligible and sounds like gibberish. We had to actually turn on subtitles to even understand what people are saying because the sound quality was beyond terrible.

Second, the music gets so loud that it's impossible to hear speeches which were difficult enough to understand without all that blasting music going on at full volume.

Third, NOTHING is explained in the documentary. Half the time the camera zooms into something or focuses on something with no explanation as to what you are looking at. The documentary assumes that you already work at Nasa and already know everything. I understand their choice of not having a narrator but they should have at least added some written notations in the video so that people actually have an idea what's going on.

Fourth, the editing is poorly done, clumsy and feels hurried. Looks like the producers wanted to meet a deadline and they gave up on quality and cut corners in order to get the job done.

If it wasn't for the restored footage and new original footage I'd give this a 4/10 but since it had a few good things going on I will be generous and give this a 7/10 but it absolutely doesn't deserve many of the 10/10 ratings who gave it full ratings for only emotional reasons alone.
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