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39+ Works 4,063 Members 19 Reviews 2 Favorited

About the Author

Craig G. Bartholomew holds the H. Evan Runner Chair in Philosophy at Redeemer University College in Ontario.


Works by Craig G. Bartholomew

Living at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Christian Worldview (2008) — Author — 254 copies, 1 review
Theological Interpretation of the Old Testament: A Book-by-Book Survey (2005) — Editor and Contributor — 246 copies
Out of Egypt: Biblical Theology and Biblical Interpretation (2004) — Editor; Contributor — 183 copies
Behind the Text: History and Biblical Interpretation (2003) — Contributor; Editor — 149 copies
After Pentecost: Language and Biblical Interpretation (2001) — Editor and Contributor — 135 copies
Canon and Biblical Interpretation (2006) — Editor — 126 copies
Renewing Biblical Interpretation (2000) — Contributor — 126 copies
Hearing the Old Testament: Listening for God's Address (2012) — Editor; Contributor — 93 copies, 2 reviews
A Manifesto for Theological Interpretation (2016) 65 copies, 1 review
The Futures of Evangelicalism: Issues and Prospects (2003) — Editor; Contributor — 57 copies
Beyond the Modern Age: An Archaeology of Contemporary Culture (2017) — Author — 56 copies, 1 review
Christ and Consumerism: A Critical Analysis of the Spirit of the Age (2000) — Editor; Contributor — 36 copies
Praying by the Book (2006) — Editor — 15 copies
Explorations in a Christian Theology of Pilgrimage (2004) — Contributor; Editor — 10 copies

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This book presents something toward a comprehensive statement of the biblical exegetical method known as theological interpretation. The authors suggest that this is moving away from both a “modern” emphasis on the historical backgrounds of the text(s) and its/their putative authors, as well as from a “postmodern” emphasis on perspective- and ideologically-driven conceptions of truth.

I generally align with the “postmodern” (a term which has, over the course of 50 years of use, admittedly become diffused in meaning). Because of this, I disagree with the suggestion that “reader-centered” approaches, or biblical interpretative methods which foreground the role of the reader in interpretation, must necessarily be relativistic. That is a kind of scarecrow argument. This being said, I resonate with the attack upon “author-centered,” or modernist/historical-critical/“scientifically-based” interpretation, because it proved generally to be bankrupt from the standpoint of religious belief, creating a wide gulf between religious and scholarly treatment of the Bible. This is ironic because historical criticism, again speaking generally, tried to bridge a wide historical gulf between the production of a text and its interpretation.

But I don’t think it is necessary to reach back, or to pretend to reach back, to “pre-modern” interpretation, or in my term “tradition-centered interpretation.” The toothpaste doesn’t go back in the tube. Rather, this is another aspect of “reader-centered” approaches: the readers, in this case, are theologically-minded Christians (and Jews, maybe).

Overall, this is a difficult read, and it is thoroughly contextualized for a (White) Western audience. This makes it a curious choice for my class of Korean pastors next month, but on the other hand it gives me a little more to talk about.
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mmodine | Apr 1, 2024 |
Summary: Combines introductory discussions of the last twelve books of the Old Testament with an exploration of the theological themes of each book as well as the theological significance of the whole corpus.

The Twelve. The Minor Prophets. Those books at the end of the Old Testament some of us never get to read. They are minor after all? Only in size, but not import insist Craig Bartholomew and Heath Thomas. In this volume, they offer a discussion of scholarship, backgrounds, interpretation and theological themes of each book. They also offer a consideration of the theological themes and import both then and now of this collection of books.

They begin the work by considering the history of interpretation of these books from the early fathers up to contemporary scholarship. While discussing the proposal that these books should be considered as a redacted whole, they opt first to read these books individually and only then consider them as a whole, and this structures their treatment. They distinguish prophecy in the ancient world from other forms of communication: oracles, divination, and dreams. We also learn of the terminology used for prophets of Israel, their social location, and distinct from court prophets, their vocation of speaking the word of Yahweh, particularly to people who were straying from Yahweh’s ways.

The following chapters consider each of the twelve minor prophets. Nahum and Zephaniah, and Haggai and Malachi, are considered together. Each chapter on a book treats the book in context, offers an outline of the book, includes an extended section of interpretation following the outline (not verse by verse commentary but overview of each section’s content), and a discussion of key theological ideas in each book. In Hosea, for example, the authors land on themes of God as lover and lion, of the healthy inwardness of faith as focused on mercy and not sacrifice, and the breakdown of the social order, reflected in Hosea’s marriage.

Alongside the chapters of theological introduction are discussions of key passages in the minor prophets, many of New Testament import. These include discussions of the valley of decision in Joel, Jonah’s “canticle” in Jonah 2 and its place in the book, Micah 6:6-8 on what the Lord requires, and Zechariah 9:9-10 on the Davidic king’s entry into Jerusalem. Most illuminating in light of contemporary discussions was the chapter on Habakkuk 2:2-4 on the faith or faithfulness by which the righteous live. They consider both backgrounds and translations of the verses, concluding in the context of Habakkuk that “the faithful will trust Yahweh to the point of death, living in allegiance to him alone, believing that his grace and faithfulness will bring them life.”

Three final chapters summarize major themes of the minor prophets, consider the use of the minor prophets in the accounts of the ministry of Jesus, including times Jesus quotes the prophets, and finally, the theology of the minor prophets for today. In this last section, the authors focus first on the God who speaks and how critically humans need the word of the Lord. They offer trenchant remarks on how religion can function as a tranquilizer, not only in the day of the prophets, but in our own, making us insensible to our inhumanity toward others. They focus on income disparities in the U.S, the commodification of everything, and the globalization of the world economy, relying on unsustainable poverty to enrich others. They reflect on the Maker with whom Israel and we must reckon and the matrix of love, wrath, and justice of God within which we are all accountable. At the same time, we see the hesed of God, the God who longs for intimate relationship with humanity, evoking both our worship and witness, formed by continuing contemplation of God’s glory in the face of Christ.

This work offers both scholarly treatment of the texts of the minor prophets, drawing out their message, along with rich material for personal reflection. Recommended reading, with introductory works indicated, offer the student direction for further study. Bartholomew and Thomas have given us a solid resource that removes the obscurity of these lesser-read books, helping us see just how important their message was then and is now.


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for review.
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BobonBooks | Mar 10, 2024 |
In Hearing the Old Testament world-class scholars discuss how contemporary Christians can better hear and appropriate God’s address in the Old Testament. This volume is part of a growing interest in theological interpretation of the Old Testament.

Editors Craig G. Bartholomew and David J. H. Beldman offer a coherent and carefully planned volume, a truly dialogical collaboration full of up–to–date research and innovative ideas. While sharing a desire to integrate their Old Testament scholarship with their love for God—and, thus, a commitment to listening for God’s voice within the text—the contributors display a variety of methods and interpretations as they apply a Trinitarian hermeneutic to the text. The breadth, expertise, and care evidenced here make this book an ideal choice for upper-level undergraduate and seminary courses.

In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
… (more)
Rawderson_Rangel | 1 other review | Aug 28, 2022 |


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