Geffen Award2013

Given by Israeli Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy

2 Works 18,223 Books 469 Reviews 4.0
The Geffen Award is an annual literary award. It is presented by the Israeli Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy. Official Website
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Top Members

jcm790 (42 works), tyrosine (35), bradleyhorner (33), divinenanny (33), JBarringer (33), RLNunezKPL (33), Kat_Hooper (32), nicholas (32), odinblindeye (32), skullduggery (32), TerryWeyna (32), TigerBeast79 (32), tootstorm (32), weber93 (32), EmScape (31), JaredMcLaine (31), Kaethe (31), kbuxton (31), quondame (31), ringman (31), kamintra (30), mffowler (30), Rtrace (30), adscvr (29), bragan (29), cadolph (29), calm (29), Cora-R (29), crimsonraider (29), erinalbion (29), FortWalker (29), fyrefly98 (29), hblanchard (29), Markober (29), mvuijlst (29), parasolofdoom (29), remlub (29), sangreal (29), seitherin (29), StormRaven (29), TheMagicRat (29), AndrewWheeler (28), Echinopsis (28), Fidelias (28), JRMANDRAGON (28), JVermillion (28), malkas (28), mbernardi (28), randys_bookbuzz (28), RedQueen (28), Rspy (28), Serrana (28), Snowstorm14 (28), Sterling4589 (28), strangefate (28), TheCrow2 (28), AlainCipit (27), antqueen (27), beserene (27), clairefun (27), Dureo (27), johnnyapollo (27), leennnadine (27), majkia (27), nwhyte (27), Oryphany (27), pinax (27), SFF1928-1973 (27), snbooks (27), souloftherose (27), StigE (27), TaraWood (27), vicwong (27), xofelf (27), alaskabookworm (26), andrew.j.stephens (26), anxovert (26), buffygurl (26), cdaley (26), DESTROYandPLUNDER (26), FenrirJH (26), geoffmiles (26), goobertellii (26), gordon.krefting (26), jennmaine (26), Kaczencja (26), LadyDita (26), LegoDruid (26), LoveKarlsson (26), lyrrael (26), MikeKn (26), MRN (26), Musereader (26), Natt90 (26), RaggedyMe (26), Rivaton (26), rivkat (26), rretzler (26), thingly (26), UndeadWookiee (26), unsquare (26), wealhtheowwylfing (26), wm3395 (26), AlMargheim (25), AltheaAnn (25), AncaCiochina (25), Andorion (25), bertilak (25), cdagulleiro (25), ctheiss63 (25), dpeace (25), Eisler (25), Jon_Hansen (25), khrister (25), KittyCunningham (25), kleos_aphthiton (25), KrakenTamer (25), krobinett (25), lycomayflower (25), MaikoKirana (25), MisterJJones (25), Murphyslawyer (25), publiusdb (25), renbedell (25), saltmanz (25), Shimo (25), thebookmagpie (25), tkpunk (25), tuusannuuska (25), wigster102 (25), -Eva- (24), al.vick (24), cabridges (24), Councillor3004 (24), dfmorgan (24), esther_a (24), ForrestFamily (24), fred_mouse (24), Kasi224 (24), ktoonen (24), lavaturtle (24), lessthn3 (24), lkmiller (24), m0rphine (24), mb1066 (24), mrsnout (24), MyFathersDragon (24), natcontrary (24), Njdevils95 (24), PhotoS (24), RaggedyMandy (24), Robert3167 (24), rtttt01 (24), sbisson (24), scottyn73 (24), SleepySheep (24), Sungil (24), Surtac (24), szarka (24), Thalia (24), tlwright (24), TomVeal (24), trantor (24), wishanem (24), anglemark (23), comfypants (23), csmith0406 (23), DanteAshton (23), Ethaisa (23), GeekLair (23), Kitty.Cunningham (23), Leischen (23), Rebecca.Austin (23), SkuliSael (23), srkal (23), Tropical-Library (23)