Publisher SeriesGrandes Obras de Historia. Altaya

La dictadura de Franco by Javier Tusell 34 copies, 2 reviews1
De ontvoering van Europa by Luis Díez del Corral 18 copies
The Crusades through Arab Eyes by Amin Maalouf 2,331 copies, 37 reviews4
William Marshal: The Flower of Chivalry by Georges Duby 542 copies, 6 reviews7
Fascism: Comparison and Definition by Stanley G. Payne 95 copies, 2 reviews8
The Old World and the New: 1492-1650 by J. H. Elliott 206 copies, 1 review9
The Russian Revolution from Lenin to Stalin 1917-1929 by E. H. Carr 207 copies, 3 reviews10
Carlos III y la España de la Ilustración by Antonio Domínguez Ortiz 26 copies, 1 review11
Mohammed and Charlemagne by Henri Pirenne 677 copies, 10 reviews12
The Making of Medieval Spain by Gabriel Jackson 78 copies, 4 reviews17
Periclean Athens by C. M. Bowra 95 copies, 1 review21
Women of the Twelfth Century, Volume 1: Eleanor of Aquitaine and Six Others by Georges Duby 84 copies25
Los afrancesados by Miguel Artola 11 copies26
Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture by Johan Huizinga 1,245 copies, 12 reviews29
Revoluciones y rebeliones de la Europa moderna by John Elliott 34 copies37
Historia de la Hispania romana la Península Ibérica desde 218 a.C. hasta el siglo V by Antonio Tovar 20 copies39
The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe by Brian P. Levack 428 copies, 8 reviews42
The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt 3,738 copies, 35 reviews43
The Awful Revolution: The Decline of the Roman Empire in the West by F. W. Walbank 65 copies, 2 reviews46
The Mycenaean World by John Chadwick 245 copies47
A History of Islamic Spain by William Montgomery Watt 108 copies48
Las comunidades de Castilla. Una primera revolución moderna. by José Antonio Maravall 17 copies53
Barock und Aufklärung by Heinz Duchhardt 19 copies, 1 review58
Medieval Cities : Their Origins and the Revival of Trade by Henri Pirenne 748 copies, 9 reviews62
Islamic and Christian Spain in the early Middle Ages by Thomas F. Glick 25 copies67
The Goths in Spain by E. A. Thompson 64 copies, 1 review72
Genghis Khan: Emperor of All Men by Harold Lamb 522 copies, 8 reviews73
La vieille Europe et la nôtre by Jacques Le Goff 36 copies80

