
Works (329)

'Chwarae teg' : Welsh men's support for women's suffrage by Angela Johnnot in English Common Knowledgeetholfraint i ferched
'Organise! Organise! Organise!' : a study of reform agitations in Wales, 1840-1886 by Ryland Wallacenot in English Common Knowledge
100 o ganeuon pop by Meinir Wyn Edwardsnot in English Common Knowledge
1282 : casgliad o ddogfennau = a collection of documents by National Library of Wales.,not in English Common Knowledgecolli annibyniaeth, 1282
Adar cefn gwlad by E. V. Breeze Jonesnot in English Common Knowledge
Adar y coedydd by E. V. Breeze Jonesnot in English Common Knowledge
Adar yr afonydd a'r llynnoedd by E. V. Breeze Jonesnot in English Common Knowledge
Adar yr ardd by E. V. Breeze Jonesnot in English Common Knowledge
Aderyn Ar Ffo (Cyfres Y Dysgwyr - Trioleg Yr Aderyn Brith) (Welsh Edition) by Pat Claytonnot in English Common Knowledge
Adroddiad Cymdeithas Lyfryddol Cymru, 1909 by Welsh Bibliographical Societynot in English Common Knowledge
Ar draws gwlad : ysgrifau ar enwau lleoedd by Gwynedd O. Piercenot in English Common Knowledge
Ar Draws Gwlad: Ysgrifau Ar Enwau Lleoedd 2 by G.O. Piercenot in English Common Knowledge
Ar dy feic by Phil Steadnot in English Common Knowledge
Ar grwydir eto by Goronwy Evansnot in English Common Knowledge
Archaeology in Wales, cyfrol 45 volume, 2005 by Council for British Archaeologynot in English Common Knowledge
The Arthurian Omen by G. G. Vandagriffnot in English Common Knowledge
The Arthurian place names of Wales by Scott Lloydnot in English Common Knowledge
Artisan painters by Peter Lordnot in English Common Knowledge
The artist's journey through north Wales : life & landscape by D. Michael Francisnot in English Common Knowledge
Artists in Wales, c.1740-c.1851 : a handlist of artists living and working in Wales from c.1740 up to c.1851 by Paul Joynernot in English Common Knowledge
Arwyr Cymru by Jon Gowernot in English Common Knowledge
Atlas of the marine mammals of Wales by Mick E. Bainesnot in English Common Knowledge
Baledi'r ddeunawfed ganrif by Thomas Parrynot in English Common Knowledge
Beuno Sant by A. W. Wade-Evansnot in English Common Knowledge
A bibliography of Welsh ballads printed in the 18th century, part iii (pp. 97-160) by J. H. Daviesnot in English Common Knowledge
A bibliography of Welsh ballads printed in the 18th century, part IV by J. H. Daviesnot in English Common Knowledge
A bibliography of Welsh periodicals, 1735-1850 by Huw Waltersnot in English Common Knowledge
Birds of the Welsh coast by Reg Jonesnot in English Common Knowledge
Blodau Gwyllt: Cymru ac Ynysoedd Prydain by John Akeroydnot in English Common Knowledge
Blodau'r Maes a'r Ardd ar Lafar Gwlad by Gwenllian Awberynot in English Common Knowledge
The Blue Book of Nebo by Manon Steffan Rosnot in English Common Knowledge
Brut y Tywysogyon. Peniarth MS. 20 by Thomas Jonesnot in English Common Knowledge
Building Jerusalem : nonconformity, labour and the social question in Wales, 1906-1939 by Robert Popenot in English Common Knowledge
The bulletin of the board of celtic studies, vol. I, part I, Oct. 1921not in English Common Knowledge
The bulletin of the board of celtic studies, vol. I, part II, May 1922not in English Common Knowledge
The bulletin of the board of celtic studies, vol. XXV, part III, November 1973not in English Common Knowledge
The bulletin of the board of celtic studies, volume XXVIII, part IV, May 1980 by D. Ellis Evansnot in English Common Knowledge
Bywyd Bob Owen by Dyfed Evansnot in English Common Knowledge
Caneuon plygain a lloft-stabal by Amgueddfa Werin Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge
Capeli/Chapels by Tim Rushtonnot in English Common Knowledge
Cardiff and the marquesses of Bute by John Daviesnot in English Common Knowledge
Cariad at ein gwlad = A discourse on the love of our country by Richard Pricenot in English Common Knowledge
Casgliad o enwau blodau, llysiau a choed by Meirion Parrynot in English Common Knowledge
The Castles of Wales by Alan Scott Reidnot in English Common Knowledge
A catalogue of Star Chamber proceedings relating to Wales by Ifan ab Owen Edwardsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cerddi Waldo Williams by J. E. Caerwyn Williamsnot in English Common Knowledge
The Chief's Daughter by Rosemary Sutcliffnot in English Common Knowledge
Circular Walks on Anglesey by Dorothy Hamiltonnot in English Common Knowledge
Clwt y ddawns 1 by Band y Gŵylwyrnot in English Common Knowledge
Clwt y ddawns 1 by Band y Gŵylwyrnot in English Common Knowledge
Clwt y ddawns 2 by Band y Gŵylwyrnot in English Common Knowledge
Coelion Cymru by Evan Isaacnot in English Common Knowledgellên gwerin
Cof cenedl I by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl II by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl III by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl IV by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl IX by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl V by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl VI by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl VII by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl VIII by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl X by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl XI by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl XII by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl XIII by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl XIV by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledgea Iwerddon yn yr oesoedd canol
Cof cenedl XIX by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl XV by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl XVI by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl XVII by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Cof cenedl XVIII by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledgechwaraeon tymhorol ; mewnfudo Pabyddion Gwyddelig
Cof cenedl XX by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge(i) rheilfyrdd y 19fed ganrif, (ii) beicio yn y 1890au
Cof cenedl XXII by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledgedatganiadau ysgrifenedig cyn-goncwest
Cofrestr o'r holl lyfrau printjedig gan mwyaf a gyfansoddwyd yn y iaith Gymraeg neu a gyfjeithwyd iddi hyd y flwyddyn 1717 by William Mosesnot in English Common Knowledgellyfryddiaeth
Cofrestr o'r holl lyfrau printjedig gan mwyaf a gyfansoddwyd yn y iaith Gymraeg neu a gyfjeithwyd iddi hyd y flwyddyn 1717 by Moses Williamsnot in English Common Knowledgellyfryddiaeth
The Communist Party of Great Britain and the National Question in Wales, 1920-1991 (Studies in Welsh History) by Douglas Jonesnot in English Common Knowledge
Cwrw Cymru (Y Grefft) by Lyn Ebenezernot in English Common Knowledge
Cydymaith byd amaeth, cyfrol 1 : abal - cywsio by Huw Jonesnot in English Common Knowledge
Cydymaith byd amaeth, cyfrol 3 : llac - rhywogaeth by Huw Jonesnot in English Common Knowledge
Cydymaith byd amaeth, cyfrol 4 : Sabrina - Zetor by Huw Jonesnot in English Common Knowledge
Cylchgrawn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales journal by Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = National Library of Walesnot in English Common Knowledge
Cylchgrawn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Cyfrol XXXIII, Rhifyn 1, Haf 2003not in English Common Knowledge
Cymdeithas Alawon Gwerin Cymru = The Welsh Folk Song Society, 1908-1983 by D. Roy Saernot in English Common Knowledge
Cymru a'r môr / Maritime Wales, no. 1 (1976) by Aled Eamesnot in English Common Knowledge
Cymru a'r môr / Maritime Wales, no. 2, July 1977 by Aled Eamesnot in English Common Knowledge
Cymru a'r môr / Maritime Wales, no. 3 (1978) by Aled Eamesnot in English Common Knowledge
Cymru a'r môr / Maritime Wales, no. 4 (1979) by Aled Eamesnot in English Common Knowledge
Cymru a'r Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf by Gwyn Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Dark Moon of Avalon by Anna Elliottnot in English Common Knowledge
The defiant prince by Sally Newtonnot in English Common Knowledge
The development of higher education in Wales by T. I. Ellisnot in English Common Knowledge
Devolution : a process not an event by Ron Daviesnot in English Common Knowledge
Dewiniaid difyr llenorion plant Cymru hyd tua 1950 by Mairwen Jonesnot in English Common Knowledge
Domesday, 1086 - 1836 - 1986 by Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = National Library of Walesnot in English Common Knowledge
Dragons Led by Poodles: Inside Story of a New Labour Stitch Up by Paul Flynnnot in English Common Knowledge
The Druid's Son by G. R. Grovenot in English Common Knowledge
Drych y prif oesoedd by Theophilus Evansnot in English Common Knowledge
Dwned, rhif 2 : cylchgrawn hanes a llen Cymru'r oesoedd canol by Bleddyn Owen Huwsnot in English Common Knowledge
dyddiadur A5 dairy 2021 by Y Lolfanot in English Common Knowledge
Edward Lhuyd ac Iolo Morganwg : Agweddau ar Hanes Astudiaethau Gwerin yng Nghymru by G. J. Williamsnot in English Common Knowledge
Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Maldwyn a'r Gororau 2015 : cyfansoddiadau a beirniadaethau by J. Elwyn Hughesnot in English Common Knowledge
Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Sir Gâr 2014 : cyfansoddiadau a beirniadaethau by Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Frenhinol Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge
An empty chair: the story of Welsh First World War poet Hedd Wyn by Haf Llewelynnot in English Common Knowledge
Emyr Humphreys by Ioan M. Williamsnot in English Common Knowledge
Enwau adar by Dewi E. Lewisnot in English Common Knowledge
Enwau afonydd a nentydd Cymru by R. J. Thomasnot in English Common Knowledge
Enwau Cymraeg ar Dai (Llyfrau Llafar Gwlad) by Myrrdin ap Dafyddnot in English Common Knowledge
Enwau tafarnau Cymru by Myrddin ap Dafyddnot in English Common Knowledge
Eoin nam beann 's nam monaidhean by E. V. Breeze Jonesnot in English Common Knowledge
Er clod : saith bennod ar hanes Methodistiaeth by Thomas Richardsnot in English Common Knowledge
Ewyllysiau Cymraeg : pennod goll yn hanes yr iaith by Gerald Morgannot in English Common Knowledge
Ffynhonnau Cymru, cyfrol 1 by Eirlys Gruffyddnot in English Common Knowledge
Ffynhonnau Cymru, cyfrol 2 by Eirlys Gruffyddnot in English Common Knowledge
Fifteen years in the Welsh Office by Wyn Robertsnot in English Common Knowledge
The first rough draft : history and journalism by Patrick Hannannot in English Common Knowledge
Flowering Plants of Wales by R. G Ellisnot in English Common Knowledge
Fly Patterns for the Rivers and Lakes of Wales by Moc Morgannot in English Common Knowledge
Fortune Made His Sword by Martha Rofheartnot in English Common Knowledge
Foxy'r Llew by Jonathan Daviesnot in English Common Knowledge
From the four corners of Europe : tales and folk legends by Wolfgang Grellernot in English Common Knowledge
Further excavations at Din Lligwy by E. Neil Baynesnot in English Common Knowledge
Gawn Ni Stori? 6 O Straeon Gwerin Cymru (Cyfrol 3) by John Owen Huwsnot in English Common Knowledge
Gawn ni stori? 6 o straeon gwerin Cymru: Cyfrol 2 by John Owen Huwsnot in English Common Knowledge
Gawn Ni Stori?: 6 O Straeon Gwerin Cymru (Cyfrol 1) by John Owen Huws
Giraldus Cambrensis : the growth of the Welsh nation by Michael Richternot in English Common Knowledge
Glan y môr = Seashore by Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru / Countryside Council for Walesnot in English Common Knowledge
Gofal Dysgwyr (Cyfres Y Dysgwyr 4) (Welsh Edition) by Pat Clayton
Golwg, Hydref 5, 2017 by Golwgnot in English Common Knowledge
Golwg, Rhagfyr 20, 2018 by Golwgnot in English Common Knowledge
Golwg, Tachwedd 1, 2018 by Golwgnot in English Common Knowledge
Gorau chwarae cydchwarae by Dylan Ebenezernot in English Common Knowledgetîm pêl-droed
The governance of Gwynedd by David Stephensonnot in English Common Knowledge
A guide to Parliamentary enclosures in Wales by John Chapmannot in English Common Knowledge
Gwaith Cynddelw Brydydd Mawr - II by Nerys Ann Jones
Gwerin gwlad : ysgrifau ar ddiwylliant gwerin Cymru, cyfrol I by E. Wyn Jamesnot in English Common Knowledge
Gwyneddon 3 by Ifor Williamsnot in English Common Knowledge
Heb long wrth y cei : hen borthladdoedd diflanedig Cymru by Aled Eamesnot in English Common Knowledge
Hela'r hen ganeuon by Meredydd Evansnot in English Common Knowledge
Heliotrope: The Speculative Fiction Magazine, Spring 2009 by Jay Tomionot in English Common Knowledge
Henry IV, Parts 1 & 2 by William Shakespearenot in English Common Knowledge
Hidden Histories: Discovering the Heritage of Wales by Peter Wakelinnot in English Common Knowledge
Hillwalking in Wales: Arans - Dovey Hills v. 1 by Peter Hermonnot in English Common Knowledge
History de-railed? : the route to 1979 by David Marquandnot in English Common Knowledge
A History of Wales by John Daviesnot in English Common Knowledge
A history of Wales, 1815-1906 by D. Gareth Evansnot in English Common Knowledge
Houses of the Welsh Countryside: A Study in Historical Geography by Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments in Walesnot in English Common Knowledge
Hwiangerddi Owen M. Edwards by Hazel Walford Daviesnot in English Common Knowledge
I'r gad : hanner canrif o brotestio dros y Gymraeg by Arwel Vittlenot in English Common Knowledge
An incongruous partnership : Lloyd George and Bonar Law by Robert Blakenot in English Common Knowledge
The Isles: A History by Norman Daviesnot in English Common Knowledge
The journal of the Welsh Bibliographical Society, vol. I, no. 2 by Welsh Bibliographical Societynot in English Common Knowledge
The journal of the Welsh Bibliographical Society, vol. III, no. 3 by Welsh Bibliographical Societynot in English Common Knowledge
The journal of the Welsh Bibliographical Society, vol. III, no. 4 by Welsh Bibliographical Societynot in English Common Knowledge
The journal of the Welsh Bibliographical Society, vol. IX, no. 3 by Welsh Bibliographical Societynot in English Common Knowledge
The journal of the Welsh Bibliographical Society, vol. X, no. 2 by Welsh Bibliographical Societynot in English Common Knowledge
The journal of the Welsh Bibliographical Society, vol. X, no. 3 by Welsh Bibliographical Societynot in English Common Knowledge
The journal of the Welsh Bibliographical Society, vol. XI, nos. 1-2 by Welsh Bibliographical Societynot in English Common Knowledge
King of the Sky by Nicola Daviesnot in English Common Knowledge
Land of my fathers : 2000 years of Welsh history by Gwynfor Evansnot in English Common Knowledge
Land of white gloves? : a history of crime and punishment in Wales by Richard W. Irelandnot in English Common Knowledge
Language and community in the nineteeth century by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledgey Gymraeg
Lead mining in Wales by W. J. Lewisnot in English Common Knowledge
Libri Walliae : a catalogue of Welsh books and books printed in Wales, 1546-1820 by Eiluned Reesnot in English Common Knowledge
Libri Walliae : supplement by Charles Parrynot in English Common Knowledge
The literature of the Kymry by Thomas Stephensnot in English Common Knowledge
Lloyd George and Wales by John Griggnot in English Common Knowledge
Llwybrau llonyddwch : teithiau cerdded myfyrgar ar hyd a lled Cymru by Aled Lewis Evansnot in English Common Knowledge
Llyfr Adar Iolo Williams by Peter Haymannot in English Common Knowledge
Llyfr coginio a chadw ty by Thomas Thomasnot in English Common Knowledge
Llyfr Colan. Y Gyfraith Gymreig yn ôl hanner cyntaf llawysgrif Peniarth 30 by Dafydd Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Llyfr Du Caerfyrddin, the Black Book of Carmarthen by A. O. H. Jarmannot in English Common Knowledge
Llyfr Du Cymru Fydd / The Black Book of the New Wales by Llywelyn ap Gwilymnot in English Common Knowledge
Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch : y chwedlau a'r rhamantau by J. Gwenogvryn Evansnot in English Common Knowledge
Llyfr Hwiangerddi y Dref Wen by John Gilbert Evansnot in English Common Knowledge
Llyfr Mawr Lol by Arwel Vittlenot in English Common Knowledge
Llyfr natur Iolo by Paul Sterrynot in English Common Knowledge
Llyfr pawb ar bob-peth by Thomas Thomasnot in English Common Knowledge
Llyfrau Cymraeg 1250-1400 by Daniel Huwsnot in English Common Knowledge
Llyfrau Llafar Gwlad:50. Cymry ac Aur Colorado, Y by Eirug Daviesnot in English Common Knowledge
Llyfrau plant : children's books in Welsh, 1900-1991 by Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge
Llys Aberffraw by Rhiannon Davies Jonesnot in English Common Knowledge
Llywelyn ap Gruffudd: Prince of Wales by J. Beverley Smith
Llywelyn Ap Gruffydd by J. Beverley Smith
Llên gwerin y môr : arferion, chwedlau, coelion, dywediadau, mytholeg, traddodiadau by Dafydd Guto Ifannot in English Common Knowledge
The Mabinogi and Other Medieval Welsh Tales by Patrick K. Fordnot in English Common Knowledge
Manawydan Uab Llyr: Text from the Diplomatic Edition of the White Book of Rhydderch, J. Gwenogvryn Evans by Patrick K. Ford
The Masterpiece Library of Short Stories Volumes 1 & 2 by J. A. Hammerton
Math Uab Mathonwy: Text from the Diplomatic Edition of the White Book of Rhydderch, by J. Gwenogvryn Evans by Patrick K. Ford
Maxen's dream = Mabinogion. Tales. Breuddwyd Macsen Wledig. Welsh and English
Modern Welsh Dictionary (Welsh and English Edition) by Gareth King
The monastic order in south Wales, 1066-1349 by F.G. Cowleynot in English Common Knowledge
The Mountains of Wales: An Anthology by Ioan Bowen Reesnot in English Common Knowledge
Musical and poetical relicks of the Welsh bards by Edward Jonesnot in English Common Knowledge
Nansi Richards, Telynores Maldwyn by Nia Gwyn Evansnot in English Common Knowledge
A nation and its books by Welsh Department of the Board of Educationnot in English Common Knowledge
A nation of singing birds : sermon and song in Wales and among the Welsh in America by Ronald Reesnot in English Common Knowledge
The National Library of Wales journal, volume xxiv, number 4, Winter 1986 by Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = National Library of Walesnot in English Common Knowledge
Natur Cymru by Natur Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge
Natur Cymru, rhif 1, Haf 2001 by Natur Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge
Natur Cymru, rhif 17, Gaeaf 2005/06 by Natur Cymrunot in English Common Knowledgeffwlbart
Natur Cymru, rhif 18, Gwanwyn 2006 by Natur Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge ceirw
Natur Cymru, rhif 2, Gaeaf 2001 by Natur Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge
Natur Cymru, rhif 40, Hydref 2011 by Natur Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge
Natur Cymru, rhif 45, Gaeaf 2012-13 by Natur Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge
Natur Cymru, rhif 48, Hydref 2013 by Natur Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge
Natur Cymru, rhif 49, Gaeaf 2013-14 by Natur Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge
Natur Cymru, rhif 53, Gaeaf 2014-15 by Natur Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge
Natur Cymru, rhif 56, Hydref 2015 by Natur Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge
The Nearest Faraway Place by Hayley Longnot in English Common Knowledge
The new companion to the literature of Wales by Meic Stephensnot in English Common Knowledge
O'r pedwar gwynt, Haf 2017 by O'r Pedwar Gwyntnot in English Common Knowledge
O'r pedwar gwynt, Haf 2019 by O'r Pedwar Gwyntnot in English Common Knowledge
Old ships and sailors of Wales by David Thomasnot in English Common Knowledge
Olrhain hanes bro a theulu by Rheinallt Llwydnot in English Common Knowledge
Operation Fire = Operation Tân by Welsh Campaign for Civil and Political Libertiesnot in English Common Knowledge
Out of the people : a century of labour by Dai Smithnot in English Common Knowledge
Outdoor Leisure Map 011: Brecon Beacons Central Area by Ordnance Surveynot in English Common Knowledge
Owain Glyndŵr : prince of Wales by Rhiannon Ifansnot in English Common Knowledge
Owen Glendower by John Cowper Powysnot in English Common Knowledge
Owen Glyndwr and the Last Struggle for Welsh Independence by arthur granville bradleynot in English Common Knowledge
The Oxford book of Welsh verse by Thomas Parrynot in English Common Knowledge
The Oxford companion to the literature of Wales by Meic Stephensnot in English Common Knowledge
Painted temples : wallpaintings and rood-screens in Welsh churches, 1200-1800 by Richard Suggettnot in English Common Knowledge
Parochiale Wallicanum ; or the names of churches, chapels etc. within the dioceses of St David's, Llandaff, Bangor & St Asaph, distinguished under their proper archdeaconries and deaneries (as these were in A.D. 1733) ; also the chronology of Arthur by A. W. Wade-Evansnot in English Common Knowledge
Pedair Cainc Y Mabinogi I Ddysgwyr by Anonymousnot in English Common Knowledge
Pedeir keinc y Mabinogi by Ifor Williamsnot in English Common Knowledge
Peerless Powell Duffryn of the South Wales Coalfield by Leslie M. Shorenot in English Common Knowledge
Peniarth 49 by Thomas Parrynot in English Common Knowledge
The place-names of Wales by Thomas Morgannot in English Common Knowledge
Poetry of medieval Welsh bards, vol. ii by J. Gwenogvryn Evansnot in English Common Knowledge
Pori, rhif 1, Hydref 1983 by Gwilym Huwsnot in English Common Knowledge
Pori, rhif 2, Ebrill 1984 by Gwilym Huwsnot in English Common Knowledge
Pori, rhif 3, Tachwedd 1984 by Gwilym Huwsnot in English Common Knowledge
Pori, rhif 4, Ebrill 1985 by Gwilym Huwsnot in English Common Knowledge
Pori, rhif 5, Awst 1985 by Gwilym Huwsnot in English Common Knowledge
Pori, rhif 6, Chwefror 1986 by Gwilym Huwsnot in English Common Knowledge
Pori, rhif 7, Mai 1986 by Gwilym Huwsnot in English Common Knowledge
Pori, rhif 8, Hydref 1986 by Gwilym Huwsnot in English Common Knowledge
Pronouncing Welsh Place-names by Tony Leavernot in English Common Knowledge
Pur fel y dur : y Gymraes yn llên menywod y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg by Jane Aaronnot in English Common Knowledge
The railway engineers and architects of Wales by Frazer Hendersonnot in English Common Knowledgerheilfyrdd
Rebirth or death? : Liberalism in Wales in the second half of the twentieth century by Emlyn Hoosonnot in English Common Knowledge
The revolt of Owain Glyn Dŵr by R. R. Daviesnot in English Common Knowledge
Rhestr o enwau lleoedd = A gazetteer of Welsh place-names by Elwyn Daviesnot in English Common Knowledge
Rhestr o Enwau Lleoedd yng Nghymru. Wedi ei chynllunio i'w defnyddio yn Ail Argraffiad Atlas y Cymrynot in English Common Knowledge
Rhestr, gyda nodiadau byrion, o enwogion Cymreig o 1700 i 1900, rhan i by Edward Jonesnot in English Common Knowledge
Rhydd Fel Aderyn (Cyfres Y Dysgwyr) (Welsh Edition) by Pat Clayton
Seliau yn eu cyd-destyn = Seals in context by John McEwannot in English Common Knowledge
Shell Guide : Mid Wales: Brecon, Radnor and Montgomery by David Vereynot in English Common Knowledge
A Short History of Wales by Owen Edwardsnot in English Common Knowledge
Silver on the Tree by Susan Coopernot in English Common Knowledge
The story of the Urdd (The Welsh League of Youth), 1922-1972 by Gwennant Daviesnot in English Common Knowledge
Storyteller by G. R. Grovenot in English Common Knowledge
Straeon gwerin Cymru (Llyfrau llafar gwlad) by Robin Gwyndafnot in English Common Knowledge
Straeon y pentan by Daniel Owennot in English Common Knowledge
Subject index to Welsh periodicals, 1968-1970 by National Library of Wales.,not in English Common Knowledge
Subject index to Welsh periodicals, 1971-1976 by National Library of Wales.,not in English Common Knowledge
Subject index to Welsh periodicals, 1977-1980 by National Library of Wales.,not in English Common Knowledge
Subject index to Welsh periodicals, Volume 4 by Arthur ap Gwynnnot in English Common Knowledge
Subject index to Welsh periodicals, volume ii, 1932-1933 by Arthur ap Gwynnnot in English Common Knowledge
Subject index to Welsh periodicals, volume iii, 1934-1935 by Arthur ap Gwynnnot in English Common Knowledge
Subject index to Welsh periodicals, volume v, 1938-1940 by Idwal Lewisnot in English Common Knowledge
Subject index to Welsh periodicals, volume vii, 1946-1955 by Idwal Lewisnot in English Common Knowledge
A SURVEY OF THE PLACE-NAMES OF WALES by Allen Mawernot in English Common Knowledge
The Tale of Taliesin by Gwyn Thomas
Tea in the heather by Kate Robertsnot in English Common Knowledge
Teganau gwerin plant Cymru by Tecwyn Vaughan Jonesnot in English Common Knowledge
The Tenth String by J.P. Day
Thomas Charles Edwards by D. D. Williamsnot in English Common Knowledge
Towards an independent Wales by Independence Commissionnot in English Common Knowledge
Traddodiad gwerin Cymru, 1 : Carolau plygain by Amgueddfa Werin Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge
Traddodiad gwerin Cymru, 2 : Caneuon lloft stabal by Amgueddfa Werin Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge
Traditional cheesemaking in Wales by Eurwen Richardsnot in English Common Knowledge
Traethodau by D. D. Williamsnot in English Common Knowledgeaddysg yn a canol oesau
Travels in an Old Tongue: Touring the World Speaking Welsh by Pamela Petronot in English Common Knowledge
Travels in Revolutionary France and A Journey Across America (University of Wales Press - Wales and the French Revolution) by George Cadogan Morgannot in English Common Knowledge
Trioedd Ynys Prydein: The Triads of the Island of Britain by Rachel Bromwichnot in English Common Knowledge
Trioleg Yr Aderyn Brith Aderyn Y Nos (Cyfres Y Dysgwyr) (Welsh Edition) by Pat Claytonnot in English Common Knowledge
Un tro : chwedlau a straeon cyffrous i blant o Gymru, Cernyw ac Iwerddon by Eiry Palfreynot in English Common Knowledge
Trout & salmon flies of Wales by Moc Morgannot in English Common Knowledge
Trysorfa cenedl = A nation's heritage by Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = National Library of Walesnot in English Common Knowledge
Two Welsh revivalists : Humphrey Jones, Dafydd Morgan and the 1859 revival in Wales by Eifion Evansnot in English Common Knowledge
Tynged yr iaith by Saunders Lewisnot in English Common Knowledge
Uneasy Lies the Crown, A Novel of Owain Glyndwr by N Gemini Sassonnot in English Common Knowledge
Unemployment, poverty and health by Steven Thompsonnot in English Common Knowledge
Urdd Gobaith Cymru, cyfrol 1, 1922-1945 by R. E. Griffith
Urdd Gobaith Cymru, cyfrol 2, 1946-1960 by R. E. Griffithnot in English Common Knowledge
Urdd Gobaith Cymru, cyfrol 3, 1960-1972 by R. E. Griffithnot in English Common Knowledge
Wales and medicine : a source-list for printed books and papers showing the history of medicine in relation to Wales and Welshmen = Cymru a meddygaeth : rhestr o lyfrau printiedig a phapurau yn dangos hanes meddygaeth mewn perthynas a Chymru a'i phobl by John Culenot in English Common Knowledge
Wales in 100 Objects by Andrew Greennot in English Common Knowledge
Wales in both houses by Cledwyn Hughesnot in English Common Knowledge
Wales in Maps by Margaret Daviesnot in English Common Knowledge
Wales on the map by Elin Meeknot in English Common Knowledge
Wales' African twin : the story of Dolen Cymru - the Wales Lesotho Link by Paul Williamsnot in English Common Knowledge
The Welch Regiment (41st and 69th Foot) 1881-1969 by Bryn Owennot in English Common Knowledge
The Welsh Academy encyclopaedia of Wales by John Daviesnot in English Common Knowledge
Welsh book studies, number 1, 1998 by Canolfan y Llyfrnot in English Common Knowledge
Welsh book studies, number 2, 1999 by Canolfan y Llyfrnot in English Common Knowledge
Welsh book studies, number 3, 2000 by Canolfan y Llyfrnot in English Common Knowledge
Welsh book studies, number 4, 2001 by Canolfan y Llyfrnot in English Common Knowledge
Welsh book studies, number 5, 2003 by Canolfan y Llyfrnot in English Common Knowledge
Welsh book studies, number 7, 2006 by Canolfan y Llyfrnot in English Common Knowledge
Welsh book studies, number 8, 2007 by Canolfan y Llyfrnot in English Common Knowledge
Welsh folk customs by Trefor M. Owennot in English Common Knowledge
The Welsh Folk-Song Society : a whole century by D. Roy Saernot in English Common Knowledge
Welsh history review, vol. 2, no. 1, 1964 by Glanmor Williamsnot in English Common Knowledge
Welsh history review, vol. 8, no. 4, Dec. 1977 by Kenneth O. Morgannot in English Common Knowledge
The Welsh language and its social domains 1801-1911 by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
The Welsh Peaks by W. A. Pouchernot in English Common Knowledge
Welsh pedigree rolls by Michael Powell Siddonsnot in English Common Knowledge
Welsh place and farm names by Annie Lloydnot in English Common Knowledge
Why Wales never was : the failure of Welsh nationalism by Simon Brooksnot in English Common Knowledge
Wild herbs of Anglesey and Gwynedd = Llysiau gwyllt Môn a Gwynedd by Rowena Mansfieldnot in English Common Knowledge
The women's suffrage movement in Wales, 1866-1928 by Ryland Wallacenot in English Common Knowledge
Y Fenai by Gwyn Pari Huwsnot in English Common Knowledge
Y geiriadur newydd = The new Welsh dictionary by H. Meurig Evansnot in English Common Knowledge
Y goliau a'r dagrau : stori Tash Harding by Dylan Ebenezernot in English Common Knowledge
Y Gymraeg a gweithlu'r Gymru gyfoes by Rhianedd Jewellnot in English Common Knowledgey Gymraeg yn y gweithle
Y Gymraeg yn ei disgleirdeb : yr iaith Gymraeg cyn y chwyldro diwydiannol by Geraint H. Jenkinsnot in English Common Knowledge
Y lle i mi : drama fer yn ymwneud ag agwedd arbennig ar yr her i fywyd Cymru heddiw by Eigra Lewis Robertsnot in English Common Knowledge
Y nain yn y carped by Cen Williamsnot in English Common Knowledge
Y proffwyd a'i ddwy Jesebel by Gareth Milesnot in English Common Knowledge
Y tylwyth teg by John Owen Huwsnot in English Common Knowledge
Ymddiried mewn archaeoleg : 40 mlynedd o ymddiriedolaethau archaeoleg Cymru = Archaeology in trust : 40 years of the Welsh archaeological trusts by Ymddiriedolaeth Archaeolegol Dyfednot in English Common Knowledge
Yr afon a'r graig : ceubyllau afonydd Cymru by Dewi Robertsnot in English Common Knowledge
Yr angen am furiau : darlithoedd 2005-2009 Fforwm Hanes Cymru by Fforwm Hanes Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge
Yr angen am Owain : darlithoedd Fforwm Hanes Cymru by Fforwm Hanes Cymrunot in English Common Knowledge
Yr arddangosfa barhaol newydd = The new permanent exhibition by Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = National Library of Walesnot in English Common Knowledge
Yr Haf Hirfelyn: Nofel i'r Dysgwyr Hŷn by Ivor Owennot in English Common Knowledge