PlacesRussisches Reich

Works (60)

Alexander der Erste. Ein Zar gegen Napoleon by Henry Vallottonnot in English Common Knowledge
Alexander I: Tsar of war and peace by Alan Warwick Palmernot in English Common Knowledge
Alix and Nicky: The Passion of the Last Tsar and Tsarina by Virginia Roundingnot in English Common Knowledge
Before the Storm by Baroness Sophie Buxhoevedennot in English Common Knowledge
Blut der Könige by Jürgen Thorwaldnot in English Common Knowledge
Born to Rule: Five Reigning Consorts, Granddaughters of Queen Victoria by Julia P. Gelardinot in English Common Knowledge
Catherine, Empress of all the Russias by Vincent Croninnot in English Common Knowledge
The Court of the Last Tsar: Pomp, Power and Pageantry in the Reign of Nicholas II by Greg Kingnot in English Common Knowledge
Daily Life in Russia under the Last Tsar by Henri Troyatnot in English Common Knowledge
Dear Ellen: Royal Europe Through the Photo Albums of Grand Duchess Helen Vladimirovna of Russia by Arturo Beechenot in English Common Knowledge
Death of A Romanov Prince by Terry Bolandnot in English Common Knowledge
The dissolution of an empire, by Meriel Buchanannot in English Common Knowledge
The Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna of Russia (In Memoriam, 6) by Arturo Beechenot in English Common Knowledge
The Dowager Empress: The fabulous "Angel of Russia" who rulled two Tzars with captivating ease by E. E. P. Tisdallnot in English Common Knowledge
Drei letzte Kaiser. Der Untergang der großen europäischen Dynastien by Eberhard Straubnot in English Common Knowledge
The Fall of the Dynasties: The Collapse of the Old Order, 1905-1922 by Edmond Taylornot in English Common Knowledge
Five Empresses: Court Life in Eighteenth-Century Russia by Jewgenij Anissimownot in English Common Knowledge
The Four Graces: Queen Victoria's Hessian Granddaughters by Ilana D. Millernot in English Common Knowledge
From Splendor to Revolution: The Romanov Women, 1847-1928 by Julia P. Gelardinot in English Common Knowledge
Goldene Bräute: Württembergische Prinzessinnen auf europäischen Thronen by Sabine Thomsennot in English Common Knowledge
Grand Duchess Elizabeth of Russia: New Martyr of the Communist Yoke by Lubov Millarnot in English Common Knowledge
The Grand Duchesses: Daughters and Granddaughters of Russia's Tsars by Arturo E. Beéchenot in English Common Knowledge
Großfürst Nikolai Nikolajewitsch - Sein Leben und Wirken by Jurij Daniloffnot in English Common Knowledge
Im Glanz der Zaren - Die Romanows, Württemberg und Europa by Swetlana Ameljochinanot in English Common Knowledge
Kejserinde Dagmar Maria Fjodorovna : en udstilling om den danske prinsesse som blev kejserinde af Rusland by O. Villumsen Krognot in English Common Knowledge
The Last Empress: The Life and Times of Alexandra Feodorovna, Tsarina of Russia by Greg Kingnot in English Common Knowledge
The Last Tsar (Temporis) by Larissa Jermilowanot in English Common Knowledge
The Last Tsar: Emperor Michael II by Donald Crawfordnot in English Common Knowledge
Liebe, Macht, Verbannung - Frauenschicksale im Zarenreich by Hermann Schreibernot in English Common Knowledge
The Life and Tragedy of Alexandra Feodorovna, Empress of Russia: A Biography by Sophie von Buxhoevedennot in English Common Knowledge
The Lost Fortune of the Tsars by William Clarkenot in English Common Knowledge
Macht, Intrigen und Verbannung: Welfen und Romanows am russischen Zarenhof des 18. Jahrhunderts by Leonid Lewinnot in English Common Knowledge
Maria Feodorowna als Mittlerin zwischen Württemberg und Russland by Annemarie Rödernot in English Common Knowledge
Moscow 1812: Napoleon's Fatal March by Adam Zamoyskinot in English Common Knowledge
The Murder of Grigorii Rasputin : A Conspiracy That Brought Down the Russian Empire by Margarita Nelipanot in English Common Knowledge
My Empress: Twenty-Three Years of Intimate Life with the Empress of All the Russias from Her Marriage to the Day of Her Exile (1918) by Marfa Mouchanownot in English Common Knowledge
Nicholas and Alexandra by Robert K. Massienot in English Common Knowledge
Nicholas and Alexandra: The Family Albums by Prince Michael of Greecenot in English Common Knowledge
Nicholas II: The last tsar by Marvin Lyonsnot in English Common Knowledge
Olga - Russische Großfürstin und württembergische Königin: Ein Leben zwischen höfischer Repräsentation, Politik und Wohltätigkeit by Annemarie Rödernot in English Common Knowledge
Otto von Bismarck und Rußland by Sigrid Wegner-Korfesnot in English Common Knowledge
Peter III. Der Prinz von Holstein by Elena Palmernot in English Common Knowledge
A Poet Among The Romanovs by Jorge F. Sáenznot in English Common Knowledge
A Poet Among The Romanovs: Prince Vladimir Paley (Expanded Edition) by Jorge F. Sáenznot in English Common Knowledge
Die Preußin auf dem Zarenthron: Alexandra, Kaiserin von Russland by Marianna Butenschönnot in English Common Knowledge
Précepteur des Romanov : le destin russe de Pierre Gilliard by Daniel Girardinnot in English Common Knowledge
Rasputin by Douglas Smithnot in English Common Knowledge
The Real Tsaritsa by Lili Dehnnot in English Common Knowledge
A Romanov Diary: The Autobiography of H.I.& R.H. Grand Duchess George by Großfürstin Maria Georgiewna von Russlandnot in English Common Knowledge
Romanovs Adrift by Greg Kingnot in English Common Knowledge
The Romanovs: 1613-1918 by Simon Sebag-Montefiorenot in English Common Knowledge
Die Romanows und die meckl. Fürsten by Valentina Grigoriannot in English Common Knowledge
Royal Sunset: The European Dynasties and the Great War by Gordon Brook-Shepherdnot in English Common Knowledge
Russia and Europe - Dynastic Ties by Galina Kornewanot in English Common Knowledge
The Russian Riddle: Grand Duke Serge Alexandrovich of Russia, 1857-1905 by Tamar Anolicnot in English Common Knowledge
Das russische Schicksal einer badischen Prinzessin. Die Kaiserin Elisabeth Alexiewna (1779-1826) by Sofia Privalikhinanot in English Common Knowledge
Russlands berühmte Frauen by Joseph Kiblitskynot in English Common Knowledge
The Secret Letters of the Last Tsar Being the Confidential Correspondence between Nicholas II and his Mother by Edward J. Bingnot in English Common Knowledge
Vergessene Frauen der Welfen by Elisabeth E. Kwannot in English Common Knowledge
Die Zarinnen Russlands by Detlef Jenanot in English Common Knowledge