From the course: AI in Cybersecurity: The Future of Red Teaming and Blue Teaming

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Using AI to create fake online identities for OSINT

Using AI to create fake online identities for OSINT

- Sock puppets or research accounts are fake online personas created by OSINT investigators and red teamers. These fake identities conceal the red teamers' actual identity and aid in access to otherwise restricted information. I typically use sock puppet accounts to access private content on social media platforms. Consider receiving a friend request on a private social media account from a red teamer. You'd likely reject it. However, if Linda, a 56-year-old bookkeeper from Georgia who previously worked at your former employer, attempted to connect to you, you might be more inclined to accept the invite. By impersonating a seemingly harmless individual with shared interest or connections, red teamers can often gather information more efficiently. While employing sock puppet accounts may breach the terms of service of a website that you're using, it's generally not illegal. However, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with both local laws and the website's Terms of Service when…
