From the course: Avoiding Legal Hot Spots: Five Legal Tips for Social Media Managers

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Pulling it all together

Pulling it all together

- Pulling it all together. I know this was some dense content but I hope it'll help you avoid expensive legal issues in the future. Believe me, I've seen some wonderful people get hit hard because they made a misstep in one of these important legal issues. However, if you use content that you create, and you go through the process to legally protect it, you get permission to use someone else's content through an assignment or license, you secure model releases, and you follow the steps to avoid trademark infringement and false association, and you protect your intellectual property, you can sidestep all these common legal hotspots that many social media managers face. Follow these tips now and you can help avoid costly lawsuits down the road. Best of luck growing your social media business and I hope not to hear from you in the future unless it's really good news. Of course, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn…
