From the course: Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer

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Great staff

Great staff

- Tactic number 30 for trying to find ways to delight your customers, and this is the final one of this epic course, is to pay extra for great staff, because you don't have to do everything yourself as the manager, you can't do everything yourself. And even if you've got really good systems, unless you've got great staff, it's not going to come across. You need the creativity from the staff. You need the attitude from the staff. So pay extra to get really good stuff. So one of the things you'll get if you have really good staff is you'll get extra knowledge. So down the road from here where I live, there's a little hardware shop on the corner. And if you go in there and you say, the elastic band has broken in my Hoover or whatever he'll go, oh yeah, you want the type three. You want the 45 millimeter and he'll go and get it. And he's got it. And the guy in there just knows everything. And someone like that is so…
