From the course: Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer

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- Suggestion number 25, about how you can really delight your customers, is to personalize it for them, so they know it's personalized. So, for example, we will send a little paper insurance brochure through the post, it's just a little leaflet, and somehow they personalized the printing. So, we live at number 34, and the bit that was talking about house insurance had 34 at the top in sort of, brass letters on a front door, and I was thinking, "Oh, that's the number of our house." And then, when it came to travel insurance, it had my wife's name, Sally, actually written in sand, and because there were two Ls, they were identical, so you could see that they printed it, but it really looked as if somebody had written the name in, on a beach. So, that was amazing because we read this brochure, and it was absolutely personalized to us. So, they somehow had a system where it took the address, and actually put it all the way…
