Mommy Fitness

Welcome to Refined By Iron - where we meet mommies right where they are in their fitness journey. We work to take the guesswork out of the mommy fitness journey with quality coaching and high end fitness education. mom fitness | motivation | mom fitness quotes | outfit | mommy fitness muscle | mommy fitness | diastasis recti | diastasis recti exercises | exercises for mommy belly | mommy pooch | get rid of mommy pouch | makeovers for mommy | fitness for moms with little time | glute building
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Start Your Fitness Journey With One Easy Step
🚨 UP YOUR WATER INTAKE 🚨 that’s where you start! - Do you know that you’re basically a walking water bottle? No joke! Around 60% of you is water. It’s in every nook and cranny of your body, doing all sorts of important stuff like keeping you cool, greasing your joints, transporting nutrients, and getting rid of waste. But let’s be real, a lot of us don’t drink enough of it. - Here is two ways to start drinking more water- pick one: 1️⃣ the 8 x 8 rule- eight 8oz cups of water 2️⃣ half your bodyweight in ounces of water 3️⃣ 1 gallon- don’t start here, but if you’ve already done one and two and still up your water intake- go for the gallon!
the ultimate healthy eating bundle with text overlay that reads, how to get the printable
Healthy Eating Printable Buncle
Want Healthy Eating Made Easy? Look no further than this healthy eating printable bundle. From healthy food substitutes, to 5 easy lunches to fix and 95 examples of macros and seasonings, PLUS a step by step guide for how to clean up your eating in as little as five days, you will get what you need to overhaul your eating with this awesome bundle pack!
Having a Plan Will Help You Have More Effective Workouts in Less Time
Ready to revolutionize your workout in just HALF AN HOUR A DAY? 🏋️‍♀️ YOU'VE GOT TO HAVE A GAME PLAN. ❤️‍🔥 You know exactly what you're going to do and how you're going to do it. It's all about making every minute count! 💪✨ So, what's your plan? Are you doing legs? Upper? Full Body? This is where the game plan comes in. I'm not just talking about a free workout you find on Pinterst. One created by a professional who has the success stories to back up their programming! You've got this!
This is the secret to eating healthy on the go
The number one way to eat healthy on the go is to plan ahead. Whatever your fitness goal is, whether it be weight loss or building muscle, healthy and nutrient dense foods are the way to go. Planning head will take the stress out of the last minute decision of what you're going to eat. Check out the link with a full list of blog posts for how to eat healthy everyday!
Weight loss after kids doesn't have to be a mystery and there is so much information and tips out there that it's hard to know where to turn, right? Here's the best advice for how to expedite weight loss and sculpt your body after having your kids! Post includes actual before and after photos of real clients! Gym Schedule, Easy At Home Workouts
Weight loss after kids doesn't have to be a mystery and there is so much information and tips out there that it's hard to know where to turn, right? Here's the best advice for how to expedite weight loss and sculpt your body after having your kids! Post includes actual before and after photos of real clients!
coffee and oat smoothie flyer
Lazy Breakfast Idea to Keep You On Track to Your Fitness Goals
Be sure to save this healthy breakfast smoothie recipe that is packed with protein and super easy to make. Takes these simple ingredients and throw them in a blender and voila. Within approximately 90 seconds you have a filling and delicious breakfast smoothie to jumpstart your day.
a flyer with the words client testimonals and an image of a woman's face
Client Success Stories - Refined By Iron
If you are tired of trying to piece together fitness information that always seems to contradict itself, it's time to find a trainer that can take the guesswork out of it for you! With her 5 years experience working under a physical therapist and another 7 years working solo as a certified trainer, Coach Amber is well versed in the no bull approach to coaching women, just like you, to a health lifestyle with results that are maintainable
a woman's profile with the text, she makes it simple moms usually feel like they don't have time for themselves but you must do it
Client Success Stories - Refined By Iron
If you are tired of trying to piece together fitness information that always seems to contradict itself, it's time to find a trainer that can take the guesswork out of it for you! With her 5 years experience working under a physical therapist and another 7 years working solo as a certified trainer, Coach Amber is well versed in the no bull approach to coaching women, just like you, to a health lifestyle with results that are maintainable
a flyer for a strawberry breakfast smoothie
Lazy Breakfast Idea to Keep You On Track to Your Fitness Goals
Be sure to save this healthy breakfast smoothie recipe that is packed with protein and super easy to make. Takes these simple ingredients and throw them in a blender and voila. Within approximately 90 seconds you have a filling and delicious breakfast smoothie to jumpstart your day.
Stop Believing This Myth About Having a Garage Gym
A common myth that surrounds having a small garage gym in your home is that it is crazy expensive! While it can be a small investment to get started, the top garage gym equipment companies run specials on equipment several times throughout the year. This means that you can piece together your dream home gym a little bit at a time without ever having to go into debt.
a poster with the words as iron sharpes iron, so a friend shares a friend prove
Choose Your Friends Wisely
As we work towards our fitness goals, it's important to choose our friends wisely. Because as Scripture says, iron sharpens iron, so our friends sharpen us as well. Our friends lift us up or tear us down. This means that our motivation for our fitness can come from our friends or they can as easily not come from our friends. As a Christian girl, who has fitness goals, it's important to find friends that not only motivate us, but point us to Christ. Screenshot this pin for your phone wallpaper!
a flyer for mixed berry and kale smoothie
Lazy Breakfast Idea to Keep You On Track to Your Fitness Goals
Be sure to save this healthy breakfast smoothie recipe that is packed with protein and super easy to make. Takes these simple ingredients and throw them in a blender and voila. Within approximately 90 seconds you have a filling and delicious breakfast smoothie to jumpstart your day.
the best time to get fit why you shouldn't wait until january is here
It's time to stop waiting for January to reach your fitness goals. The ideas that surround the January fitness rush are not conducive to maintaining any sort of fitness goals, whether it's weight loss or strength and muscle gain. Your goals are attainable year round, not just at the first of January. Here are ideas and reasons for why you should start up again towards reaching your personal goals and not waiting. Click to read the blog post!
1️⃣ Switch Up Your Diet Game - Constantly being in a calorie deficit can actually hinder your progress. Plan periods of eating more to recharge your metabolism and then returning to a deficit. 2️⃣ Boost Your NEAT - Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, walking, cleaning, Take the stairs, park further away, etc. 3️⃣ Quality Sleep - Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep to support your weight loss efforts. 4️⃣ Manage Stress - High stress levels can sabotage your weight loss by triggering cravings. Fact Or Fiction, Exercise Activities, Barbell Workout
Overcoming Your Weight Loss Plateau | 4 Tips for Weight Loss
1️⃣ Switch Up Your Diet Game - Constantly being in a calorie deficit can actually hinder your progress. Plan periods of eating more to recharge your metabolism and then returning to a deficit. 2️⃣ Boost Your NEAT - Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, walking, cleaning, Take the stairs, park further away, etc. 3️⃣ Quality Sleep - Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep to support your weight loss efforts. 4️⃣ Manage Stress - High stress levels can sabotage your weight loss by triggering cravings.
a pink table topped with personal items and a quote about reinigder your worth is not found in a number on the scale
Doing This Will Change Your Fitness Journey
Stop finding worth in the scale. The moment that we stop finding our worth in the scale is the moment that our fitness journeys take an entirely different road. Non-scale wins are where it is at on your weight loss and fitness road to victory.