Delft tiles

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a blue and white tile with two birds on it's side, one bird has a cross in the middle
Paul Bommer’s Huguenot Plaque
a blue and white tile with an image of a rabbit
Paul Bommer’s Huguenot Plaque
a blue and white tile with two birds sitting on a tree branch next to a cross
Paul Bommer’s Huguenot Plaque
a tile with the words give us this day written in blue and white on it
Even More Delft Tiles by Paul Bommer
a blue and white tile with an animal on it
Yet more faux Delft tiles from Umbra Sumus
a blue and white tile with a cat sitting on it's hind legs in the center
Katten / Zoogdieren / Thema's | spijkertegels
a blue and white tile with an image of a dog on it's back
a blue and white tile with a horse on it
Even More Delft Tiles by Paul Bommer
a blue and white tile with flowers in a vase
Flower basket tiles, flower urn tile panels and hand-painted floral tiles
a blue and white tile with an image of a flower in the pot on it
Even More Delft Tiles by Paul Bommer
a blue and white tile with a butterfly on it's back end, in the shape of a flower
Delft tiles - Flowers | Douglas Watson Studio
Delft tiles - Flowers | Douglas Watson Studio