45 Pins
a woman is walking in an art gallery
Isolde Brielmaier’s New York Top 5: Deidrick Brackens and More
the cover of whitewall magazine, with mountains in black and white ink on it
Isolde Brielmaier’s New York Top 5: Deidrick Brackens and More
three people looking at paintings in an art gallery
Frieze Brings Glitter and Gloss to New York But Takes Few Risks
a woman laying on a couch in a room filled with colorful furniture and art pieces
Frieze New York 2024 | David Zwirner
an abstract painting with lots of different colors
An Intimate Frieze New York’s Satisfying Return to Form – SURFACE
people are looking at paintings on display in an art gallery with black walls and wooden floors
An Intimate Frieze New York’s Satisfying Return to Form – SURFACE
an overhead view of people looking at art on display in a large room with high ceilings
An Intimate Frieze New York’s Satisfying Return to Form – SURFACE
a man standing in front of a painting of a person wearing a chef's hat
The Six Best Solo Presentations at Frieze New York 2022
a black and white photo of a woman in front of colorful abstract shapes with a pearl necklace on her neck
How Frieze L.A. and New York Director Christine Messineo Gets It Done
an abstract painting with pink, yellow and blue colors on black paper in the shape of a woman
Frieze Returns to New York for 10th Edition - Whitewall
Frieze Returns to New York for 10th Edition
a painting with multiple people on it in red and green colors, including one person holding an object
'It's Exciting for People to Have That 'Wow' Moment': Collectors Snap Up Major Works by Dana Schutz and George Condo at Frieze New York
'It's Exciting for People to Have That 'Wow' Moment': Collectors Snap Up Major Works by Dana Schutz and George Condo at Frieze New York
a pair of shoes that are on top of a mannequin's head
Assembled Sculptures by Artist Willie Cole Cluster High Heels into Expressive Masks — Colossal
Assembled Sculptures by Artist Willie Cole Cluster High Heels into Expressive Masks | Colossal
a chair sitting in front of a white wall with paintings on it's walls
My Weekend Binge Online at Frieze (Published 2020)
My Weekend Binge Online at Frieze - The New York Times
an orange book is flying through the air
Allen Ruppersberg: Intellectual Property 1968–2018 | Hammer Museum
Allen Ruppersberg, Greetings from California, 1972. Acrylic on canvas. Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Purchase with funds from Ron Bailey, Peter Norton, Phil Aarons, Kevin Brine, Beth Rudin DeWoody, Raymond J. McGuire, Jon Sandelman, and David Wasserman, 2005.16. Courtesy Whitney Museum of American Art.