Concord 1-OFF Guide: Tips, Variants, and Abilities

In this Concord 1-OFF guide we’ll be giving an overview of the Northstar crew’s resident robot cleaner. At first, it’s not entirely clear what his role on the battlefield is, and with 1-OFF being such an easy target for enemies to hit, they’ll make short work of him if you fail to grasp the basics of his nuanced loadout.

1-OFF slots nicely into the tank archetype of character. Thanks to a meaty health bar and abilities designed to soak up damage, he’s a great pick for players wanting to wade into the frontline, drawing attention away from more vulnerable teammates as they lay down support fire. Like Emari, he’s particularly useful when locking down zones in objective-based modes such as Area Control and Signal Chase.

Concord 1-OFF Guide: Loadout

CC-1898 Industrial Vacuum

1-OFF’s primary weapon does what it says on the tin. Pulling the trigger while aimed toward enemies will vacuum up any incoming bullets and projects, effectively nullifying any damage they might do.

Pressure Blaster

Switching weapons will turn 1-OFF’s vacuum into an air cannon that shoots a constant stream that’s most effective at mid range. The damage output isn’t particularly great though it can help pick off stragglers and cause panic.

Air Barrier

When deployed, this vent-like gadget emits an air geyser that swats away bullets and projectiles, acting somewhat similarly to 1-OFF’s vacuum.

Trash Bomb

A powerful thrown grenade that will also push back enemies caught in its blast radius. The more projectiles 1-OFF vacuums, the more grenade charges you’ll have.

Tips on how to play 1-OFF

  • When a match starts you’ll want to be in the vanguard, ideally supported by a Jabari or Daw who can dish out health and keep you in the fight.
  • Create a protective barrier for your team by aiming your vacuum where enemy fire is at its most concentrated. Deploy air vents near objectives and in tight spaces, allowing viable pathways for squadmates to retreat.
  • Switch to the Pressure Blaster when you have the upper hand in a teamfight to help overpower the remaining enemies. Making sure both of 1-OFF’s weapons are regularly reloaded between bouts of actions.
  • Don’t forget to use your Trash Bombs. Save them for situations where you’re fighting at close range, in tight spaces.
    1-OFF doesn’t have a double jump or dodge, so your mobility options are limited. If you need to retreat, don’t turn your back to the enemy team – walk backwards while using the vacuum and air vents.

1-OFF Variants

Each playable hero in Concord has one or more Variants, defined by perk-like abilities that can change their playstyle. These can be obtained by completing in-game challenges with plans for more to be added to the game regularly.

1-OFF Variant 1: Trash Dispenser

More Trash Bombs with higher damage.

This Concord 1-OFF guide has covered the basics of using this unique, fun-to-play tank hero. Sadly, the game’s practice range doesn’t do a great job of demonstrating how certain Fregunners work so you’ll need to get some in-match experience. His loadout won’t appeal to damage-focused players though 1-OFF is relatively easy to pick up and slots nicely into most team compositions.

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Senior Editor bursting with lukewarm takes and useless gaming trivia. May as well surgically attach my DualSense at this point.

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