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Automated Reminders for Filing Tax Returns and Operational Reports

GovDelivery Subscription Options

Stay current with filing frequencies and operational reports, excise tax, and export due dates by subscribing to receive automated reminders telling you it is time to file. Once signed up, we will send you an email reminder a week in advance (3 days before for semi-monthly filers) of several required operational reports and federal excise tax returns due dates. We recommend you subscribe to as many reminders as you will need to meet your business needs.

Note: Subscribing to receive automated reminders does not relieve you of your responsibility to ensure that all forms and returns are filed by their due dates.

Ready? Subscribe for automated reminders via GovDelivery by clicking on the links below.

Tax Returns

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Operational Reports

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Learn more about GovDelivery at our GovDelivery Communications page.

Related Resources

Operational Reports, Excise Tax, and Export Due Dates

Taxes and Filing

Maintaining Compliance in a TTB-Regulated industry


For general inquiries about taxes and reports, contact the National Revenue Center by calling us toll free at 877-882-3277 / 877-TTB-FAQS, or send us a message using our National Revenue Center Contact Form.


Last updated: April 5, 2024
Maintained by: National Revenue Center