Topic on User talk:Floyd-out

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Kirilloparma (talkcontribs)

Hi. Thank you for adding the winners of this award, however I don't think you are using nominated for (P1411) and award received (P166) correctly. Based on this thread. When a nominated game wins in a certain category, it should be moved to the "awards received" property rather than being in both (example). Keeping winners in both properties leads to confusion. For example, in this edit it's really hard for me to understand whether this game won in this category or not. Can you please correct this for all winners of this award? Regards

Floyd-out (talkcontribs)
Hi Kirilloparma !
By removing the nominated for (P1411), it seems to me that we are deleting a data / useful information. For instance the point in time (P585) are different (when the game was nominated, and when it won the award). Even if a game has won an award, the fact that it has been nominated is still true.
I've checked other awards, and they do sometimes keep both properties.
For instance, for the prestigious Academy Award for Best Picture (Q102427), this movie has both nominated for (P1411) and award received (P166) properties, with different point in time (P585).
Maybe that's a topic we could discuss on the video games project talk page ?
Kirilloparma (talkcontribs)

Hmm... Well, I'm still not sure that we should keep both properties since nominated for (P1411) shouldn't be there for the award winner anyway. I mean it's still misleading. I suggest the following, as I have already done here, for example. If we want to keep information about when the game was nominated, maybe we can just indicate it in the references (screenshot)? In this way we have 2 references that contain information about both the win and the nomination. What do you think? Although yes, I agree that this topic can be brought up for discussion and see what others think about it.

P.S. By the way, I skimmed through the list for the Academy Awards (Q19020) and found out that the nominations seem to have been incorrectly added (not sure about that) by this batch (the winners were already added to the items, but thanks to this batch, the winners are now also listed as nominees, which makes no sense). I don't think we should model video game items in this way though. Regards

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