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Phyrandaii are Enemies that appear in the Philips CD-i games The Faces of Evil and The Wand of Gamelon.[1]


Phyrandaii are flaming, wheel-like Enemies that either fly through the air towards Link in The Faces of Evil, or roll along the ground, often in small groups of two to three, in The Wand of Gamelon. The Phyrandaii that roll will only move forward, and will not turn around and give chase should Zelda manage to jump over one.

Under most circumstances, Phyrandaii are invincible enemies that cannot be harmed. In The Faces of Evil only, Link can throw Snowballs to dispatch them, as all other attacks will have no effect on them. As they are treated as flying Enemies in The Faces of Evil, the Bell can also be rung to stun them for a short period of time. As Snowballs are not present in The Wand of Gamelon, they cannot be defeated and instead must be avoided. Zelda can easily pass them by unharmed using the Magic Cloak


  1. "De oplossing voor de graftombe van Gamelon is als volgt: ga de tombe binnen en ga naar de top van het speelscherm. Spring of gebruik de onzichtbaarheidsmantel (Magic Cloack) om de Phyrandaii te ontwijken. Ga naar buiten door de grotingang bovenin. Gebruik opnieuw de Magic Cloack tegen de Phyrandaii en pas ook op voor de Deadites." (CD Interactief vol. 2 no. 11, HUB Uitgevers, November 1995, pg. 31)