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Sandstorms are a recurring Weather mechanic in The Legend of Zelda series.[1] Sandstorms go unnamed in Ocarina of Time and Four Swords Adventures.


Ocarina of Time[]

The Haunted Wasteland is covered by a Sandstorm, though it can be traversed by completing the two trials.[2] The first trial requires Link to pass through the River of Sand, though it cannot be walked upon.[3] After this, Link will need to use the Lens of Truth to find the Phantom Guide, a Poe who will lead him to the Desert Colossus.[4][5] If Link becomes lost in the Sandstorm, he will be returned to the entrance to the Haunted Wasteland.[6]

After learning the "Requiem of Spirit," Link will be able to teleport directly to the Spirit Temple, skipping past the Sandstorm in the Haunted Wasteland.[7]

Four Swords Adventures[]

Breath of the Wild[]

Sandstorms are a type of Weather exclusive to the Gerudo Desert. When Link passes through a Sandstorm, the Map on the Sheikah Slate will turn to static. This prevents Link from Warping from his current location. The presence of Sandstorms has made the Desert a hiding place for treasures belonging to thieves and ancient cultures.[8][9]

Initially, four different Sandstorms can be found in the Gerudo Desert. The first is in the East Barrens, and it is caused by the rampage of Divine Beast Vah Naboris.[10] As part of the "Divine Beast Vah Naboris" Main Quest, Link and Riju will have to traverse this Sandstorm while riding Sand Seals.[11] After the Divine Beast has been calmed, the Sandstorm will end.

A second Sandstorm covers the Great Cliffs. Nobiro observes it from the Kara Kara Bazaar, and despite having heard that it subsides for a few hours every day, he has never seen it himself.[12] He has also heard a rumor that an ancient civilization left a treasure inside the Sandstorm, which is what brought him to the Gerudo Desert in the first place.[13] Speaking to him activates "The Eye of the Sandstorm" Shrine Quest. From 9:00 PM to 4:00 AM, the Sandstorm will temporarily subside, allowing easy access through the Great Cliffs. After Dako Tah Shrine has been completed, the Sandstorm will permanently end.

The third Sandstorm is on the West Barrens. According to Laine, there is a tale that following the Swordswomen Statues through the Sandstorm will lead to an ancient treasure.[14] Considering the number of Monsters hiding in this Sandstorm, she also believes it is too dangerous to risk such a journey.[15] After speaking to her, "The Silent Swordswomen" Shrine Quest will begin. If Link follows the directions of the Swordswomen Statues, he will eventually come upon Kema Zoos Shrine. Completing this Ancient Shrine will cause the Sandstorm to end.

Finally, a Sandstorm can be found in Dragon's Exile. It can be stopped after opening the Great Fairy Fountain under the Gerudo Great Skeleton.



TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
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See Also[]


  1. "Though I must admit I'm impressed you got here from the northwest. Did you truly pass through that sandstorm to get here?" — Laine (Breath of the Wild)
  2. "Hey, rookie! Are you going into the desert? I'll open this gate for you, but... You can't cross the desert unless you pass the two trials." — Gerudo Guard (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  3. "The first trial is...the River of Sand! You can't walk across this river! After you cross is, follow the flags we placed there." — Gerudo Guard (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  4. "The second trial is...the Phantom Guide! Those without eyes that can see the truth will only find themselves returning here." — Gerudo Guard (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  5. "One with the eye of truth shall be guided to the Spirit Temple by an inviting ghost." — N/A (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  6. "Haunted Wasteland
    If you chase a mirage, the desert will swallow you. Only one path is true!
    " — Sign (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  7. "Listen to this Requiem of Spirit... This melody will lead a child back to the desert." — Sheik (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  8. "The danger of the sandstorms makes the desert a perfect hiding place for thieving bandits and priceless treasures." — Laine (Breath of the Wild)
  9. "...Which is precisely why there are so many stories about ancient cultures hiding their treasure in the desert." — Laine (Breath of the Wild)
  10. "[Divine Beast?] You don't know about Divine Beast Vah Naboris? Supposedly, it is the guardian deity of the Gerudo people, but it suddenly started acting up a while back. There's nothing we can do to stop it, either... It's protected by a fierce sandstorm and intense lightning. Though it hasn't yet, it could easily head toward Gerudo Town or this oasis. I do my best to keep an eye on it from here." — Ripp (Breath of the Wild)
  11. "If we want to get close enough to that thing, we'll need to use sand seals... Are you ready?" — Riju (Breath of the Wild)
  12. "That sandstorm... They say it stops for a few hours a day, but it hasn't let up even a little since I've been watching." — Nobiro (Breath of the Wild)
  13. "Rumor has it an ancient civilization had a treasure inside that sandstorm. I've been here for days waiting for the storm to settle down so I can nab it! I just hope it wasn't a bad lead..." — Nobiro (Breath of the Wild)
  14. "People talk about the statues pointing to the hiding place of an ancient treasure... but that's just superstition." — Laine (Breath of the Wild)
  15. "Even if it was true, there are dangerous monsters in the sandstorms. I wouldn't risk it." — Laine (Breath of the Wild)