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Urbosa is a recurring character in The Legend of Zelda series.[9][name reference needed]


As a Gerudo, Urbosa is a rather tall woman with a slender, athletic figure with a muscular build. She has tanned skin, a long sharp nose, sea green eyes, and long scarlet red hair braided at the end. She wears a gold headdress on her forehead and navy blue lipstick.

She wears a rather revealing Gerudo armor of golden colors, three necklaces on her neck, two gold earrings in her ears and a blue skirt with the emblem of Hyrule.

In spirit, her appearance remains the same, but her colors are paler and with turquoise flame orbs around her.


Despite her intimidating appearance, Urbosa is a rather charismatic and kind woman, she has a very strong maternal feeling towards Princess Zelda, since she was a friend of her mother, the Queen of Hyrule. She also has a joking side as she often liked to scare people with the lightning she conjured.


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild[]

Urbosa is a Gerudo Champion who pilots the Divine Beast Vah Naboris.[10] She is capable of manipulating lightning using her technique, Urbosa's Fury. Urbosa battled with the Scimitar of the Seven and the Daybreaker shield.[11] It is said that Urbosa's movements resembled a beautiful dance when using the Scimitar of the Seven.[12] Urbosa cares for Princess Zelda like a sister with a strong core.[13] According to the Gerudo child, Pearle, Urbosa once saved Gerudo Town from an evil ghost.[14]

Urbosa takes up diary writing after the Queen of Hyrule came to visit her in Gerudo Town, much to her joy as she was friends with her, which became her first entry.[15] The queen tells her that her visit was important and wanted to introduce her to her newborn baby girl,[16] whom she named Zelda and notes that she has her mother's smile, and she quickly grew to love Zelda,[17] and she notes that she is sure to grow into a beautiful and dignified queen.[18] The queen thanks her, but told her that looks are often fleeting and all she wants for Zelda is for her to be blessed with true joy.[19] Urbosa notices that the look she gives her infant daughter was that of a mother who unconditionally loves her child and has never seen it to this extent.[20]

The second entry begins six years later, where the Queen of Hyrule passed away, leaving Urbosa aggrieved and heartbroken which took her a long time to return to her diary.[21] It had been so sudden that she was still in disbelief over it.[22] She was haunted by the memories of her dear friend and even then, she is unable to contain herself emotionally.[23] She noticed that during the queen's funeral, Princess Zelda kept her head high and never cried at all as she said goodbye to her mother.[24] While she commends that Zelda carried herself like a true princess, Urbosa is certain that Zelda is very deeply aggrieved and worries for her.[25]

In the third entry, Urbosa decides to take a trip to Hyrule Castle and after speaking with King Rhoam, she saw Zelda for the first time in a year,[26] but she only came to the castle out of concern for the now seven-year-old princess.[27] The king allowed her to accompany Zelda to the spring to start her training.[28] The princess prayed for hours on end in the freezing water until it was sundown.[29] Urbosa saw signs of passing out and urges Zelda to stop her session, but she didn't listen, and it got to the point where she collapsed, forcing Urbosa to take her out of the water.[30] When Princess Zelda finally came to, she looks up at Urbosa as she has an emotional breakdown,[31] and tells her of the immense pressure and stress she feels when she couldn't fulfil her sacred duty,[32] as she goes on a mantra about her not succeeding where the previous royal daughters have and wonders what was wrong with her.[33] All Urbosa could do was hold her close and listen and hopes that it was enough.[34]

In the fourth entry, taking place nine years later, emissaries from Hyrule came to visit Urbosa and tells her that she was chosen to pilot Divine Beast Vah Naboris.[35] Her people weren't comfortable about it and told her that such a task as dangerous as this wasn't fitting for a chief and Urbosa understands their worries.[36] She intends to accept her fate,[37] since Calamity Ganon would not only threaten Hyrule, but also the entire world and she doesn't want to stand by.[38] Additionally, she greatly hates the fact that Ganon was once associated with the Gerudo.[39] Urbosa notes that Princess Zelda is coming to Gerudo Town to receive her answer and she looks forward to seeing her again.[40]

BotW Champion Urbosa's Song

Urbosa visited by Princess Zelda

In The Champions' Ballad DLC Recovered Memory, Champion Urbosa's Song, Princess Zelda arrives to Gerudo Town seeking Urbosa, the current Gerudo chieftain, for aid against stopping Calamity Ganon. Urbosa accepts Zelda's proposition without hesitation, as the Yiga Clan are planning to resurrect Calamity Ganon and steal the Gerudo peoples' treasured heirloom.[41] Urbosa gives Zelda her word that she will not rest until the Calamity falls.[42] Princess Zelda thanks the Gerudo chief on behalf of Hyrule and its king.[43] Later, Urbosa and Zelda laugh while they walk outside Gerudo Town's walls. Zelda remarks that she has never seen Urbosa so serious.[44] Urbosa cannot say the same, since ten years ago her "little bird" rarely smiled, referring to Zelda.[45] The Princess feels like Urbosa has called her "little bird" before and asks where she got the name from.[46] Urbosa stands still and orders two men who had passed behind them to halt and face her.[47] She continues and calls the men traitors and that unlike them she prefers to face her enemies head on.[48] After the two hesitantly look at each other, Urbosa draws her Scimitar of the Seven and spins around, telling them to do their worst.[49] The two men, who are actually Yiga Footsoldiers, attack the Gerudo. Urbosa duels one of them before knocking the Yiga down using the Perfect Guard and hitting him in the stomach with her Scimitar hilt. She places the Daybreaker Shield on her back before using Urbosa's Fury to electrocute the second Yiga as he jumps in attempt to attack her from behind. Urbosa tells the Yiga that out of respect for the Princess, they may keep their lives and orders them to go.[50] When the Yiga leave, Urbosa sheathes her Scimitar and brings up Zelda's question about why she calls her "little bird."[51] Urbosa says that when the Princess was a small child, her dear friend called her that,[52] with Zelda realizing that Urbosa is referring to her mother.[53] Urbosa says that it was ten long years ago when the Princess's mother had left the world, yet her "little bird" still spread her wings and became the beacon of light Hyrule needed.[54] Urbosa says that sometimes she forgets herself and gets lost in the past.[55]

In order to become a Champion, Urbosa had to overcome a trial to prove she was worthy of taming a Divine Beast. Her trial consists of defeating a giant Molduking, surf along the sands while passing through the Glowing Rings, and to throw an orb underground.[56]

BotW Picture of the Champions

The Picture of the Champions

In The Champions' Ballad, Urbosa attends the inaugoration ceremony with Link, Mipha, Daruk, and Revali, who were all given their Champions' blue garments, as King Rhoam promotes them as the Champions of Hyrule and charges Princess Zelda to lead them. After the ritual comes to a close, the Champions take a break in the gazebo. As the tired Daruk stretches out, Urbosa, along with Mipha and Revali take interest in Zelda's Sheikah Slate with Revali taking it to inspect it. The Princess explains that it has many uses though its secrets have yet to be revealed. As Revali passes it to Mipha, Urbosa tells them that Zelda showed her that the Slate can produce still-images,[57] which intrigues the Zora Champion as she asks Zelda for a favor.[58] With Purah offering to help them out, she tells them to get into position and when she likes what she sees, she snaps the photo. The moment she did, Daruk had already surprised everyone by pulling them in at the last second, with amusing results.

In the fifth entry, Urbosa documents the events of the ceremony with the other Champions who share the same fate as her.[59] She notes that Zelda, Revali, Mipha, and Link are still quite young and they are Hyrule's future. She and Daruk hope to help them see that future.[60] Urbosa is troubled when she saw how uncharacteristically rude, she was to Link and knows why.[61] She learns that Link is being assigned to be her personal knight and hopes they will find a way to get along.[62]

During Link's first Recovered Memory, "Subdued Ceremony", Urbosa is seen with the other Champions as Zelda appoints Link as her knight. After the Rito Champion Revali complains about the ceremony and Link,[63][64] Urbosa tells him to give it a rest and that Link is a living reminder to Zelda of her failures.[65]

BotW Urbosa's Hand

Urbosa decides to wake up Princess Zelda

Prior to the events of Link's sixth Recovered Memory, "Urbosa's Hand", Link is called to the Gerudo Desert by Urbosa.[66] During the Memory, Link arrives to the Divine Beast Vah Naboris to find Princess Zelda sleeping in Urbosa's arms. Urbosa remarks that Link got there quickly and that she should have expected such from Zelda's own appointed knight.[67][68] Urbosa then explains that Zelda is exhausted from being out on a survey all day.[69] She then asks Link if he and Zelda have been getting along and quickly understands that they have not due to Link's response of silence.[70][71] Urbosa does not blame Link for their poor relationship and explains that Zelda feels like a failure in her destiny when seeing that Link has succeeded in his.[72][73][74] She goes on to explain that Zelda has put more than enough time and dedication to accessing her sealing power, even passing out in freezing waters during one attempt.[75][76][77] Urbosa sympathizes with Zelda, saying that she would be doing the same thing and that Zelda is quite special.[78][79] Telling Link to protect Zelda with his life, Urbosa turns to smile at Link and tells him that his role as her knight is quite an honor.[80] With the night getting cold, Urbosa feels that it is time to take Zelda inside, but suddenly a better idea strikes her.[81] Urbosa snaps her fingers to perform Urbosa's Fury, which causes lightning to strike into the Gerudo Desert and startles Zelda awake.[82] Zelda turns to notice Link and questions what he is doing there.[83] Urbosa begins to laugh at Zelda's confusion as she asks what is funny.[84]

In the sixth entry, Link came to see Urbosa,[85] on the account that Princess Zelda took advantage of the law that disallows men from going into Gerudo Town in order to flee from him.[86] Urbosa teaches him a trick that would allow him to sneak in, but by this time Zelda disappeared,[87] so Urbosa promises Link that she'll let him know when she turns up, and Link takes his leave albeit hesitantly.[88] Urbosa noticed that Link has trouble expressing himself,[89] and hopes that he and Zelda could help each other if the latter ever gives him a chance.[90]

In the seventh entry, Urbosa writes about the events regarding her interactions with Link on Divine Beast Vah Naboris and recounts that she accompanied Zelda as she did her survey on Vah Naboris and by sunset, she was weary and drifted to sleep.[91] She gives Link a message and he managed to show up faster than she had expected.[92] While it wasn't her business, the least she did was share some information on Zelda's personal problems with Link,[93] and leaves the rest to the two of them hoping that it would lead their relationship in the right direction.[94]

In the eighth and final entry, Urbosa was happy to see Princess Zelda recently smiling a lot more often than she used to and saw that she and Link are getting along much better.[95] She hopes that it will have a positive turn on her training, but she is suspicious that the time might be running out.[96] When it came to the increase of monster attacks and other unusual events occurring in the kingdom, her concerns only worsen.[97] The least she did was pray that Zelda has enough time.[98] She prayed not to the goddesses, but to Zelda's mother who was also the friend of Urbosa and still misses her.[99]

During Link's 15th Recovered Memory, "Return of Calamity Ganon", Urbosa and the other Champions wait near Mount Lanayru for Zelda to return from her journey to the Spring of Wisdom. After Zelda returns to report that she felt no power in the Spring, Urbosa suggests that they move on and that feeling sorry will not help.[100][101] She also assures the Princess that the Spring of Wisdom was not her last shot and that they just need to find the thing that sparks her sealing power.[102][103] Immediately after, Urbosa is proven wrong as Calamity Ganon begins to wake from its slumber. Urbosa tells Zelda that they need to get her somewhere safe before Zelda refuses,[104] pleading that there must be something she can do to help.[105]

To reach Divine Beast Vah Naboris, Urbosa had to rush her way along the southern edges of Hyrule Field and goes through Gerudo Canyon and climbs her way up.[106] Upon arrival, Urbosa saw that Naboris was already overtaken by Thunderblight Ganon. She fought as hard as she could against it, but even then, Urbosa was defeated and her life was lost in the process. The Gerudo were disheartened by the loss of their chief and the Thunder Helm was kept in memory of her, and an heir would succeed her as the new chief of Gerudo Town.

After her death, Urbosa lives on as a spirit trapped within Naboris. In Breath of the Wild, When Link enters Divine Beast Vah Naboris, Urbosa acknowledges him, saying that he knows how to keep a woman like herself waiting,[107] regardless she is excited to see that he's here to liberate Vah Naboris from Ganon's influence.[108] She tells him that he needs a map to navigate Vah Naboris's interiors,[109] and directs him to the Guidance Stone where he can receive one.[110]

Once Link is able to distill the map, Urbosa praises him for doing so,[111] will instruct him to activate all five terminals,[112] to be able to take back control of Vah Naboris,[113] and assures him that he is ready for this challenge.[114] As Link activates the Terminals, Urbosa will continuously encourage Link to soldier on.[115][116][117][118] When all five Terminals are active, Urbosa praises Link,[119] When Link attempts to do so, Malice will swirl around it and Thunderblight Ganon appears and she tells him to stay on his edge,[120] as he is dealing with the entity responsible for bringing her to her warrior's demise,[121] and tells Link to fight for his life and the monster's death.[122]

BotW Urbosa Intro

Urbosa's introducton

After Link defeats Thunderblight Ganon, Urbosa's spirit will appear and she thanks him for setting both her and Naboris free.[123] Urbosa tells Link that she has waited for him to rush Hyrule Castle so that she can incinerate Ganon into a pile of ash.[124] She rewards Link with Urbosa's Fury by summoning a glowing yellow orb and with a snap of her fingers, she sends it soaring into Link's chest and Link makes immediate use of it.[1]

Urbosa understands how Link and Princess Zelda have suffered regarding the Champions' fates.[125] Urbosa accepts that things had to happen this way and no one need carry blame.[126] She asks Link to let Zelda know this and that she could not be prouder of her.[127] Urbosa concludes by telling Link to take care of the Princess and Hyrule.[128]

With Divine Beast Vah Naboris back under her command, Urbosa guides it to Spectacle Rock where it aims its beam at Calamity Ganon, Urbosa remarks how Naboris, who was named after the Gerudo sage Nabooru, is a legend just like its namesake.[129] Urbosa then says that Ganon once took the form of a Gerudo and likes that she can take her mission more personally.[130] She says once a lock is established on Ganon, it will be up to Link to occupy it until she and the Divine Beast unleash their strike.[131] She gladly looks forward to this moment with a laugh.[132]

Urbosa's spirit will appear whenever Link unleashes a charged Spin Attack, snapping her fingers as a charge of lightning bolts crash before she disappears. She will also inform Link when Urbosa's Fury has finished charging.[133]

After Kass plays Link the EX Champion Urbosa's Song, Urbosa speaks to him from within Vah Naboris. She says Link is an impressive man and allows him to use Urbosa's Fury more often.[134] The Gerudo Champion finishes by saying Link is the pride of Hyrule and that she is leaving the honor of caring for Princess Zelda in his hands.[135] Link is then given Urbosa's Fury +.[136]

If Link chooses to repeat his fight with Thunderblight Ganon, Urbosa will give out additional dialogue. In the first line of dialogue, Urbosa tells Link that he has given Hyrule so much, though she asks him for one more request; to find her diary and show it to the princess as it contains a section about her mother and recalls the day that she left the world and her daughter and thinks of how her death affected her.[137] In the second line of dialogue, Urbosa acknowledges Link's return, she asks him a question of how he got into Gerudo Town undetected. She deduced that he dressed up in a certain outfit and admits that he looked lovely in it, and he should show it off to Zelda how well he wears it.[138] in the third line of dialogue, Urbosa praises Link's skills and assumes that he enjoyed his time in Gerudo Town, and wonders who the current chief is now. She recounts that the tragedy had taken her away from her people and how it affected them back then. Despite that, Urbosa knows them well and they can overcome any obstacle that heads their way.[139] In the fourth line of dialogue, Urbosa states that Link carries many burdens on his shoulders, from the fate of Zelda and of Hyrule. She assures him that he will prevail and he is the most courageous voe she has ever known. Once Ganon is defeated and the time for her to pass on to the afterlife, Urbosa intends to share her beloved memories of Zelda to the latter's mother, the Queen of Hyrule and to assure her that she is kept in good hands.[140] In the fifth and final line of dialogue, Urbosa is still amazed over Link's age not having decayed despite the circumstances he was put through, but she cautions him to not let his guard down as she and the other Champions don't wish to see the princess cry.[141]

When Link faces Calamity Ganon in the Astral Observatory, all of the freed Divine Beasts will begin their attack. Urbosa states that it had been a hundred years and assures Princess Zelda that their moment has finally arrived as she unleashes Naboris's laser attack.[142] Urbosa's attack on its own cuts off 12.5% of Calamity Ganon's health. When combined with the other freed Divine Beasts' attacks, a total of half of Calamity Ganon's health will be cut.

After Link defeats Calamity Ganon with the freed Princess Zelda destroying it, Urbosa's spirit is seen overlooking Hyrule atop Hyrule Castle with the spirits of the other Champions and King Rhoam, silently bidding Link and Zelda farewell before vanishing with them into the afterlife.


As a Gerudo warrior, Urbosa had an extremely high combat capacity, being able to fight against 2 members of the Yiga Clan without any problem, she was quite agile and strong, as well as very observant since she easily deduced who were Yiga's assassins. She was one of the few Gerudo that had been born and had mastery over magic, she specialized above all in thunder magic, perfecting it to such an extent that she was able to conjure a large amount of lightning with just a snap of her fingers, a power that I pass to Link.

Other Appearances[]

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[]

Urbosa — Spirit Battle Information

SSBU Urbosa Spirit Icon
SSBU Primary Spirit Icon Primary Spirit
No. 242
Team Power SSBU Attack Type Icon Attack | 4400 Rank ★★ ADVANCED Fighter(s)
Stage Gerudo Desert (Battlefield) Theme "Main Theme - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" SSBU Zero Suit Samus Stock Icon 8 Zero Suit Samus
Rule(s) Item: Lightning Hazard(s) Zap Floor
 · The floor is electrified
 · Stamina battle
 · The enemy starts the battle with a Killing Edge

Urbosa — Spirit Information

SSBU Urbosa Spirit Icon

No. 242
Lv. 1
Type ATTACK Strength 1011
Rank ★★ ADVANCED Defense 646
Slot(s) ⎔⎔ Power 1756
Trait Electric Attack ↑
Slightly increases the power of electricity attacks.

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Urbosa appears as an Spirit with the ability, Electric Attack 🠅, which increases the power of a Fighters' electric attacks.

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity[]

In the Urbosa, the Gerudo Chief Scenario, As Princess Zelda is recruiting potential Champions to pilot the Divine Beasts, Urbosa was away from Gerudo Town and the Yiga Clan leader takes advantage of her absence and disguises himself as her. When Link, Impa, and the princess arrive, they are met with hostile Gerudo warriors who pursue them. "Urbosa" issued orders to eliminate Zelda which the soldiers heed, but only one Gerudo captain was suspicious of "Urbosa"'s behavior that was unlike her. When Link's group enter the throne room, "Urbosa" attempted to assassinate Zelda and her friends, but the real Urbosa arrived just in time to unleash Urbosa's Fury on her imposter,[143] since Urbosa herself can generate electricity and checked on the princess to see if she was okay, and her delivery of Zelda's nickname "little bird" further proved that she is the real deal.[144] The imposter reveals himself as Kohga and he summons the Yiga Clan against them. Once the Yiga Clan are driven out of the town, Sooga retrieves Kohga and takes him out of battle, referring to his foes as cowards, which Urbosa rushes at them in fury[145] but they managed to retreat. After the incident passes, Urbosa explained that the town can sometimes be chaotic[146] and goes on the subject about the Yiga Clan, whom she explains as Sheikah traitors who seek to revive Calamity Ganon and have been long time enemies of the Gerudo and often caused them trouble. She swears that she won't let them get away with it any longer which is one the reasons why she wishes to pilot Divine Beast Vah Naboris[147] and vows to support Princess Zelda however she can, due to her connection to the late queen of Hyrule, who is also Zelda's deceased mother.[148]

In Freeing Korok Forest Scenario, With the Champions assembled at the cliff outside of Korok Forest to search for the sword that seals the darkness, Revali is honored to do his part in keeping Ganon at bay, but he soon begins to insult Link and questions his leadership, to Daruk's frustration. As Revali continues to taunt Link about him failing,[149] Urbosa had enough and firmly asked how much longer they would have to put up with his behavior.[150] The Rito Champion then summons Divine Beast Vah Medoh to deal with the monsters around the forest before letting them know that it's okay to proceed. As Daruk and Revali briefly clash about the fog and getting lost, Urbosa assures them that they don't need to worry about getting lost, though she is concerned about an unseen foe that could attack them any moment.[151] They meet Hestu, who was trying to get their attention and they ask for his help in reaching the clearing. Hestu is worried about the monsters that are hanging around, while Revali states that he can get around safely if he did not have his maracas, which Urbosa tells Hestu not to pay attention to him and offers to protect him from the monsters,[152] which got Hestu to agree to guide them. During their exploration, they come across odd appearances of Malice and evil doppelgangers of the Champion Pilots called Hollows created by Astor to separate the others from Link and Zelda. After Link used the Master Sword to dispel the Hollows attempting to kill the princess and forces the prophet of doom to retreat due to the Master Sword's power, Urbosa rejoins the duo with the other three Champions as they listen to the Great Deku Tree's words. Meanwhile, these recent events have Zelda worried of not fulfilling her expected duties to unlock her power required for sealing the ancient evil away.

In The Road Home, Besieged Scenario, On their way back to Hyrule Castle, everyone behind Zelda stops as the latter is overcome with doubt but is soon put at ease when Terrako plays her lullaby. After a disruption along the way, Urbosa sees Zelda comparing Link's success to her own unachieved success[153] and assures her that with or without the Master Sword, Link is still the same boy they've always known.[154] Zelda is still anxious, but Urbosa gives her a pep talk and reminds her of the Great Deku Tree's words that she shouldn't worry too much, and she must accept her place,[155] easing her mind for a time being. After the inauguration ceremony that took place, Urbosa and the other Champions are promoted and granted blue cloths that sigify their new status. Urbosa had removed her Chieftain's crown and replaced her Gerudo skirt for the blue one with Divine Beast Vah Naboris's emblem embedded on it. She is seen talking with Link and displays some amusement when Terrako and Impa begin to squabble. Mipha finds herself in an awkward situation with Link when she nearly voices her intentions about her training so she might battle alongside him, and Revali becomes agitated by the fight and forced to flee in anger and disgust.

In the Akkala Citadel Scenario, Urbosa partakes in driving the Yiga Clan out of Akkala Citadel despite their attempts at hindering the possibilty of learning the location of their hide out. After that, she was with Link and Princess Zelda when Purah is showing them how the Sheikah Towers function and their unique abilities when used in conjunction with the Sheikah Slate. Upon learning that the Sheikah Towers can display the map of a province, Urbosa became interested and sought to use that information to wipe out the Yiga Clan, considering how bothersome they've become in recent days.[156]

In the Destroy the Yiga Clan! Scenario, Urbosa returns to Gerudo Town to board Vah Naboris; despite the fact that she did not get any training up to this point, she had no choice but to learn from experience.[157] By taking the Divine Beast out for a test run, Purah's theory about the Sheikah Towers revealing enemy locations was proven to be right and the Champions each managed route the Yiga Clan in spite of the clan's best efforts to keep them out. After that, she experiences first-hand of the Sheikah Slate's teleportation abilities when Purah tests it on her, Link, and Princess Zelda. Urbosa and the Champions return home to prepare for the inevitable as King Rhoam learns from Terrako that Calamity Ganon will emerge on Zelda's 17th birthday and has the civilians evacuated to a safe location and the soldiers are transferred to the garrisons of Akkala Citadel and Fort Hateno, two vital strongholds that ensure the kingdom's survival. Should any of these strongholds fall, Hyrule will be lost.

In the Calamity Strikes Scenario, Urbosa was at the Gerudo Tower when she witnessed Calamity Ganon surround Hyrule Castle,[158] and all the Sheikah Towers are soon powered down by its influence, leaving Urbosa no choice but to board Vah Naboris and launch a counterstrike. Link, Impa, and Princess Zelda were about to depart for the Spring of Wisdom when it happened and returned to try and save King Rhoam, but the king sacrifices himself to ensure the trio escape and is presumably killed. As Princess Zelda is wreaked with grief over how badly things are going until her tears hit Terrako's central eye screw, causing it to create time portals that head for the Divine Beasts. Impa realizes that there is still hope left, but they need to act quickly to ensure a positive outcome.

In the Air and Lightning Scenario, Urbosa is in a fierce battle against Thunderblight Ganon and she is fighting a losing battle against it[159] and was eventually pushed to the lower levels where she kneels down in exhaustion but remains defiant as Thunderblight charges at her. However, before Urbosa could meet her warrior's demise, the time portal arrives and summons Riju and Patricia from the future where the duo slam into Thunderblight before it could reach Urbosa, to the latter's shock at the young Gerudo's presence,[160] but Riju insists that they stay focused on the fight.[161] Riju's support brought Link and the others enough time to reach them just as they were having a hard time again,[162] and Riju feels distraught over not being strong enough,[163] but Urbosa noticed reinforcements and assured her that what she did was buy her allies enough time to arrive.[164] After Thunderblight Ganon was forced to flee, Urbosa stays behind to recover from her fatigue while Riju goes along with the team and Urbosa used lightning from Naboris to shatter a boulder on Mt. Rhoam to release an updraft so they can help rescue Revali and Teba from Windblight Ganon. After Windblight Ganon flees, Urbosa takes a moment to thank Princess Zelda and her friends for their help[165] and gives credit to Riju for saving her life.[166][167] After Teba witnessed how abrasive Revali was, he was about to comment on this[168] before Urbosa stops him from saying anything he might regret later before turning to Zelda to ask about what happened at Hyrule Castle.[169] Both Thunderblight and Windblight were destroyed by Revali during his defense of western Hyrule.

In the Guardian of Remembrance DLC, EX Liberate the Ancient Lab, Urbosa and Riju are tasked with protecting the Science Academy from Ganon's monsters and the Yiga Clan. After the dust clears, Urbosa praises Riju for having some skill with the Thunder Helm.[170] Riju is about to reply about her duties as the future chieftain[171] when Master Kohga swipes it from her fingers and puts it on his top knot as he taunts Urbosa that her ability won't work against him but he is proven wrong when she snaps her fingers to shock him into submission as Riju retrieved the helm and holds it close to herself. Appalled, Kohga wants to know how she did it and Urbosa shoots back that it would take a hundred years for him to master it,[172] and the furious Kohga throws a tantrum stating that even if it did take a hundred years, he will still get his hands on it as he vanishes leaving both Gerudo Chiefs to catch their breaths.

In the Each Step Like Thunder Scenario, after Vah Ruta and Vah Rudania successfully defend Akkala Citadel, Urbosa takes Riju and proceed to defend Fort Hateno and Riju is disheartened by the destruction,[173] but Urbosa assures her that she didn't need to have a defeatist attitude.[174] Riju is already overwhelmed by how many foes they're dealing with,[175] though Urbosa lets her know that she would never have survived if she had not come, and Vah Naboris still at least has its pilot.[176] Riju is a bit assured[177] and Urbosa asks for her hand[178] which Riju accepts[179] as they go into battle.[180] Once the second wave of the army appears, Urbosa is frustrated that they're not quitting before Riju, having Urbosa's consistent encouraging words rubbed off on her, gives a pep talk to Urbosa[181] and puts her back in a better mood.[182] Thankfully, the other Champions arrive to annihilate the new wave of foes with their Divine Beast which an amused Urbosa wonders what had taken them so long.[183] Fort Hateno was the place where Princess Zelda had finally awakened her power when she ran back to protect Link from Astor and the Blight Ganons, which the latter was made from the spirits of the Yiga Clan members upon Astor's betrayal to Master Kohga and Sooga, which resulted in Kohga and his surviving men (excluding Sooga, who's final fate is uncertain) to defect to Zelda's side. Purah activates a failsafe that deactivates the majority of the Guardians that would have brought Hyrule to ruin and gave Hyrule a huge advantage, and King Rhoam also survived his encounter with the corrupted Guardians when he found that the device that his daughter gave him was an Ancient Guardian Shield that deflects lasers without needing to parry them.

Also in the DLC, EX The Princess and the King, King Rhoam and his Royal Guard barely escaped death in their encounter with the corrupted Guardians, and he is soon attacked by the Moblins, but Urbosa arrived with her army, refusing to let her late best friend's husband and Zelda's father die at their hands.[184] After this, the king apologizes to her for causing her some trouble and Urbosa states that his death would be a sharp blow to Hyrule's morale[185] and adds that Princess Zelda is on her way to the Great Plateau as she has been looking for him[186] and goes on to explain that Zelda had become stronger, perhaps than her mother.[187] Rhoam smiles and thanks Urbosa and as he walk to the Temple of Time to wait for here there, Urbosa mulls over the fact that Zelda's efforts were not made in vain.[188]

In the All Hyrule United Scenario, Urbosa and Riju were summoned with the other Champions and their Divine Beasts, as well as armies of all races across the land, by Purah when she reactivated and supercharged all of the Sheikah Towers. Riju feels more optimistic at how things went[189] as Urbosa lets Zelda know that they're waiting for her orders.[190] With her father's blessing, Zelda takes command of the united Hyrulean army, and they launch the full-scale assault to take back Hyrule Castle from Calamity Ganon, and once the latter's barrier is brought down with the defeat of the more powerful monsters and Zelda's own power, Urbosa along with the Champions fire lasers from their respective Divine Beasts to weaken the monstrosity.[191][192][193][194] Ganon puts all hands-on deck to protect him, even gaining some advantage when the Blood Moon rises, allowing his power to reach its zenith and revive his fallen forces to restore his defenses, but the allied coalition pushes through and soon meets Astor and Harbinger Ganon face-to-face as one of Ganon's last lines of defense.

In The Future of Hyrule Scenario, Zelda leads the ground army and Revali led the air force as they charge towards the castle. The Blight Ganons tried to hold them back, but they are soon destroyed permanently and while Astor and Harbinger Ganon put up a fight, they are soon defeated. Astor's composure was at its weakest as he orders Ganon to destroy the heroes, but he is soon consumed by Ganon's Malice to take on a new form and some of it attached itself to Terrako, taking control of it despite its initial resistance and Link and Princess Zelda were forced to duel with it. With Terrako damaged, Urbosa and the other warriors mourn Terrako's broken state and Princess Zelda is even more determined to stop Ganon once and for all. As they reach the sanctum, Ganon was invincible and none of their attacks work against him which Zelda resorts to an attempt to seal it away. Her power gives Terrako enough strength to rush upstairs and sacrifice itself by jumping between her and Ganon. The beast's defenses were significantly destroyed and allowed the heroes to weaken it; Link cleaves Ganon with the Blade of Evil's Bane and Princess Zelda used her sealing power to seal Calamity Ganon away forever and peace is restored to Hyrule. Terrako used the last of its power from its screw to send Riju, adult Sidon, Yunobo, and Teba are sent back to their timelines, and Urbosa assures Riju that she will be a great chieftain for her people[195] making the young chief proud to be at her service[196] as she watches her and the other three go. Princess Zelda wishes light and a good future for them.

In Terrako's Return, with Hyrule at peace, Terrako is repaid for all of its miracles it has done for the kingdom and Urbosa as well as the other warriors participate in gathering fifty of Terrako's components and assembled it at the Royal Ancient Lab. When Terrako would not work, Urbosa assured them that Purah and Robbie had done all they could[197] and at Revali's words about it still waking up, Impa attempts to do so before Zelda stops her and stops in front of it. After a full minute, Terrako becomes responsive much to their relief and is reunited with the princess. During the end credits following Terrako's reconstruction, Terrako tumbles into the desert as a few monsters try to attack it until they were electicuted by Urbosa, who greets it as it passes by. Urbosa is seen again with the other Champions as Daruk pulls them in for a group hug as the other warriors look on.

During the DLC ending, Urbosa and Riju are seen Seal-Surfing along the desert sands and after that, she joins the other Champions to talk among themselves and they turn their attention to Terrako and smile at it. Later on, Urbosa is at the Sheikah Tower with the other Champions, who all have returned to their original attire as they watch Zelda and Terrako take off on a paraglider and enjoy the sights as they saw that Hyrule is recovering nicely after the second Great Calamity and the princess is given much need confidence for the first time in a long time ever since.


  • In a bonus documentary about Breath of the Wild's making, director Hidemaro Fujibayashi says Urbosa is his favorite character. He also reveals that her name was the first one finalized in development, as it has a good ring to it.[198]
  • An amiibo based on Urbosa is compatible with Breath of the Wild's DLC packs.[199]


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
United KingdomEnglishBRUrbosa (BotW)
JapanJapaneseウルボザ (Uruboza) (BotW)
NetherlandsDutchUrbosa (BotW)
CanadaFrenchCAUrbosa (BotW)
FranceFrenchEUUrbosa (BotW | HWAoC)[200]
GermanyGermanUrbosa (BotW)
ItalyItalianUrbosa (BotW)
RussiaRussianУрбоза (Urboza) (BotW)
SpainSpanishEUUrbosa (BotW)
Latin AmericaSpanishLAUrbosa (BotW)
This table was generated using translation pages.
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  1. 1.0 1.1 "Please accept this gift, which has come to be known as Urbosa's Fury." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  2. "Urbosa
    Gerudo Champion
    " — N/A (Breath of the Wild)
  3. "I take heart in having such a rare visitor as yourself. Lady Urbosa must be looking out for us." — Riju (Breath of the Wild)
  4. "Ah! Wandering around here and listening to anecdotes about Champion Urbosa has truly invigorated me." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  5. "Urbosa, the Gerudo Chief" — Chapters (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  6. "Urbosa
    Gerudo Tempest
    " — N/A (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  7. Creating a Champion, Dark Horse Books, pg. 137
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017) (VG), IMDb.
  9. "Urbosa" — Nintendo, ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド | Nintendo, Official Japanese Site, published February 20, 2017, retrieved February 20, 2017.
  10. "Still, the Divine Beast Vah Naboris remains. That one was controlled by Urbosa of the Gerudo." — Impa (Breath of the Wild)
  11. "I want to offer you these as thanks for your help. I trust you'll accept them. These pieces of equipment are priceless treasures of the Gerudo people. They were once worn by Lady Urbosa." — Riju (Breath of the Wild)
  12. "A famous sword once beloved by the Gerudo Champion Urbosa. It is said that when Urbosa swung this sword in battle, her movements resembled a beautiful dance." — N/A (Breath of the Wild)
  13. "Urbosa ゥルボザ
    ゲルド族の女性。雷を操る能力を持っており、“英傑”の一人でもある。芯が強く、自分を貫く生き方を通しているが、周囲への気配りも自然にできる性格でゼルダのことを個人的に心配 している姉���肌な人物。"
    — Nintendo, ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド | Nintendo, Official Japanese Site, published March 01, 2017, retrieved March 02, 2017.
  14. "She was a Champion who saved this town from an evil ghost!" — Pearle (Breath of the Wild)
  15. "My dear friend from afar came to visit Gerudo Town today. It is always a pleasure to see the queen of Hyrule." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  16. "She described her reason for coming as urgent. She wished for me to meet her newborn child." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  17. "Her sweet daughter's name is Zelda. She has her mother's smile. I cannot help but cherish her already." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  18. "I told her that Zelda is sure to grow up into a dignified and beautiful queen, just like her mother." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  19. "My friend thanked me, but said that looks are fleeting, and instead she wishes for Zelda to be blessed with true happiness." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  20. "The way she gazes upon her daughter... her little bird, as she calls her...I have never seen such unconditional love." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  21. "It has been a long while since we laid my dear friend, the queen, to rest. I only now have the will to write again." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  22. "It was so sudden, I still can't believe she is gone." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  23. "All of my sweet memories of her keep running through my mind. Even now, I can hardly keep the tears at bay." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  24. "Young Zelda kept her head held high as she said her final good-bye to her mother at the funeral." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  25. "She carried herself as a true princess, but I can sense the deep grief she is hiding within. I worry for her..." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  26. "I made a voyage to visit Hyrule. After speaking with the king, I saw Zelda for the first time in a year." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  27. "In truth, it was my concern for her that brought me there." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  28. "The king allowed me to keep her company as she went to the spring for her training." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  29. "There, Zelda prayed and prayed in the spring's icy waters until the sun set." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  30. "I told her many times to stop, but she wouldn't listen. I eventually had to drag her out of the water." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  31. "Zelda gazed at me for the longest time with heartbreaking vulnerability." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  32. "Eventually, in a tiny voice, she told me of the pressure and panic she feels at not being able to fulfill her sacred duty." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  33. "She whispered over and over, "Why can I not do as the royal daughters of the past have done? What is wrong with me?"" — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  34. "All I could do was hold her close and listen... I pray that it is enough." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  35. "Emissaries from Hyrule came to see me today. They informed me that I have been chosen to pilot the Divine Beast." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  36. "My people are uneasy about it. They tell me such a dangerous task is not fitting for the chief. I understand their fear." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  37. "However, I intend to accept this task." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  38. "Calamity Ganon's resurrection does not only threaten Hyrule, but the whole world. I refuse to sit idly by." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  39. "Ganon is also closely associated with the Gerudo...an association I deeply resent." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  40. "I believe Zelda will be here soon to receive my official answer. I am excited to see her, as always." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  41. "Princess of Hyrule, I accept your proposition without hesitation. Not only are they planning to resurrect Calamity Ganon, it seems the Yiga Clan is also after our treasured heirloom." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  42. "You have my word, I won't rest until the Calamity falls." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  43. "Gerudo chief Urbosa... On behalf of Hyrule and its king, I thank you." — Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  44. "I've never seen you so serious, Urbosa!" — Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  45. "Oh my. I can't say the same. Ten years ago, you rarely smiled, my little bird." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  46. "Urbosa, I feel like you've called me little bird before. I was wondering where you got that name from." — Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  47. "Halt. And face me." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  48. "Unlike you traitors, I prefer to face my enemies head on." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  49. "Do your worst." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  50. "Out of respect for our princess, you may keep your lives. Now go." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  51. "You asked why I call you little bird." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  52. "When you were but a small child...my dear friend called you that, with the sweetest smile that ever graced our land of Hyrule." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  53. "You mean Mother..." — Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  54. "It was ten long years ago... Your mother had just left this world, yet her little bird still spread her wings and became the beacon of light Hyrule needed." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  55. "Sometimes I forget myself...and get lost in the past." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  56. "♪Lightning king of the desert.
    Naboris's Champion, the stalwart.♪
    ♪The hero's power shall grow.
    Seek trials monuments show.♪
    ♪One, fight the brute of the sand.
    Two, chase rings upon the land.♪
    ♪Three, throw the orb underground.
    Champion, trials abound!♪
    " — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  57. "The princess showed me something strange recently. Somehow it can create true-to-life images." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  58. "Oh, wow. I would love to see it. Um, Princess... May I ask a special favor of you?" — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  59. "I attended the inauguration ceremony alongside the other Champions whom I share a fate with." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  60. "Zelda, Revali, Mipha, and Link are so young. They are Hyrule's future. Daruk and I hope to help them see that future." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  61. "However, one thing did trouble me. Zelda was...uncharacteristically cold toward Link. I can imagine why." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  62. "I hear Link has been assigned as Zelda's guardian knight. I hope they find a way to get along." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  63. "You're the one who wanted to designate the appointed knight with all the ceremonial pomp, grandeur, and nonsense we could muster! And if you ask me, the whole thing does seem to be overkill." — Revali (Breath of the Wild)
  64. "I think I'm on the same page as the princess regarding...this boy." — Revali (Breath of the Wild)
  65. "Oh, give it a rest. That boy is a living reminder of her own failures. Well, at least that's how the princess sees him." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  66. "Link is called to the Gerudo Desert by Urbosa. There, he sees Zelda, exhausted and asleep. Urbosa opens up about her concern for Zelda and reminds Link that it is a warrior's honor to protect a member of the royal family." — N/A (Breath of the Wild)
  67. "Ah, well...you certainly got here fast." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  68. "I should have expected as much, from the princess's own appointed knight." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  69. "She was out on a survey all day today. Still as the sands now..." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  70. "So...? Spill it, boy. Have the two of you been getting along all right?" — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  71. "It's OK... I know. Your silence speaks volumes." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  72. "She gets frustrated every time she looks up and sees you carrying that sword on your back." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  73. "It makes her feel like a failure when it comes to her own destiny" — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  74. "Don't worry, it's not like you carry blame in any of this." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  75. "It's unfortunate. She's put in more than enough time." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  76. "Ever since she was a young girl, she's gone through rigorous daily routines to show her dedication..." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  77. "She once passed out in the freezing waters trying to access this sealing power. And she has nothing to show for it..." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  78. "That's the motivation driving her research. I'd be doing the same thing." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  79. "She really is quite...special." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  80. "You be sure to protect her with your life. It's quite the honor." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  81. "The night brings a chill... It's probably time we take her in." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  82. "Urbosa! What was that?! Did you feel that?!" — Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  83. "Wait, what—how did you—what are you doing here?!" — Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  84. "Wh-what's so funny?" — Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  85. "Link requested to meet with me today." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  86. "He tells me Zelda exploited our law that restricts men from entering town to slip away from him." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  87. "I told him of a trick that would allow him entrance, and he was able to get in. By then, however, Zelda was long gone." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  88. "I promised to let him know if I saw her, so he reluctantly returned home." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  89. "In a similar yet distinct way, Link seems to have trouble expressing himself." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  90. "Perhaps the two can help each other... That is, if she ever gives him the chance." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  91. "Today I accompanied Zelda as she went to research Naboris. When the sun set, the poor, exhausted girl drifted to sleep." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  92. "Although it is none of my business, I felt the least I could do to bridge their gap was to share some things about Zelda." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  93. "Although it is none of my business, I felt the least I could do to bridge their gap was to share some things about Zelda." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  94. "The rest is up to them." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  95. "I am so happy to say that Zelda smiles much more often lately. It seems she and Link have finally learned to get along." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  96. "I hope this will have a positive effect on her training. However...I am concerned we may be running out of time." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  97. "Whenever I hear of monster attacks or other unusual events plaguing the kingdom, my concern grows." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  98. "All I can do is pray that Zelda...my little bird...has enough time." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  99. "I do not pray to the goddesses, but to her mother. My dearest friend... How I miss her." — Urbosa's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  100. "Then let's move on. You've done all you could." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  101. "Feeling sorry for yourself won't be of any help." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  102. "After all, it's not like your last shot was up there on Mt. Lanayru." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  103. "Anything could finally spark the power to seal Ganon away. We just have to keep looking for that...thing." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  104. "Come. We should go. We need to get you someplace safe." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  105. "No! I am not a child anymore! I may not be much use on the battlefield... But there must... There must be something I can do to help!" — Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  106. Creating a Champion, Dark Horse Books, pg. 383
  107. "Well, well, well... You sure do know how to keep a woman waiting." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  108. "I can't wait to see you take Naboris back from Ganon!" — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  109. "One thing at a time. You'll need a map to find your way around." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  110. "Head over to that Guidance Stone over there. Sounds easy, right?" — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  111. "Good work getting the map of the Divine Beast!" — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  112. "The terminals that control Naboris are noted by a series of glowing points on your map." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  113. "Take Naboris back by activating all of the terminals." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  114. "You're ready for this." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  115. "There are four terminals remaining! I'm counting on you!" — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  116. "There are three terminals remaining! Hang in there!" — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  117. "There are two terminals remaining! Stay focused!" — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  118. "Just One terminal remaining! You're almost there!" — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  119. . and tells him to start the Main Control Unit and cautions him that overconfidence is a lethal foe."Well done! That was the last of the terminals Now...you'll need to start up the main control unit! Take a good look at your map. Head for the glowing mark you see there. You're doing well... but overconfidence can be a deadly foe." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  120. "Stay on your edge, Link!" — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  121. "This formidable adversary was made by Ganon and brought me to a warrior's demise 100 years ago." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  122. "Do not allow this to be your end. Fight for your life...and its death!" — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  123. "I knew you wouldn't let us down, Link. Thanks to your valor and skill, my soul is free and Naboris is ours once again." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  124. "I've waited so long for the moment to see you finally rush Hyrule Castle... As well as the moment when I incinerate Ganon into a pile of ash." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  125. "Both you and the princess...I know you have suffered much regarding what happened to us Champions." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  126. "But this is how things had to happen. No one need carry blame." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  127. "So please, make it clear so she understands that. Tell her to shed any worries. And let her know...I couldn't be more proud of her." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  128. "You take good care of the princess. Oh, and also... Take good care of Hyrule." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  129. "Nabooru, Legend of the Gerudo, celebrated over ages. And you, who were named to honor her- you are a legend as well. Isn't that right, Naboris?" — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  130. "It was written that Calamity Ganon once adopted the form of a Gerudo. And that... will make this victory all the more satisfying. I like that. Now I can take this more personally." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  131. "Once we've established a lock on that thing... It will be up to Link to keep Ganon occupied until the moment we unleash our strike." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  132. "That moment... is going to be so delicious." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  133. "Urbosa's Fury is ready!" — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  134. "I must say, you are an impressive voe. You may now wield Urbosa's Fury more often." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  135. "You are the pride of Hyrule, hero. Take care of the princess. I'm leaving that honor in your capable hands." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  136. "Champion Urbosa's divine gift. Summons powerful lightning to the surrounding area. Trigger with a charge attack by holding (Y). It now requires less time to recharge." — N/A (Breath of the Wild)
  137. "You have given Hyrule so much. Yet I have one more request. Should you happen on my old diary, please show it to the princess. There's a section about a dear friend of mine. Her mother. She left this world suddenly, leaving her sweet daughter behind. How the loss must have wounded her..." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  138. "Back again? Your dedication knows no bounds. By the way, there is something I've been meaning to ask you. When you visited Gerudo Town, how exactly did you get in? Could it be that you dressed in THAT outfit again? Good thinking. You looked lovely in it 100 years ago. if only the princess could see how well you wear it." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  139. "You are quite skilled. That much is apparent. I assume that you enjoyed your time in Gerudo Town. I wonder who the chief is now. The tragedy of 100 years ago took me from my people... I know it must have been hard on everyone. Yet I know them well. The Gerudo can overcome any obstacle that comes their way!" — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  140. "Many burdens rest on your shoulders. The fate of the princess and of Hyrule... But I have no doubt that you will prevail. You are the most courageous voe I have ever known. Once Ganon falls, I intend to share my cherished memories of the princess... with her mother. I will tell her not to worry, as her daughter is in good hands." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  141. "You never fail to amaze. The hero of Hyrule hasn't rusted with age. Still, do not let your guard down. Neither of us wishes to see the princess in tears." — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  142. "A hundred years in the making... Hold on, Princess. Our moment has arrived!" — Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)
  143. "I came back as quickly as I could... Not exactly what I expected to find." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  144. "I hope you're not hurt... ...little bird." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  145. "I think not!" — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  146. "Thank you for meeting me here. The town is a bit... chaotic, shall we say." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  147. "You know about the... Yiga Clan, I trust? Sheikah traitors that work in the shadows to revive Calamity Ganon. Those low lives have been wreaking havoc here in Gerudo Canyon. How long can we stand by and watch them get away with it? No longer, I say. I will pilot this Divine Beast. You are precious to me, and you need my help. I cannot refuse." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  148. "Little bird... However, I am able to support you, I will. Just say the word." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  149. "Well...My one comfort is that your reputation...will be completely ruined once you fail. The fallen knight, heh heh!" — Revali (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  150. "Revali, how long do you expect us to put up with your prattle, huh?" — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  151. "Getting lost is the least of our worries. If something attacked us, we wouldn't see it coming." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  152. "Oh, never mind him. We have business in the forest. If you lead the way, we can handle the monsters for you." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  153. "And yet, I have not.' I presume that's what you're thinking, hm?" — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  154. "Little bird... Perhaps you are missing the point, comparing your progress to Link's. He... is the same boy he was before acquiring that sword. He will rise to... any challenge with no hesitation. That's all there is to it. In that regard, you two are one in the same. Look how hard you've worked to get this far." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  155. "What did the Great Deku Tree say? There's no need to fret, Princess. I know that you are where you need to be. You must accept that too." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  156. "So, we can track down the enemy and take them by surprise." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  157. "Well, it's time. You and I must now ride into battle without the luxury of training. Then again... Experience is the best teacher." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  158. "Well then, we seem to have been taken by surprise." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  159. "I'm in trouble..." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  160. "Where did you...?" — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  161. "Lady Urbosa... For now, let us focus on winning this fight." — Riju (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  162. "Vile creature! How is it moving like that?" — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  163. "I thought...I was strong enough to protect you." — Riju (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  164. "Listen. You bought us much-needed time. Now look who's come to help" — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  165. "Now then... First, I owe you my gratitude. Thank you for your help. Truly." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  166. "And second... Riju, you said? We could not have prevailed without your aid." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  167. "I-I would not presume to take credit. We-all of us- fought as one." — Riju (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  168. "I never thought the Champion would be so..." — Teba (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  169. "Hold that thought for now. Little bird, please tell us what happened at the castle." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  170. "You've really gotten the hang of the helm, haven't you?" — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  171. "As the chief, it's my responsibility to-" — Riju (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  172. "One such as you would need a hundred years or more before you could wield this Helm." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  173. "This is like a nightmare." — Riju (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  174. "You needn't sound so defeated. Together, we'll put a stop to it." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  175. "But how? Look how many there are!" — Riju (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  176. "I would likely have died if it wasn't for your courage. But I'm still here, and Naboris still has its pilot. I'd wager that nothing can stop us." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  177. "We will triumph." — Riju (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  178. "Exactly. Now then, let's begin. Will you take my hand?" — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  179. "Yes." — Riju (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  180. "Wha-Huh?" — Riju (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  181. "Lady Urbosa! We've come so far. We must persevere until the battle's done!" — Riju (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  182. "A vai after my own heart. You never give in, huh?" — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  183. "It's about time! What took them so long?" — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  184. "The King of Hyrule must not fall!" — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  185. "The real trouble would have been losing you." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  186. "Our little bird... She's on her way here. She's been searching for you." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  187. "Our Zelda's wings have gotten so strong. She's perhaps even... stronger than her mother." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  188. "You see? Your efforts have not been in vain... my little bird." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  189. "What a sight... I never imagined things could go this way." — Riju (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  190. "Awaiting your orders, Your Highness." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  191. "C'mon!" — Daruk (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  192. "Take this!" — Revali (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  193. "Here it comes!" — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  194. "We must!" — Mipha (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  195. "I know you'll lead our people well, Riju." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  196. "I could not be prouder. It was an honor to be of service." — Riju (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  197. "You've done all you could. The results will surely reflect that." — Urbosa (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  198. "I like Urbosa the best. That was the first name we finalized during the development too. It just has a good ring to it." —Hidemaro Fujibayashi (The Making of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Bonus Session)
  199. "You will be able to use these four amiibo in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Of course you'll be able to use these in the DLC packs you just saw." — Eiji Aonuma, Nintendo Spotlight: E3 2017, Youtube, published June 13, 2017, retrieved June 13, 2017.
  200. "Urbosa" — Gallery (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)