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The Water Rod is an item in Tri Force Heroes.[1]

Locations and Uses[]

The Water Rod allows the Links to create pillars of water that can be used as platforms, regardless of whether or not water is present. A water pillar equates to the same height as a full Totem, and spouts for a short time before disappearing. These pillars can stun most enemies and eject aquatic enemies, such as Octoroks and Skullfish, out of the water. The item is also used to traverse expanses of water that cannot be crossed by swimming, and to reach heights that are too high for a normal Totem, or alternately, to climb to higher platforms by elevating all three Links at once instead of leaving one behind to throw the other two. In the Abyss of Agony, the Water Rod's pillars can be used to turn water wheels in the Level's third Stage.

Water Rods are introduced in Secret Fortress, in which all three Links acquire one. The item reappears in Abyss of Agony (two Rods), Water Temple, Infinity Dunes, Dragon Citadel, and Sky Temple (one Rod per Stage). The Water Rod also appears in the Flooded Zone, Desert Zone and Baneful Zone of the Den of Trials, as well as the Coliseum's Riverside and The Ruins arenas.

The effects of the Water Rod are improved while wearing the Torrent Robe. This greatly expands the radius of the Water Rod's pillars.


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
JapanJapaneseウォーターロッド (Wōtā Roddo)[2]Water Rod
CanadaFrenchCABaguette d'eau[3]
FranceFrenchEUBaguette d'eau[4]
ItalyItalianBacchetta blu[6]
SpainSpanishEUCetro de Agua[7]
Latin AmericaSpanishLACetro de agua[8]
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.



  1. �� "You got a Water Rod! Summon water pillars with Y Button. A splashing good time!" — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  2. "ウォーターロッドを手に入れた!
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  3. "Vous avez obtenu une baguette
    d'eau! Créez des colonnes d'eau
    avec Ⓨ!
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  4. "Vous avez obtenu la baguette
    d'eau ! Créez des colonnes d'eau
    avec Ⓨ !
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  5. "Der Wasserstab!
    Drückst du Ⓨ, erscheint eine
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  6. "Hai ottenuto la bacchetta blu!
    Evoca colonne d'acqua con Ⓨ!
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  7. "¡Obtienes el Cetro de Agua!
    Crea columnas de agua con Ⓨ.
    ¡Refrescantes y efectivas!
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  8. "¡Obtienes el cetro de agua!
    Crea columnas de agua con Ⓨ.
    ¡Fresquitas y efectivas!
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)