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User:Kweetal nl/sandbox

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Peters' Check-List of the Birds of the World (1931-1987)
              All names  54,249
Genus or binomial names  53,558
        Binomials names  48,969
         Epitheta names  15,284 
           Genera names   5,650  Peters' check-list genera
           Genera names   2,190  Peters' check-list genera in use in IOC 14.1 (which has 2381 genera)
           Genera names   3,460  Peters' check-list genera not in use in 14.1

User:Kweetal nl/sandbox-diff-14.1 diff between EN:Wikipedia taxobox binomial name + authority, versus IOC 14.1 data

 {{en}}{{aut|Gill, F, D Donsker, and P Rasmussen}} (Eds). 2024. IOC World Bird List (v 14.1). https://www.worldbirdnames.org

wikispecies-diff-20231214-2 - linked (14.1)
List of authors of bird taxa (14.1)

sandbox19 - List of authors of bird taxa - large
sb45: diff IOC 13.2 vs ENWIKI
sb47: diff binomials: wikigenuspages vs IOC 13.2

         	--- compare 4 world bird lists - overlap in binomials
         	--- (purely "Genus + epitheton are the same", nothing more)
         	ioc - IOC v13.2         | 11161  rowcount
         	clm - Clements 2023     | 11017
         	hbw - HBW/BirdLife v7   | 11189
         	ham - Howard & Moore v4 | 10175
         	ioc-clm                 | 10774  intersect
         	ioc-hbw                 | 10401
         	ioc-ham                 | 9383
         	clm-hbw                 | 10236
         	ioc-clm-hbw             | 10164
         	ioc-clm-hbw-ham         | 9095
         	% ioc-clm               | 96.5  
         	% ioc-hbw               | 93.2
         	% ioc-ham               | 84.1
         	% clm-hbw               | 92.9

bird family list (253)

 rn  |       Family       | cum.  | % cum. | species | % of 11161  +| genera | % of 2376  +| g/s |                English name                
     |                    |       |        |         |   species    |        |   genera    |     |                                            
   1 | Tyrannidae         |   447 |      4 |     447 |          4.0 |    104 |         4.4 |  23 | Tyrant Flycatchers, Calyptura
   2 | Thraupidae         |   839 |      8 |     392 |          3.5 |    107 |         4.5 |  27 | Tanagers & Allies
   3 | Trochilidae        |  1205 |     11 |     366 |          3.3 |    112 |         4.7 |  31 | Hummingbirds
   4 | Columbidae         |  1557 |     14 |     352 |          3.2 |     50 |         2.1 |  14 | Pigeons, Doves
   5 | Muscicapidae       |  1908 |     17 |     351 |          3.1 |     54 |         2.3 |  15 | Chats, Old World Flycatchers
   6 | Furnariidae        |  2228 |     20 |     320 |          2.9 |     70 |         2.9 |  22 | Ovenbirds
   7 | Accipitridae       |  2484 |     22 |     256 |          2.3 |     71 |         3.0 |  28 | Kites, Hawks, Eagles
   8 | Fringillidae       |  2964 |     27 |     240 |          2.2 |     50 |         2.1 |  21 | Finches, Euphonias
   9 | Picidae            |  2964 |     27 |     240 |          2.2 |     37 |         1.6 |  15 | Woodpeckers
  10 | Thamnophilidae     |  3202 |     29 |     238 |          2.1 |     63 |         2.7 |  26 | Antbirds
  11 | Strigidae          |  3436 |     31 |     234 |          2.1 |     23 |         1.0 |  10 | Owls
  12 | Psittaculidae      |  3639 |     33 |     203 |          1.8 |     54 |         2.3 |  27 | Old World Parrots
  13 | Meliphagidae       |  3835 |     34 |     196 |          1.8 |     55 |         2.3 |  28 | Honeyeaters
  14 | Phasianidae        |  4023 |     36 |     188 |          1.7 |     54 |         2.3 |  29 | Pheasants & Allies
  15 | Psittacidae        |  4202 |     38 |     179 |          1.6 |     37 |         1.6 |  21 | African & New World Parrots
  16 | Turdidae           |  4377 |     39 |     175 |          1.6 |     17 |         0.7 |  10 | Thrushes
  17 | Anatidae           |  4551 |     41 |     174 |          1.6 |     53 |         2.2 |  30 | Ducks, Geese, Swans
  18 | Cisticolidae       |  4719 |     42 |     168 |          1.5 |     26 |         1.1 |  15 | Cisticolas & Allies
  19 | Pycnonotidae       |  4885 |     44 |     166 |          1.5 |     32 |         1.3 |  19 | Bulbuls
  20 | Rallidae           |  5037 |     45 |     152 |          1.4 |     43 |         1.8 |  28 | Rails, Crakes & Coots
  21 | Cuculidae          |  5337 |     48 |     150 |          1.3 |     33 |         1.4 |  22 | Cuckoos
  22 | Zosteropidae       |  5337 |     48 |     150 |          1.3 |     13 |         0.5 |   9 | White-eyes
  23 | Nectariniidae      |  5483 |     49 |     146 |          1.3 |     16 |         0.7 |  11 | Sunbirds
  24 | Estrildidae        |  5623 |     50 |     140 |          1.3 |     41 |         1.7 |  29 | Waxbills, Munias & Allies
  25 | Passerellidae      |  5761 |     52 |     138 |          1.2 |     30 |         1.3 |  22 | New World Sparrows
  26 | Corvidae           |  5896 |     53 |     135 |          1.2 |     24 |         1.0 |  18 | Crows, Jays
  27 | Leiothrichidae     |  6029 |     54 |     133 |          1.2 |     16 |         0.7 |  12 | Laughingthrushes & Allies
  28 | Sturnidae          |  6157 |     55 |     128 |          1.1 |     36 |         1.5 |  28 | Starlings, Rhabdornises
  29 | Ploceidae          |  6279 |     56 |     122 |          1.1 |     15 |         0.6 |  12 | Weavers, Widowbirds
  30 | Parulidae          |  6399 |     57 |     120 |          1.1 |     18 |         0.8 |  15 | New World Warblers
  31 | Alcedinidae        |  6516 |     58 |     117 |          1.0 |     18 |         0.8 |  15 | Kingfishers
  32 | Apodidae           |  6629 |     59 |     113 |          1.0 |     19 |         0.8 |  17 | Swifts
  33 | Icteridae          |  6737 |     60 |     108 |          1.0 |     30 |         1.3 |  28 | Oropendolas, New World Orioles, Blackbirds
  34 | Monarchidae        |  6843 |     61 |     106 |          0.9 |     15 |         0.6 |  14 | Monarchs
  35 | Laridae            |  6946 |     62 |     103 |          0.9 |     22 |         0.9 |  21 | Gulls, Terns, Skimmers
  36 | Alaudidae          |  7146 |     64 |     100 |          0.9 |     21 |         0.9 |  21 | Larks
  37 | Procellariidae     |  7146 |     64 |     100 |          0.9 |     16 |         0.7 |  16 | Petrels, Shearwaters, Diving Petrels
  38 | Scolopacidae       |  7244 |     65 |      98 |          0.9 |     15 |         0.6 |  15 | Sandpipers, Snipes
  39 | Caprimulgidae      |  7341 |     66 |      97 |          0.9 |     20 |         0.8 |  21 | Nightjars
  40 | Campephagidae      |  7435 |     67 |      94 |          0.8 |     11 |         0.5 |  12 | Cuckooshrikes
  41 | Hirundinidae       |  7524 |     67 |      89 |          0.8 |     20 |         0.8 |  22 | Swallows, Martins
  42 | Troglodytidae      |  7612 |     68 |      88 |          0.8 |     19 |         0.8 |  22 | Wrens
  43 | Phylloscopidae     |  7693 |     69 |      81 |          0.7 |      1 |         0.0 |   1 | Leaf Warblers
  44 | Ardeidae           |  7765 |     70 |      72 |          0.6 |     18 |         0.8 |  25 | Herons, Bitterns
  45 | Grallariidae       |  7835 |     70 |      70 |          0.6 |      5 |         0.2 |   7 | Antpittas
  46 | Charadriidae       |  7973 |     71 |      69 |          0.6 |     11 |         0.5 |  16 | Plovers
  47 | Motacillidae       |  7973 |     71 |      69 |          0.6 |      5 |         0.2 |   7 | Wagtails, Pipits
  49 | Acanthizidae       |  8107 |     73 |      67 |          0.6 |     15 |         0.6 |  22 | Australasian Warblers
  48 | Locustellidae      |  8107 |     73 |      67 |          0.6 |     11 |         0.5 |  16 | Grassbirds & Allies
  50 | Cotingidae         |  8173 |     73 |      66 |          0.6 |     24 |         1.0 |  36 | Cotingas
  52 | Pellorneidae       |  8368 |     75 |      65 |          0.6 |     13 |         0.5 |  20 | Ground Babblers
  53 | Falconidae         |  8368 |     75 |      65 |          0.6 |     12 |         0.5 |  18 | Caracaras, Falcons
  51 | Rhinocryptidae     |  8368 |     75 |      65 |          0.6 |     12 |         0.5 |  18 | Tapaculos
  55 | Paridae            |  8496 |     76 |      64 |          0.6 |     14 |         0.6 |  22 | Tits, Chickadees
  54 | Pachycephalidae    |  8496 |     76 |      64 |          0.6 |      5 |         0.2 |   8 | Whistlers & Allies
  56 | Vireonidae         |  8558 |     77 |      62 |          0.6 |      8 |         0.3 |  13 | Vireos, Greenlets, Shrike-babblers
  57 | Acrocephalidae     |  8619 |     77 |      61 |          0.5 |      7 |         0.3 |  11 | Reed Warblers & Allies
  58 | Bucerotidae        |  8679 |     78 |      60 |          0.5 |     15 |         0.6 |  25 | Hornbills
  59 | Timaliidae         |  8737 |     78 |      58 |          0.5 |     10 |         0.4 |  17 | Babblers, Scimitar Babblers
  60 | Cracidae           |  8794 |     79 |      57 |          0.5 |     11 |         0.5 |  19 | Chachalacas, Curassows, Guans
  61 | Pipridae           |  8904 |     80 |      55 |          0.5 |     17 |         0.7 |  31 | Manakins
  62 | Rhipiduridae       |  8904 |     80 |      55 |          0.5 |      4 |         0.2 |   7 | Fantails
  63 | Cardinalidae       |  8957 |     80 |      53 |          0.5 |     13 |         0.5 |  25 | Cardinals & Allies
  64 | Petroicidae        |  9008 |     81 |      51 |          0.5 |     19 |         0.8 |  37 | Australasian Robins
  66 | Malaconotidae      |  9108 |     82 |      50 |          0.4 |      8 |         0.3 |  16 | Bushshrikes
  65 | Dicaeidae          |  9108 |     82 |      50 |          0.4 |      2 |         0.1 |   4 | Flowerpeckers
  67 | Tityridae          |  9200 |     82 |      46 |          0.4 |     11 |         0.5 |  24 | Tityras, Becards, Sharpbill
  68 | Tinamidae          |  9200 |     82 |      46 |          0.4 |      9 |         0.4 |  20 | Tinamous
  69 | Paradisaeidae      |  9245 |     83 |      45 |          0.4 |     17 |         0.7 |  38 | Birds-of-paradise
  70 | Pittidae           |  9333 |     84 |      44 |          0.4 |      3 |         0.1 |   7 | Pittas
  71 | Emberizidae        |  9333 |     84 |      44 |          0.4 |      1 |         0.0 |   2 | Buntings
  73 | Passeridae         |  9462 |     85 |      43 |          0.4 |      8 |         0.3 |  19 | Old World Sparrows, Snowfinches
  74 | Trogonidae         |  9462 |     85 |      43 |          0.4 |      7 |         0.3 |  16 | Trogons
  72 | Ramphastidae       |  9462 |     85 |      43 |          0.4 |      5 |         0.2 |  12 | Toucans
  75 | Lybiidae           |  9546 |     86 |      42 |          0.4 |      7 |         0.3 |  17 | African Barbets
  76 | Phalacrocoracidae  |  9546 |     86 |      42 |          0.4 |      7 |         0.3 |  17 | Cormorants, Shags
  77 | Oriolidae          |  9587 |     86 |      41 |          0.4 |      4 |         0.2 |  10 | Figbirds, Old World Orioles, Piopios
  78 | Vangidae           |  9627 |     86 |      40 |          0.4 |     21 |         0.9 |  53 | Vangas & Allies
  79 | Bucconidae         |  9665 |     87 |      38 |          0.3 |     10 |         0.4 |  26 | Puffbirds
  80 | Paradoxornithidae  |  9702 |     87 |      37 |          0.3 |      9 |         0.4 |  24 | Parrotbills & Allies
  81 | Threskiornithidae  |  9738 |     87 |      36 |          0.3 |     13 |         0.5 |  36 | Ibises, Spoonbills
  82 | Mimidae            |  9874 |     88 |      34 |          0.3 |     10 |         0.4 |  29 | Mockingbirds, Thrashers
  85 | Odontophoridae     |  9874 |     88 |      34 |          0.3 |     10 |         0.4 |  29 | New World Quail
  83 | Megalaimidae       |  9874 |     88 |      34 |          0.3 |      2 |         0.1 |   6 | Asian Barbets
  84 | Laniidae           |  9874 |     88 |      34 |          0.3 |      2 |         0.1 |   6 | Shrikes
  86 | Platysteiridae     |  9907 |     89 |      33 |          0.3 |      3 |         0.1 |   9 | Wattle-eyes, Batises
  87 | Maluridae          |  9971 |     89 |      32 |          0.3 |      6 |         0.3 |  19 | Australasian Wrens
  88 | Sylviidae          |  9971 |     89 |      32 |          0.3 |      2 |         0.1 |   6 | Sylviid Babblers
  90 | Cettiidae          | 10033 |     90 |      31 |          0.3 |      8 |         0.3 |  26 | Cettia Bush Warblers & Allies
  89 | Meropidae          | 10033 |     90 |      31 |          0.3 |      3 |         0.1 |  10 | Bee-eaters
  91 | Sittidae           | 10062 |     90 |      29 |          0.3 |      1 |         0.0 |   3 | Nuthatches
  92 | Ptilonorhynchidae  | 10118 |     91 |      28 |          0.3 |      8 |         0.3 |  29 | Bowerbirds
  93 | Dicruridae         | 10118 |     91 |      28 |          0.3 |      1 |         0.0 |   4 | Drongos
  94 | Otididae           | 10144 |     91 |      26 |          0.2 |     12 |         0.5 |  46 | Bustards
  95 | Alcidae            | 10169 |     91 |      25 |          0.2 |     11 |         0.5 |  44 | Auks
  96 | Artamidae          | 10193 |     91 |      24 |          0.2 |      6 |         0.3 |  25 | Woodswallows, Butcherbirds & Allies
  97 | Podicipedidae      | 10239 |     92 |      23 |          0.2 |      6 |         0.3 |  26 | Grebes
  98 | Musophagidae       | 10239 |     92 |      23 |          0.2 |      5 |         0.2 |  22 | Turacos
  99 | Cacatuidae         | 10261 |     92 |      22 |          0.2 |      7 |         0.3 |  32 | Cockatoos
 100 | Megapodiidae       | 10324 |     93 |      21 |          0.2 |      7 |         0.3 |  33 | Megapodes
 101 | Diomedeidae        | 10324 |     93 |      21 |          0.2 |      4 |         0.2 |  19 | Albatrosses
 102 | Polioptilidae      | 10324 |     93 |      21 |          0.2 |      3 |         0.1 |  14 | Gnatcatchers
 105 | Ciconiidae         | 10384 |     93 |      20 |          0.2 |      6 |         0.3 |  30 | Storks
 104 | Viduidae           | 10384 |     93 |      20 |          0.2 |      2 |         0.1 |  10 | Indigobirds, Whydahs
 103 | Tytonidae          | 10384 |     93 |      20 |          0.2 |      2 |         0.1 |  10 | Barn Owls
 107 | Spheniscidae       | 10474 |     94 |      18 |          0.2 |      6 |         0.3 |  33 | Penguins
 108 | Macrosphenidae     | 10474 |     94 |      18 |          0.2 |      6 |         0.3 |  33 | Crombecs, African Warblers
 109 | Galbulidae         | 10474 |     94 |      18 |          0.2 |      5 |         0.2 |  28 | Jacamars
 106 | Turnicidae         | 10474 |     94 |      18 |          0.2 |      2 |         0.1 |  11 | Buttonquail
 110 | Hydrobatidae       | 10474 |     94 |      18 |          0.2 |      1 |         0.0 |   6 | Northern Storm Petrels
 111 | Glareolidae        | 10491 |     94 |      17 |          0.2 |      4 |         0.2 |  24 | Coursers, Pratincoles
 114 | Indicatoridae      | 10539 |     94 |      16 |          0.1 |      4 |         0.2 |  25 | Honeyguides
 113 | Podargidae         | 10539 |     94 |      16 |          0.1 |      3 |         0.1 |  19 | Frogmouths
 112 | Pteroclidae        | 10539 |     94 |      16 |          0.1 |      2 |         0.1 |  13 | Sandgrouse
 115 | Gruidae            | 10584 |     95 |      15 |          0.1 |      4 |         0.2 |  27 | Cranes
 117 | Sarothruridae      | 10584 |     95 |      15 |          0.1 |      3 |         0.1 |  20 | Flufftails & Forest Rails
 116 | Capitonidae        | 10584 |     95 |      15 |          0.1 |      2 |         0.1 |  13 | New World Barbets
 118 | Momotidae          | 10598 |     95 |      14 |          0.1 |      6 |         0.3 |  43 | Motmots
 119 | Aegithalidae       | 10624 |     95 |      13 |          0.1 |      3 |         0.1 |  23 | Bushtits
 120 | Coraciidae         | 10624 |     95 |      13 |          0.1 |      2 |         0.1 |  15 | Rollers
 125 | Melanocharitidae   | 10708 |     96 |      12 |          0.1 |      4 |         0.2 |  33 | Berrypeckers, Longbills
 122 | Conopophagidae     | 10708 |     96 |      12 |          0.1 |      2 |         0.1 |  17 | Gnateaters
 121 | Formicariidae      | 10708 |     96 |      12 |          0.1 |      2 |         0.1 |  17 | Antthrushes
 126 | Cinclosomatidae    | 10708 |     96 |      12 |          0.1 |      2 |         0.1 |  17 | Jewel-babblers, Quail-thrushes
 123 | Chloropseidae      | 10708 |     96 |      12 |          0.1 |      1 |         0.0 |   8 | Leafbirds
 127 | Prunellidae        | 10708 |     96 |      12 |          0.1 |      1 |         0.0 |   8 | Accentors
 124 | Haematopodidae     | 10708 |     96 |      12 |          0.1 |      1 |         0.0 |   8 | Oystercatchers
 130 | Bernieridae        | 10741 |     96 |      11 |          0.1 |      8 |         0.3 |  73 | Tetrakas & Allies
 128 | Remizidae          | 10741 |     96 |      11 |          0.1 |      3 |         0.1 |  27 | Penduline Tits
 129 | Certhiidae         | 10741 |     96 |      11 |          0.1 |      2 |         0.1 |  18 | Treecreepers
 136 | Eurylaimidae       | 10801 |     97 |      10 |          0.1 |      7 |         0.3 |  70 | Typical Broadbills
 134 | Oceanitidae        | 10801 |     97 |      10 |          0.1 |      5 |         0.2 |  50 | Austral Storm Petrels
 133 | Recurvirostridae   | 10801 |     97 |      10 |          0.1 |      3 |         0.1 |  30 | Stilts, Avocets
 131 | Sulidae            | 10801 |     97 |      10 |          0.1 |      3 |         0.1 |  30 | Gannets, Boobies
 135 | Burhinidae         | 10801 |     97 |      10 |          0.1 |      2 |         0.1 |  20 | Stone-curlews, Thick-knees
 132 | Alcippeidae        | 10801 |     97 |      10 |          0.1 |      1 |         0.0 |  10 | Alcippe Fulvettas
 138 | Stenostiridae      | 10828 |     97 |       9 |          0.1 |      4 |         0.2 |  44 | Fairy Flycatchers
 139 | Phoeniculidae      | 10828 |     97 |       9 |          0.1 |      2 |         0.1 |  22 | Wood Hoopoes
 137 | Aegothelidae       | 10828 |     97 |       9 |          0.1 |      1 |         0.0 |  11 | Owlet-nightjars
 142 | Jacanidae          | 10852 |     97 |       8 |          0.1 |      6 |         0.3 |  75 | Jacanas
 141 | Numididae          | 10852 |     97 |       8 |          0.1 |      4 |         0.2 |  50 | Guineafowl
 140 | Pelecanidae        | 10852 |     97 |       8 |          0.1 |      1 |         0.0 |  13 | Pelicans
 144 | Cathartidae        | 10880 |     97 |       7 |          0.1 |      5 |         0.2 |  71 | New World Vultures
 143 | Nyctibiidae        | 10880 |     97 |       7 |          0.1 |      2 |         0.1 |  29 | Potoos
 145 | Climacteridae      | 10880 |     97 |       7 |          0.1 |      2 |         0.1 |  29 | Australasian Treecreepers
 146 | Stercorariidae     | 10880 |     97 |       7 |          0.1 |      1 |         0.0 |  14 | Skuas
 147 | Calcariidae        | 10916 |     98 |       6 |          0.1 |      3 |         0.1 |  50 | Longspurs, Snow Buntings
 150 | Phoenicopteridae   | 10916 |     98 |       6 |          0.1 |      3 |         0.1 |  50 | Flamingos
 149 | Coliidae           | 10916 |     98 |       6 |          0.1 |      2 |         0.1 |  33 | Mousebirds
 151 | Psophodidae        | 10916 |     98 |       6 |          0.1 |      2 |         0.1 |  33 | Whipbirds
 152 | Regulidae          | 10916 |     98 |       6 |          0.1 |      2 |         0.1 |  33 | Goldcrests, Kinglets
 148 | Calyptomenidae     | 10916 |     98 |       6 |          0.1 |      2 |         0.1 |  33 | African & Green Broadbills
 154 | Brachypteraciidae  | 10966 |     98 |       5 |          0.0 |      4 |         0.2 |  80 | Ground Rollers
 157 | Callaeidae         | 10966 |     98 |       5 |          0.0 |      3 |         0.1 |  60 | New Zealand Wattlebirds
 159 | Pomatostomidae     | 10966 |     98 |       5 |          0.0 |      2 |         0.1 |  40 | Australasian Babblers
 153 | Mohoidae           | 10966 |     98 |       5 |          0.0 |      2 |         0.1 |  40 | Oos
 162 | Fregatidae         | 10966 |     98 |       5 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  20 | Frigatebirds
 160 | Apterygidae        | 10966 |     98 |       5 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  20 | Kiwis
 161 | Cinclidae          | 10966 |     98 |       5 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  20 | Dippers
 155 | Todidae            | 10966 |     98 |       5 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  20 | Todies
 156 | Gaviidae           | 10966 |     98 |       5 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  20 | Loons
 158 | Melanopareiidae    | 10966 |     98 |       5 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  20 | Crescentchests
 173 | Ptiliogonatidae    | 11030 |     99 |       4 |          0.0 |      3 |         0.1 |  75 | Silky-flycatchers
 176 | Phaenicophilidae   | 11030 |     99 |       4 |          0.0 |      3 |         0.1 |  75 | Hispaniolan Tanagers
 165 | Acanthisittidae    | 11030 |     99 |       4 |          0.0 |      3 |         0.1 |  75 | New Zealand Wrens
 178 | Mitrospingidae     | 11030 |     99 |       4 |          0.0 |      3 |         0.1 |  75 | Mitrospingid Tanagers
 169 | Strigopidae        | 11030 |     99 |       4 |          0.0 |      2 |         0.1 |  50 | New Zealand Parrots
 167 | Casuariidae        | 11030 |     99 |       4 |          0.0 |      2 |         0.1 |  50 | Cassowaries, Emu
 163 | Philepittidae      | 11030 |     99 |       4 |          0.0 |      2 |         0.1 |  50 | Asities
 166 | Thinocoridae       | 11030 |     99 |       4 |          0.0 |      2 |         0.1 |  50 | Seedsnipes
 171 | Aegithinidae       | 11030 |     99 |       4 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  25 | Ioras
 168 | Spindalidae        | 11030 |     99 |       4 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  25 | Spindalises
 170 | Upupidae           | 11030 |     99 |       4 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  25 | Hoopoes
 164 | Anhingidae         | 11030 |     99 |       4 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  25 | Anhingas, Darters
 172 | Pnoepygidae        | 11030 |     99 |       4 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  25 | Cupwings
 174 | Hemiprocnidae      | 11030 |     99 |       4 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  25 | Treeswifts
 175 | Hyliotidae         | 11030 |     99 |       4 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  25 | Hyliotas
 177 | Pardalotidae       | 11030 |     99 |       4 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  25 | Pardalotes
 190 | Heliornithidae     | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      3 |         0.1 | 100 | Finfoots
 179 | Oreoicidae         | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      3 |         0.1 | 100 | Australo-Papuan Bellbirds
 185 | Modulatricidae     | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      3 |         0.1 | 100 | Dapple-throat & Allies
 180 | Paramythiidae      | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      2 |         0.1 |  67 | Painted Berrypeckers
 186 | Anhimidae          | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      2 |         0.1 |  67 | Screamers
 187 | Mesitornithidae    | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      2 |         0.1 |  67 | Mesites
 193 | Rostratulidae      | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      2 |         0.1 |  67 | Painted-snipes
 195 | Cnemophilidae      | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      2 |         0.1 |  67 | Satinbirds
 197 | Orthonychidae      | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  33 | Logrunners
 188 | Irenidae           | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  33 | Fairy-bluebirds
 189 | Psophiidae         | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  33 | Trumpeters
 181 | Nicatoridae        | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  33 | Nicators
 191 | Falcunculidae      | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  33 | Shriketits
 192 | Erythrocercidae    | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  33 | Yellow Flycatchers
 196 | Bombycillidae      | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  33 | Waxwings
 183 | Mohouidae          | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  33 | Whiteheads
 184 | Phaethontidae      | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  33 | Tropicbirds
 182 | Neosittidae        | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  33 | Sittellas
 194 | Dasyornithidae     | 11087 |     99 |       3 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  33 | Bristlebirds
 212 | Melampittidae      | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      2 |         0.1 | 100 | Melampittas
 213 | Cariamidae         | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      2 |         0.1 | 100 | Seriemas
 210 | Hyliidae           | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      2 |         0.1 | 100 | Hylias
 204 | Corcoracidae       | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      2 |         0.1 | 100 | Australian Mudnesters
 207 | Promeropidae       | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  50 | Sugarbirds
 208 | Chaetopidae        | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  50 | Rockjumpers
 209 | Teretistridae      | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  50 | Cuban Warblers
 211 | Machaerirhynchidae | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  50 | Boatbills
 214 | Calyptophilidae    | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  50 | Chat-tanagers
 215 | Semnornithidae     | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  50 | Toucan Barbets
 199 | Menuridae          | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  50 | Lyrebirds
 200 | Buphagidae         | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  50 | Oxpeckers
 201 | Rheidae            | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  50 | Rheas
 202 | Bucorvidae         | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  50 | Ground Hornbills
 198 | Picathartidae      | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  50 | Rockfowl
 203 | Struthionidae      | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  50 | Ostriches
 205 | Chionidae          | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  50 | Sheathbills
 206 | Atrichornithidae   | 11123 |    100 |       2 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 |  50 | Scrubbirds
 233 | Ibidorhynchidae    | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Ibisbill
 234 | Icteriidae         | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Yellow-breasted Chat
 235 | Ifritidae          | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Ifrit
 236 | Nesospingidae      | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Puerto Rican Tanager
 237 | Pluvianidae        | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Egyptian Plover
 238 | Notiomystidae      | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Stitchbird
 239 | Eurypygidae        | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Sunbittern
 240 | Pluvianellidae     | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Magellanic Plover
 241 | Eupetidae          | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Rail-babbler
 242 | Rhagologidae       | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Mottled Berryhunter
 243 | Eulacestomatidae   | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Ploughbill
 244 | Urocynchramidae    | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Przevalski's Finch
 245 | Rhodinocichlidae   | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Thrush-tanager
 246 | Rhynochetidae      | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Kagu
 247 | Anseranatidae      | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Magpie Goose
 248 | Sagittariidae      | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Secretarybird
 249 | Sapayoidae         | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Sapayoa
 250 | Elachuridae        | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Elachura
 251 | Dulidae            | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Palmchat
 252 | Scopidae           | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Hamerkop
 253 | Scotocercidae      | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Streaked Scrub Warbler
 216 | Dromadidae         | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Crab-plover
 217 | Donacobiidae       | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Black-capped Donacobius
 218 | Leptosomidae       | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Cuckoo-roller
 219 | Steatornithidae    | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Oilbird
 220 | Opisthocomidae     | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Hoatzin
 221 | Pandionidae        | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Ospreys
 222 | Platylophidae      | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Jayshrike
 223 | Pityriasidae       | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Bristlehead
 224 | Tichodromidae      | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Wallcreeper
 225 | Peucedramidae      | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Olive Warbler
 226 | Pedionomidae       | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Plains-wanderer
 227 | Panuridae          | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Bearded Reedling
 228 | Balaenicipitidae   | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Shoebill
 229 | Hylocitreidae      | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Hylocitrea
 230 | Hypocoliidae       | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Hypocolius
 231 | Aramidae           | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Limpkin
 232 | Zeledoniidae       | 11161 |    100 |       1 |          0.0 |      1 |         0.0 | 100 | Wrenthrush
(253 rows)

More lists


it what this
List of authors of bird taxa birds compact
sandbox19 birds List of authors of bird taxa (crazy large)
sandbox11 birds systematic index on all genera, all epitheta
sandbox10 birds species that are the sole member of an order, family, or genus
sandbox15 birds differences between vernacular names: wikipedia vs IOC v13.2
sandbox16 birds limited comparison: IOC v13.2 vs Clements v2023
sandbox12 birds ENWIKI vs IOC: 20231026 run - superseding earlier lists semi-finished
sandbox17 birds ENWIKI vs IOC: 20231031 run - superseding earlier lists semi-finished

authors inserted


I've authorified these lists of species of the 10 or so largest bird families.
The Authority insert for these files is now done. The large Regional Bird lists (below) are next.

it what this spp
birdsf List of tyrant flycatchers - with authority (IOCv13.2) (changed) 447
birds List of tanager species - with authority (IOCv13.2) (changed) 392
birds List of hummingbirds - with authority (IOCv13.2) (changed) 366
birds List of wild pigeon species - with authority (IOCv13.2) (changed) 352
birds List of Old World flycatcher species - with authority (IOCv13.2) (changed) 351
birds List of ovenbird species - with authority (IOCv13.2) (changed) 320
birds List of Accipitriformes species (changed) 265
birds List of true finch species (changed) 240
birds List of antbird species (changed) 238
birds List of woodpeckers - with authority (IOCv13.2) (changed) 240
birds List of owl species (changed) 254
birds List of honeyeaters (changed) 196
sandbox38 birds List of parrots (original) - (doubled authority)
birds List of thrush species (changed) 175

Not (yet?) done - no authors inserted because it doesn't look nice and/or they're not IOC lists, etc)

it what this #
sandbox27 birds List of birds of India - with authority (IOCv13.2) (original) 1377
sandbox28 birds (non-IOC) List of birds of Australia - with authority (IOCv13.2) (original) 975
sandbox35 birds (non-IOC) List of birds of Southern Africa - with authority (IOCv13.2) (original)
sandbox40 birds (non-IOC) List of birds of Colombia - with authority (IOCv13.2) (changed) 1867
sandbox42 birds (non-IOC) List of birds of South America - with authority (IOCv13.2) (original) 3471
sandbox43 birds (non-IOC) List of birds of Asia - with authority (IOCv13.2) (original) 3845


  • 35: Southern Africa
  • 39: Cotingas
  • 40 Colombia

Species Species authority Subspecies authority Subspecies
Mustelirallus colombianus Bangs, 1898 (Bangs, 1898) Mustelirallus colombianus colombianus
Amazona farinosa (Sclater, PL, 1860) (Boddaert, 1783) Amazona farinosa farinosa
IOC [1]
Soortnaam Authority Pub.
Nederlands English
33572 Tangara vassorii (Boissonneau, 1840) 1840 Sa Blauw-zwarte tangare Blue-and-black Tanager
33576 Tangara nigroviridis (Lafresnaye, 1843) 1843 Sa Zilvervlektangare Beryl-spangled Tanager
33581 Tangara dowii (Salvin, 1863) 1863 Ma Glansvlektangare Spangle-cheeked Tanager
33582 Tangara fucosa Nelson, 1912 1912 Ma Groennektangare Green-naped Tanager
33583 Tangara cyanotis (Sclater, PL, 1858) 1858 Sa Zilverbrauwtangare Blue-browed Tanager

Stuck into Draft on 2023.08.04:



Golden-eared tanager (Tangara chrysotis)

Saffron-crowned tanager (Tangara xanthocephala)

Blue-whiskered tanager (Tangara johannae)

Green-and-gold tanager (Tangara schrankii)

Flame-faced tanager (Tangara parzudakii)

Silver-throated tanager (Tangara icterocephala)

Emerald tanager (Tangara florida)

Golden tanager (Tangara arthus)

|from   = Q662854   <!-- Geospiza -->
|from2  = Q10807482 <!-- Platyspiza -->
|from=Q662854    <!-- Geospiza     -->
|from2=Q10807482 <!-- Platyspiza   --> 
|from3=Q2173058  <!-- Camarhynchus -->
|from4=Q375385   <!-- Certhidea    -->
|from5=Q10807310 <!-- Pinaroloxias -->

Kweetal nl/sandbox
Portrait of a southern cassowary (Casuarius casuarius)
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Infraclass: Palaeognathae
Clade: Novaeratitae
Yuri et al., 2013

Novaeratitae is a clade that was originally defined to contain the recent common ancestors of the orders Casuariiformes (emus and cassowaries) and Apterygiformes (kiwis).[3][4] Recently it has been determined that the elephant birds of the extinct order Aepyornithiformes were the closest relatives of the kiwis, and therefore are part of this group.[5] The implication is that ratites had lost flight independently in each group, as the elephant birds are the only novaeratites found outside Oceania.[5]


  1. ^ Gill, F, D Donsker, and P Rasmussen (Eds). 2023. IOC World Bird List (v 13.2). https://www.worldbirdnames.org
  2. ^ Bernabe, Annabelle; Burns, Kevin J. (2020-03-04). Schulenberg, Thomas S (ed.). "Blue-and-black Tanager (Tangara vassorii)". Birds of the World. doi:10.2173/bow.babtan1.01.
  3. ^ Hackett, S.J. et al. (2008) A Phylogenomic Study of Birds Reveals Their Evolutionary History. Science, 320, 1763.
  4. ^ Yuri, T. (2013) Parsimony and model-based analyses of indels in avian nuclear genes reveal congruent and incongruent phylogenetic signals. Biology, 2:419–44.
  5. ^ a b Mitchell, K. J.; Llamas, B.; Soubrier, J.; Rawlence, N. J.; Worthy, T. H.; Wood, J.; Lee, M. S. Y.; Cooper, A. (2014-05-23). "Ancient DNA reveals elephant birds and kiwi are sister taxa and clarifies ratite bird evolution". Science. 344 (6186): 898–900. Bibcode:2014Sci...344..898M. doi:10.1126/science.1251981. hdl:2328/35953. PMID 24855267. S2CID 206555952.

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New Phylogeny


A new phylogenetic analysis of birds covering nearly all families is out (at least a preprint is).[1] Rather than end the long running confusion of conflicting topologies it adds a few wrinkles of its own, with a new first branch in Neoaves, breaking of two of the magnificent seven clades (a cuckoo in the nest), yet another position for the hoatzin, and a new broad "basal landbird clade". Below is a summary and the alternatives from the Neoaves article.

insource:/\{\{short description\|Species of bird\}\}/i insource:/\| *Authority *= *Bonaparte/i
insource:/\| *Authority *= *[\[\]\|a-zA-Z ]+Bonaparte/i  insource:/\{\{short description\|Species of bird\}\}/i
insource:/\| *Authority *= *[\[\]\(\)\|a-zA-Z ]*Bonaparte/i  insource:/\{\{short description\|Species of bird\}\}/i


  1. ^ Kuhl, H; Frankl-Vilches, C; Bakker, A; Mayr, G; Nikolaus, G; Boerno, S T; Klages, S; Timmermann, B; Gahr, M; Battistuzzi, Fabia Ursula (2020). "An unbiased molecular approach using 3'UTRs resolves the avian family-level tree of life". Molecular Biology and Evolution. doi:10.1093/molbev/msaa191. ISSN 0737-4038.