National Library Outreach Day

National Library Outreach Day (formally National Bookmobile Day) celebrates library outreach and the dedicated library professionals who are meeting their patrons where they are. Whether it's a bookmobile stop at the local elementary school, services provided to community homes, or library pop-ups at community gatherings, these services are essential to the community. Each year, National Library Outreach Day is celebrated on the Wednesday of National Library Week. In 2021, National Bookmobile Day will be Wednesday, April 7. 

National Library Outreach Day, April 26, 2023. Illustration of bookmobile with wi-fi

National Library Outreach Day (formerly National Bookmobile Day) celebrates library outreach and the dedicated library professionals who are meeting their patrons where they are. Whether it's a bookmobile stop at the local elementary school, services provided to community homes, or library pop-ups at community gatherings, these services are essential to the community. Each year, National Library Outreach Day is celebrated on Wednesday of National Library Week. In 2024, National Library Outreach Day will be April 10.

National Library Outreach Day is an opportunity for library advocates to make their support known—through thanking library staff, writing a letter or e-mail to their libraries, or voicing their support to community leaders.

National Library Outreach Day is coordinated by the ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services (ODLOS), the Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services (ABOS), and the Association for Rural & Small Libraries (ARSL).

Get Involved

  • Meet your patrons where they are! Provide flyers for patrons on all of the library's outreach services.
  • Participate in the Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services 2023 Virtual Bookmobile Parade by submitting a photo of your bookmobile or outreach van.
  • Connect with us on social media using #LibraryOutreachDay.

2023 Publicity Templates


Social Media

Use the hashtag, #LibraryOutreachDay to talk outreach! National Library Outreach Day on Facebook

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Because a Library's Reach is Beyond its Walls' Materials | Because Libraries Go Where You Are' Materials

Instagram Share: Facebook share: National Library Outreach Day, April 26, 2023. Simple illustration of bookmobile with icos representing all the things available at the library.

Facebook share: National Library Outreach Day, April 26, 2023. Simple illustration of bookmobile with icos representing all the things available at the library.

Twitter Share: Because Libraries Go Where You Are, Libraries Transform, American Library Association

Contact Information

For general inquiries about National Library Outreach Day, please contact the ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services at 800.545.2433 x4294, or email


To learn more about the key issues facing libraries and their outreach services and to talk to an ALA spokesperson, please contact ALA Communications & Marketing,