Travel to the land gaming forgot. The game that inspired The Witcher, released in 2001 and
now presented to you as a mod for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. A new Gothic experience for fans of the old
games and newcomers alike. Presenting Orpheus. A mod with a dark and brooding atmosphere. It's the
size of the Dragonborn DLC. With 32 hand crafted quests voiced by professional voice actors from the
Skyrim Voice Alliance, and 52 custom items built for the mod.
Set in Valley of Mines after the first two Gothic games during the fall of the Myrthana, the great
Hero who felled the Sleeper and changed the face of the world has died. In his absence, the land has
been plunged into chaos. Civil war ravaged the lands leaving it weak and open to conquest. The
despondant remnants of the paladins fight the rampaging horde of Orcs terrorising the realm while
scavangers and beasts pick the bones of war clean. A new champion is required or at least a savvy soul
who can see an oportunity for greatness. In the land of Nordmar you were captured by the Orcs. They
drag you to the islands of Khornis to execute you but you manage to escape into the brutal Valley of

Immerse yourself in a dynamic story that stays true to the freedom and atmosphere of the
previous Gothic games. The mod contains tweaks to standard Skyrim gameplay to better represent the
development ideals of the mod. This is a mod for true RPG fans. There are multiple ways to solve a
problem, not all of them the sort of thing a champion of the people would do in the light of day. Be good,
be evil or just be a complete idiot. Any and all options are open to you, just like any good RPG. But
beware of the consequences for your actions. In the words of a creator of disc shaped worlds “No one
likes a smart arse
” and the inhabitants of this brutal world don't like a hero who can't live with the results
of his choices.

How do I install it?

-Download it
-Once it'd downloade it'll be packed in winrar unnpack it
-Copy all the files and dump them to (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data confirm replacing
-Ready to go
To get to the world of Gothic you'll need to find portal which is near cave that you escaped from Helgen.


Andzi Proxy- Everything
Xwind -Everything
Voice Actors
The Broken Pokemon
Long John

Voice Alliance Actors
FullMetal Dovakhiin

fantasysoundtrackproject list
farinelli & Elianora

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Feature 10 comments

Here I'll post questions, ideas that already been send to us.

What will be the map look like.Will it be big ?

-It contains all lands from Gothic 1 and even some extra.It'll be Size of Solstheim Dlc. For more details you can watch screens there is one with the map.

It's in universe of Gothic but with diffrent story line can you tell somthing more about it ?

-It shows what happned after Gothic 3 Ignoring rest of the series.As Rhobar 3 who united Myrthana under one banner was asasinated by conspirators.Provinces separates again waging silly wars aganist one another.In Mean time new main hero is in Nordmar.It was peacefull since orcs gone.But again they saw opurtunity as humans we're divided they attacked all clans.Barbarians couldn't face outnumbering forces of orcs.They all thought that orcs gonna execute them.But the new leader of Orcs Ur-Shak had diffrent plans for them which icluded sending them on near by Khornis island mainly Valley Of Mines where all action takes place.We play as capitive of orcs,as we await for execution but somthing is about to happen.And this is where the players comes on.

Can you tell how much time in game i can expect from this mod ?

-Hard to say.I can tell that there is 25 Side quests and 12 main quests.But there is a lot of things to explore so it's more depending how you gonna play it.

Will it be same hard as original Gothic ?

-Well we can promise that it'll be hard but Gothic has somthing very special that'll be nearly impossible to copy.

Will there be many playable races? (hoping that not)

- We're thinking about race from Nordmar but possibly could be from Khorinis Island as well and the last one from continent.

Will traveling through the map be disabled like in the mod "Enderal" ?

-We are still thinking about that .As disabling it would be great for atmosphere.But making fast travell would be better for gameplay but we are still thinking about that. If you have opinion about this question you can write it as well.

Will there be teleport runes/scrolls?

-If we disable fast travell than we will add them there is no problem with that.

Will magic be available for everyone or will there be magic circles or some new magic system?

-Well this one is quiet unnknow. We got some new scrolls.

Will we have monsters from the Gothic universe?

-Some of them are like shadowbeasts,crawlers. But we got bad news as scavenger was impossible to implement.

Can you go to Khorinis and Jharkendar too?

-No all action takes place in extended Valley of Mines.

Will we meet any of the legendary 4 guys (Diego, Lester, Milten, Gorn) or Xardas?

- No we'll meet a lot of old characters some are even little legendary like Ur- Shak

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Gothic Orpheus Project 2.3 Special Edition

Gothic Orpheus Project 2.3 Special Edition

Full Version 2 comments

Another Update for Gothic Orpheus Project. We've fixed most of the compatibility issues so now it should be ok to play with all the other mods. Also we...

Gothic Orpheus Project 2.3

Gothic Orpheus Project 2.3

Full Version

Another Update for Gothic Orpheus Project. We've fixed most of the compatibility issues so now it should be ok to play with all the other mods. Also we...

Gothic Orpheus 2.2 Special Edition

Gothic Orpheus 2.2 Special Edition

Full Version

Another update that fixes a lot of mistakes and adds some of new cutscenes

Gothic Orpheus Project 2.2

Gothic Orpheus Project 2.2

Full Version

Fix for some of the things we also added few more cutscenes in the quests

Gothic Orpheus 2.1 Special Edition

Gothic Orpheus 2.1 Special Edition

Full Version 6 comments

Major update that adds voice acting and lot of new things.

Gothic Orpheus 2.1

Gothic Orpheus 2.1

Full Version 10 comments

Another update that i was working like 3 months most of the voice acting done. I might make more updates in future but who knows

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andzi256 Creator
andzi256 - - 53 comments


Sadly we couldn't finish everything we wanted but i belive we did our best, let's not forget that mod was developed by only 2 people. Since we started working on a standalone game we had to abandon the project but if anyone wishes to continue the work i'll give my best to give advice and tips.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
EbonKnight - - 372 comments

It's a great mod, especially so when you consider only 2 people worked on it. I really dug the early version but was waiting for it to develop a bit more to finish it.. is the main storyline complete now,would you say?

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andzi256 Creator
andzi256 - - 53 comments

It's finishable if everything will work without bugs.

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EbonKnight - - 372 comments

Sweet :D

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Guest - - 706,826 comments

I haven't been able to reach the fothic world yet, the game freezes ao badly after 15~20 i have to power off and restart.
I have 8 Gb ram and GTX960, no clue why freezes

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Guest - - 706,826 comments

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Guest - - 706,826 comments

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Guest - - 706,826 comments

So an xbox release is out of the question?

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andzi256 Creator
andzi256 - - 53 comments

Might be. I Mean the mod works fine in VR so i guess it could be done with XBox

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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