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MISERY 2.2 released

News 81 comments


The MISERY Development Team (MDT) is celebrating the culmination of a three and a half year labor of love with the release of MISERY 2.2 for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat on September 23rd, 2017. We thank our fans for the overwhelming support and encouragement they have given the team. You inspired us to keep our noses to the grind stone and produce a project we can be truly proud of.

Fancy a smoke?MISERY 2.2 is happening

The devastating number of natural disasters during development have greatly impacted both our fans and team members. The recent earthquakes in Southern Mexico have directly impacted one of our team and left us with a dilemma: Should we push forward and release as advertised or wait possibly several weeks before the demonstration videos can be completed?

Our fans have waited very patiently, and while the mod deserves a consolidated fanfare and all the polish we are accustomed to providing with earlier releases, we simply couldn’t deprive our fans of what they have been waiting for any longer.

We welcome our fans to try out the mod while we are busy generating all the finishing touches it deserves. In addition to the release, we have an all new website to welcome you to MISERY 2.2 Themiserymod.com


Feedback on the mod can be provided there, on our ModDb Bugs thread at Moddb.com: Moddb.com

Please avail yourself of the FAQ and Game Guide on the website and review the installation instructions on the Bugs thread before reporting a potential bug. Kind regards Misery Development Team

Thanks again and kind regards

Misery Development Ltd.

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MISERY 2.2.1

MISERY 2.2.1

News 39 comments

This update is an official merge of all internal patches since the release of MISERY 2.2. Basically, it adresses all reported issues that can be fixed...

Important update

Important update

News 22 comments

MDT will be removing all current and previous uploads of the mod for legal reasons. MISERY 2.2 will be released within the next 5-8 weeks in a bigger...

MISERY 2.2 update

MISERY 2.2 update

News 44 comments

Many have been wondering what is this essential and final item upon which you anxiously await the completion of MISERY 2.2. There have been many small...

MISERY 2.2 progress report

MISERY 2.2 progress report

News 101 comments

Many have been wondering if the mod is dead, or if the team has ceased development. This is mainly due to the downscaling of updates, reports and teasers...

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Full Version 71 comments

This update is a merge of all internal (or Beta) patches since the release of MISERY 2.2.



Guide 27 comments

MISERY is a mod to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat that aims to enhance the game in various aspects, most importantly being texture quality, difficulty...

Weapon Appendix

Weapon Appendix

Guide 127 comments

A complete weapon manual for MISERY 2.0. [NON-SPOILER]-version.

Українська локалізація для MISERY v 2.2.1 FULL

Українська локалізація для MISERY v 2.2.1 FULL

Language Pack

Українська локалізація для MISERY v 2.2.1 FULL основні зміни: - Перекладений основний режим...

Zeno's Artifact rebalance and consistency patch

Zeno's Artifact rebalance and consistency patch


Rebalances and makes artifacts more consistent. Major features -Consistent calculations for damage resistances for artifacts and plates -Everything with...

Zeno's Misery 2.2.1 Hunting Kit Fix

Zeno's Misery 2.2.1 Hunting Kit Fix

Patch 2 comments

Ever wondered why the hunting kit doesn't actually do anything but serve as an infinite durability knife in regards to looting mutants? Well wonder no...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 31,497)
Revolutionist - - 131 comments

Anyone playing this mess still?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 706,763 comments

Hey! New stalker fan here playing on PS5, any news on a fix for PS5? I crash after the loading screen bars fills up everytime but i do see the misery loading message.

Much appreciated and thank you in advanced for a reply! <3

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jasper34 - - 3,104 comments

Is there a way for you to view the crash log on PS5? We would need to see the last 5 lines of the log.

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omen1592080030 - - 16 comments


Yup, just another mod that has only one thing to offer and it's retarded difficulty levels...

Reply Good karma Bad karma-7 votes
SilverBlack78 - - 1,939 comments

This mod is not difficult, it's immersive and realistic. I beat it 4 times in all classes. So if you find this hard the retarded entity is not the difficulty level but someone else...

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jasper34 - - 3,104 comments

Here's to the brave souls who were tasked with the CNPP cleanup 38 years ago today... Slava Ukraine!

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Mistersolarius - - 10 comments

id rather be with russia

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ellisg - - 1 comments

Just wanted to regale my recent experience as a Recon.

I had barely managed to retrieve Snag’s container and make it through the cave of Snorks. I received an update on my PDA informing me that my quest to provide food to the Mercs had failed. Curious, I went to their camp to figure out what went wrong. Maybe they starved to death. The camp was empty apart from the corpse of a Merc with a dog lying next to him. Did a pack of dogs overpower the Mercs? Surely not. Alert, I went further in, knowing this was a bad idea but the thought of a loot windfall was too tempting.

I slowly approached a small shed, and to my surprise, the door opened. A swarm of bandits poured out, like clowns from a clown car, and pumped my body so full of holes I imitated a new brand of Swiss cheese. That’s what I call an ambush.

Re-loaded save, hauled *** to the Bar, stocked up on fresh food, and hauled my cheeks back to the Mercs, thankfully still alive. Quest complete. A decent stash hid in a corner for my trouble.

But now I got new problem. Nightfall approaching, I needed to get back to the bar by 3am for my next quest.

I opted to make my way back through the petrol station area. I had enough Snorks for one day. From a distance, I could make out human silhouettes, shuffling around and babbling incoherently. Zombies. Turning off my headlamp, I attempted to sneak around them.

The darkness, combined with my cracked gas mask, I must as well have been blind folded. I clumsily stumbled into a zombie head on. Thank god I equipped my Kevlar earlier. I ate the first bullet as I made a mad dash for cover. The gunfire attracted more zombies to my position. I poked my head out of cover, and carefully, aimed my pistol. The flash of their gun muzzles helped illuminate the area. Bullets were whizzing past me, but I kept my cool. I methodically took down each one of the horde with some well-placed headshots. Victorious, and not daring to add more weight to my backpack, I sprinted back to base faster than an Olympic runner on 3 cans of Hercules and a bloodsucker on his tail.

My point is this. This mod is blooming awesome. You just don’t get this kind of experience with the base game. Each venture out in the zone requires careful forward planning and management of inventory, but even your best laid plans can be laid low by the zone. It just makes it all the more rewarding when you come out victorious. So, just wanted to say, fantastic work to all the modders and people who have made this mod possible. Well done.

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rahul_does - - 64 comments

You write well!

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OvoDrake - - 10 comments

The Misery Recon Experience

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