


Definition for incorporate

verb as in include, combine

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“We really believe in the importance of living an active lifestyle, so we’re not ready to share it yet, but we’re going to be doing something very large incorporating fitness into Fabletics,” Goldenberg said.

Online learning platforms are seeing a boom, and technology in general is being incorporated in unprecedented ways, which is actually helping to broaden the reach of educators in some regions of the world.

From Fortune

Finally, we complete the ensemble by incorporating weighted polls when available to produce our final prediction.

From Ozy

Councilman Mark Kersey, who ultimately voted yes, proposed three amendments that were incorporated into the ordinance.

As YouTube is a part of Google, you can also increase your website’s authority on the search engine by incorporating the same.

These entrepreneurs have chosen to incorporate as private businesses, with all the legal rights and privileges that entails.

Worse, she obsesses over this with all of the friends and then tries to incorporate shark imagery into their sex life.

“These are problem-solving products but that incorporate technology in a really subtle, unobtrusive way,” she says.

Or, rather, to incorporate what we already know about black markets into our thinking about sex workers and their rights.

They are very graphic and seem to incorporate the case since the people engaging in the scribbled sex acts are wearing masks.

But they cannot be obeyed by men in an incorporate condition, without being obeyed by each member as an individual.

Much diligence, however, is required fully to incorporate these, so that the cheese may be uniform throughout.

But your birth is obscure, and your connexions not such as most old families would wish to incorporate with their own.

When the Incas conquered a country and people they so arranged affairs as to incorporate the people as part of the empire.

Well, sir, the Republican party has attempted to incorporate an additional provision into the Constitution.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


