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We are leaving Afghanistan because 20 years of war and occupation have demonstrated we can never completely eradicate such threats in countries that remain lawless and largely ungoverned.

Even if this injunction is lawless, and even if it is ultimately vacated by a higher court, that process could take months or even years.

From Vox

No verification system, no algorithm that boosts their posts, it’s a completely lawless wasteland for them.

Teigen was propelled to online stardom in the early 2010s, when social media was even more of a lawless land and her devil-may-care brand of tweeting fit right in.

The Far Cry series continues to ask players to face off against "shades of gray" villains in wide-open, semi-lawless territories.

The lawless law enforcement in eastern Ukraine exists somewhere between Soviet rule and vigilante justice.

“It devolved from a very poor neighborhood to a very lawless one,” says Randall, who is refreshingly unsentimental.

If the law passes in Denmark, only Finland, Hungary and Sweden will remain lawless when it comes to Lassie.

The horrific case of an abandoned baby with Down syndrome has exposed the lawless world of international surrogacy.

“The methamphetamine trade has made Wyoming revert to the lawless anarchy of the Old West,” he remarked pungently.

Let us remember that "if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom!"

But before the Revolution our ancestors had known a standing army only as an instrument of lawless power.

He urged upon the Assembly the adoption of immediate and energetic measures to arrest these execrable deeds of lawless violence.

Still, the influence of Roland and his wife was feared by those who were directing the terrible enginery of lawless violence.

Even the lawless classes of society generally shrink from blood.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


