

View definitions for ravaged


adjective as in infested

adjective as in ruined

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The organizations who had invested in building agile teams and a variety of complementary revenue streams were less vulnerable to the pandemic’s economic ravages.

From Digiday

We need health reform focused on fixing our health-care system to reduce health-care costs, and with the ravages of the coronavirus on the system, that is unlikely to happen in the short term.

The queen in the new colony had wounds on her face from the ravages of battle.

Having 95% of stores away from malls helped it avoid from much of the ravages felt by Penney and Macy’s.

From Fortune

The ravages of Maria continue to be felt among the Puerto Rican people, and remain visible in the island’s infrastructure.

For Xido, spending time in war-ravaged Angola felt strangely familiar.

The journey began well, as Washington managed to collect some rent from war-ravaged tenants in Cumberland.

Yellow fever ravaged Philadelphia in first few weeks of October 1793.

That lasts about five years, in which time the place has been altered, developed, and ravaged just enough to make you mad.

Ten years ago, a population of gorillas in Central Africa was ravaged by the deadly virus.

Just as he was starting, Bruce came upon him, laid siege to the place where he was, and ravaged his country.

About Christmas they again ravaged Northumberland, and let off Cumberland till midsummer day next year for the sum of 600 marks.

And after Antiochus had ravaged Egypt, in the hundred and forty- third year, he returned and went up against Israel.

She ravaged the newspapers; they never were more bare of reference to consecrated labours.

On the road the inoffensive inhabitants were pillaged, ravaged and massacred to the cry of 'God wills it!'


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


