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Streamlining Android authentication: Credential Manager replaces legacy APIs
Streamlining Android authentication: Credential Manager replaces legacy APIs

11 September 2024

Posted by Diego Zavala and Jason Lucibello – Product Managers In 2023, we introduced Credential Manager for Android . Credential Ma...

Credential Manager beta: easy & secure authentication with passkeys on Android
Credential Manager beta: easy & secure authentication with passkeys on Android

27 July 2023

Posted by Diego Zavala , Product Manager, and Niharika Arora , Android Developer Relations Engineer Today, we are excited to announce...

Bringing together sign-in solutions and passkeys with Android's new Credential Manager
Bringing together sign-in solutions and passkeys with Android's new Credential Manager

06 February 2023

Posted by Diego Zavala - Product Manager, Lee Campbell - Tech Lead Today, we are glad to announce the alpha release of Credential Mana...

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Project Capillary: End-to-end encryption for push messaging, simplified

05 June 2018

Posted by Giles Hogben, Privacy Engineer and Milinda Perera, Software Engineer Developers already use HTTPS to communicate with Firebase...

Tips for integrating with Google Accounts on Android
Tips for integrating with Google Accounts on Android

28 October 2014

Since we published this post in 2014, we’ve made a lot of updates to the Google Sign-In APIs, deprecating much of this information. Check ...

Verifying Back-End Calls from Android Apps
Verifying Back-End Calls from Android Apps

08 January 2013

NOTE: Since this post was written we've updated our APIs with a lot of changes. They're documented here. http://android-devel...

Google Play services and OAuth Identity Tools
Google Play services and OAuth Identity Tools

26 September 2012

This content is deprecated, and more up-to-date information can be found at these links: Improvements to Sign-In with Google Play service...