Re: Four "Features" that Need to be Removed ASAP.

by iamsweetmystery

Original Post

Re: Four "Features" that Need to be Removed ASAP.

★★★ Apprentice

Oh, that's true. I have that expansion, but I haven't delved much into it. Although it would make more sense if it were a base game trait, since it's not something exclusive to celebrities. Either way, they shouldn't normalize what is actually an unhealthy habit in real life, and very annoying in-game.

Message 21 of 26 (145 Views)

Re: Four "Features" that Need to be Removed ASAP.


@Wyrmelin , you are right.  I don't play the celebrity track that often, and haven't played it in a good while, so I forgot about that quirk! 🤦‍♀️
And I agree that a technophobe should never autonomously use their phone ! 

Message 22 of 26 (126 Views)

Re: Four "Features" that Need to be Removed ASAP.

★★ Novice
@iamsweetmystery absolutely agree!! especially judging decor one is so annoying if you like to play with full autonomy because that's all they're doing... i love playing on big lots but not if my sim runs all the way to the other side when they're actually hungry just to judge a chair that's been there since day one
Message 23 of 26 (83 Views)

Re: Four "Features" that Need to be Removed ASAP.

★★★★ Guide

@gegenlichtblick - They do all these things with autonomy off too, which makes it even more of a problem. I play with autonomy off and still get this garbage thrown at me on the daily.

Message 24 of 26 (75 Views)

Re: Four "Features" that Need to be Removed ASAP.

[ Edited ]
★★ Guide

remove the in game ads.


Release the stuff lock behind time event for free and for everyone. 

Message 25 of 26 (59 Views)

Re: Four "Features" that Need to be Removed ASAP.

★★★★ Guide

@EowynCarter - I certainly agree timed events are a problem. Many of us do play games other than just The Sims 4, and that's what the SDX is supposed to be for. They can just give it to us there. As for ads, I have no I idea what you mean. I haven't seen any, aside from the home menu suggesting packs to buy and announcing sales. That's not likely going anywhere and doesn't affect gameplay.

Message 26 of 26 (20 Views)

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