Re: Changes to balance legends Conduit/Pathfinder

by MrGreenWithAGun

Original Post

Changes to balance legends Conduit/Pathfinder

★★★ Newbie

My suggestions are not personal. Hearing the changes being made to lifeline and also hearing they are releasing a new support character. I believe it would make sense to revamp Conduit’s passive and tactical ability. Then make her a controller type character. Leaving her ultimate the same would perfectly fit into the controller role. Pathfinder should also be moved back to a recon player because even his evo shield upgrade involves him being able to access survey beacons. Thus creating room to add an additional skirmisher later in the game. Thank you for your time. P.S add digital threat back to SMGs, my bangalore is nerfed because of that lol

Message 1 of 3 (121 Views)

Re: Changes to balance legends Conduit/Pathfinder

★★ Guide
@jayycrow15 All bangalores are. That was an intended nerf. Also, Digi no longer sees through smokes. Even if you had digi on smg, you wouldn't be able to use it in smoke.
Message 2 of 3 (81 Views)

Re: Changes to balance legends Conduit/Pathfinder

★★ Guide



I completely agree with your remarks about Conduit. Her Ult shouts Controller more than anything else about her.

Message 3 of 3 (65 Views)