Re: Lost all my progress and money :/

by sendy47

Original Post

Re: Lost all my progress and money :/

★★★ Newbie

I seem to be suffering from the same problem. I spent over $100 on this game. And lost all progress.☹

Message 171 of 177 (630 Views)

Re: Lost all my progress and money :/

★★ Pro
@xwdn91usyc1e My previous posts tell you how to get your progress back
Message 172 of 177 (610 Views)

Re: Lost all my progress and money :/

★★★ Newbie

i had the same problem just now!! i was playing the game last night when my phone's battery got drained. now, when i clicked on the game it just automatically craeted new profile (my old profile was gone). i dont know what to do and i cant afford to lose the progress i made over 9 years :----(

Message 173 of 177 (582 Views)

Re: Lost all my progress and money :/

★★★★★ Expert
@mj9oqb4ubzbe try emailing to EA Help with your player ID to see if it helps
Message 174 of 177 (560 Views)

Re: Lost all my progress and money :/

★★ Pro

Hi you can find your player Id by clicking on the spanner and then press download preferences. It will show your Id . Take a screenshot of it. Then press help and fill in the form that comes up to create a case with EA and good luck. This happened to me and got in touch with EA and got my progress back

Message 175 of 177 (549 Views)

Re: Lost all my progress and money :/

★★★ Newbie
@Lambsy65 ive already emailed EA but the problem is im not quite sure of the player id i sent to them since ive installed pvz2 on other device to check if my profile really did lost and i forgot which is which during the identity conflict. i just hope i got it right
Message 176 of 177 (533 Views)

Re: Lost all my progress and money :/

★★★ Newbie

Thanks 🙏🏻 

Message 177 of 177 (58 Views)