"Napalm B-based incendiary explosive; creates lasting chemical fires that reach temperatures of 1200 degrees Celsius."
Armat U4 Firebomb description (from Aliens: Colonial Marines)

The Armat Battlefield Systems U4 Firebomb (also known simply as the Firebomb) is a Napalm B (or Quinitricetyline)-based incendiary explosive used primarily by the United States Colonial Marine Corps.[1][2]


The U4 is primarily designed to be fired from the U4 Firebomb Launcher or other U-type grenade launchers (such as the U1, U4A2 or U4C), although it can also double as a hand grenade.[2] The cartridge consists of a canister filled with Napalm-B. When fired from a U4, the projectile is ejected and will erupt on impact, creating lasting chemical fires that can reach temperatures of 1200 degrees Celsius.[1]

Despite its main purpose as a launched projectile, the U4 can be employed as a hand-thrown grenade by violently throwing it and the round will detonate on impact.[1]

A variant filled with quinitricetyline instead of napalm was designed for decontamination protocols.[2]


  • The Firebomb is very effective in tight corridors where it can completely block an enemy's path.

Behind the Scenes[]

The U4 Firebomb tactical is unlocked at marine level 2, and one of the two unlockable tactical weapons in the game. The other tactical that requires to be unlocked is the M20 Claymore Mine. Its launcher is unlocked at rank 13.



