

Class 4 article
P videogame controller
This minifigure has only appeared in video game(s)
Although this article is about an official minifigure, it never existed in physical form or appeared in any official LEGO sets.

This is a list of minor characters from LEGO Dimensions.

Adventure Time[]

Banana Guard[]

Banana Guards are Adventure Time minifigures introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


Banana Guards are chocolate-topped banana-type Candy People who guard Princess Bubblegum's Castle and Princess Bubblegum. The Banana Guards always appear in pairs prior to the episode "Princess Cookie," but due to their role in that episode, it's clear that there are a large number of guards that all wear the same banana peel armor. The last known leader of the guards was Root Beer Guy (prior to his death) after his predecessor, Captain Banana Guard, was either dismissed or demoted due to incompetence.

Bouncy Bee[]

Bouncy Bee is an Adventure Time minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


Bouncy Bee is the first enemy in the game Guardians of Sunshine in the episode "Guardians of Sunshine." At the end of the episode, he and Hunny Bunny capture BMO, but Finnuses the Combo Move on him and the others. That causes him, Hunny Bunny, and Sleepy Sam to either be destroyed or imprisoned inside BMO again. One of Bouncy Bee's abilities is his stingers can stretch out and drill the enemy until it dies.

Box Kingdom Citizen[]

Box Kingdom Citizen
Box Kingdom Citizen

LEGO Dimensions





The Box Kingdom Citizen are Minifigures that appeared in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.

They appear in the episode "Box Prince" where Finn confronts a Kingdom of box people, who are all Cats.

Choose Goose[]

Choose Goose is an Adventure Time minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


Choose Goose was a talking goose who spoke (almost) exclusively in rhymes. He sold various rare objects for adventuring or assisting Finn and Jake, but most of what he possessed either backfired or was mostly useless to almost everyone.

He first appeared when Finn and Jake visited his store. Finn asked for some armor to make himself seem tough, but Choose Goose keept teasing and embarrassing him. Finally, Finn told him to get serious and suggest some real armor. But when Choose Goose did, he asked for Jake's head as payment, and Finn rejected it. Then Choose Goose gave him a scroll with a poem that was supposed to lead them to where the most "chk chk" armor is, but they had to figure out what the poem meant.

Choose Goose appeared later when Finn and Jake go to his stand, and Finn asked for something to make him smarter. Choose Goose told him he would do it as long as he entertained him, so Finn made a face drawn on his finger sing and dance and entertain Choose Goose. Then he gave him the "Glasses of Nerdicon," which made Finn smarter.

Sometime later, a guy named "Choose Bruce" and some other people tried to make the Destiny Gang leave town. Later, he gave Finn a weapon to attach to his robotic arm to help him fight the Destiny Gang. Lastly, he was seen crying because his stand and the entire village was burned down.

Later, a toy version of him danced the tango with a toy version of Lollipop Girl. Later, a toy version of Abracadaniel started to hug them, but then they got all tangled up and start rolling around. Finally, they danced at the party Finn makes for them.

Later Finn and Jake went to see Choose Goose to ask him where the Grassy Wizard lived so they could return their grass sword. At first, he refused to tell them because they bought a sword from another guy, but then Finn convinced him that they only did it one time and he forgave them and told them he lived on top of a hill.

Cinnamon Bun[]

Cinnamon Bun is an Adventure Time minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


Cinnamon Bun resembles a large brown bun that has a gooey face due to being half-baked. He has small black eyes, but they appeared large and green in "Slumber Party Panic" and "The Enchiridion!" His mouth is misshapen and full of crooked teeth. Before "The Red Throne," Cinnamon Bun had a wrinkly texture that gave him a slightly elderly appearance. After being blasted by fire, he becomes fully baked and attains a dry, smooth face.

Cinnamon Bun, like most Candy People, doesn't wear any clothes. However, in "The Creeps," he puts on an emerald green suit, bow tie, top hat, a pink- and magenta-striped shirt, a large black mustache, and a monocle. He also has a note from the party's host taped to his back. Also, Cinnamon Bun wears a blue sweater, a scarf, and gloves while making a brief appearance in "Holly Jolly Secrets Part II." In "Apple Wedding," he wears a sapphire suit, midnight bow tie, and a light blue colored shirt.

Later, Cinnamon Bun wears a cone with fire sprouting from the top and has blue skin due to a spell protecting him from the Fire Kingdom's heat. He either carries a staff with a fire on top or a lance. In "Princess Day," with Flame Shield on, he was dressed as a Flame Knight and had fire floating on the top. He also wore a band around his head, holding a fire gem in the middle. He is seen wearing this knight outfit again in "The Cooler". In "Jake The Brick," he is seen wearing a robe.

In "Fionna and Cake," the gender-swapped version of Cinnamon Bun looks almost identical to her male counterpart, the only distinguishing features being her green dress, bow, shoes, and eyelashes.

Back to the Future[]

Albert Einstein[]

Albert Einstein is a Minifigure version of the real-world physicist of the same name.


Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics. His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science. He is best known to the general public for his mass–energy equivalence formula , which has been dubbed "the world's most famous equation". He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect", a pivotal step in the development of quantum theory.

The son of a salesman who later operated an electrochemical factory, Einstein was born in the German Empire but moved to Switzerland in 1895 and renounced his German citizenship in 1896. Specializing in physics and mathematics, he received his academic teaching diploma from the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in 1900. The following year, he acquired Swiss citizenship, which he kept for his entire life. After initially struggling to find work, from 1902 to 1909 he was employed as a patent examiner at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern.

Near the beginning of his career, Einstein thought that Newtonian mechanics was no longer enough to reconcile the laws of classical mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. This led him to develop his special theory of relativity during his time at the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905, called his annus mirabilis (miracle year), he published four groundbreaking papers, which attracted the attention of the academic world; the first outlined the theory of the photoelectric effect, the second paper explained Brownian motion, the third paper introduced special relativity, and the fourth mass-energy equivalence. That year, at the age of 26, he was awarded a PhD by the University of Zurich.

Although initially treated with skepticism from many in the scientific community, Einstein's work gradually came to recognized as significant advancements. He was invited to teach theoretical physics at the University of Bern in 1908 and the following year moved to the University of Zurich, then in 1911 to Charles University in Prague before returning to the Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich in 1912. In 1914, he was elected to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin, where he remained for 19 years. Soon after publishing his work on special relativity, Einstein began working to extend the theory to gravitational fields; he then published a paper on general relativity in 1916, introducing his theory of gravitation. He continued to deal with problems of statistical mechanics and quantum theory, which led to his explanations of particle theory and the motion of molecules. He also investigated the thermal properties of light and the quantum theory of radiation, the basis of laser, which laid the foundation of the photon theory of light. In 1917, he applied the general theory of relativity to model the structure of the universe.

In 1933, while Einstein was visiting the United States, Adolf Hitler came to power. Because of his Jewish background, Einstein did not return to Germany. He settled in the United States and became an American citizen in 1940. On the eve of World War II, he endorsed a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt alerting FDR to the potential development of "extremely powerful bombs of a new type" and recommending that the US begin similar research. This eventually led to the Manhattan Project. Einstein supported the Allies, but he generally denounced the idea of using nuclear fission as a weapon. He signed the Russell–Einstein Manifesto with British philosopher Bertrand Russell, which highlighted the danger of nuclear weapons. He was affiliated with the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, until his death in 1955.

He published more than 300 scientific papers and more than 150 non-scientific works. His intellectual achievements and originality have made the word "Einstein" synonymous with "genius". Eugene Wigner compared him to his contemporaries, writing that "Einstein's understanding was deeper even than Jancsi von Neumann's. His mind was both more penetrating and more original".

World War II and the Manhattan Project[]

In 1939, a group of Hungarian scientists that included émigré physicist Leó Szilárd attempted to alert Washington to ongoing Nazi atomic bomb research. The group's warnings were discounted. Einstein and Szilárd, along with other refugees such as Edward Teller and Eugene Wigner, "regarded it as their responsibility to alert Americans to the possibility that German scientists might win the race to build an atomic bomb, and to warn that Hitler would be more than willing to resort to such a weapon." To make certain the US was aware of the danger, in July 1939, a few months before the beginning of World War II in Europe, Szilárd and Wigner visited Einstein to explain the possibility of atomic bombs, which Einstein, a pacifist, said he had never considered. He was asked to lend his support by writing a letter, with Szilárd, to President Roosevelt, recommending the US pay attention and engage in its own nuclear weapons research.

The letter is believed to be "arguably the key stimulus for the U.S. adoption of serious investigations into nuclear weapons on the eve of the U.S. entry into World War II". In addition to the letter, Einstein used his connections with the Belgian Royal Family and the Belgian queen mother to get access with a personal envoy to the White House's Oval Office. Some say that as a result of Einstein's letter and his meetings with Roosevelt, the US entered the "race" to develop the bomb, drawing on its "immense material, financial, and scientific resources" to initiate the Manhattan Project.

For Einstein, "war was a disease ... [and] he called for resistance to war." By signing the letter to Roosevelt, some argue he went against his pacifist principles. In 1954, a year before his death, Einstein said to his old friend, Linus Pauling, "I made one great mistake in my life—when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made; but there was some justification—the danger that the Germans would make them ..."

Clara Clayton[]

Clara Clayton is a Back to the Future minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2015.


Clara was born in 1855 in New Jersey, the daughter of Daniel and Martha Clayton. Her uncle, Ulysses S. Clayton, was a general in the American Civil War.

When Clara was 11, she caught diphtheria and was quarantined for three months, so her father bought her a telescope and put it next to her bed so she could see everything out the window. This ignited a love of science and astronomy that would stay with her for the rest of her life.

Little is known about her life between 1861 and 1885, except she became a schoolteacher and had been doing the job for some years before 1885. When she heard that the position of the new schoolteacher in Hill Valley was available, she decided to leave New Jersey behind and head out West to start a new life in California.

On September 4, 1885, Clara moved out to Hill Valley, California, taking up a job as a schoolteacher. But as no one had come to pick her up, she rented a horse and buckboard. However the horses were spooked by a snake and she died falling into Shonash Ravine, which was renamed Clayton Ravine in her memory. The story of her death became a legend among Hill Valley school children who had teachers they wished would also fall into the ravine.

These events were altered when Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown arrived in 1885 in his DeLorean Time Machine. Doc volunteered to pick up Clara from the train station, where they met and fell in love at first sight. Sadly, within a week Doc was shot in the back by Buford Tannen, and died 2 days later. Clara helped pay for Doc's tombstone, engraving it with "Beloved Clara". Marty McFly found this tombstone in 1955 with the 1955 Doc (aged 35/41) and headed back to 1885 to save the 1985 Doc (aged 65/71) from being murdered.

As such, Doc did not go to pick up Clara at the station - if he never met her, he could never fall in love with her - and as before, Clara hired a horse. It was spooked by the snake, but luckily for Clara, Doc and Marty were around to save her life. Once again Clara and Doc fell in love at first sight, which caused problems for Marty who was anxious to get back home to 1985. Doc and Clara attended the Hill Valley festival on September 5, 1885 and spent the night watching the stars through her telescope. They discovered a common love for the novelist Jules Verne. Doc soon realized that he had to say goodbye to Clara and go back to the future. He tried telling her where he was going but she did not believe him and slapped him.

The next morning, September 7, Clara was on a train to San Francisco. However, after hearing about Doc from the man who was at the Palace Saloon with Doc all night, Clara stopped the train and ran back to town. Clara discovered that Doc was telling the truth after seeing the demonstration model on how the time machine was going to get back to the future. She jumped on a horse to catch up with Doc and Marty, who had "borrowed" a train to push the DeLorean up to 88 mph. Clara found the detached passenger cars of the locomotive they took, and hurried down the track to reach it. She caught up to the train on horseback and reached out for the ladder on the firewood car. Just as her gloved hand grasped it, the first "presto" log exploded, causing Clara to fly up in the air and land safely on the ladder.

Clara climbed up the ladder and saw Doc on the side of the train. She tried to get his attention, but he couldn't hear her because of the loud noise of the train. She continued to slowly crawl along the logs of firewood until the second presto log exploded, knocking her backward. She recovered and managed to get into the cab where she blew the train's whistle, thus alerting Doc and Marty to her presence. Clara proclaimed her love for Doc, prompting a discussion between him and Marty. Marty informed Doc that they were past the "point of no return," and Doc consequently decided he would take Clara with them to the future.

Doc convinced a hesitant Clara to climb out of the cab. She gave a look down at the churning wheels before mounting herself on the seat of the cab. She swung her legs out and over the seat to carefully step her high-heeled boots on the thin, precarious ledge. Doc approached Clara as she kept inching the tips of her boots along the ledge to his encouragements. Clara continued to come closer, grasping a metal bar with her gloved hands, and the lovers were soon close enough to reach one another.

Right as their hands were about to touch, the last presto log suddenly exploded, causing the metal bar Clara was holding on to broke, and her boots slipped off the ledge. However, Clara's fall was broken when her long dress became caught on part of the train. The dress began to rip from Clara's weight. With Clara's dress ripping more with each passing moment, Marty hurriedly sent Doc his hoverboard. Doc caught it and made his way over to Clara, grabbing her just as the dress tore completely from the metal knob. They hovered off into the distance as Marty watched and he was forced to go back to 1985 without them.

The DeLorean had been destroyed by a train once back in 1985 (Marty having gotten out in the nick of time) so he could not come back to 1885 to pick up Doc and Clara. As such Doc started work on a new time machine built into a steam train, as neither he nor Clara (who should have been dead) belonged in 1885. The two married on December 15, 1885 in a small ceremony. Since everyone believed that "Clint Eastwood" (Marty's chosen alias in 1885) perished in the ravine, in 1985, the ravine is called Eastwood Ravine, instead of Clayton Ravine (since Clara never perished).

Over the next 10 years, Doc and Clara worked on the train as their family grew. Clara gave birth to the couple's first son, Jules in 1886, followed by younger brother Verne in 1888. Eventually the time machinewas finished and the Brown family left the 1890s to travel to the future (where the train would be fitted with a hover conversion) and later to 1985 to visit Marty and his girlfriend Jennifer Parker, before departing for times unknown.


Adam Maitland[]

Adam Maitland is a Beetlejuice minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2017.

Adam is a nice, polite guy who wants to get along with everyone and be in peace. Being a quiet man, his hobby was creating realistic sculptures (especially for his model of his hometown) before he and his wife Barbara died in a car accident after a short trip into town to get supplies for the day's projects. When he finds himself a ghost and his house sold, he finds the new owners do not share his aesthetic. He is disgusted by the elaborate, abstract artwork of Delia Deetz, which ruins the simple, tranquil feeling of their now haunted Victorian home.

Although Jane took credit, he and his wife worked very hard on redecorating their house, and he decides that as ghosts, his and Barbara's opportunity to scare the Deetz family out of the house is their best chance to restore the house to its original beauty where he and Barbara may spend their afterlife together in peace.

Barbara Maitland[]

Barbara Maitland is a Beetlejuice minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2017.


Barbara Maitland is the wife of Adam Maitland. She and Adam were newlyweds when they passed away. She wanted to start a family when she was alive but failed, which would probably explain her motherly bond with Lydia Deetz.

Barbara was a woman who loved the simple life, preferring to stay at and decorate her home rather than go on vacation. She partially regretted her death wish when she and Adam return home, as she got cabin fever from not being able to leave the house (this excluded going to the afterlife or Saturn). She was also irritated that she could not leave the house to get her vacuum cleaner, as it was in the garage.

Doctor Who[]

Amy Pond[]

Amy Pond is a minifigure released in 2016, as part of LEGO Dimensions Doctor Who subtheme. She is a minor character, and only makes a small cameo as an NPC in a picture.


Amy Pond appears to have long, loose red hair and light skin. The minifigure has lipstick on, and a necklace. She is wearing a dark jacket and light jeans.


Amelia Jessica "Amy" Pond - sometimes styled Amelia Williams after her marriage - was the first companion of the Eleventh Doctor. She was nurse Rory Williams' girlfriend and later wife and the mother of Melody Pond, who later became known as River Song. Amy died aged 87 at some point prior to 2012 after allowing a Weeping Angel to send her back in time, hoping to be reunited with her husband who had just been attacked by the same Angel. She was buried beside Rory in a graveyard in New York City.


  • She only appears as a cameo in a picture in LEGO Dimensions, having no speaking roles and not being a playable character.

External links[]


Arthur is a minifigure in LEGO Dimensions from the Doctor Who franchise in 2015.

List of minor LEGO Dimensions characters
Arthur Horse Dimensions

LEGO Dimensions





Arthur was the name given by the Tenth Doctor to a grey horse which had wandered through a time window from 18th century France onto the SS Madame de Pompadour.

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart[]

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart is one of the non-playable characters in LEGO Dimensions, from the Doctor Who franchise.


Brigadier General Sir Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart — often called The Brigadier — was one of the founders of the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce (later renamed the Unified Intelligence Taskforce) and was the commander of its UK operations alongside officers like Captain Mike Yates and Sergeant Benton. Through his work, he became a trusted ally of The Doctor, as well as a personal friend.

The Brigadier first encountered the Second Doctor as a Colonel during an invasion by the Great Intelligence and their Yeti on London. Seeing the need for a taskforce to deal with future alien incursions the Brigadier advocated the creation of UNIT, which became vital during a attempted invasion of Earth by the Cybermen and their ally Tobias Vaughn. The The Third Doctor's exile on Earth saw him become UNIT's scientific adviser. The Brigadier and The Doctor spent several years together in this manner, combating alien incursions with the help of Liz Shaw, Jo Grant, Sarah Jane Smith and Harry Sullivan. Following the battle with Omega and the Doctor's exile being pardoned, the Brigadier continued to meet the Doctor when the latter's travels brought him to Earth and he helped many of his incarnations protect the planet. Even without the Doctor the Brigadier ensured the protection of Earth, in particular assisting Sarah Jane Smith from an attack by Kaagh of the Sontarans and the Bane. Even after his death in the early 21st century, he continued to meet the Doctor, having risen from the grave as a Cyberman.

The Brigadier's daughter, Kate Stewart, gave him a continuing legacy, both in her role as UNIT's Chief Scientific Officer and through her interactions with the Doctor.

Gallery of Variants[]

Brigadier (Cyberman)

Fantastic Beasts[]


Abernathy is a Fantastic Beasts minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.

Abernathy was an American wizard that worked at the Magical Congress of the United States of America.

In 1926, he was a supervisor to both Tina and Queenie Goldstein and was responsible for overseeing their activities and whereabouts.

He later aided Gellert Grindelwald in his escape from the Incarceration Carriage by swapping places with him. During Grindelwald's rally in Paris, Abernathy officially joined Grindelwald by stepping through the circle of fire generated by the Protego Diabolica curse.


Bernadette is a Fantastic Beasts minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


After Gellert Grindelwald (disguised as Percival Graves) sentenced Newt Scamander and Tina Goldstein to death, Bernadette helped lead them to the Death Cell. She extracted Tina Goldstein's memory and cast them into the Death Potion and encouraged to get into the pool which would've killed her if she got in. Just as her fellow executioner was about to do the same with Newt Scamander he broke free using his Bowtruckle to pick the lock on his handcuffs. Then he released the Swooping Evil which knocked out the third executioner. The second executioner tried to use her wand on Newt Scamander but he redirected her aim hitting Bernadette with a Stunning Spell.

Chastity Barebone[]

Chastity Barebone is a Fantastic Beasts minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


Chastity Barebone was an American Girl who lived in the 20th century. She was the adopted daughter of Mary Lou Barebone. Mary Lou Barebone was the leader of an anti-witchcraft group called the New Salam Philanthropic Society where they usually met for meetings at the Second Salem Building. It is unknown how long she had been apart of the Barebone family.

On 6 December 1926 her mother and the entire family stood on the steps of Steen National Bank to get the public to hopefully join their group the New Salam Philanthropic Society. Her mother told the crowd that something was stalking their city and wreaking destruction but then disappearing without a trace. She continues that this was the cause of witchcraft while Chastity, Credence and Modesty handed out anti-witchcraft leaflets 

During the afternoon of that same day Langdon a person who believed in magic, bought the entire Barebone family including Chastity to his father's office Henry Shaw Sr. Her mother was interested in spreading her campaign through the newspaper and Henry Shaw Jr's re-election platform hoping to get more members. However Henry Shaw Sr asked them to leave making Chastity and her family realize that the Shaws were not willing to help the New Salam Philanthropic Society. 

Chastity unfortunately passed away the next night when her mother Mary Lou went to punish Credence after finding him playing with a toy wand from under Modesty's bed when suddenly Credence's Obscurus attacked her mother killing her and destroying most of the Second Salem Building which she was in at the time of the attack killing her.

Gilbert Bingley[]

Gilbert Bingley is a Fantastic Beasts minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


Gilbert Bingley conducted an in-person interview with Jacob Kowalski application for a loan to open a bakery. He then rejected the application due to Kowalski having insufficient income or assets to offer collateral. Shortly afterwards Bingley went down to the basement to discover Jacob standing in front of an open vault with Newt Scamander trying to capture his pet Niffler. Thinking that Jacob Kowalski was going to steal the money he activated the security alarm but was petrified of Newt Scamander allowing the trio to escape

Two days later, Newt Scamander released Frank the Thunderbird to disperse Swooping Evil venom over New Yorkin order to erase the memories of all No-Majs and Muggles to forget the magical incidents that had happened in the last 2 days. Bingley was taking a shower as the venom started to erase the memories of No-Majs everywhere and his wife was brushing her teeth at the sink forgetting the magical encounters he experienced as the water washed over him.

Henry Shaw Jr.[]

Henry Shaw Jr. is a Fantastic Beasts minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


Henry Shaw Jr. was born in the United States in or before 1890. His father was a newspaper magnate, and he had one sibling a younger brother Langdon Shaw. Shaw was elected to the United States Senate in 1920 being his father's pride and joy unlike his brother who was a disappointment.

In 1926 his brother bought in Mary Lou Barebone from the New Salem Philanthropic Society and her adopted children Credence Barebone, Chastity Barebone and Modesty Barebone to his father's office at Shaw Tower in hopes to get the word out about witchcraft which was supposedly stalking their city, they were then asked to leave. 

He was later killed by an Obscurus that was unleashed by Credence Barebone.

Langdon Shaw[]

Langdon Shaw is a Fantastic Beasts minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


Langdon Shaw was an American No-Maj who lived in the early 20th century. He was the younger son of newspaper magnate Henry Shaw Senior.

While his older brother, the senator Henry Shaw Junior, was Shaw Sr's pride and joy, Langdon was viewed as something of a failure and disappointment. This did not stop him from constantly trying to seek his father's approval.

In 1926, Langdon told his father of his belief that "strange things were going on all over" New York and that the people behind these incidents were "not like them," certain that he was giving him the scoop of the century. His father and brother both dismissed his claims out of hand.

Madam Ya Zhou[]

Madam Ya Zhou is a Fantastic Beasts minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


Ya Zhou is a witch who is a delegate to the International Confederation of Wizards.


Agent Hawkins[]

Agent Hawkins is a Ghostbusters minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.

Agent Hawkins along with Agent Rorke came to the scene after Martin Heiss was thrown through the window by Mayhem thanks to Erin releasing the ghost from the ghost trap. The agents took the four Ghostbusters to the Mayor's office. 

Jennifer Lynch confirmed that both agents work for Homeland Security, and that they had been monitoring the Ghostbuster's activities. It was noted the agents are in charge of dealing with the ghost problem. After the meeting with the Mayor, Hawkins and Rorke brought the Ghostbusters back to their headquarters in chinatown. Hawkins hands them a card and then goes to the SUV while Rorke tells the Ghostbusters to stay off their turf. Hawkins drove away with Rorke in the SUV even though Rorke was still taunting the Ghostbusters.

Later Hawkins and Rorke show up at The Mercado Hotel and escort the Ghostbusters out while Jennifer tells the press that the events there were a stunt by the Ghostbusters.

Hawkins and Rorke later return to The Mercado, joined by Police Officers Officer Jensen and Officer Stevenson along with the police, SWAT, and the National Guard. Rowan comes down and then makes them dance to a song, then stand frozen in place. After the events of Rowan and all the ghosts being sucked back in the portal, Hawkins along with everyone else outside were able to move and go on like they had before Rowan had froze them.

Agent Rorke[]

Agent Rorke is a Ghostbusters minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


Agent Rorke along with Agent Hawkins came to the scene after Martin Heiss was thrown through the window by Mayhem thanks to Erin releasing the ghost from the ghost trap. The agents took the four Ghostbusters to the Mayor's office. Jennifer Lynch confirmed that both agents work for Homeland Security, and that they had been monitoring the Ghostbuster's activities. It was noted the agents are in charge of dealing with the ghost problem.

After the meeting with the Mayor, Rorke and Hawkins brought the Ghostbusters back to their headquarters in chinatown. Hawkins hands them a card and then goes to the SUV while Rorke tells the Ghostbusters to stay off their turf. Rorke then proceeds to leave, getting in the wrong SUV where a agent is already sitting. He then goes to the right SUV driven by Hawkins but fails to open the door. They fumble with the locks and door opening function and finally successfully get the door open. Hawkins drive the SUV as Rorke was still taunting the Ghostbusters.

Later Rorke and Hawkins show up at The Mercado Hotel and escort the Ghostbusters out while Jennifer tells the press that the events there were a stunt by the Ghostbusters.

Rorke and Hawkins later return to The Mercado, joined by Police Officers Officer Jensen and Officer Stevenson along with the police, SWAT, and the National Guard. Rowan comes down and then makes them dance to a song, then stand frozen in place. After the events of Rowan and all the ghosts being


The Engineer is a character from the Ghostbusters franchise that appears in LEGO Dimensions.


Billy Peltzer[]

Billy Peltzer is a Gremlins minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


Billy Peltzer is the main human male character of the Gremlins movie series and the owner of Gizmo the Mogwai. In the first film, he worked at the Kingston Falls bank along with Kate Beringer and in the second movie, he works at the Clamp Center building.


Billy Peltzer began the first film as a humble bank worker in his hometown of Kingston Falls, a quiet, peaceful town. He is introduced as a shy, good-natured boy and a struggling young adult. His parents are Randall Peltzer and Lynn Peltzer. Randall, a struggling inventor, is the one who gave Gizmo, a mogwai, to Billy for a Christmas present. With this cuddly present came three rules: keep them away from bright light. Don't let them get wet. And most importantly; never, ever let them eat after midnight. Billy, for the time, followed all the rules quite adequately. But eventually the rules are broken, and a swarm of mischievous Gremlins are unleashed, turning this once-peaceful town into into a haven of chaos.

Gremlins 2[]

In Gremlins 2: The New Batch, Billy is living in New York City, along with his future wife, Kate the beautiful bank colleague of Billy's. They work for multi-billionaire Daniel Clamp in his building, the Clamp Center; Billy in the design department and Kate as a tour guide. Billy soon discovers and saves Gizmo from the laboratory in the building where they work. Before he can take Gizmo home, Gizmo gets wet and spawns new Mogwai even more deranged than the original batch. Billy, along with the help of old friends (and with the addition of some new ones), works to exterminate the gremlins before dark, and prevent them from terrorizing the city of New York, and the rest of the world.

Good prevails, and after resolving the crisis, Billy is promoted by a thankful Clamp, and he and Kate take Gizmo home to live with them.

Brain Gremlin[]

Brain Gremlin is a Gremlins minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


The Brain Gremlin is the main antagonist in Gremlins 2: The New Batch, the secondary antagonist being Mohawk. He is a brown mutated gremlin who wears glasses and later on more formal clothing. He has a well-spoken human voice which he got after consuming a beaker full of mutagenetic brain hormone serum in the Clamp Center laboratory, which also had the effect of greatly increasing his intelligence. Afterwards, he dressed more like a human, wearing very business-like clothing and even gaining spectacles that had appeared from no known location or source. Although he is a villain, he is very articulate and cultured for a gremlin, though his mischievous nature still prevails. He does not appear to be as destructive as the other gremlins and appears to be somewhat fascinated by the humans' culture and way of life.

Ruby Deagle[]

Ruby Deagle is a Gremlins minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


Ruby Deagle (played by Polly Holliday) is the secondary antagonist of Gremlins. She was a ruthless, cold-hearted woman, similar to Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol and Miss Almira Gulch from The Wizard of Oz, who had controlled the bank of Kingston Falls, and she was the only person in Kingston Falls who was very wealthy because she controlled everyone else's money. She is also a widow and her husband, Donald Deagle was a rich man too. He died from an unknown cause but left her with a large amount of money.

During the events of the first movie Mrs Deagle angrily storms into the bank to demand Billy relinquish his dog Barney threatening to kill him for damaging her imported snowman but Barney who was secretly under Billy's desk attacks her and she swears revenge and is escorted out of the bank. On Christmas Eve she is spending the night alone with a number of cats, she hears the Gremlins singing outside and mistakes then for carollers, she goes outside to confront the carollers only to discover the little monsters. She screams in terror and locks the door believing they have come to get her she climbs int her chair lift panickingly not realizing a gremlin sabotages it she hurriedly starts the lift but then the lift shoots off at an alarming speed sending her flying out the window to her death. She is the only known character to die in the ensuing gremlin rampage.

Knight Rider[]


Bonnie is minifigure released in LEGO Dimensions in 2017.

Bonnie Barstow is the chief technician at Knight Industries and the programmer from K.I.T.T. and K.A.R.R..

Midway Arcade[]

8-Bit Astronaut[]

8-Bit Astronaut is a non-playable character from the Midway Arcade franchise in LEGO Dimensions.


  • He has the same design as the Classic Spaceman, but in different colors.
  • His torso has a scratched-up logo like Benny.
  • His pink classic space torso was later used on Lenny.


Brain is a LEGO Dimensions from the Midway arcade franchise introduced in 2015.

Brains appeared in the 1982 video game, Robotron: 2084. There clearly evil enemies in the video game however if the player destroy one of them he or she will receive 500 points.

Mission: Impossible[]

Air Hostess[]

You may be looking for the City minifigure.

Air Hostess is a Mission: Impossible minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.

She is seen giving VHS tape recordings to Jim Phelps and Ethan Hunt . She is uanaware they are actually secret IMF mission debriefings from Eugene Kittridge.

Alexander Golitsyn[]

Alexander Golitsyn is a Mission: Impossible minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.

Alexander Golitsyn was a minor character on the first Mission: Impossible film. He was the target of Jim Phelps' team to prevent the theft of the NOC in the Prague Embassy. When Ethan Hunt was able to hack into the security cameras, he was seen downloading the file into a disc before leaving the embassy, and he was soon tracked down by Ethan and his fellow operative Sarah Davies. However, as just as he was leaving, he was stabbed to death by an unknown assailant who later kills Sarah with a dagger.

As it turns out, however, the NOC list he took with him was fake, and he was the pawn of the IMF's search for the mole Job (initially suspected as Ethan Hunt).

Benji Dunn[]

Benji Dunn is a Mission: Impossible minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


Mission: Impossible III[]

Benji, who was once a British technician, aided Ethan Hunt during the events of his wife, Julia Mead's kidnapping. Ethan eventually rescues Julia with the aid of Dunn.

Ghost Protocol[]

Benji was later promoted to a field agent and helped break Hunt out of a Russian prison. He aided Hunt on his next two missions to infiltrate the Kremlin and then to retrieve nuclear launch codes from Kurt Hendricks. During the attempt to bring a broadcasting station back online, he realized that William Brandt was taking too long and went after him, leaving Jane Carter to finish the job as she was too injured to go after Brandt. Dunn arrived in time to kill Wistrom as he fought Brandt, allowing Brandt to restore power to the station and Ethan to disable the nuclear missile. Dunn later happily accepted another mission from Ethan.

Rogue Nation[]

After the IMF was shut down by CIA Director Alan Hunley, Benji found himself stuck behind a desk once more, attending weekly polygraphs to ensure that he was not secretly helping Ethan evade the CIA. After winning tickets to a performance of Turandot in Vienna, Benji made his way there only to realise that the tickets were a plot by Ethan to enlist his help in his search for Solomon Lane, the elusive leader of the Syndicate. After helping Ethan in Vienna, Benji insisted on staying, despite Ethan demanding him to leave for the sake of his safety, and the pair followed undercover MI6 agent Ilsa Faust to Casablanca, Morocco. This act added Benji to Hunley's hit list and he became wanted by the CIA. After the heist on the power plant, Benji was rendered unconscious by Ilsa so that she could steal the disc that Lane was after (fortunately, Benji had made a second copy of this information). Ethan and Benji chased after Ilsa, resulting in their car crashing and flipping repeatedly.

After the crash, they joined forces with Brandt and Luther, who had been chasing them down in an attempt to find them before the CIA did. The four of them tracked down Ilsa to London, cornering her in a train station where they found out that her copy of the disc had been wiped, resulting in Lane to take drastic measures. Lane then kidnapped Benji and held him for ransom. His demands: the disc for Benji's life. Lane strapped a bomb to Benji's chest and placed him in a busy restaurant on the Thames, the explosives on both a timer and pressure trigger to force Ethan's hand. Fortunately, Ethan managed to barter with Lane for Benji's life and Lane released Benji. Benji then helped Ethan and the others capture Lane.


Claire Phelps[]

Claire Phelps is a Mission: Impossible minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


Claire Phelps was born in France and later became the wife of Jim Phelps, and a member of his IMF team. In Prague in 1996, she and her fellow operatives were tasked with the job of photographing and apprehending Golitsyn, as well as preventing him from selling the Non-official cover (NOC) list - a comprehensive list of all covert agents in Eastern Europe.

Claire's role in the plan was to act as cover outside in her vehicle. After her team was murdered, she too was presumed dead, but per request from her husband, she later returned and pretended to work with Ethan Hunt in order to take down the traitor, when in actual fact it was her and Jim who were the real traitors. Phelps later betrayed Claire by shooting and killing her.

She hired Franz Krieger as her personal choice to join in Ethan's team, however, he then left the team after he was tricked by Hunt.

Portal 2[]

Adventure Core[]

Adventure Core is one of the non-playable characters from the Portal 2 franchise in LEGO Dimensions. He is identical to Wheatley and all the other cores design wise, but has a green eye.


Adventure Core was one of the few activated cores in Aperture Laboratories, and he seemed to have an attraction to women. He was used by Chell to destroy the evil Wheatley.

Animal King Turret[]

List of minor LEGO Dimensions characters
Animal King Turret

LEGO Dimensions




Animal King Turret is a Turret that appeared in LEGO Dimensions in the Portal Franchise.


The Animal King first appeared in the "Animal King Takeover" announcement slideshow when the announcer is about to give advice about what to do when Earth is being taken over by an "animal King, Sentient cloud, or other governing body that either refuses to or is incapable of listening to reason", before he cut short.


For the Marvel character, see Atlas (Marvel).

Atlas is a minifigure released in LEGO Dimensions in 2015. He appears as an NPC in the Portal 2 hub world.


Atlas was a blue eyed Core with a basic design as a typical rounded Core that was somewhat masculine. GLaDOS had created the Cooperative Testing Initiative after her awakening, as a means of replacing Chell as her only Test Subject. Along with P-Body, the two bots are pitted against a series of tests built by GLaDOS herself, utilizing the many different mechanics previously encountered by Chell.

It was later revealed by GLaDOS that Atlas and P-body's Cores were programmed specifically to do nothing more but tests.

During the final phases of testing, GLaDOS revealed that, while the Cooperative Testing Initiative has its uses, she needed human testing for science, not robots. GLaDOS revealed that there are humans locked away, deep within the ancient Aperture facilities. There the bots would be tasked with navigating the old test chambers and unlocking the massive vault containing the humans, seemingly kept in place by some form of cryogenic storage. By doing this, they 'save science.' However, almost immediately after the robots unlock the room containing the test subjects, they were destroyed. They were eventually rebuilt and probably stopped being used for tests.


  • Even though Atlas and P-Body are main characters, they are reduced to an extremely small role in LEGO Dimensions, being NPC quest givers that do not get real-life minifigures or appear in the main story.

Cake Core[]

Cake Core or the Intelligence Core is a personality core that appears in portal.




  • Cake Core is the only character that wasn’t in Portal 2 who appeared in Portal.

Cave Johnson[]

"When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back!"
―Cave Johnson in Portal 2

Cave Johnson is a Portal 2 minifigure appearing in LEGO Dimensions. He is not a playable character, as his only appearance is through archive recordings and several paintings in the game.


Cave Johnson was the owner and founder of Aperture Science, where he created different scientific inventions mainly revolving around portal technology and various gels. He was assisted by Caroline, although he forcibly had her mind preserved inside an AI named GLaDOS in his waning years. He later died from moon rock poisoning, with his abandoned laboratory and company existing under the labors of robots and GLaDOS. His recorded voice would frequently play in the abandoned and broken down section of the old laboratory, located deep beneath the new, functioning robot-maintained laboratory, as discovered by Chell and GLaDOS many years later.



The A-Team[]

Amy Allen[]

Amy Allen is a minifigure from The A-Team introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2016.


Amy was a reporter for the Los Angeles Courier Express. She researched the A-Team with help from her co-worker, Zack, and sought them out. She agreed to hire them for $150 000 to take her to Mexico to find her friend and fellow reporter, Al Massey. (She only ended up paying them $25 000.)

After realizing how much she enjoyed the work, she blackmailed the A-Team into letting her stick with them. They came to trust her, and on a couple occasions Hannibal even called her a part of the team.

The team didn't shirk from letting fairly evil people see Amy's face and learn her name. Possibly they were confident of their ability to protect her, or possibly they felt that since she was blackmailing them to force them to allow her to tag along then that was her problem.

After getting in touch with an old boyfriend (who was working as a reporter for the New York Times) as part of a job, Amy thought that some of the old magic might still be there and the two went for dinner. She was soon back in Los Angeles, however. Amy later became romantically involved with Daniel Running Bear, and stayed behind in Arizona with him when the A-Team went back to Los Angeles.  It seemed a short-lived relationship, however, since she was soon back in L.A.

Amy knew how to parachute. She was comfortable riding a horse. She then eventually received an overseas assignment in Jakarta and stopped forcing the team to let her tag along.

Arm Man[]

The Goonies[]


Andrea Theresa "Andy" Carmichael is minifigure from The Goonies. She was introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2017.


Andy is a cheerleader from Astoria. is cheerleader from Astoria. She is a friend and love interest of Brand Walsh. When she was younger she took piano lessons. Because of a fish speared onto a rake, Andy and Stef run screaming into lighthouse lounge and start stammering it almost killed them, and when Brandon eventually gives in to Mikey, she follows, and starts babbling about herself and points at the corpse of Chester Copperpot saying "... before my hair falls out, before I look like him, AAAGGGHHHH!!" When realizing it is crushed by a boulder and seeing two large beetles crawling through its eye sockets. Later, when coming upon a pipe organ made out of a skeleton and stalactites, they vote her to play, as she used to play piano. She hit three wrong notes, almost causing the death of four of them. She then hits the right note, letting them through to the water slide chamber.


Brandon "Brand" Walsh is a The Goonies minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2017.


Brand is Mikey's older brother known for his somewhat unorthodox exercising skills. He was reluctant to find One-Eyed Willy's treasure, but was quickly forced into the adventure he went after the younger Goonies who tied him up.



Lawrence "Chunk" Cohen minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2017 through The Goonies story pack.


Chunk is one of the Goonies and serves as Mikey's sergeant. He is the heavy-set compulsive liar of the group, which is why most characters in the film don't believe him even when he tells the truth. He's also fond of pulling pranks, but does have a conscience. This was revealed when he tearfully confesses to the Fratelli family about mixing fake vomit and pretending to throw-up at a movie theatre, thus starting a chain reaction of vomiting from the audience. According to Chunk, he "never felt so bad in my entire life." Mouth makes Chunk do an embarassing dance called the "Truffle Shuffle" which is where Chunk stands up, wiggles his stomach, and makes noises.

Chunk and his family are Jewish, having mentioned possessing Hanukkah decorations in their attic, and portraying Moses in a Hebrew school play during his fifth grade year.

Chunk possesses a very high metabolism, for he can tell the flavor of ice cream by smelling it from a distance and can do the same thing with pizza. When the Goonies discovered the body of an FBI investigator in the Fratelli's Hideout, Chunk was still clutching ice cream as he struggled to push the corpse off of him.

Chunk's family adopted Sloth when Chunk told him he loved him and watched the Inferno sail into the sunset.

The LEGO Batman Movie[]

Agent Smith[]

This minifigure has only appeared in a non-physical form
Although this article is about an official minifigure, it never existed in physical form or appeared in any official LEGO sets.

Agent Smith is a character that appeared in The LEGO Batman Movie. He originated from The Matrix Trilogy.


Agent Smith was an artificial intelligence character, one of many known as "Agents" that policed the virtual reality known as the Matrix. After an encounter with Neo, a human being prophesied as "The One," Smith became a renegade and gained the ability to copy his intelligence onto other beings and programs within the Matrix. This turned him into a veritable collective, with each member possessing all of Agent Smith's abilities and working towards the same goal.

The LEGO Batman Movie[]

Agent Smith and his clones appear in the film as one of the antagonists that The Joker releases from the Phantom Zone.

LEGO Dimensions[]

The Agent Smiths reprise their role from The LEGO Batman Movie in this game.




The Powerpuff Girls[]


Allegro is a PowerPuff Girls minifigure introduced in LEGO Dimensions in 2017.

Allegro is a panda capable of causing the people of Townsville to go into a stupor of pure happiness. His exact origins are unknown.

The Wizard of Oz[]

Auntie Em[]

Auntie Em is a minifigure released in 2015. She was not released as a physical minifigure, though she appeared as an NPC in The Wizard of Oz hub world in LEGO Dimensions.


Auntie Em (named Emily Gale) was an elderly woman who lived on a farm in Kansas with her husband and her niece Dorothy Gale. At one point in their lives there was a tornado on their farm, and Dorothy was swept up into Oz, a magical beautiful land full of interesting creatures. After helping defeat the evil Wicked Witch of the West, Dorothy returned home to Kansas and all was good, Auntie Em and everyone else not even knowing she had been gone. Eventually, Dorothy revealed the existence of Oz to her aunt and uncle and they seemed to accept without too much difficulty. Dorothy also maintained good relations with the princess of Oz, Princess Ozma. Eventually the Gales were forced to leave Kansas due to foreclosure on their farm. They moved to Oz to live with Princess Ozma, who had crowned Dorothy princess and they all lived in peace afterwards.


The Munchkin is a minifigure released in LEGO Dimensions in 2015.


The Munchkins were the citizens of Munchkin Town, an area in the Land of Oz. Their leader was the Munchkin Mayor. At one point in the town's history they were terrorized by the Wicked Witch of the East who ruled over them for a period of time.

But her reign of terror over the Munchkins ended when Dorothy Gale, an American girl from Kansas, and her dog Toto arrived in Oz via a cyclone, and the Gale house landed on top of the Witch by accident. Upon meeting their unexpected heroine and savior, they showed their gratitude to Dorothy along with the Good Witch of the North. However, the celebration was briefly interrupted by the arrival of the Wicked Witch of the West, the older sister of the Wicked Witch of the East. After the Witch swore vengeance against Dorothy and Toto and left, the Munchkins assisted Dorothy and Toto by pointing her to the Wizard of Oz via the Yellow Brick Road.

Munchkin Mayor[]

Munchkin Mayor is a Wizard of Oz minifigure released in LEGO Dimensions in 2015.


The Munchkin Mayor was the mayor of Munchkin Town, and was terrorized with the rest of the Munchkins by the Wicked Witch of the East until the arrival of Dorothy Gale, who accidentally crushed the Witch under her house. The Wicked Witch of the West appeared to terrorize the Munchkins, but she was eventually defeated. The mayor continued to govern Munchkin Town peacefully after that.

Talking Tree[]

Talking Tree is a Wizard of Oz minifigure featured in LEGO Dimensions in 2015.


There are two talking apple trees (also called Fighting Trees) that live in an apple orchard near Tin Woodman's cottage. They dislike having their apples picked and anyone who does so. When Dorothy and Scarecrow came to the orchard, they were hungry, so they went to pick some apples from the trees (not knowing they can talk). The moment Dorothy picked one however, the tree grabbed it, slapped her hand, and asked what she was doing. Dorothy began explaining for a few seconds until she realized that the tree can talk. After the Scarecrow insulted the trees, he managed to trick them into throwing their apples at him and Dorothy so they can collect them.

Winkie Guard[]


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Winkie Guards are background characters in LEGO Dimensions from The Wizard of Oz franchise.


The Winkie Guards are Wicked Witch of the West's foot soilders from The Wizard of Oz. They are mostly known for their infamous chant, which goes, "OH-WE-OH! YO-HO!". They mostly guard the Castle Grounds. When Dorothy's friends came to the Witch's Castle to rescue her, they stole three of the Winkies' uniforms, and snuck into the castle. After the Witch died, the Winkies redeem themselves and thank Dorothy for killing her. This strongly implies that they were merely slaves to the Witch and did her evil bidding because they had no choice and feared her wrath.


  • They reuse Royal Guard's hat from Minifigure series but in grey.

Wizard of Oz[]

The Wizard of Oz, or more simply Oz, is a LEGO Dimensions minifigure from The Wizard of Oz franchise introduced in 2015.


Oz was a traveling balloonist and entertainer who, during a hot air balloon flight, was carried away from his native land and into the magical Land of Oz. When he arrived, the natives mistook him for a powerful wizard, and Oz allowed this misconception to go on and served as ruler of the Emerald City. When Dorothy Gale and her companions arrived seeking his help, Oz concealed his true identity and nature with various special effects. Having heard of Dorothy's role in the death of the Wicked Witch of the East, he bade her to kill the Wicked Witch of the West in return for the favors she and her friends sought from him.

After the travelers succeeded, quite by accident, and returned to the Emerald City, Oz found himself in a quandary. His identity was then exposed by Toto, and he told his full story to the companions. Oz then helped each of Dorothy's three friends to see that they in fact possessed what they had hoped to receive from him all along. In recognition of these traits, he presented the Scarecrow with a diploma, the Tin Woodman with a heart-shaped watch, and the Cowardly Lion with a medal. Then, to address the matter of returning Dorothy to Kansas, he proposed to use his old hot air balloon to take the both of them back there. Unfortunately, a series of mishaps resulted in the balloon taking off without Dorothy and Toto, and with Oz having no idea how to return for them.

If, as it later appeared, Oz was only part of Dorothy's concussion-induced dream, then Oz was simply a dream version of Professor Marvel, a traveling entertainer Dorothy met during her short-lived attempt to run away from home.

viewedittalk LEGO Dimensions Minifigures
DC Comics
Alfred PennyworthAquamanBaneBatmanBrainiacCommissioner GordonCyborgGeneral ZodGreen ArrowGreen LanternHarley QuinnLexBotLex LuthorMaggie SawyerJimmy OlsenLois LanePerry WhiteRobinSupermanSupergirlThe FlashThe JokerJoker HenchmanThe RiddlerThe ScarecrowTwo-FaceTwo-Face HenchmanWonder Woman
The Lord of the Rings
AragornBoromirCave TrollCitadel GuardDurin's BaneFell BeastFrodoGandalfGimliGollumGothmogLegolasMerryMordor OrcOliphauntOlog-haiPippinSamSarumanSauronShelob
The LEGO Movie
Bad CopBennyEmmetFrank the ForemanGail the Construction WorkerLord BusinessMetalbeardMrs. Scratchen-PostMicro ManagerRobo SWATUnikittyWyldstyle
The Wizard of Oz
Auntie EmCowardly LionDorothy GaleFlying MonkeyMunchkinMunchkin MayorPeacockScarecrowTalking TreeTin WoodmanTotoWicked WitchWinkie GuardWizard of Oz
The Simpsons
Apu NahasapeemapetilonBart SimpsonChief WiggumComic Book GuyCoyoteEdna KrabappelGrampa SimpsonGroundskeeper WillieHans MolemanHomer SimpsonItchyJebediah SpringfieldJulius HibbertKrusty the ClownLisa SimpsonMaggie SimpsonMarge SimpsonMartin PrinceMayor QuimbyMilhouse Van HoutenMr. BurnsNed FlandersNelson MuntzPrincipal SkinnerProfessor FrinkRainier WolfcastleRalph WiggumSanta's Little HelperScratchySnake JailbirdSnowball IISpringfield Nuclear Power Plant WorkerSqueaky Voiced TeenWaylon Smithers, Jr.
Anacondrai CultistAnacondrai SerpentClouseColeDarethEyezorSensei GarmadonGravisGriffin TurnerJacob PevsnerJayKaiKarlofLloydMaster ChenNindroidNyaOverlordP.I.X.A.L.Sensei WuSkreemerSkullkinZane
Doctor Who
Amy PondArthurAutonBrigadier Lethbridge-StewartCaptain Jack HarknessClara OswaldClockwork DroidCyberKingCybermanCybermatDalekDalek EmperorDavrosGadgetIce WarriorJudoonK1 RobotK-9Kate StewartLi H'sen ChangMadame VastraMissyOmegaOodPetronella OsgoodRiver SongRobot 1Robot 2Rory WilliamsRustySilurianSnowmanSpecial Weapons DalekStraxThe DoctorThe SilenceTriceyWeeping AngelZygon
Back to the Future
Clara ClaytonCo-AnchorDoc BrownEinsteinGriff TannenHonest Joe StatlerLorraine BainesLibyan GunnerLibyan Van DriverMad Dog TannenMarty McFlyMarlene McFlyMarshal James StricklandMarty McFly Jr.Marvin Berry and the StarlightersMayor HubertNews AnchorOtis PeabodyRedSeamus McFlyTicket Officer
Portal 2
Adventure CoreAnimal King TurretAtlasCake CoreCave JohnsonChellDoug RattmannFrankenturretGLaDOSMantis ManP-BodySentry TurretSpace CoreWheatley
Dana BarrettEgon SpenglerEngineerGozerHaunted TVHotel ManagerJanine MelnitzLibrary GhostLouis TullyPeter VenkmanRay StantzSlimerStay PuftTerror DogVigoWalter PeckWinston ZeddemoreZombie Taxi Driver
Midway Arcade
8-Bit AstronautBrainCaptain Ace GunnDefender SpaceshipGamerGauntlet DemonGauntlet GhostGauntlet SorcererGeorgeGrunt (Gauntlet)GruntLizzieLumberjackManti LanderMerlin the WizardMukorPaperboyQuestor the ElfRobotron HeroSphereoidSpyhunterThor the WarriorThyra the Valkyrie
Anubis GuardCharlie the Funland RobotDada-DooDaphneFredMummyMumsy-DooScooby-DooShaggyVelma
Jurassic World
ACU TrooperAnkylosaurusApatosaurusBlueClaire DearingGray MitchellIndominus RexLoweryMosasaurusOwen GradyPteranodonSimon MasraniVelociraptorZach Mitchell
Legends of Chima
Harry Potter
Albus DumbledoreArthur WeasleyBellatrix LestrangeDeath EaterDementorDobbyDraco MalfoyGeorge WeasleyGolden SnitchHarry PotterHermione GrangerHorace SlughornKreacherLord VoldemortLuna LovegoodMinerva McGonagallNeville LongbottomRubeus HagridSeverus SnapeSirius BlackThestral
Adventure Time
Ancient Psychic Tandem War ElephantBanana GuardBMOBouncy BeeBox Kingdom CitizenChoose GooseCinnamon BunEarl of LemongrabEvil GuyFernFinnFlame PrincessGiant OgreGnomeGoliadGumball GuardianGunterHeart BeastHunny BunnyIce KingJakeKey-perLady RainicornLemonjonLop TopLumpy Space PrincessMagic ManManfriedMannish ManMarauderMarcelineMonsterMountain ManN.E.P.T.R.Old LadyPeppermint ButlerPillow DragonPrincess BubblegumRoselinenSleepy SamSnailSnow GolemStormoThe LichTree Trunks
Mission: Impossible
Air HostessAlexander GolitsynBenji DunnClaire PhelpsEthan HuntEugene KittridgeFranz KriegerJack HarmonJim PhelpsLuther StickellMaxSarah Davies
The A-Team
Amy AllenB.A. BaracusColonel LynchH.M. "Howling Mad" MurdockJohn "Hannibal" SmithTempleton "Faceman" Peck
Ghostbusters (2016)
Abby YatesAgent HawkinsAgent RorkeEd Mulgrave Jr.Erin GilbertGertrude AldridgeJennifer LynchJillian HoltzmannJonathanKevin BeckmanLady SlimerMartin HeissMayhemMayor BradleyPatty TolanPaul FeigRental AgentRing Leader GhostRowan NorthSparkyTour Guide GarrettVanessa the Desk Clerk
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
AbernathyBernadetteBillywigChastity BareboneCredence BareboneDougalErumpentGilbert BingleyGnarlackGraphornGrindelwaldJacob KowalskiLangdon ShawMACUSA AurorMadam Ya ZhouMary Lou BareboneModesty BareboneMooncalfMurtlapNewt ScamanderNifflerOccamyPercival GravesPickettQueenie GoldsteinSeraphina PicquerySwooping EvilThunderbirdTina Goldstein
Sonic the Hedgehog
Amy RoseAsteronBalkiryBat BrainBig the CatBurrobotBuzz BomberBuzzerChaosChopperClamerCoconutsCrabmeatDoctor EggmanE-113 XiE-117 SigmaEgg PawnGrabberHyudoroJawsKnucklesMecha SonicMetal SonicMoto BugNebulaOmochaoOrcaPenguinatorRobo SonicShadowShellcrackerSonicSpikebonkerSpinyStar PointerTailsTurtloidsUnidasu
Billy PeltzerBrain GremlinDaffyGizmoGremlinGretaKate BeringerLynn PeltzerMohawkMr. WingMurray FuttermanPete FountaineRuby DeagleStripeVegetable Gremlin
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
The LEGO Batman Movie
Agent SmithAlfred PennyworthApache ChiefBatgirlBatmanBlack VulcanCalculatorCatwomanClayfaceDalekEl DoradoExcalibur BatmanFlying MonkeyGCPD OfficerGremlinHarley QuinnKiller CrocKing KongLord VoldemortMad HatterMan-BatMartian ManhunterMayor McCaskillMorpheusMutant LeaderOrcaPoison IvyRobin/NightwingSamuraiSauronSupermanThe JokerThe KrakenThe RiddlerThe ScarecrowTwo-FaceWonder Dog
Knight Rider
BonnieDevon MilesGarthe KnightK.A.R.R.K.I.T.T.Michael KnightReginald 'RC3' Cornellius III • Slammin' Sammy
The Goonies
AndyBrandChunkDataElgin PerkinsFrancis FratelliJake FratelliMama FratelliMikeyMouthMr. WalshMrs. WalshOctopusOne-Eyed WillyRosalitaSheriffSlothStefTroy Perkins
LEGO City: Undercover
Albert SpindlerouterChase McCainCornelius BurnsEllie PhillipsForrest BlackwellFrank HoneyJethro HayesMayor GleesonNatalia KowalskiRex FuryWeight Lifter
Teen Titans Go!
AqualadBeast BoyBilly NumerousBlackfireCyborgGizmoJaynaJinxMammothRavenRobinRose WilsonSee-MoreSparklefaceStarfireTerraZan
The Powerpuff Girls
AllegroBlossomBubblesButtercupHIMJemmicaManboyMojo JojoMs. KeanePrincess MorbucksProfessor UtoniumThe Mayor of Townsville
Adam MaitlandBarbara MaitlandBetelgeuseDelia DeetzHarry the HunterJunoLydia DeetzMinisterMiss ArgentinaRoad Kill ManSandworm
Lord VortechX-PO
