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Human Systems Management - Volume 13, issue 1

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Price: EUR 130.00
ISSN 0167-2533 (P)
ISSN 1875-8703 (E)

Impact Factor 2024: 1.5 

Human Systems Management (HSM) is an interdisciplinary, international, refereed journal. It addresses the need to mentally grasp and to in-form the managerial and societally organizational impact of high technology, i.e., the technology of self-governance and self-management.

The gap or gulf is often vast between the ideas world-class business enterprises and organizations employ and what mainstream business journals address. The latter often contain discussions that practitioners pragmatically refute, a problematic situation also reflected in most business schools’ inadequate curriculæ.

To reverse this trend, HSM attempts to provide education, research and theory commensurate to the needs to today’s world-class, capable business professionals. Namely the journal’s purposefulness is to archive research that actually helps business enterprises and organizations self-develop into prosperously successful human systems.

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Foreign Policy: A Human Systems View

In This Issue

The Evolving Merger of Socio-Technical Systems and Quality Improvement Theories

Price: EUR 27.50

The Emergence of Corporate Alliance Networks – Convertion to Self-Organization

Price: EUR 27.50

A New Mixture of Management Skills: Meeting the High-Technology Managerial Challenges

Price: EUR 27.50

Transdisciplinary Approach to a Theory of Performance in Organizations

Price: EUR 27.50

The Process of Self-Renewal by Management Teams

Price: EUR 27.50

Co-operation in the Field of Information Systems

Price: EUR 27.50

IS Management by Constraints: Coupling IS Effort to Changes in Business Bottlenecks

Price: EUR 27.50

Managing Diversity: A Comment

Price: EUR 27.50