DC Database

"The Joker: Year One, Part Two": Batman tests the chemical mixture from Ace Chemical on a cadaver and discovers that it bleaches skin white. Alfred tells him of a report of a white skinned man getting into a fight at a bar downtown and Batman goes to investigate. The bartender tells him that the

Quote1 He's coming for you, Bruce. And he's perfect. Quote2
— Daniel Captio

Batman (Volume 3) #143 is an issue of the series Batman (Volume 3) with a cover date of April, 2024. It was published on February 13, 2024.

Synopsis for "The Joker: Year One, Part Two"

Batman tests the chemical mixture from Ace Chemical on a cadaver and discovers that it bleaches skin white. Alfred tells him of a report of a white skinned man getting into a fight at a bar downtown and Batman goes to investigate. The bartender tells him that the white skinned man was with a regular named Brian Biggling, and Batman goes to Biggling's apartment.

The Joker rejects Doctor Captio's offer and returns to Brian's apartment, but finds him bound to a chair. He is attacked by members of the Red Hood Gang and fights them off, when Batman suddenly swings in through a window. Terrified, the Joker flees. Batman fights the Red Hood Gang and Brian breaks free and shoots one of them.

The GCPD arrive and arrest the Red Hood Gang, but Brian refuses to tell them why the gang were there. One of them turns out to be a police officer named Blair and Gordon attempts to interrogate him, but Blair simply asks for a lawyer. After Gordon leaves Gabris goes in and tells Blair that he will have a near-retirement officer escort him back to holding so he can escape. However, when Blair tries to get away Gabris shoots him in the back and kills him so he can't talk. Gordon attacks Gabris, realising that he set Blair up to silence him, but Commissioner McLeod breaks it up and suspends Gordon.

The Joker goes to Captio's house and demands that Captio give him what he needs. Captio teaches him the same techniques he taught Batman to withstand pain and fear, and even create alternate personalities for specific needs. The Joker makes quick progress and develops three alters: a clown, a demon and a silent murderer. Joker stabs Captio, dresses in one of his suits and heads out to face Batman. As he bleeds out Captio wonders if the Joker was ever really afraid, or just pretended to be to get his knowledge.

In the future, Batman tracks the Joker to Ace Chemical and finds his enemy waiting for him. The Joker leads Batman to GCPD headquarters, where Catwoman is holed up with the Jokerized Batman Family. The Joker removes Catwoman's earplugs and infets her with the virus, then releases the Bat-Family from their cell.

Appearing in "The Joker: Year One, Part Two"

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See Also

Links and References
