DC Database

"Captain Jim of the Texas Rangers: "Jane and Johnny, Part 12 (of 27)"": The deputy locked in the jail cell is eventually discovered and freed, and he rallies up a posse, to go afte

Quote1 How likest thou my raiment? ... Thinkest not I'll lay them in the aisles with envy? ... Speak! Quote2
— Don Coyote

New Adventure Comics #12 is an issue of the series New Adventure Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 1937.

Synopsis for Captain Jim of the Texas Rangers: "Jane and Johnny, Part 12 (of 27)"

The deputy locked in the jail cell is eventually discovered and freed, and he rallies up a posse, to go after the missing kids!

Out in the hills, the rustlers are wondering who has found their hide-out. They fan out, draw iron, and move in on his probable position, the ledge above their shack. Spike picks an ambush spot right next to a bolder, on the other side of which Jane and Johnny had been hiding. Johnny spoils Spike's shot by whacking his pistol with a stick, but Spike charges right in on Captain Jim and grapples with him. The other outlaws take this opportunity to whack Jim on the head with a pistol butt, then tie him up and gag him. Johnny and Jane see this, and start to run for help. Their path takes them toward Rusty's new lookout spot, and Rusty sees them before they see him.

Appearing in Captain Jim of the Texas Rangers: "Jane and Johnny, Part 12 (of 27)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Ranger Bob


  • The Rustlers:
    • Rusty
    • Spike
    • Fletch
    • Scrub

Other Characters:

  • Jed Riley, cowhand, Circle Bar Z
  • town deputy
    • town posse
  • Jess (Mentioned only)
  • Jane
  • Johnny


Synopsis for The Vikings: "Episode 12 (of 22)"

While Ivar and his men set out in search of Sundgrid, she tells her Druid captors of her tragic story. The Druids learn of the incoming Vikings, successfully ambush them, and take Ivar captive. They decide to sacrifice Ivar instead of Sundgrid, and Elsa, a Celtic slave, tells Sundgrid of Ivar's impending execution.

Appearing in The Vikings: "Episode 12 (of 22)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Sundgrid


  • Hasylwyn

Other Characters:

  • Ivar's Vikings
  • Elsa (First appearance)


Synopsis for Don Coyote: "Knights of the Royal Bull, Part 1 (of 4)"

Don Coyote is invited to the annual ball of the Knights of the Royal Bull. Jealous, Hash decides to play a practical joke on Don Coyote, but his prank puts Don Coyote in hot water with the King.

Appearing in Don Coyote: "Knights of the Royal Bull, Part 1 (of 4)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • The King (see Notes)


Synopsis for Captain Quick: "Episode Eleven (of twenty-two)"

Appearing in Captain Quick: "Episode Eleven (of twenty-two)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Marjorie Barlow
  • Lord Barlow
  • Bonnie Bess Crew: Smith the Mate, others


  • Spanish Men at Arms

Other Characters:

  • Pierre Dufoe



  • the "Bonnie Bess", a 3-masted privateering warship (recaptured)

Synopsis for "Blood Pearls, Part 5 (of 6)"

Baslyn leaps on a train trying to elude his pursuer, and gets off at a little station in Michigan at night. He sleeps in a nearby barn, unbeknown to him, right next to a hobo. The hobo wakes and steals the pearls, but falls through a trap door and onto a pitchfork. Near the morning, Baslyn finds the pearls next to the hobo's bloody corpse, he grabs back the pearls and flees the scene in a panic.

Baslyn arrives at a cabin in the woods, where hunger leads him to eat spoiled food. While trying to sleep, he realizes in terror that the door is slowly opening. Recognizing the hand that opens the door, he jumps out the window into the forest.

Appearing in "Blood Pearls, Part 5 (of 6)"

Featured Characters:


  • Tsao-Chung



Synopsis for "Rattlesnake Pete"

Pete wants to show his nephew that he is a great hunter. He attempts multiple times to track a rabbit back to its rabbit hole, but all he finds is a turtle that bites him and a skunk that sprays him.

Appearing in "Rattlesnake Pete"

Featured Characters:

  • Rattlesnake Pete (Final appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Little Britches (Final appearance)


Synopsis for "17-20 on the Black, Part 12 (of 13)"

Jim Gale and Morton collapse through the rotting warehouse floor into the water, and the current takes Morton away, but Kim throws a rope at Jim just in time. Señora Montezia admits defeat to Jim, who suggests that she return to Mexico. At last, Jim returns to 17-20 California Street to return the pearls to the Lady in Black, Louise Vallen. They both confess their love for each other, but Vallen refuses to marry a gambler. Jim decides to make one last bet before quitting, he bets everything he has on 17-20 on the black... and loses!

Appearing in "17-20 on the Black, Part 12 (of 13)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Kim


  • Señora Montezia (Final appearance)
  • Frog Morton (Dies)

Other Characters:

  • Lady in Black (Louise Vallen) (Final appearance)


Synopsis for She: "Episode 7 (of 16)"

Billali has returned and restored order.

After three days, a trek begins, to bring the strangers to an audience with their Priestess, She. They hike out of the hills and into a dismal swamp, very cautiously testing the ground as they go. That night, Horace and Leo both contract malaria. The next day, one of Billali's bearers is bitten by a snake, and Billali is dumped into the swamp. Horace jumps in to rescue him, ahead of any of his own men. Billali is furious, curses the bearer, and swears his friendship to Horace Holly. The trek continues.

Appearing in She: "Episode 7 (of 16)"

Featured Characters:

  • Horace Holly
  • Leo Vincey

Supporting Characters:

  • Job (Behind the scenes)
  • Eustane Vincey


  • She (Mentioned only)
  • Billali, Amahagger Chief
    • Amahagger Spearmen


  • Eastern Coastal Africa
    • Amahagger Valley
      • large cave
    • Dismal Swamp

Synopsis for Castaway Island: "Episode 11 (of 12)"

Blackface arrives to the Island of the Sacred Temple to exact his revenge. Shark leads Blackface to the Devil's Cauldron cave, where he and Taro are ready to ambush him.

Appearing in Castaway Island: "Episode 11 (of 12)"

Featured Characters:

  • Dougal MacDougal (Behind the scenes) (Final appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Larry (Behind the scenes) (Final appearance)


  • Blackface (Final appearance)
    • henchmen
  • Jim Shark (Final appearance)
  • Taro (Final appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Sally Mason (Behind the scenes) (Final appearance)


  • Blackface's schooner (Final appearance)

Synopsis for Golden Dragon: "Episode 7 (of 31)"

On their hilltop, Ian, Ken, and Lefty hunker down for the oncoming charge of the wild Mongol horsemen. Unexpectedly, Pan Chi-Lou shows up with some drums of submachinegun ammunition; they reload, and blast some openings into the Mongol ranks. The closely-bunched horsemen are easy targets, and many are killed before the rest wheel their ponies and flee. Ken has gotten shot in one arm, but is mostly all right. While Pan Chi-Lou is explaining how he got there so quickly, Doris shows up with the rescue party. Pan goes thru the pockets of the dead Mongols, and finds some gold pieces, from the trove of Genghis Khan! These warriors were employed by the Dragon Priests!

Meanwhile and elsewhere, the Dragon Priests are gathered in council, to plan the destruction of the caravan.

Appearing in Golden Dragon: "Episode 7 (of 31)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Dragon Priests (First appearance)
  • Torgadoff (Behind the scenes)
    • his Mongol cavalry

Other Characters:

  • Cossacks, 9 or more
    • Cossack Korsky
  • Caravan Master
    • drovers, bearers, cooks, etc.


Synopsis for Maginnis of the Mounties: "The St. Pierre Mystery, Part 9 (of 9)"

Maginnis bravely enters the burning forest to save the men who tried to kill him, using a damp cloth to cover his nostrils. One of the outlaws is unconcious, but he carries him to safety with the help of the other renegade. Once reunited with Yvonne, Maginnis tells her to reunite with her father while he takes the criminals to the mounted police barracks.

Appearing in Maginnis of the Mounties: "The St. Pierre Mystery, Part 9 (of 9)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Yvonne Dubois (Final appearance)


  • Barton (Final appearance)
  • Kenyon (Final appearance)


  • Canada
    • the St. Pierre Country
    • St. Pierre River

Synopsis for "Rock-Age Roy"

Roy is tired of the monotony of the day to day, but of course, his day to day consists of constantly having to flee from wild animals, swimming in ponds, and escaping from fierce electrical storms and landslides, all together with his dog Short Tail.

Appearing in "Rock-Age Roy"

Featured Characters:

  • Rock-Age Roy (Final appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Short Tail, dog (Single appearance)


Synopsis for Steve Conrad, Adventurer: "On Dolorosa Isle, Part 8 (of 8)"

Appearing in Steve Conrad, Adventurer: "On Dolorosa Isle, Part 8 (of 8)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Professor Bromberg (formerly Brombay)


  • Devachan
  • Judd
  • Sam
  • Myra
  • Keith Roland


Synopsis for Cal 'n' Alec : "Down To Denver, Part 2 (of 3)"

Appearing in Cal 'n' Alec : "Down To Denver, Part 2 (of 3)"

Featured Characters:


Synopsis for Sandor and the Lost Civilization: "Rajah Maharajah, Part 8 (of 23)"

Rajah Maharajah is enraged by the news of Sandor's escape! He knows, however that Sandor will certainly return for his dog, so Maharajah orders Elaka to be confined in a secret dungeon. In the next room, a spy (Jadev) overhears this, and scurries off to the Temple of the Jungle Goddess to report it to his master, the High Priest. Not knowing how to contact Sandor, the Priest dispatches Jadev to the cave of Benar, the Fakir, with a message about Elaka, to relay to Sandor. After Benar and Sandor have parted ways with Awla, their getaway elephant, they return to Benar's cave, where they get the message from Jadev: Tonight is the Feast of the Jungle Goddess, and Rajah Maharajah will be at her Temple. Sandor then returns to the palace, throttles another guard unconscious, and sneaks inside. As he sprints up a stairway to an upper gallery, he is watched from a shadowy doorway under the stairway by a turban-wearing figure.

Appearing in Sandor and the Lost Civilization: "Rajah Maharajah, Part 8 (of 23)"

Featured Characters:


  • Elaka, wild dog
  • Agra, lion
  • Awla, elephant

Other Characters:

  • Benar, fakir
  • Jadev, High Priest's spy
  • High Priest


  • Rajah Maharajah
    • his many spear-men


  • Northern India
    • Lost Civilization
      • Temple of the Jungle Goddess
      • Palace of Rajah Maharajah

Synopsis for "A Tale of Two Cities, Episode 8 (of 21)"

Appearing in "A Tale of Two Cities, Episode 8 (of 21)"

Featured Characters:

  • Jarvis Lorry

Supporting Characters:

  • Lucie Manette

Synopsis for Hardluck Harry: "Shanghai Pete, Part 4 (of 8)"

Appearing in Hardluck Harry: "Shanghai Pete, Part 4 (of 8)"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Foo Chow


Synopsis for Federal Men: "Federal Men of Tomorrow"

Appearing in Federal Men: "Federal Men of Tomorrow"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Jor-L (Single appearance)
  • Professor Grant
  • Federal Men Chief


  • Nira-Q, bandit queen of space (Single appearance)
    • her Martian bandit crew (Single appearance)


  • Interplanetary Federation Headquarters, 3000
  • Mars, 3000
    • Tork Mountains, (dreaded), 3000


  • Jor-L's Invisibility Pill


  • Federation One-man Space Fliers
  • Nira-Q's Pirate Spaceship
  • Interplanetary Express Cargo Spaceship, an "ether liner"
  • Fleet of Space Guard Spaceships



  • A character named Jor-L appears in the "Federal Men" story. However, he is a Federal Man from the year 3000, and should not be confused with Superman's father. Also, he only appears in a hypothetical story, told by Professor Grant of the FBI, thus from their perspective does not really exist.
  • Russell Cole signed his Goofo the Great and Ol' Oz Bopp and Sam the Porter strips as "Alger".
  • Boody Rogers signed his Rattlesnake Pete strip as "R. Donrog".
  • Babe Mather signed his Maginnis of the Mounties story as "Babe Mather".

See Also

Links and References
