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"The Beet Goes On": While on the lookout for Swamp Thing, two guards of Sunderland Foods are attacked by him. The other guards attack him after realizing what happened, but are all tied up in vines. Swamp Thing spares them and destroys the Sunderland facility for manufacturing the "terminus seed

Swamp Thing Giant (Volume 2) #1 is an issue of the series Swamp Thing Giant (Volume 2) with a cover date of November, 2019. It was published on September 13, 2019.

Synopsis for "The Beet Goes On"

While on the lookout for Swamp Thing, two guards of Sunderland Foods are attacked by him. The other guards attack him after realizing what happened, but are all tied up in vines. Swamp Thing spares them and destroys the Sunderland facility for manufacturing the "terminus seed" which sterilizes itself after a time and can sterilize other plants too due to cross-pollination.

After meeting up with voodoo priestess Fatima, Swamp Thing states that the actions of Sunderland are angering him and make it difficult to control his rage. Fatima states that she wasted years of her life to defeat death but its acceptance is the key to living. This causes him to ponder whether he should give up his struggle against Sunderland while he drops a beet full of all his anger.

At the Sunderland headquarters, the chairman informs that Swamp Thing is attacking their laboratory farms growing terminus seeds and asks for suggestions to stop him. Sally suggests to Sunderland that they capture him instead of killing him and use his DNA to create self-harvesting crops as their slaves. She suggests using a newly developed neurotoxin to knock him out and then seal him in an airtight container.

Swamp Thing is meanwhile shown destroying another Sunderland facility and presumably burning its guards alive. Back at the Sunderland HQ, others ask Sally after the meeting about the difficulty in injecting him, but she responds that they'll utilize one of his friends instead of his enemies.

Fatima later while conversing with Alec, injects him with the neurotoxin and eats the beet that is inside his body to try to become immortal, but goes into a death-like coma. Sally meanwhile tells Mr. Sunderland that they developed the neurotoxin using the toxic wilds beets they found in the bayou (and which Alec himself discarded). Alec after finding an airtight Sunderland container nearby believes she died saving him. He then holds a funeral for her, not realizing she's been buried alive.

Appearing in "The Beet Goes On"

Featured Characters:



  • Terminus seeds


Synopsis for "Kind"

Swamp Thing chases after a man who asks why he is doing so, and he responds it's because the old woman he killed was kind. The lady earlier had an abusive husband whom she eventually divorced, before coming to settle in the bayou for peace and quiet. Alec used to bring her gifts like flowers since she treated him kindly. Her ex-husband however had a son after marrying again, and he misled him about his ex-wife stealing his money. The son of the lady's ex-husband is revealed to be the same man who shot her.

Alec states that after the shooter had discovered that she had no money, he still murdered her. He then shoots a bullet through Swamp Thing's head, mocking that it was just like how he shot the lady. Swamp Thing's head regenerates and he responds in the affirmative. As the shooter runs away and states he couldn't possibly know, Alec states he does. The shooter finds that he has led him to the same spot he buried his father's ex-wife after killing her. As her ghost drags the murderer inside the pit, Swamp Thing states that she'll now be have eternal peace but he won't.

Appearing in "Kind"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • An old lady (Dies in flashback) (Flashback and main story)


  • An unnamed shooter (Flashback and main story)


Synopsis for "The Dead Don't Sleep!"

This story is reprinted from Swamp Thing (Volume 6) #1.

Swamp Thing is attacked by an alligator, an actuality that annoys him more than anything, as he is able to easily repair his vegetative hide. He subdues the alligator, choosing to let him live as a message to the other denizens of his swamp. He is visited by Phantom Stranger, who scolds him for ignoring The Green. They are interrupted by a man struggling in quicksand. Stranger disappears and Swamp Thing rushes to save the man. It is then that the man and the female accompanying him are Frank and Grace Wormwood-and they have a story to tell the Swamp Thing.

They tell of their son, Lazlo, who studied the afterlife under the peculiar Professor Crisp. Crisp wanted to test a theory by momentarily killing a student only to bring them back to life. Lazlo volunteered for this experiment, which failed, leaving him entirely comatose. After his parents pulled the plug on him, they returned to his hospital room to find his body missing and Professor Crisp mutilated. They believe their son to be stalking the college campus and ask Swamp Thing for his help.

Swamp Thing finds the reanimated corspe of Lazlo Wormwood as he snaps the neck of two of his fellow students who bore witness to his murder. The two clash, with Swamp Thing rooting Lazlo's legs to the ground, but he breaks free, literally tearing Swamp Thing in half as he flees into the night.

Appearing in "The Dead Don't Sleep!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Lazlo Wormwood (Flashback and main story) (First appearance)
  • Professor Crisp (Dies in flashback)

Other Characters:

  • Frank Wormwood (First appearance)
  • Grace Wormwood (First appearance)





Synopsis for "The Poison Truth, Part One"

This story is reprinted from The Hellblazer #1.

Appearing in "The Poison Truth, Part One"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Marid (First appearance) (Flashback and main story)

Other Characters:




  • Chas Chandler's Taxi


Synopsis for "EveileB Ni Cigam"

This story is reprinted from Zatanna (Volume 2) #1.

Zatanna has been bound and gagged by the Joker and Doctor Light. They have rigged a giant drill to kill her, but before the drill can touch her, Zatanna teleports to safety and magically binds the villains with the ropes. It all turns out to be a magic show Zatanna had been performing.

In the backstage, Zatanna's crew is dismantling their equipment until a man asks for Zatanna's help. He introduces himself as Detective Dale Colton, and he is aware of Zatanna's connections to the Justice League. He drives her to a crime scene at the Nob Hill Chop House. There, they find several people magically transformed into animals and murdered.

Zatanna deduces one of the victims to be Alfred De Cecco, a local drug lord. Then, she finds a Spanish-speaking waiter who survived the assault. Calming the waiter down, Zatanna searches his memories to see what happened. She sees several crime lords have been summoned by another party. When the ringleader reveals himself, Zatanna says that in the '60s, he was known as Eldon Peck, a fake hippie mystic who discovered a way to perform dark magic by trafficking human souls. Peck acquired extended life and is currently known as Brother Night. According to Zatanna, both the police and the F.B.I. have no records of him.

Brother Night is the leader of a small band of magical thugs: Romalthi the Shaper, Ember and Teddy. Brother Night's thugs kill everyone in the place, and Zatanna believes that he organized the party not to make an alliance, but to kill the competition. Apparently, Brother Night is planning to expand his crime empire to include the human world. Afterwards, Zatanna turns the corpses back into their human shapes to show the world that humans, not monsters, died tonight.

Putting on her working clothes, Zatanna telports to Brother Night's den. She easily dispatches Brother Night's thugs, and comes face to face with Brother Night. He tells Zatanna that he was an old friend of her father's, but Zatanna said that her father did not consider him a friend. Brother Night expresses his intention to take over the mortal underworld of San Francisco, claiming to already own its magical part. He then asks Zatanna why is she fighting for a world that will never understand magic, and Zatanna replies that she fights to that people can see the good in magic.

Then, Romalthi tries to transform Zatanna into a slug, but Zatanna switches places with another girl, who becomes a slug instead. Zatanna gives Brother Night a warning: if he attacks the human world again, she will stop him in a way he won't like. Then, she returns to Shadowcrest. As she takes her clothes off and prepares to take a bath, Zatanna wonders what will Brother Night's next move be.

Brother Night goes to sleep and enters a nightmarish realm, where he has an audience with nightmare lord Fuseli. Although Fuseli is reluctant in leaving his realm, Brother Night persuades him to strike at a common foe: Zatanna.

Appearing in "EveileB Ni Cigam"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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