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The last thing we intend is to bow down to yet another far-off bureaucracy. No. Under my watch, Nevarro will become the first truly independent trade anchor in this entire sector.
―Greef Karga eager to make Nevarro an independent world.

Greef Karga is a character from the Disney+ series The Mandalorian. Once a magistrate until his forfeiture, Karga became the leader of the Bounty Hunter Guild. Based on Nevarro, Karga once entrusted Din Djarin his best Mandalorian hunter with a remnant of the fallen Galactic Empire, and this led to some most unexpected events. His main objective now is to make Nevarro a planet purely independent of any democratic union such as the New Republic.


Greef Karga's past is little known, except that he is from the volcanic planet Nevarro and he was once a magistrate before being disgraced for unspecified reasons.

Four years after the Battle of Jakku which saw the total defeat of the Empire and the appearance of the new Republic, Karga operated from Nevarro as an agent of the Bounty Hunters Guild. At one point, he met the lonely Mandalorian Din Djarin also knows as Mando who later became one of his top bounty hunters although their relationship was mostly only professional.

Physical appearance[]

Greef Karga is a black man, around sixty years old. He wears a brown jacket with lighter sleeves with black gloves.


There's something you should know. The plan was to kill you and take the kid. But after what happened last night I couldn't go through with it. Go on, you can gun me down here and now, and it wouldn't violate the Code. But if you do, this child will never be safe.
―Greef Karga giving up on betraying Din Djarin and Cara Dune after Grogu saved his life

Most of the time, Karga is a laid-back businessman who would not let a good deal escape him. Due to being part of an outlaw environment, Karga has very little consideration for the morals or the life of someone else but that does not prevent him from having some principles although selfish as when Mando broke the guild code to save The Child, Karga didn't hesitate to try to kill him after that despite all the times Mando did a good job for him. When he allied with Mando to bring down the Client, Karga had actually planned to betray him, showing both a pessimistic and a treacherous side.

However, Karga still has a certain code of honor as when Grogu saved his life, he resigned himself to his plan of betrayal and collaborated with Mando against all the Imperial vestige. Once the enemy was defeated, Karga was grateful and even offered Mando to return to the guild.

Following his reinstatement as a magistrate, Karga began to improve life on Nevarro, stepping away from his old ways as an agent of the bounty hunters guild. His main objective now is to make Nevarro a planet purely independent of any democratic union such as the New Republic.


  • Marksmanship: Greef Karga is an excellent dual blaster pistol wielder. He managed to spawn several Strormtroopers and Death Troopers at close range or from afar. He is also skilled quick-drawer, as he could also easily have taken down several pirate before they could even draw.
  • Leadership: Karga is a capable leader, having led the Bounty Hunters' Guild faction on Nevarro at the start of the New Republic era before becoming the highest authority figure on the planet following his return as a magistrate.


The Mandalorian[]

In "The Mandalorian", Greef Karga welcomed Mando in the Nevarro's cantina for his capture of a Mythrol and wanted to pay him with Imperial Credits but ended up giving him Calamari Flan when Mando judged the Imperial Credits as worthless since the Empire no longer exists. Karga then made a list of the next potential targets available but couldn't all the data to Mando alone as the Mandalorian isn't the mercenary to need action, so Karga suggested he go to the Underworld for a very particular work.

In "The Sin", Following Mando's success in the mysterious mission, Karga received Beskar's thanks from the Client for providing him with the man who brought back the mysterious Child of the same species as Yoda (Whose name later turns out to be Grogu). In the cantina, Karga berates another bounty hunter who failed in the recovery mission and dismisses him before Mando arrives, dressed in new Beskar armor. Karga compliments Mando while informing him that all the other bounty hunters now hate him for succeeding where they all failed. Mando questions Karga about what the Client plans to do with the Child, but Karga ignores it because he has not requested it due to the guild code before telling Mando that even though the Client and his factions are former members of the Empire, it didn't mean anything anymore since the Empire fell apart. Karga then gives Mando another target after the Mandalorian didn't seem to want to take a rest.

Later, a remorseful Mando rescued the Child from the remnant of the Empire, reactivating the sensors locked on Grogu. Accompanied by several members of the guild, Karga blocked the path of Mando heading towards Razor Crest. Karga demanded that Mando return the child to them, but when the Mandalorian refused, the exchange of gunfire began. While completely surrounded, other Mandalorians hiding on Nevarro come to the aid of their comrades, causing the Bounty Hunters to retreat. Unfortunately for Mando, Karga had inflicted the Razor Crest and hid under the upper deck to ambush Mando and took aim at him with his blaster but Mando foiled him by activating the carbonic device, blinding Karga and allowing Mando shot him and threw him out of his ship. Karga was able to survive the shooting thanks to the Beskar paddle that he had placed in his pocket next to his heart.

In "The Prisoner", The hologram of Karga congratulating Mando is briefly visualized by the mercenary droid Zero.

In "The Reckoning", Greef contacts Mando to inform him at the same time of his miraculous survival and also that after the skirmish, the Client and his forces have seized power over the town of Nevarro. As the Imperial occupation is a terrible problem for his business, Karga offers Mando an alliance to eliminate the Client, which would make it possible to stop the bounty hunters in pursuit of the Child.

Later, Karga reunites with Mando with the former trooper of the rebellion Cara Dune and the Ugnaught Kuiil in the volcanic plain of Nevarro. Despite his skepticism of the ex-trooper when he approaches the Imperial Remnant, Karga invites Mando and his friends to head for the city. At nightfall, the group is attacked by poisonous flying reptiles and lose some of its members. Wounded during the attack, Karga is dying from the poison until Grogu uses the Force to heal him, much to his thanks.

Arriving in sight of the town, Karga shoots down his last two men and admits to Mando and Cara that he planned to kill them and return the Child to the Client but after the little green creature saved his life, he could not bring himself to go through with it. He gladly accepted that the duo shoot him down right away while warning them that as long as the Client is there, Grogu will still be in danger. Mando realizes Greef is right so he forms a plan to approach the Client and kill him.

As Kuiil brings the Child back to Razor Crest, Dune pretends to be the one who captured Mando and accompanied by Karga. at the entrance of the city, a Scout trooper offers twenty credits for the helmet, which Karga refuses on the pretext that it will end up on his wall. In the cantina, the number of Stormtroopers protecting the Client is more numerous which is a problem and it does not get better when the Client contacts his superior Moff Gideon who has the old man and his stormtroopers shot down before completely surrounding the cantina with all of this imperial troopers.

In "Redemption", surrounded by Gideon's army, the group unsuccessfully tries to escape through the sewers at the sight of an E-Web cannon but their only access point is blocked and even their blaster its useless. Outside Gideon taunts their panic while evoking the names and part of the past of each member of the trio, including Karga's former magistrate role before offering them one last chance to surrender or die. Even more panicked, Karga suggests a frontal attack but Cara does not share this idea as she would suffer the Mind Flayer, although Karga claims it was only propaganda.

The unexpected arrival of the reprogrammed IG-11 assassin droid accompanied by the Child allows the trio to repel Gideon's forces, unfortunately Mando is badly injured by the explosion of the E-Web which forces them to retreat into the cantina. The unexpected arrival of the reprogrammed IG-11 assassin droid accompanied by Grogu allows the trio to repel Gideon's forces, unfortunately Din is badly injured by the explosion of the E-Web which forces them to retreat into the cantina. After narrowly escaping an Incinerator Strormtrooper using the Child's powers, Karga, Cara, and Grogu flee into the sewers while IG-11 remains protected from a dying Mando.

Walking through the sewers to find the other Mandalorians, Karga and Cara are joined by IG-11 and a partially recovered Mando. Reaching the Mandalorian covert, the party only find a discarded pile of armor. Mando accuses Karga of having his comrades killed until the Armorer shows up and confirms that Karga had nothing to do with it. The group then fled to the lava rivers before the Stormtroopers invaded the covert.

Navigating the river of lava, the group discovers an ambush of Stormtroopers at the exit of the sewers. To ensure the Child's safety, IG-11 self-destructs in front of stormtroopers, allowing humans to escape. As all seems over, Gideon attacks the trio aboard a TIE fighter, safe from their blasters. Mando ends up defeating Gideon by hanging a bomb on the wing of his TIE which explodes in flight. The fighter crashes out of sight, so everyone falsely assumes Gideon is dead. Karga congratulates Mando on his victory and states that with the vermin gone, Nevarro is finally once again a respectable place just for Mando to clarify that it is only for bounty hunters. Karga offers his friend to return to the guild, even granting him the right to choose his bounties above all others but the Mandalorian declines because he must now bring back Grogu among his species. Karga agrees and makes Cara Dune a member of the guild before bidding Mando farewell, adding that it will surely be Grogu who will watch over Mando.

In the second season, in "The Siege", Mando returns to Nevarro to have the Razor Crest repaired, as the repairs on Trask in the previous episode have proven insufficient. After reuniting with Mando and Grogu, Greef explains that he has resumed his previous position as magistrate, while Cara is now a Marshal. Greef is assisted in his duties by the unnamed Mythrol whose bounty Mando collected at the beginning of the first episode. Greef asks for Mando to help him, Cara, and Mythrol destroy the last Imperial base on the planet in exchange for the repairs. Mando agrees and leaves Grogu at a new school that has been established in the Client's old hideout.

Entering the base, the group learns that Gideon is still alive and that the reason the Empire has wanted the Child all this time is because they want to use him as a blood donor for Force-sensitive clones, and made several failed attempts before Mando took back Grogu in Chapter 3. The group rigs the base to explode by overheating with lava, while Mando retrieves the Child. Greef, Cara, and Mythrol steal a transport to escape, but are ambushed by several TIE fighters and scout troopers before being saved by Mando. Mando leaves immediately because he is in a hurry, but wishes Greef the best.

After Mando's departure, Republic pilot Carson Teva arrives searching for him, as he still has an arrest warrant from the previous season. Greef pretends to know nothing and claims he will contact Teva if anything comes up.

In the third season, in "The Apostate", now High Magistrate, Greef is visited again by Mando and the Child, whose real name Greef learns is Grogu. The former guild agent offers Mande land on Nevarro where he could live with his now Apostate status making him an outcast among his fellow Mandalorians but Mando declines the offer. Afterwards, Greef and Mando encounter Vane's band, pirates once associated with Karga. Although Greef shows patience, Vane's insistence on using Nevarro's school as the bar of old eventually begins a gunfight that leaves Vane unarmed and the only survivor of his gang before Karga comes to orders him to get out.

Following the iron cross, Karga explains to Mando that following Dune's recruitment into the New Republic special forces shortly after Gideon's capture, he needed a new marshall, only for Mando to stay on his side. previous position and asks to retrieve the remains of IG-11 which he intends to repair. The attempt ends in failure when a re-ignited IG-11 switches to its old programming to kill Grogu and ends up smashed in the head by a bust of Greef. Despite this setback, Greef introduces Mando to some Anzellans so they can repair IG-11. Needing a memory circuit for the droid, Mando and Grogu leave Nevarro again, with Karga wishing them luck.

In "The Pirate", Gorian Shard and his pirates storm the city of Nevarro, causing Karga to send a message for help to Captain Teva for the New Republic to come to their aid. Karga evacuates the citizens to the Lava fields until reinforcements arrive. The Mandalorians are ultimately the ones responding present after being told about it by Teva. Shard finding death after his starship crashes, Karga and the citizens return to town to help apprehend the remaining pirates.

Karga later address the Mandalorians, acknowledging that they were adversaries in the past but that doesn't mean anything now. As a thanks, he gives them a vast territory from which they can finally begin to rebuild since the loss of Mandalore.

In "The Spies", after a Light Cruiser under Mandalorian control arrives on Nevarro, Greef goes to greet Mando's return, offering him a bottle of Coruscante wine and offering Grogu a personal vehicle droid named IG-12, made from IG-11 by the Anzellan. Mando doesn't like the idea as he deems Grogu too young to pilot the droid but Greef is of the opinion of letting the little green creature try. Grogu soon proves to have a hand with IG-12, much to Greef's amusement.

In "The Return", following the complete victory of the Mandalorians against the imperial remnant of Gideon on Mandalore, Mando comes to settle with Grogu in the location that Karga had previously offered him on the outskirts of the capital. Mando also gifts Karga with a rebuilt and reprogrammed IG-11 as Nevarro's new marshall.



  • Karga understands Huttese, the native language of the Hutts.
  • Greef makes only one appearance in season two. A scene was filmed for the episode The Tragedy where he meets Boba Fett and Fennec Shand after they join Mando’s group, but the scene was cut.
  • Greef Karga was Carl Weathers' last role before his death.

External links[]

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The ForceStar Wars: Star Tours (toy line)