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Being in the Emperor's Coven was my dream. I wanted to work alongside the most powerful witch on the Isles and make the world a better place.
―Lilith telling Luz about her childhood[src]

Lilith Clawthorne is Eda's older sister in the Disney Channel animated series The Owl House.



Lilith is the opposite of Eda. She is loyal and devoted to the laws of magic, and at the time was considered to be one of the most honorable and respected witches on the Boiling Isles. As leader of the Emperor's Coven, it was her duty to enforce the Emperor's laws as well train new generations of powerful witches. Among those witches was Amity Blight, who she considered one of her top students.

Her relationship with her sister was full of bickering and conflict. She despised Eda's life choices, and her constant mocking and antics grimes on her nerves enough to break her self-discipline. Despite their differences, Lilith is shown to deep down to care about her sister.

It is revealed that Lilith was jealous of how Eda was more powerful than her. During the duel to save Luz, Lilith was losing despite her advantage by holding Luz prisoner. Her jealousy was the reason she cursed her sister, something which she is ashamed of.

After Belos revealed he had no intention of curing her sister she rebelled against the emperor she served for years and turned to Luz to help her rescue Eda. After she, Luz, and King successfully save Eda and escape, she cast a spell so she and Eda would share the curse together in order to make amends for the wrong she committed; claiming it is what she should have done long ago.

Physical appearance[]

Lilith is a tall, slender middle-aged woman in her mid to late forties (two years older than Eda).[1] She has ivory skin, pointy ears, dark teal lips, long, dark teal hair (originally red when she was younger), and aquamarine eyes. She also has dark gray claw-like nails. After splitting the curse between herself and Eda in "Young Blood, Old Souls", Lilith's right eye becomes gray, and she gains a gray streak on the right side of her hair.

She wears a long-sleeved two-tone dark gray dress with an inverted kite-shaped sky blue gem located on her sternum and dark gray laced boots that reach up to her knees. By the second season, she changes her attire to a similar black ankle-length dress that is torn and ragged, and wears a light grey T-shirt with a picture of a low battery on it. She also kept her boots.

In her childhood, she had fluffy strawberry red hair that is sometimes tied in a ponytail at the back with eye-length bangs. Back then she wore glasses with round lenses and a Hexside school uniform with yellow sleeves and leggings, signifying her as a member of the potions track. She also wore black low-heeled flat shoes.

At some point after moving back in with her parents in "Keeping Up A-fear-ances", Lilith had changed her raggy attire and started to have her hair fluffy at the ends and wearing glasses again. By "Elsewhere and Elsewhen", she wears an aquagreen blouse with short puffy sleeves and a golden button, a brown vest, a long reddish purple skirt, light orchid pantyhose, and peru brown v front ankle boots. By "For the Future", Lilith's hair has been cut short and is growing out her natural strawbery red hair color.

Powers and abilities[]

  • Magic: Since she is part of the Emperor's Coven, she has access to all forms of magic, and like all the other witches, her connection comes from a sac of magic bile attached to her heart. To cast a spell, Lilith must make a glowing Spell Circle with either her finger or magic staff. Although not as powerful as Eda or Emperor Belos, she is considered a formidable opponent. However, after sharing the curse with Eda, her magic becomes heavily crippled. Because of this, Lilith began learning to use magic through glyphs.
    • Fire Magic: Lilith can cast blue fire.
    • Plant Magic: Lilith can use plant magic.
    • Ice Magic: Lilith can use ice magic.
    • Staff Proficiency: Lilith is skilled with her staff.
    • Forcefield Creation: Lilith was shown to use a forcefield bubble around her and Luz.
    • Teleportation: Lilith can teleport herself.
    • Pain Sharing: From a young age, Lilith can use her magic to share any physical wounds or curses. This helps minimize the pain/effects, but in turn she is affected as well.
    • Invisibility: Lilith can make herself invisible using a glyph combination inspired by Luz. However, this spell only lasts as long as she can hold her breath.
Keeping Up A-fear-ances (107)

Lilith's curse form.

  • Curse: Lilith became cursed after willingly splitting it between Eda and herself. Like Eda, she must regularly consume the same golden elixir to keep it at bay. Whenever she does not take it, she transforms into an owl beast that is much bigger than Eda. In her beast form, her mind is wild and she can easily destroy buildings, in addition to being able to fly for long distances. She is also very strong, having the ability to pick up Eda in her cursed form and fight with her for an extended time.
    • Limb autonomy: As a side effect, the curse has caused Lilith's body to fall apart. However, like Eda, the separated parts remain active and within Lilith's control, and can be reattached.
    • Harpy form: At some some point after Belos' defeat, Lilith embraced her curse and obtained her own harpy form.
  • Flight: Lilith was shown to have the ability to fly when she fought Eda (the first and second time).

Role in the series[]


Young Blood, Old Souls (41)

Lilith making the biggest mistake of her life.

In her youth, Lilith Clawthorne used to play with her younger sister Eda. Whenever Eda was harmed in any way, Lilith would use her growing magic to share her pain with her. As they grew older, Lilith became a studious young witch who always played by the rules and was determined to one day join the Emperor's Coven and make a difference on The Boiling Isles. However, she needed to put up with her sister who was a notorious rule breaker at Hexside School of Magic and Demonics. Not only that, but Lilith began to suspect that Eda was growing stronger and would one day outrank her. She was also envious of Eda getting their mother's attention all the time no matter what she did to get it for herself.

When the Emperor's Coven began looking for potential recruits, Lilith feared that Eda would be chosen to join over her and out of jealousy found a curse at the Night Market and placed it on her own sister. The day came for picking recruits, but to Lilith's surprise, Eda forfeited her chance to join; feeling that Lilith was better suited for it. Unfortunately, the curse took hold, leaving Lilith devastated, but ironically giving her exactly what she wanted. Using her high connections, Lilith rose in the ranks and has become determined to capture Eda and force her to join the coven, not just to tame her, but to cure her of the curse she inflicted on her.

Season One[]

Covention (33)

Lilith and Eda reunite as adults.

Lilith spent much of her adult life trying to find and bring Eda into the coven, but without any luck. Over time, she had developed a reputation as one of the top witches on the Boiling Isles and made a name for herself. While attending a Covention as an honored guest, she ran into her sister and was happy to see her still alive and well, but disappointed to learn that she had no interest in joining a coven. Ultimately, the two came to sisterly blows with one another and decided to have their protégés go toe to toe with one another. Lilith picked high ranking Hexside student Amity Blight while Eda chose her very own Luz Noceda, who unfortunately only knew one spell. Knowing that Eda would most likely cheat, Lilith immaturely decided to do so herself without Amity's knowledge. This ended getting outed and the sisters had a full blown witch duel with one another, ending with Eda making one of her famous escapes and leaving Lilith flummoxed.

Lilith would continue to search for Eda after being promised by her leader Emperor Belos that he would cure her. While her motivations are good, her overall methods turn out to be more more harm than good. Lilith would have a couple of encounters with Luz and indirectly tell her that Eda wanted to join a coven (Luz had switched bodies with Eda at the time). She would encounter her sister again and again, but their interactions were less dire and more familial with Eda continuing to outsmart or outwit her sister. This did not prevent them from teaming up to take on a evil merchant who attempted to drain them, unaware of how powerful Eda and Lilith were combined. They even had a friendly grudgby game together with the victor having to do what the other asked. While Lilith lost, Eda was kind enough to give her her ring so that she could tell her superiors that she at least tried.

Young Blood, Old Souls (82)

Lilith shares the curse with Eda.

With not much time, and close to losing her place in the Emperor's Coven, Lilith doubled down on trying to capture Eda and resolved to kidnapping Luz to draw her out. The sisters united to have a witch's duel that utilized everything both sisters knew. However, in the heat of battle, Lilith accidentally revealed that she was the one who had cursed Eda. Nevertheless, the curse takes hold of her, and Lilith lets Luz go so that she can bring Eda to Belos. Unfortunately, Lilith is horrified to learn that Belos had no plans to cure Eda and simply wanted to have her executed as he found her a nuisance to his plans. Devastated, Lilith is confronted by Luz who manages to calm her and explain her situation to her. They resolve to rescue Eda from execution where Lilith makes amends with her with the help of King. The heroes escape, but Eda's curse has gotten worse. With no other choice, Lilith uses her magic to share it with her, resulting in both sisters magic diminishing, but with Eda returned "mostly" to normal. Their bond now stronger.

Season Two[]

In the first episode of season two, Lilith struggles to adjust to living in the Owl House since she's no longer being a member of the Emperor's Coven. When she sees her recruitment posters being torn down and replaced with the Golden Guard, she throws a tantrum in frustration.

Later, she decides to make a scrying potion to prove her trustworthiness to Eda. Hooty offers to help, but she insists she does not need any. She tries to get the last ingredient for the potion, firebee honey, but because of her reduced magic she fails. Once more Hooty offers his help, but she screams at him sending away.

She tries once more to get the honey only to be surrounded by the swarm ready to kill her. Breaking down she admits she can't do this alone. Hearing this, Hooty returns to help her by keeping the firebees busy so she can get the honey. Returning to the house, she finishes the scrying potion while tending to Hooty's wounds and gives him a nickname to symbolize their friendship.

Escaping Expulsion (8)

Lilith's first day learning glyph magic.

In "Escaping Expulsion" Lilith is the perfect student as she masters the basics of using glyph magic and excelling at more complicated versions of the glyphs. After saving Eda and King from an experimental glyph combo, she reveals that the glyphs are words that draw from the magic around them. By putting the glyphs in the right pattern any spell can be performed.

Lilith would not experience the effects of the curse until "Keeping Up A-fear-ances", when her and Eda's mother, Gwendolyn, showed up with another cure for Eda's curse. Lilith was upset to learn that her mother visited Eda regularly, hinting that she has hardly or never visited her. While Luz and Gwyn went out to cure Eda's curse, Lilith lounged on the couch, binging on tubs of ice cream and letting out her resentment of never being treated equally by her mother, regardless of all her efforts and success. She even dragged King into her sorrows, making him believe his long lost father never wanted him. All this put a lot of stress on Lilith, which caused the curse to come out. Lilith rushed to find the elixirs, but they had all been taken by Gwen. Without the elixirs, the curse took over and transformed her into an owl beast.

Both in their owl beast forms, Lilith and Eda went on a rampage, chasing and fighting each other. Lilith eventually returned to normal, along with Eda, after her mother got through to her and apologized for neglecting her. Shortly after, Lilith decided to move back with her parents. Hooty was upset to see Lilith go, but they promised to keep in touch as pen pals. In "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door", Hooty wrote to Lilith on how he help King unlock his new power, Eda accepting the owl beast and becoming Harpy Eda, and encouraged Luz to ask Amity out.

By "Elsewhere and Elsewhen", Lilith found a new job as an assistant Curator at the Supernatural Museum of History. Luz and Lilith used the time pool to go back in time in the Deadwardian era to ask Philip Whitterbane on how to make the portal. Upon arriving, Lilith and Luz bend and discover that the people during this era were nice, friendly, and helping others. Later, Owlbert told Lilith about the true purpose of the Day of Unity, she learned the Day of Unity was actually a mass draining spell that Belos plans to use to wipeout everyone in the Demon Realm.


The Disney Wiki has an article focusing on the relationships of Lilith Clawthorne.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Lilith Clawthorne.


  • In the original pitch pilot, Lilith was the principal of Hexside and had the ability to willingly turn into a large bat monster. She would have also been easily defeated by Luz, Eda, and King by being sent to another dimension and loses her hand in the process.
  • Like Eda, the palisman on Lilith's staff is a bird, specifically a white raven.
  • Lilith is probably named after the demon who fell in love with Adam before Eve in Jewish Mythology.
  • In "Wing It Like Witches", it is revealed that Lilith used to have red hair when she was a teenager. Her mother Gwendolyn confirmed that Lilith dyes it in "Keeping Up A-fear-ances".
  • Lilith was originally going to be the principal of Hexside School of Magic and Demonics rather than Principal Bump. Early concept art showed her as being younger.
  • Ironically, despite being older than Eda, Lilith's voice actor, Cissy Jones is actually 29 years younger than Eda's actress, Wendie Malick.
  • On Dana Terrace's livestream,[2] and later confirmed by Cissy Jones,[3] Lilith was revealed to be aromantic and asexual in an in-character audio letter where she admitted that she never felt romantic feelings towards anyone in her life.
  • Lilith is the only one in her family to not have untamed hair. Her sister and parents have matching hairstyles.


External links[]

v - e - d
The Owl HouseThe Owl House: Witch's ApprenticeDisney All-Star RacersChibi Tiny TalesDisney All-Star PartyDisney Heroes: Battle Mode
Luz NocedaEda ClawthorneKingHootyOwlbertAmity BlightWillow ParkGus PorterLilith ClawthorneEmira and Edric BlightBoschaBat QueenPrincipal BumpEmperor BelosKikimoraTibblesAlador BlightOdalia BlightHunterGwendolyn ClawthorneBria, Gavin, and AngmarMattholomuleRaine WhispersDarius DeamonneCamila NocedaVeeTerra SnapdragonThe CollectorFlapjackDell ClawthorneStringbeanGhost
Season One: "A Lying Witch and a Warden" • "Witches Before Wizards" • "I Was a Teenage Abomination" • "The Intruder" • "Covention" • "Hooty's Moving Hassle" • "Lost in Language" • "Once Upon a Swap" • "Something Ventured, Someone Framed" • "Escape of the Palisman" • "Sense and Insensitivity" • "Adventures in the Elements" • "The First Day" • "Really Small Problems" • "Understanding Willow" • "Enchanting Grom Fright" • "Wing It Like Witches" • "Agony of a Witch" • "Young Blood, Old Souls"

Season Two: "Separate Tides" • "Escaping Expulsion" • "Echoes of the Past" • "Keeping Up A-fear-ances" • "Through the Looking Glass Ruins" • "Hunting Palismen" • "Eda's Requiem" • "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door" • "Eclipse Lake" • "Yesterday's Lie" • "Follies at the Coven Day Parade" • "Elsewhere and Elsewhen" • "Any Sport in a Storm" • "Reaching Out" • "Them's the Breaks, Kid" • "Hollow Mind" • "Edge of the World" • "Labyrinth Runners" • "O Titan, Where Art Thou" • "Clouds on the Horizon" • "King's Tide"
Season Three: "Thanks to Them" • "For the Future" • "Watching and Dreaming"

The Boiling IslesThe Owl HouseHexside School of Magic and DemonicsBonesborough Public LibraryEmperor Belos' CastleGravesfieldConnecticutBlight Manor
See also
The Owl House Main ThemeThe Owl House End Credit ThemePalismanWitch's Wool CapeThe Good Witch AzuraCoven SystemSpell CircleGlyph MagicHooty and the Parliament Owls AngelicPortalPhilip Wittebane's diaryRaine's Rhapsody

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