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But being in charge means making tough calls. And sometimes you have to stop and remember to have faith in the people around you.
―Sasha Waybright[src]

Sasha Elizabeth Waybright is a major character and former antagonist of the 2019 Disney Channel series Amphibia. She is a 13-year-old girl and the childhood friend of Anne Boonchuy and Marcy Wu.

When the three are teleported to the world of Amphibia through the magic of a music box, Sasha becomes a prisoner of Toad Tower, where she rises through the ranks to become first lieutenant to Captain Grime.

After seeing the atrocities of the tyrannical King Andrias and realizing that her terrible behavior was hurting her friends, she reforms and starts a rebellion against the mad newt king. She represents the rhinestone, or the pink quartz of strength on the Calamity Box.


Sasha is a cheerleader and also has been friends with Anne and Marcy ever since kindergarten. Sasha first met Anne and Marcy when two teenage girls named Lexi and Janice bullied them off a swing set. Seeing that they were too timid to stand up for themselves, Sasha stood up for them and immediately tried to force the girls to leave. Though they easily evaded her attacks, Sasha's unwillingness to give up caused them to leave and she has been friends with Anne and Marcy ever since. In the episode "Froggy Little Christmas", it is revealed her parents are divorced.

While Sasha does care about Anne and Marcy, she would often boss them around and made them do things they weren't comfortable doing. During Anne's 13th birthday, Sasha managed to encourage her to ditch school, so they could have some actual fun when after receiving a text from Marcy about a strange box as a mocking present which would force Anne on having to miss her birthday party.

She was teleported to Amphibia along with her friends, Anne and Marcy after they stole and opened the Calamity Box and had somehow got captured by Captain Grime and his toad army, but Sasha quickly earned the trust of toads and became Grimes' second in command.

After she realized that her controlling ways blinded her to the true meaning of friendship. Understanding what needs to be done and wanting to be someone better that deserved to be called Anne's friend, she vows to protect all of Anne's amphibian friends and help Anne in her fight against the despotic monarch King Andrias.


Toadcatcher (255)

Sasha prepared for battle.

Sasha is a rather charismatic girl as she is able to make friends so easily with anyone, even amphibians. Sasha has proven herself to be a fierce warrior and is seen to enjoy fighting; she also takes great pride in her strength as shown in the third temple. In addition, Sasha doesn't give up on anything, which can come off as a good thing, but it also can be her downfall as this trait does cause problems to those around her, especially her friends. While outwardly nice and friendly, Sasha was actually manipulative, cunning, cold, selfish, arrogant, quick tempered and power-hungry. Sasha would do anything to get what she wants, especially power, as she would come up a plan and scheme to lie, trick or backstab anyone to get it, which ends up hurting those around her.

Sasha enjoyed being in control as this behavior extends to her friendship with Anne and Marcy. Also, Sasha would bully them, especially Anne, by convincing them into doing things that they don't want to do, such as skipping a school play rehearsal to go hang out on the roof, talking Anne into ditching school and her family on her birthday. Sasha seemed to have liked bossing Anne and Marcy around as she disliked when they undermine her authority, as shown when she became angry and hurt that their trying to find a way home without her input. Once Anne stood up to her and Marcy has shown in becoming more independent, Sasha became determined to put them back under her control at all cost.

Sasha back with the group S2

Sasha with Anne and Marcy.

Despite her selfish, manipulating and power-hungry characteristics, Sasha does genuinely care about Anne and Marcy as she doesn't like seeing them get bullied or hurt. In "Prison Break", Sasha's main goal was to find Anne and Marcy before finding a way to get home. Also, Sasha gets concern for Anne and Marcy's safety, which shows that she is afraid that something bad would happen to them if she wasn't there to protect them. However, after reuniting with Anne outside of Wartwood, Sasha was excited to see her and was relived that she was alright. Also, upon reuniting with Marcy at "The Third Temple", Sasha was happy to see her and was safe. Sasha would choose Anne and Marcy's safety over her own, as shown in "Reunion", after seeing Anne was gonna fall with her when she tried to help her get back up at Toad Tower, but lets go of her hand just so she wouldn't be put endanger. This was shown again in "True Colors", when Sasha hold off King Andrias just so Anne and Marcy can escape, even if it meant sacrificing her one chance to get home, but only Anne made it while Marcy didn't. After escaping King Andrias, Sasha hopes that Anne and Marcy are alright, due to witnessing the portal close with no idea if Anne made it home or not while Marcy got wounded and captured by the mad king.

Although she didn't care about the inhabitants of Amphibia, at first, and sees them as gross amphibians, Sasha ends up forming a friendship with Grime, Percy, and Braddock as she comes to care for them, which changed her opinion. Sasha also has standards as she wasn't gonna let Grime get killed. In addition, Sasha was horrified when she discovers King Andrias' true nature through a mural that she and Grime found. Also, Sasha would never force any of her friends into doing something if it meant being separated from her own family or her friends and lives, as she was disgusted and hurt that Marcy not only tricked her alongside Anne into taking the box then stranding them in Amphibia on purposes, but also for taking them away from everything they had, such as their homes, families, friends and lives.

True Colors Sasha reflects on her actions

Sasha reflects on her actions.

Ever since the events at Toad Tower, Sasha has shown to feel guilty for her past actions and how she treated her friends, especially Anne. However, Sasha's guilt for her past actions became worse when she put her friends Percy and Braddock in horrible danger just so she alongside Grime can get supporters for their rebellion. After Percy and Braddock left, Sasha not only became regretful of putting the only other Amphibian friends beside Grime in terrible danger like that and should've taken them out of harms way first before going further, but also begins to question her ideals. This doubt and remorse is shown again after successfully regaining Anne's trust so she and Grime can put their invasion plan in motion as Sasha became torn in her loyalties between her friends. Despite the invasion plan, Sasha truly made an honest effort in becoming a better friend to Anne and Marcy. Also, during her time with them, Sasha does see that Anne and Marcy have changed a great deal during their time in Amphibia. In addition, Sasha does come to understand that even though her human friends aren't the same people she has come to know doesn't' mean they're not the same people she cares about.

I am NOT that person anymore!
―Sasha in "All In"

Despite not wanting to change herself like Anne and Marcy have, Sasha does take Toadie's advice into consideration as she realized that she doesn't have to be in control all the time and being supportive or giving others a chance to be in charge once in a while is more rewarding then what she wants. However, in "True Colors", out of not accepting that her human friends have grown backbones, wanting control again and for various other petty reasons, Sasha goes through with Grime's plan anyway, which caused her friendship with Anne and Marcy to crumble. Although, while thinking about what Anne said when she called her out for her actions, as she took her harsh words to the heart, Sasha questions what she truly wants and was unsure what to do for herself, even when Grime cheered her up. Also, after discovering King Andrias true intentions, Sasha realized what she was becoming as she decided to fix her mistakes and focuses her efforts in stopping him. In addition, Sasha becomes a true friend as she fights by Anne's side in order to stop Andrias in going through with his plans, even fending off Frog-Bot army.

Sasha in tears

Sasha now truly remorseful for her acts of selfishness

After failing to stop King Andrias and retreated to Wartwood, Sasha went along with Grime's lie towards the citizens of the town so they can lay low. However, Sasha became guilty for lying to the citizens of Wartwood as they been nice to her and they kept reminding her of Anne, which overwhelmed her because of how she lied and hurt her. Sasha also blames herself for Marcy getting injured and captured by King Andrias, although she still upset with her for sending her and Anne to Amphibia in the first place, but does understand that she never meant to cause serious harm towards them. Seeing the consequences of her actions, Sasha not only realized that she doesn't want power anymore, but also had enough of making plans and schemes just to get it. After Grime encouraged her to enter the Plantar home, due to hesitating before out of guilt for betraying and hurting her friends, Sasha was convinced to do so as she finds Anne's journal then reads the day before they arrived to Newtopia. Seeing what Anne said about her and realizing that their friendship truly did mattered, Sasha breaks down and realized what she threw away just so she can be in control again.

Through with her controlling, cunning, lying, manipulating, and selfish characteristics, Sasha not only decided to become a better person, but also find a way to set things right with her friends, especially Anne, and rescue Marcy from King Andrias. Sasha also decided to be honest with the citizens of Wartwood as she explains everything and promises to protect them at all cost. However, much to her surprise, Sasha was easily forgiven by the citizens of Wartwood as she not only told them the truth and faced the consequences of her actions, but they were also impressed for how she took on King Andrias' robots just to protect them. Through those events, Sasha becomes Wartwood's newest protector in Anne's absence and inspires her newfound Amphibian friends alongside Grime to fight back against King Andrias, which led her to form the resistances.

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Sasha assuring Anne that the frogs of Wartwood mean a lot to her.

Ever since leading the resistances, Sasha shows more of her friendly and nicer side as she becomes a selfless person who enjoys putting those in need first before herself. After Anne returned to Amphibia, Sasha was happy to see her again and was safe. However, Sasha becomes afraid that she'll revert to her old self and ruin her friendship with Anne again, even going to the point of giving the role of commander to her, but her other reason for doing so was to make amends with her for her past actions. Also, Sasha had a hard time forgiving herself for her past actions. Although, through her friends help and encouragement, Sasha let go of her fears as she realized that she did change herself for the better and found it in her heart to forgive herself as she acknowledges that she wasn't that person anymore. In addition, Sasha recoiled with Anne and decided that they will co-lead the resistances in the fight against Andrias. Through Anne's influence, Sasha has complete confidence and trust in the Wartwood Frogs as she comes to care for them, even though she has to make tough decisions with them.

Sasha has even come to believe in second chances and feels sympathy for those who have also done selfish choices and mistakes, which she shows to Lysil and Angwin and stood up for them. However, despite her beliefs in second chances, Sasha began to have mixed feelings about forgiving Marcy and was worried if their friendship can be saved because of her actions in stranding her and Anne in Amphibia. Although, through Anne's help, Sasha does come to realize that she and the latter were also to blame for Marcy's actions as she feels guilty for not being supportive of her interest and needs. Also, after hearing Anne's words about forgiveness and can be hard sometimes but worth it in the end, Sasha realizes that she still wants to save Marcy from Andrias and make things right with her. Unfortunately, Sarah and Anne became horrified that the Core was controlling Marcy, but made them more determined to save their friend. Sasha was able to save Marcy from the Core and listen to her reasons for her actions. Seeing that Marcy was truly sorry for what she did to her and Anne, Sasha accepted her apology and forgive her.

Physical appearance

Sasha is a medium height teenage girl with a slender build, fair skin, long blonde hair that tied back into a high ponytail, and has a beauty mark under her left eye.

After her duel with Anne at Toad Tower, she now has a scar on her right cheek.

Sometime after she formed the Wartwood Resistance Sasha has let hair down and is shown to have grown slightly longer. Ten years later, she would cut it short.


When she initially comes to Amphibia, she wears her schoolgirl uniform. It consists of a light blue-gray shirt with a pink collar and "SJMS" coat covered by a jean jacket with rolled-up sleeves beneath her elbows, a short pink skirt, light blue socks, and dark gray Mary Jane shoes.

As of "Anne of the Year", Sasha started dressing up in brownish toad armor with a single bronze pauldron on her right shoulder, one glove on her left hand, parts of her arms covered in leather, wears armored boots, a greyish browns skirt, a spiked belt, and dark gray hooded cloak after becoming Captain Grime's second-in-command.

In "Toadcatcher", she still wears her armor, but without the pauldron or cloak and she now wears two gloves.

In "Barrel's Warhammer", she now wears armor with slightly lighter coloring and has gone back to wearing a cloak and only one glove. Her new cloak and pauldron on her right shoulder has an eye like symbol painted on them by Percy; she also has a smaller shoulder pad on her left shoulder.

Prior to "Commander Anne", she started to wear a new pauldron that is similar to the one that the Frobots have, but on the left shoulder, this time and now has a fur cape. Sasha now wears, leather armor, boots, a clawed left glove with blue outline, an armored right wristband, and a left armband and her skirt has been replaced with a fur one. In "Sprivy" she started wearing a dark pink heron circlet.

Powers and abilities


  • Power of the Pink Gem: First seen in "Barrel's Warhammer", the Calamity Box has given her the power of strength, evidenced by her eyes glowing pink like her gem. She likely lost her power in "The Third Temple" when the gem got recharged.


  • Psychological Warfare: Sasha is persuasive, manipulative, and deceptive being able get others to do what she wants. Her domineering nature allowed to push Anne around for years before Anne finally broke free of her influence. She was able to trick General Yunan long enough to defeat her.
  • Combat Capabilities: Sasha is a natural fighter as first seen in "Prison Break"; showing great strength agility, speed, ingenuity and ferocity. She can also use the moves she learned as a cheerleader in battle. Her skills as a warrior improved greatly during her time as Grime's second-in-command.
    • Swordsmanship: After her training with the toads Sasha became a very capable swordsmen being able to fight Anne, who also became a highly accomplished swordsmen during her time in Amphibia on equal grounds.


  • Swords: The pink sword, along with her armor, was first given to Sasha by Captain Grime after helping him and his army ward off a pair of herons. Ever since, Sasha has used the sword as her primary weapon of choice. Throughout time, Grime and Sasha's friendship developed more than just for using one another for their own games and after helping Grime raise a rebellion, take over Newtopia and overthrow King Andrias, Grime decided to give her another sword as a gift, hence her silver sword.
  • Dagger

Role in the series


The Third Temple - The First Met

Sasha meeting Anne and Marcy as children.

As a child, Sasha was playing in a playground when she noticed Anne and Marcy being bullied by two teenage girls, and she stood up for them, who ended up being enamored by her bravery. Although her attempts to defend them were to no avail, the teenagers got annoyed by her and decided to leave. Anne and Marcy, who were impressed by her for helping them, introduced themselves to her, and she subsequently befriended them.

Since then, Sasha, Anne, and Marcy have been friends for a long time, but things were not as great as they seem; Sasha made Anne and possibly Marcy do things that made them had uneasy feelings about, inscribing fear into her friends, especially if they undermined her authority. At some point, they started a band.

Sasha thumbs up

Sasha making Anne steal the music box.

Before the start of the series, Sasha made Anne ditch school for her birthday as they spend the day playing Dance Dance Revolution at the arcade. Sasha also stole money from the machine, ride a shopping cart, doing graffiti and chilling out in a café. Just as Anne is about to head home, Sasha convinced her to go see Marcy about getting a mysterious music box as a present, but they were both unaware that their friend planned to run away from her parents because they were moving and knew something about the box. While Anne was inside of a Thrift shop, Sasha signals her to steal the box while the cashier lady is sleeping. After Anne slips it into her backpack and walks out the shop, they regrouped at a nearby park with no one else in sight to take a better look at the box. Once Anne opens the box, a large spark of light can be seen coming out of it and then Sasha finds herself in the world of Amphibia, separated from Anne and Marcy. At some point, Sasha was captured by the toad army and was taken to Toad Tower.

Season One

In the Toad Tower, Captain Grime is seen in front of a cell room and shows Sasha, currently in a battered cell, a lost shoe belonging to Anne that was found far from the castle in the south forest. This leads him to believe that not only was she lying to him, but that there is more of her kind still out there somewhere in Amphibia.

During her time imprisoned at the tower, Sasha convinced serval toads into quit their jobs. They eventually find out two giant herons were nearing toad tower. The herons then start to instantly attack, the toads take shelter with Grime being upset, because the toads are not doing anything, too scared of the herons. Sasha gives Grime advice to compliment the toads instead of saying rude things to them. Grime then starts complimenting the toads and the toads instantly decide to attack the herons. The toads get rid of the herons and the toads go to have a grand feast. Grime then offer his he to be his second in command witch she accepts. Sasha then pulls out a picture of her with her friends promising to find them, but also decide to have some "fun" with this world.

After spending much time helping Grime leading the toads in the valley Sasha goes to Wartwood and has Toadie bring Anne to the bridge out of town were she reveals herself to a surprised Anne. The two scream in delight and hug as Anne says how much she missed her. Sasha is overjoyed as well and then introduces Captain Grime and his toad army who then emerge from the darkness.

Sasha Waybright defat reunion

A defeated Sasha realizes she can longer no control Anne.

Grime and his army enter Wartwood to invite the frogs to a banquet celebrating Anne and Sasha's reunion. After Anne gives the okay, they head to Toad Tower. While the frogs enjoy the banquet, Anne and Sasha hang out in Sasha's room. Sasha tells Anne that the banquet was to get Hop Pop to the tower so he can be fed to a giant Venus flytrap for inspiring rebellions in the valley. Anne tries to rescue the frogs, but they are all captured. As Hop Pop is taken to be executed, Anne tries to get Sasha to free them, but she tries to once again manipulate Anne again like she did on earth and almost succeeds, but after seeing this an angry Sprig throws mud at Sasha, denounces her as a bully, and encourages Anne. Angered by this defiance, Sasha tries to kill Sprig, but Anne intervenes, standing up to her at long last. Grime proposes a duel between the girls: if Anne wins the frogs can go, but if Sasha wins Hop Pop is to die. After an intense battle, Anne manages to defeat her by thrusting her sword into Sasha's, knocking her down and causing her to drop her sword and dagger, resulting in a cut on Sasha's face. Anne stands over her and states that she is not going to let Sasha push her around anymore, which stuns Sasha. Grime dose not keep is word and tries to kill Hop Pop anyway. It was then the tower starts to explode from One-Eyed Wally's boomshrooms. As everyone escapes the collapsing tower, Anne tries to save Sasha, but she lets herself fall out of guilt for how she treated her and to prevent Anne from falling as well. Grime saves Sasha, and he and the toads escape with her unconscious body.

Season Two

Sasha vow to settle the score with Anne

Sasha vows to settle the score with Anne.

While helping Grime hide from the law after Toad Tower collapsed, Sasha is rigorously training and pushing herself for revenge against Anne and the Plantars using dummies of them. She then tries to motivate Grime by having Percy and Braddock pose as bounty hunters and attacks them, but this ends in failure. When General Yunan comes for Grime they try escaping into the woods. While they were fleeing Grime pointed out that the real reason that Sasha is training so hard because she is trying to distract herself with fact that Anne stood up to her and nothing between them will be the same again. After nearly falling off a cliff, Sasha admits he's right and reveals the second reason for her training was so she would not lose Grime too because she now sees him as her only friend she has left, witch takes Grime aback and together they defeat Yunan. Grime now motivated at last decides to raise a new army and attack Newtopia; Sasha looks to the horizon as she caressed the scar Anne gave her on her cheek, promising that she and Anne are not through with their quarrel.

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A guilt ridden Sasha, after she drove Percy and Braddock away with her neglect.

Grime, Sasha, Percy and Braddock arrive at the north tower to get support for their rebellion. While the toad lords love the idea, Captain Bufo tells them that they are not on board with following a fugitive and a human. When Sasha learns from Grime's sister Captain Beatrix that Anne and Marcy are working together with King Andrias, she flies in a rage and defeats all the toads that try to arrest her group and demands to know what would it take for the toads to follow them. It is then Captain Aldo gives the group the proposal of retrieving the legendary warhammer of Barrel the Brave. Sasha accepts the challenge and her group set off. Percy and Braddock are scared because of the beast that guarded the weapon, so Sasha tells them to give her a signal if the things get too intense for them, but when the beast attacks and they give the signal she instead ignores them and drives the creature towards the tower. In the end, it is Sasha's frustration from the thought of Anne and Marcy moving on without her causes her to pull the warhammer out of the monster's head; the warhammer starts to glow and knocks out the savage wild animal. With the quest completed, Sasha and Grime get the full support of the 3 toad armies. However, Percy and Braddock leave because they no longer want to work with Sasha who put their lives in danger for her own gain. Sasha tries to stop them only for Grime, who tells her that they have reached their limit, Even though she is victorious that day, she is saddened by the fact she has lost her two toad friends.

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Sasha regains Anne's trust.

Sasha and Grime track Anne and Marcy down at a temple in a volcano and saves them from some lava worms. Marcy is very excited to see her other human friend, but Anne is concerned. Sasha says the only reason they stalked them into the temple was to tell Anne that she is sorry for everything that went down at Toad Tower and that it was all her fault and wrong of her to put her frog friends in danger and for pushing her around and bullying her. Hop Pop is skeptical, and Sasha explains that she and Grime had to go into hiding and lost everything after the toad tower incident and she had a lot of time to think; she then asks what they were even doing in here, so Marcy explains their quest to recharge the 3 gem stones of the calamity box and that this is the third and finale temple. Sasha is surprised at the aspect of a real way home and when Macy explains that each temple has a theme for their trials and this one is strength, Sasha is confident that she is the right person for the job and they press onwards. The group reaches the final trial witch is a giant stone toad monster that can increase the gravity in the room, and all the amphibians are too weak to try and get closer, and Marcy's outfit is too heavy. Sasha and Anne get closer and closer to the creature, Sasha tells Anne that she can tell that she still doesn't trust her even after she apologized. Anne then points out that it wasn't just the Toad Tower indecent; the fact was that Sasha had pushed her around her whole life and Sasha to her great shame admits she was right, much to Anne's surprise. When it seemed hopeless Anne gives the motivational speech Sasha needs, and says she still trusts her despite all that has happened. Sasha manages to remove her cloak, pauldron and boots; decreasing her weight enough to fight in the intense gravity and destroys the creature, and Anne lets her charge the third and final stone so they can all make it back home. Marcy stops them from opening the box and suggests they take it back to King Andrias so they can use it correctly. As they leave, Sasha thanks Anne for believing in her and Anne suggests that they have a fresh start, which makes Sasha happy. After they are left alone Grime makes sure that Sasha hasn't forgotten the plan to use her friends as a way to get into Newtopia. Sasha says they bought her act hook line and sinker, but also shows signs of genuine guilt of what might happen to Anne and Marcy.

Chocolate Covered Hornets from Amphibia S2E19A

A great desert after an intense battle.

Felicia Sundew rented a spare room to her and Grime for their stay in Wartwood. When Anne invited her to dinner at the Planters' farm Grime reminded her to keep up the nice act for the plan to work; Sasha is confident that she can keep Anne and Marcy in the palm of her hands and once they conquer amphibia she can get her friendship with the girls under control once again. As they arrived Anne, Sasha and Marcy are all elated to be together again. During dinner she was actually impressed by Hop Pop's cooking, then she and the girls reminisce about the time they skipped theater rehearsal to throw a wild party on the school roof, but things got awkward for Sasha when she was reminded that Anne took the blame and got punished when they got caught. When they were playing a game of drawsidoodle the Planters get on her nerves when they keep reminded her of the Toad Tower incident with turns into a heated argument with Anne. Just then the Vol-cake-no Grime brought over grows to epic proportions and hot chocolate lava comes pouring out everywhere. Grime explains that toads have a grand battle during desert just he was paralyzed by giant hornets that started flying out of the cake. As the hornets began swarming all around everyone, the human girls work together when they discovered they can penetrate the insects' hard exoskeletons with their own stingers. After they defeat the hornets and toss them all the chocolate just before it hardens, Sasha apologizes and explains she is not sure she wants to change because she likes the way she is. Anne tells Sasha that while she knows it is difficult for her to change, she needs to accept the fact that Anne has done so. Sasha does see the truth in what Anne is saying and hugs her. Grime comes to and offers everyone to try the chocolate covered hornets and find that they are quite delicious.

Amphibia Band back togher

Sasha being supportive of Anne in the Battle of the Bands.

Mayor Toadstool holds a Battle of the Bands contest and the girls get together to reform Sasha and the Sharps. However, Sasha shows her controlling nature when Anne suggests a new song and she leaves in a huff. She tries forming a band with Toadie, but she later realizes that Toadie has no opinions for himself and it is actually exhausting always being in control. When Toadie points out that sometimes it's actually fun to support someone who you really care about, Sasha decides to join with Anne and Marcy and play Anne's song. After the contest which Grime won thanks to his 3 hour harp solo, Anne suggests taking a group photo before she, Marcy, and Sasha leave for home, to which everyone in Wartwood joins in.

The Dark Truth of Andrias Leviathan

Sasha and Grime learn the dark truth of King Andrias.

After the group reached Newtopia, Sasha and Grime put their hoods up due to Grime's criminal status And Marcy promised to to get the king to pardon them. Just as Anne was about hand the music box over to Andrias, Sasha and Grime made their move and stole the music box. Sasha threaten to destroy the music box; Andrias reminded her that the music box was her only way home, but Sasha explained that she's not sure she wants to go home especially when she can rule an actual kingdom instead of some middle school. With Andrias distracted with Sasha, Grime was able to incapacitate the giant newt king with Barrel's Warhammer. Now that Andrias was locked up and the hidden toad soldiers were reeking havoc, the city gates were now open for the rest of the toad army that would be arriving within the hour. Sasha continued to act cordial towards Anne and Marcy and even offered them to join her, but Anne refused, calling her a horrible person and that she was done being friends with her. With that Sasha tried to send Anne back to earth to separate her from her surrogate frog family forever, but couldn't figure out how to get the box to work, so she ordered the guards to send Anne to the dungeon until she could, along with Marcy, the Planters, Lady Olivia and Frobo. While hanging out in the throne room Grime gave her a gift; a second sword so she could duel wield. Sasha was overjoyed, but when she looked at her reflection in the blade she was saddened as she began to wonder if Anne was right about her and is not sure what she wants anymore. Grime tried to cheer her up by helping her redecorate the castle, but when they tore down a tapestry they found a mural under it showing the king using the box for destructive purposes, making Sasha and Grime realize that Andrias may not be the benevolent ruler he appears to be. Just then they see that Anne and the others have escaped and go to stop Anne from closing the gate. Sasha tries to warn Anne about Andrias, but Anne is understandably still furious with her and attacks her. The 2 girls had improved their fighting skills since their last dual; Sasha again tries to get Anne to listen, but she refuses to listen as she is done with all of Sasha's lies and manipulation. Anne manages to defeat her by pulling her own cape over her face, Sasha then takes her cape of with a horrified expression on her face after seeing King Andrias free and all of the toad soldiers in the city had captured by the royal newt guard.

Sasha Waybright Real Reform

Sasha becomes a true friend at long last.

After the toad invasion failed Sasha and Grime were brought before the king with their hands bound in rope. Sasha once again tried to warn Anne only for Yunan cover her mouth with her tail. When Anne gave Andrias the box he told everyone present about a time when he was betrayed by his best friends, that the music box was stolen from him and no one remembers what Amphibia was like 1,000 years ago, but now that he got the box back he will use its power to restore Newtopia to glory. Andrias used the box to power up his castle; enabling it to fly, then he reactivated ancient factories that created a massive robot army that arrived at the castle within moments. Andrias revealed that he was planning on invading other worlds starting with earth. When Anne and Sasha told the king they would stop him, he decides to show them a sample of his power by using his castles' giant laser cannon to destroy a nearby toad tower. Andrias shocked Anne and Sasha by divulging the truth that Marcy got the human girls stranded in Amphibia on purpose. Marcy then explained that on Anne's birthday her father told her he got a new job out of state and they were moving away and that she learned of the music box before hand; she wanted to use it to take the 3 of them to a world were they could be together forever, then Marcy fell to her knees with her remorse. Anne vows to stop Andrias and Sasha finally decides to do the right thing and fights by her side; Grime also joins the battle. When the king threw Sprig out the window Sasha watched as the grief it caused Anne to awaken the power of the blue gem stone within her and was amazed by the new abilities she wielded as she destroyed many frog bots and beat Andrias to the floor. When Marcy saved Sprig and used the music box to open the portal to earth, Sasha and Grime held off Andrias while Anne and the Planters fled into the portal, but the portal closed before she could flee as well thanks to Andrias driving his laser sword though Marcy.

Season Three

Turning point Still

Sasha and Grime witnessing Marcy getting stabbed by King Andrais.

Sasha is heartbroken to see Marcy on the floor wounded, but is told by Grime they can't help her now. As Andrias has Marcy taken to a healing chamber, Sasha and Grime jump out the window as they escape on Joe Sparrow. They decide to return to Wartwood to hide as they realized that it would be one of the few places King Andrias would go looking for them.

Turning Point Shasha & Grime at Planter Farm

Sasha unsure about staying at the Plantar home, due to what happened between her and her friends, especially Anne.

After Grime tells the citizens of Wartwood the truth about the king being the corrupt monarch he really is and has "unspeakable power", Sasha goes along with his lie as he tells them that Anne and the Plantars were on an important mission and sent them to protect the town. The two decided to go to the Plantar Farm to rest for the night, but Sasha is hesitant to sleep in the same house of the friend she betrayed yet again so she decides to sleep in the barn. Sasha is riddled with even more guilt when the townsfolk treat her with kindness and reminded her of Anne. Sasha listens when Grime informs her that some of the Toad Army managed to eluded capture. However, when a Frog-Bot showed up to scan the area, Sasha and Grime is able to destroy it, but it managed to send a signal. After Grime decides to leave before reinforcements showed up, Sasha refused to leave the townsfolk as she is done with her controlling and selfish ways. Sasha is told by Grime to go into the Plantars' house so she can deal with the drama and leaves.

Sasha swearing to protect everyone

Sasha now truly reformed swearing to protect everyone

As Sasha looks around Anne's room, she finds her friend's journal, which she reads. After reading that Anne was truly happy to have her back in her life, Sasha with tears running down her face apologized for her cruel deeds. Understanding what needs to be done and wants to be someone better that deserves her humans friends, especially Anne, Sasha decided to go do what she knows is right then vows to make amends with the girls and save Marcy from King Andrias. Sasha gathers everyone in Wartwood and tells them the truth then promises to protect them until her last breath. Then, Sasha sees a Giant Frog-Bot showing up then engaged it in battle, but the Frog-Bot shot out smaller Frog-Bots that overwhelm her. However, just before the giant frog bot is about to fire at her, Sasha is saved by Grime, who decided that he would be rather be with his dearest friend.

Sasha becomes the new protector of Wartwood

Sasha becomes the new protector of Wartwood.

Then, to Sasha and Grime's surprise, the villagers join in the fight by attacking the smaller Frog-Bots. Sasha and Grime destroyed the Giant Frog-Bot by using same two missiles that it fired at them back to it. After the battle, Sasha is extremely grateful to the frogs she once wronged for helping her while the Townsfolk were grateful to her for taking on the giant Frog-Bot just to protect them just like Anne would have. Also, Sasha appreciated when the citizens of Wartwood told her that she has become a much kinder person because of her honesty and admitting her mistakes. Sasha tells her new amphibian friends that she'll truly protect the town in Anne's absence for real this time and after giving it some thought she also come to the decision to lead the citizens of Wartwood in a rebellion against King Andrias.

Sometime later Sasha found the secret catacombs underneath Plantar farm and made it the base for the Wartwood Resistance.

When Anne and the Plantars eventually return to Amphibia to find that Wartwood has been attacked and nearly destroyed by Andrias and his army, as well as some wildlife under mind control. As Anne and the Plantars are threatened by one of these creatures, mysterious figures come out and save them as well as the creature, removing his mind control device and reveal themselves to be some of the familiar residents of Wartwood, led by Anne's friend Sasha.

King Andrias and his army have taken over Amphibia and destroyed towns including Wartwood. The town's residents all moved into the tunnels as well and became The Resistance, all of whom rejoiced when Anne and the Plantars returned. Hop Pop, however, is having a hard time adjusting to his old life back home after being spoiled by the comforts of Earth.


Sasha stubborn and vague about her decision

Anne and Sasha briefly talk about the events at Newtopia Castle, where Sasha talks about how she has changed and her days of toxic manipulation are over. We are then introduced to the helmet of authority that Sasha is wearing, and then bequeaths it upon Anne since the hopes that she would return is what kept the town going this whole time. Anne leaves and Grime enters, shocked that Sasha gave Anne the helmet.

The new team sets out on their first mission to stop the manufacturing of the mind control collars that are found on the wildlife. As the mission goes poorly under Anne's command, you can't help, but wonder what Sasha is up to, especially as she lets Anne let the whole troop nearly careen off a cliff. Even Anne realizes she's not a good commander, and finally breaks asking Sasha what her angle is.

Amphibia s3-Commander Anne with Sasha

Sasha and Anne agreeing to co-lead the resistance.

Sasha reveals there is no scheme, but rather insecurity. The last time that Sasha was in charge while Anne was around, everything got messed up, Marcy got stabbed, Anne got sent back to Earth. Sasha takes charge in this mission and makes it successful, but is still reluctant to lead the whole resistance while Anne is around. Anne points out that in the past, Sasha would have fought for the helmet, so the very fact that she doesn't want it proves that she is a changed person. Sasha promises that even though she is leading the resistance, it's still very much a partnership now that Anne has returned.

Sasha sends Sprig and Ivy on a mission to destroy Andrias' cannons with Stumpy and Fern, but wants them to pair off differently. Sprig and Ivy forge a letter so that they can stay paired up with each other. However, this makes the mission more difficult for Stumpy and Fern, and Sprig and Ivy decide to temporarily separate so they can make things right. Sasha scolds them for nearly destroying the mission and Sprig and Ivy agree that while they still love each other, they need to be more cautious with their relationship.

Amphibia s03e12A Sasha is confident

Sasha is confident that the frog rebels can escape on their own.

Sasha puts together a team to help take down a Marauders camp. They get ambushed; getting everyone captured, sans Sasha and Anne who wait and spar with each other. Toadie has trouble breaking out of his comfort zone and botches a plan to escape that results in Mrs. Croaker getting knocked out. After being pushed too far, Toadie finally leads the team to breaking out, destroying the camp and getting their supplies back. Sasha tells Anne that she does care about the Wartwood citizens and that she needs to trust her judgment even when she makes difficult decisions.

Olm Town Road x1

Anne shows everyone the vase's hidden message.

At a briefing Sasha, claims that while the Wartwood Resistance has caused some major havoc for King Andrias it is still not enough to stop hip plans for invading earth. Suddenly, Anne remembers the Vase she and the Planters found at the Museum shows everyone the hidden message, "Seek the Mother of Olms, she will guide you to your destiny." While Grimes says that nobody has seen an Olm for decades, Sprig and Polly prove him wrong and share where they encountered twin olms before (in "Quarreler's Pass"). The team heads out and discovers that a team of Andrias' robots are there drilling. Soon enough, they reached the entrance, and to attracted the attention of the Olms, Polly pinches Sprig, making him get annoyed loud until the two Olms, Lysil and Angwin, appear. Anne asks about the Mother of Olms, who is the oldest and wisest of the olms and keeps ancient knowledge in the city of Proteus where she lives. Too bad their new friends are banished from the city, so they can't take Anne and the squad with them to meet her. Of course, that doesn't deter them, and they try to convince the Olms to take them to Proteus in an attempt to save the world. Sasha immediately sympathizes with them since they were banished from the city after one mistake, saying that everyone deserves a second chance.

Amphibia s03e12B Anne and Sasha Celebrate

Anne and Sasha celebrate with a fist bump before meeting Mother Olm

Anne manages to convince the twin olms to take them to Proteus, were they meet Parisia who presides over Proteus and the group meets her while "mysterious earthquakes" continue and sunlight continues to break through the surface, instantly burning the olms and explaining why they can't surface to investigate what's going on up there. Parisia denies any evidence that they are giant drills and war machines causing the problems, and sends them away once again. The group is banished, as are the other olms once again, and the drill begins to break free. The banished olms take everyone to the surface, but the olms want to help too, even though the sunlight is too intense. The group can't get the drill to stop so the banished olms head into the sunlight and get severely burned to save Proteus and throw themselves into the drill so their giant worm-like body can wrap around the drill bit and stop it. The drill, unfortunately, weakened the surface and came crashing through into the city of Proteus right in front of Parisia. She still denies that this proves anything, and kicks them out of the city once again, but this time, Sasha makes her stand. She stands up for the banished Olms and calls Parisia a moronic despot, who then stops them on their way out. She is impressed that Sasha stood up to her, saying that took guts that she hadn't seen in centuries and admits to knowing everything that is really going on on the surface. Parisia says that she'll take them to Mother Olm and reluctantly let Lysil and Angwin return to Proteus.

Anne and Sasha being examined by Mother Olm

Anne and Sasha being examined by Mother Olm

Anne, Sasha and the Plantars meet Mother Olm who has information on the prophecy, but cannot remember. The kids go into her head to rub cream on her brain while Hop Pop waits outside with Mother Olm who gives him encouraging advice on being old. The kids are attacked by batsquitos and get trapped in the nose. Hop Pop gets Mother Olm to sneeze them out, but she still cannot remember. Luckily, she wrote down the prophecy which says that "three stars" will burn brightly, implying that Sasha and Marcy also have superpowers similar to Anne and will help them regain them.

Amphibia-Season-3-Sasha Cheerleading

Sasha cheering for Sprig in his duel with Beatrix

Sasha tries to get the other toads to join their cause, but the bickering between Grime and Sprig results in Captain Beatrix challenging Sprig to a duel after hearing that he defeated Grime. Grime is forced to train Sprig and while the two start off as enemies, the two of them begin to acknowledge the other's prowess and train for real. Sprig faces Beatrix in a cage match and, using what Grime taught him, manages to defeat her much to everyone's delight. Beatrix admits defeat and states that her toads will be of service to the resistance in their fight against Andrias.


The Disney Wiki has an article focusing on the relationships of Sasha Waybright.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Sasha Waybright.


  • Sasha's voice actress, Anna Akana, does the role of Gloria from another Disney Channel animated series Big City Greens.
  • In the original pitch pilot, Sasha is depicted telling Anne that she has "changed" before revealing that her eyes now resemble glowing amphibian eyes. This was most likely done to add intrigue to the producers to get the show greenlit, as the revelation of one of Anne's friends going through some physical transformation would later be incorporated into Marcy.
  • Matt Braly describes Sasha as being based on a friend who was someone with "Good Intentions..... Bad Execution."
  • Sasha's favorite food is Orange Chicken.[3]
  • Her sword is similar to the blood sword from the Final Fantasy saga, which debuted in Final Fantasy 2.
  • Sasha is a B student in school.[4]
  • Sasha's surname, Waybright, is an Americanized form of German Weibrecht or Weybrecht, from a Germanic personal name composed of the elements wig 'battle', 'war' + berht 'bright'. This fits Sasha, seeing as she is a warrior/soldier.
  • Her voice actress is Asian, specifically Japanese (with some Filipino and Hawaiian), just like the voice actresses behind Anne Boonchuy and Marcy Wu.
  • Following the airing of "The Hardest Thing", Matt Braly confirmed that Sasha is bisexual[5], like her actress Anna Akana.
  • Sasha is of German/Slavic (either Russian or Ukrainian) heritage.
  • The ending "Froggy Little Christmas", implied that Sasha's parents are divorced or separated as Anne sends a letter to them separately. This wasn't confirmed until the release of "Marcy's Journal: A Guide to Amphibia", where Anne reveals Sasha's parents divorced when Sasha was only four or five years old. Her father remarried and her mother is in a long-term relationship with her boyfriend who has children of his own.
  • Sasha shares similarities with Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
    • Both had a scar on their face, a slash scar on Sasha's right side of her face and a burnt scar on Zuko's left side.
    • Both had a cold and distant personality, but later became more open and friendly throughout the series.
    • Both of their parents are divorced/separated and one of them remarried with another person.
    • Both had a parental issues that caused them to turned into what they've become, Sasha's parents are divorced while Zuko's father Ozai burned him on the left side of his face.
    • Both are member of the evil organizations they worked for (Toad Army and Fire Nation).
    • Both wanted to capture the protagonists for reasons, Sasha wanted to regain her control over friendship with Anne and Marcy while Zuko wanted to regain his honor and his father's love. This was shown at the first season of their respective series.
    • Both had their traveling companions who serves as their parental figure, Captain Grime and Iroh.
    • At the beginning of the second season of their respective series, both them and their traveling companions were falsely branded as traitors because of the main antagonists of the series and were on the run because of this. Throughout the entire season, they became conflicted over their morality and past actions.
    • Both were temporarily gained their trust on the female protagonists (Anne and Katara) after having a heart-to-heart conversation at the end of the second season of their respective series, but not until they betrayed them by choosing their side over them and helping their evil organization conquering specific places (Toad Army briefly conquered Newtopia and Fire Nation succeed in conquering Ba Sing Se), causing the female protagonists fed up with them so much that they began to lose trust on them. The difference is while Anne's hatred towards Sasha is only for a brief of time until she finally realized Andrias' true nature, Katara had a hard time making amends with Zuko because she didn't know he was manipulated by Azula until they went to find her mother's killer.
    • At the beginning of the third season of their respective series, both became heavily remorseful over their actions so much that caused them to renounce their villainous ways by defecting themselves from an evil organization after realizing the main antagonists' true intentions and later joined with the heroes, Sasha stops becoming a Toad Army to protect Wartwood from the Frobots and formed the Wartwood Resistance along with Grime while Zuko defected himself from the Fire Nation to join with the Team Avatar to help them defeat Ozai.
    • Both are having a hard time trying to make amends with the protagonists (Sasha became uncomfortable over her leadership so much that she passed it down to Anne while Zuko tried so much to regain Team Avatar's trust and let him help them by teaching Aang firebending). However, they managed to regained their trusts once they helped them fight against enemies (Sasha help the Wartwood Resistance defeat the mind-controlled giant snake and Zuko attempt to stop the Combustion Man from hunting down Aang).
    • Both are spending time helping the heroes throughout the second half of the third season of their respective series, even also traveling with them.
    • At the end of their respective series, both are fighting with the other antagonists (Sasha vs. the Core/Darcy and Zuko vs. Azula) while the main heroes are fighting the main antagonists (Anne vs. Andrias and Aang vs. Ozai). The difference is that the Core is an overarching antagonist while Azula is the secondary antagonist. Another thing is that both are heavily injured during their fight (Sasha got striked in the back by the Core's schyte and Zuko got struck by Azula's lightningbending while trying to protect Katara).


External links

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Anphibia logo
AmphibiaChibi Tiny TalesDisney All-Star RacersMarcy's Journal: A Guide to AmphibiaThe Art of Amphibia
Anne BoonchuySprig PlantarPolly PlantarHop Pop PlantarBessieOne-Eyed WallyLeopold LoggleIvy SundewFelicia SundewSylvia SundewMaddie FlourRosemary, Lavender, and GingerMr. FlourSadie CroakerStumpyAlbus DuckweedTritonio EspadaApothecary GaryMayor ToadstoolToadieSasha WaybrightMarcy WuZappapedeBarryCaptain GrimePercyBraddockGiant HeronsFroboLysil and AngwinGeneral YunanBog, Fens, and MireLady OliviaKing AndriasJacindaWigbert RibbitonPriscilla PaddockPearl PaddockCaptain BeatrixMr. BoonchuyMrs. BoonchuyThe CoreDominoDomino IICloak-BotTerriDr. JanAlly and JessMolly JoHumphrey WestwoodMr. XDr. FrakesLeifBarrelKing AldrichMother Olm
Season One: "Anne or Beast?/Best Fronds" • "Cane Crazy/Flood, Sweat & Tears" • "Hop Luck/Stakeout" • "The Domino Effect/Taking Charge" • "Anne Theft Auto/Breakout Star" • "Sprig Vs. Hop Pop/Girl Time" • "Dating Season/Anne Vs. Wild" • "Contagi-Anne/Family Shrub" • "Lily Pad Thai/Plantar's Last Stand" • "Toad Tax/Prison Break" • "Grubhog Day/Hop Pop and Lock" • "Civil Wart/Hop-Popular" • "Croak & Punishment/Trip to the Archives" • "Snow Day/Cracking Mrs. Croaker" • "A Night at the Inn/Wally and Anne" • "Family Fishing Trip/Bizarre Bazaar" • "Cursed!/Fiddle Me This" • "The Big Bugball Game/Combat Camp" • "Children of the Spore/Anne of the Year" • "Reunion"

Season Two: "Handy Anne/Fort in the Road" • "The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar/Anne Hunter" • "Truck Stop Polly/A Caravan Named Desire" • "Quarreler's Pass/Toadcatcher" • "Swamp and Sensibility/Wax Museum" • "Marcy at the Gates" • "Scavenger Hunt/The Plantars Check In" • "Lost in Newtopia/Sprig Gets Schooled" • "Little Frogtown/Hopping Mall" • "The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers/A Day at the Aquarium" • "The Shut-In!" • "Night Drivers/Return to Wartwood" • "Ivy on the Run/After the Rain" • "The First Temple" • "New Wartwood/Friend or Frobo?" • "Toad to Redemption/Maddie & Marcy" • "The Second Temple/Barrel's Warhammer" • "Bessie & MicroAngelo/The Third Temple" • "The Dinner/Battle of the Bands" • "True Colors"
Season Three: "The New Normal" • "Hop 'Til You Drop/Turning Point" • "Thai Feud/Adventures in Catsitting" • "Fight at the Museum/Temple Frogs" • "Fixing Frobo/Anne-sterminator" • "Mr. X/Sprig's Birthday" • "Spider-Sprig/Olivia & Yunan" • "Hollywood Hop Pop/If You Give a Frog a Cookie" • "Froggy Little Christmas" • "Escape to Amphibia" • "Commander Anne/Sprivy" • "Sasha's Angels/Olm Town Road" • "Mother of Olms/Grime's Pupil" • "The Root of Evil/The Core & The King" • "Newts in Tights/Fight or Flight" • "The Three Armies/The Beginning of the End" • "All In" • "The Hardest Thing"

AmphibiaWartwood SwampToad Tower Newtopia (Newtopia Castle) • Los Angeles
See also
Welcome to AmphibiaNo Big DealCalamity BoxSuspicious IslandFwagon

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Chibi Tiny TalesChibiverse
Animated characters
Amphibia: Anne BoonchuySprig PlantarPolly PlantarHop Pop PlantarMarcy WuSasha WaybrightDominoBessieKing AndriasOne-Eyed Wally

Phineas and Ferb: Candace FlynnPhineas FlynnFerb FletcherPerry the PlatypusHeinz DoofenshmirtzLinda Flynn-FletcherSuper Super Big Doctor
Big City Greens: Cricket GreenTilly GreenAlice GreenBill GreenRemy Remington
DuckTales: Scrooge McDuckMagica De SpellFlintheart GlomgoldWebby VanderquackLaunchpad McQuackHuey, Dewey, and LouieDarkwing DuckFenton CrackshellLena SabrewingBentina Beakley
Tangled: RapunzelFlynn RiderPascalCassandraLance StrongbowMaximusVarian
Moana: MoanaMauiKakamoraPuaHeihei
The Ghost and Molly McGee: Molly McGeeScratchAndrea DavenportLibby Stein-TorresThe ChairmanOliver ChenGeoffJeffPete McGeeSharon McGeeDarryl McGeeThe Ghost Council
The Owl House: Luz NocedaEda ClawthorneKingHootyLilith ClawthorneAmity BlightWillow ParkGus PorterOwlbertGhostStringbeanEmperor BelosHunter
Hamster & Gretel: HamsterGretel Grant-GomezKevin Grant-GomezHiromi Tanaka
The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder: Penny ProudOscar ProudTrudy ProudBeBe & CeCe ProudSuga MamaLaCienega BoulevardezKareem Abdul-Jabbar BrownPuffDijonay Jones
Mickey Mouse & Friends: Mickey MouseMinnie MouseDonald DuckDaisy DuckGoofy
Kim Possible: Kim Possible Ron StoppableRufusShego
Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Star ButterflyMarco DiazPony Head
TaleSpin: BalooKit Cloudkicker
Goof Troop: Max Goof
Bonkers: Bonkers D. Bobcat
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers: Chip and Dale
American Dragon: Jake Long: Jake Long
Gravity Falls: Dipper PinesMabel PinesBill CipherWaddlesStan Pines
Gargoyles: GoliathDemona
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: Moon GirlDevil DinosaurCasey CalderonThe Beyonder
Milo Murphy's Law: Milo Murphy
Lilo & Stitch: Lilo PelekaiStitchGrand CouncilwomanCaptain GantuJumba JookibaPleakleyMertle EdmondsNani PelekaiDavid KawenaCobra BubblesIce Cream ManPudge
Hailey's On It!: Hailey BanksScott DenogaBetaA.C. Aychvak
Kiff: Kiff ChatterleyBarry BunsCandle Fox
Cinderella: CinderellaJaq and GusLady TremaineAnastasia TremaineDrizella TremaineLuciferMiceBirdsPrince CharmingFairy GodmotherThe Grand Duke
Beauty and the Beast : BelleBeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsChipMauricePhilippeGastonLeFouBimbettesWardrobeWolvesVillagers
Sleeping Beauty : AuroraPrince PhillipFlora, Fauna, and MerryweatherMaleficentDiabloKing StefanQueen LeahForest AnimalsSamson
Hercules: HerculesHadesPegasusPhiloctetesMegaraPain and PanicMusesZeusHeraAmphitryon and AlcmeneHydra
The Emperor's New Groove: KuzcoPachaYzmaKronkChichaChacaTipoBucky the SquirrelJaguarsYupi
Primos: Tater Ramirez HumphreyBibi Ramirez HumphreyBud HumphreyBud Ramirez HumphreyBuela RamirezLotLot Ramirez

Live-Action characters
Halloweentown: Marnie PiperSophie PiperDylan PiperAggie Cromwell

Descendants: MalEvieJayCarlos De VilBenJaneAudreyDougUmaHarry HookDizzy TremaineCelia FacilierFairy GodmotherHades
Zombies: Zed NecrodopolisAddison WellsBucky BuchananWilla LykensenWyatt LykensenEliza ZambiDae
High School Musical: Troy BoltonGabriella MontezSharpay EvansRyan EvansChad DanforthTaylor McKessieKelsi NielsenZeke BaylorMartha CoxMs. Darbus
Hocus Pocus: Max DennisonDani Dennison,AllisonThackery BinxBilly ButchersonWinifred SandersonMary SandersonSarah Sanderson
Hannah Montana: Miley Stewart
Lizzie McGuire: Lizzie McGuire
Wizards of Waverly Place: Alex Russo
That's So Raven: Raven Baxter
The Suite Life of Zack & Cody: Zack MartinCody MartinMaddie FitzpatrickLondon TiptonMarion Moseby
K.C. Undercover: K.C. Cooper
Camp Rock: Mitchie TorresShane Grey

Disney Park characters
Pirates of the Caribbean: Treasure SkeletonHector BarbossaReddBeacon JoeCaptain XTreasure KeeperCarlosStupid PiratePooped PirateScalawagPrison DogSeedy PrisonersCooteBillie How
Chibiverse episodes
"Pizza vs. Fireworks" • "Bad Luck Chibis" • "The Great Chibi Mix-Up!" • "Chibi Villains Unite" • "The Chibi Quiz Challenge" • "The Chibi Couple Game" • "The Roast of Dr. Doofenshmirtz"