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This is the place where the TVA dumps its rubbish, everything they prune. And Alioth, he ensures none of it ever returns.
Kid Loki[src]

The Void is a place located at the end of time and it is where the Time Variance Authority sends everything that they pruned. A creature called Alioth consumes all the energy and matter that arrives there. Despite this, the Void is the home of many Loki Variants who managed to survive there and is the kingdom of Kid Loki.


The Void is a barren wasteland located at the end of time, a part of the Sacred Timeline which is still not written. Because of this, it is not possible for individuals to do something that will deviate from their predicted path, in other words, it's impossible to a create nexus event and cause the timeline to branch there.

For Time Variance Authority, this also makes the Void the perfect place for them to dispatch the branched realities they pruned as it is impossible to destroy all their matter, so they have to move them to somewhere else to fix the Sacred Timeline. Despite this, people of the TVA, are unaware of the pruning matter being transported to the Void, instead they believe that the pruned individuals are actually erased, being killed right away.

In the Void, Alioth a creature that can consume space and time itself, will devour all the matter that arrives, which assures that they will not return. Pruned individuals, who are sent to the Void, also face Alioth and might be devoured by it. Despite this, many manage to survive and continue to live in the Void. Loki Variants are numerous there, because they are often pruned by the TVA and also because they are good at surviving. The Void is currently ruled by a Loki, Kid Loki, a Variant that, despite having the appearance of a child, lived thousands of years there and made it his kingdom. Kid Loki and other Variants that live there never age because of the Void being the end of time.


Marvel Cinematic Universe[]


Season One[]
Is this Hel? Am I dead?
Loki wakes up after being pruned[src]

In the fourth episode, after Loki was pruned by Judge Ravonna Renslayer, he wakes up in the Void and is found by four other Variants of himself: Kid Loki, Alligator Loki, Classic Loki and Boastful Loki. The Variants invite him to join them to survive.

In the fifth episode, the Lokis try to walk away from the place where the found Loki, to avoid alerting Alioth. Confused, Loki asks them what their plan and tells them that he needs to return to the TVA. The Lokis explain to him that they are at the Void and have to escape from Alioth to survive. Loki asks why there are so many Lokis in the Void and Classic Loki tells him that it is because they are good survivors. Loki questions if they tried to escape the Void using a TemPad, but the other Lokis tell him that there are none around there. Loki then proposes creating a nexus event, but Boastful Loki says that the TVA does not care with what happens in the Void. Classic Loki explains that all their attempts to escape failed, so there is not much to do beyond surviving in the Void. Kid Loki declares that they should keep moving, making Loki ask them why they are listening to a child. Classic Loki tells him to respect Kid Loki because he is the King of the Void.

After some time trekking across the Void, the Lokis and approach a metal hatch and go down a ladder that leads to the entrance the their underground home, the Loki Palace, a fortress filled with pruned items. There, Kid Loki sits on his throne and Alligator Loki inside a kids pool while the others shared their stories with Loki. Eventually, Loki decided to leave to go back to the TVA, explaining to the others that he needs to find Sylvie, a female Loki Variant. He tells them that if Alioth is the one thing keeping them in the Void and is a living creature, killing it is a way to escape the place. Loki asks the others to help him kill Alioth, but they just laugh in response to this plan. As Loki attempts to leave, a group of Lokis led by President Loki enters the hideout. Boastful Loki had betrayed the Lokis, telling the location of the Loki Palace to President Loki as part of the deal to have Kid Loki's throne and an army of Lokis, but he is immediately betrayed by President Loki, who wants to keep his army and be the king of the Void. Then, President Loki is also betrayed by his own followers, who also want the same. After a battle started inside the hideout, Loki, Classic Loki, Alligator Loki and Kid Loki manage to escape.

Outside, they complain about all the Loki versions being broken and obsessed with their desire for power and how the TVA always sends the ones who try to fix themselves to die in the Void. Then, they notice how much Loki trusts in Sylvie and her determination to bring down the TVA, so they decide to help him face Alioth to escape the Void and return to her. Meanwhile at the TVA, Sylvie learns from Ravonna that Loki is still alive in the Void, so she prunes herself to find him there. Sylvie wakes up inside an old school bus and sees a giant cloud, Alioth, approaching to engulf it. She runs away, but then briefly links with the storm and sees a glimpse of something beyond the Void. Agent Mobius, who had been pruned under Ravonna's orders, appears driving a car and saves Sylvie from the creature. Inside the car, Sylvie is depressed as she tells Mobius that she came to look for Loki but now she thinks Alioth might have already devoured him. She claims she changed her focus to find the creator of the TVA, who she thinks is hiding beyond the Void, and Alioth is probably the answer to discover it. She asks Mobius to turn the car back towards the creature.

You throw a rock out here, you hit a Loki.
Mobius about the Void after meeting the Lokis[src]

Loki and the others go to watch Alioth from afar and see it devouring a ship with its entire crew when they appear in the Void, before spotting a car approaching. Kid Loki tells Loki to be alert because it might be cannibalistic marauders or cannibalistic pirates, but when Loki sees Sylvie, he runs to her. Loki becomes relieved to see that Mobius is fine and surprised to see Sylvie in the Void. When he asks her how she got there, Sylvie tells him that she came to help him. Sylvie tells Loki that she thinks the creator of the TVA is beyond the Void and is using Alioth as a gatekeeper. She explains that she plans to enchant the creature to make it reveal the entrance to where the ruler of the TVA lives. Later, the Lokis sit with Mobius around a fire inside a destroyed house and Mobius tells them that he if he returns to the TVA, he will tell the truth about it to the people working there. Nearby, at the field outside, Loki and Sylvie share a blacked claiming to be feeling cold, and talk about deciding together what they will do after the TVA is defeated.

Afterwards, Mobius uses a TemPad to leave the Void, but Loki decides to stay to help Sylvie enchant Alioth and face the creator of the TVA together. Before leaving, Mobius invites the other Lokis to go with him, but Kid Loki says that they will stay. Classic Loki adds that despite everything, the Void is their home. When Loki asks about Alioth, he replies that they survived so far and will continue to do it. After Mobius and the other Lokis left, Loki and Sylvie wait for a branched timeline appear in the Void to execute their plan while Alioth is distracted. Uncertain when this will happen, Loki decides to distract the creature himself, but he fails and Alioth moves towards Sylvie. Classic Loki then appears, projecting an illusion of Asgard which distracts Alioth, but he is eventually gets tired and devoured when the illusion fades. However, Classic Loki's sacrifice gives enough time for Sylvie and Loki to enchant Alitoh together, causing the clouds of the storm to dissipate, revealing the Citadel at the End of Time in the distance.

Deadpool & Wolverine[]

Deadpool and Wolverine find themselves in the void after a fight and learn that it is run by Cassandra Nova, Professor X's twin sister. They learn that her base is the body of a variant of Scott Lang whom is dead in his giant man form. They notice that there is a resistance team, led by Johnny Storm/Human Torch. Deadpool and Wolverine eventually are able to leave as Cassandra uses a sling ring to open a portal to Deadpool's world.

Places of Interest[]

  • Loki Palace: The home of Kid Loki, Alligator Loki, Classic Loki and Boastful Loki. It is an underground fortress and that serves as a palace to the king and hideout to the Lokis. It is composed of various pruned objects sent to the Void, including Kid Loki's throne and other seats, many bowling ball pins, a popcorn cart, fliperama vending machines, and a kids pool.


External Links[]

v - e - d
Loki - Transparent Logo
Loki (soundtrack 1/2) • Marvel Studios: AssembledMarvel Studios: Legends
Loki LaufeysonSylvie LaufeydottirMobiusRavonna RenslayerHunter B-15CaseyMiss MinutesHunter C-20Hunter D-90Classic LokiKid LokiBoastful LokiTime KeepersHe Who RemainsVictor TimelyBrad WolfeOuroborosGeneral DoxJudge GamblePresident LokiAlligator LokiThrogAliothSif
Season One: "Glorious Purpose" • "The Variant" • "Lamentis" • "The Nexus Event" • "Journey Into Mystery" • "For All Time. Always."

Season Two: "Ouroboros" • "Breaking Brad" • "1893" • "Heart of the TVA" • "Science/Fiction" • "Glorious Purpose"

Tesseract �� Infinity StonesMjölnirTemPad
VariantsAsgardiansFrost GiantsTime Variance Authority
Time Variance AuthorityLamentis-1VoidAsgardNew York SanctumCitadel at the End of TimeSacred Timeline
See Also

v - e - d
Deadpool - Logo
X-Men (series)Deadpool & Wolverine (video/score/soundtrack)
DeadpoolVanessa CarlysleBlind AlPeter WisdomWolverineCassandra NovaMr. ParadoxAliothHunter B-15Human TorchPyroElektra NatchiosBladeGambitX-23SabretoothJuggernautBullseyeHappy HoganHulkLady DeadpoolDogpool
MutantsX-MenTime Variance AuthorityVariants
Time Variance AuthorityVoidNew YorkNew York CityNorth DakotaMadripoor
See Also
TemPadThe Art of Deadpool & Wolverine